After all the comments, I broke down and watched this episode. I have already made it clear, I am not a Jimmy fan. I thought this was probably the best episode that Jimmy has shot! This was definitely not the same Jimmy as before.
Kudos to you Jimmy. I see you have listened to the viewers, and I actually enjoyed watching you in this episode. I think you have begun to realize that you can do a shoot and be more personable and involved in a shoot without jeopardizing your straight integrity. Thank you.
As for Chad. Well, this was not his best performance. I could not help but feel Chad was holding back. I won't go into details, Larkster did a good job of that already. Still, I like Chad and am happy to watch him anyway.
Thank you, JLipps for keeping an open mind, and actually watching the episode. I agree that Jimmy is clearly listening to "us" on the forum, and trying as best as he can to incorporate all of the suggestions that forumites have suggested here.
I truly believe that he does try to improve, and has a work ethic to give everything that he can when attempting to perform a task. He has made it perfectly clear to us from the get go, that he does not consider himself gay or bi, and he is never going to give us hot, passionate love making scenes, as we have seen from other model's.
But he is totally consistent, and real, in his sex scenes, behind the scenes, and his postings on this board. What you see with Jimmy, is what you get, warts and all, (figuratively speaking). I don't ask any of his many detractors on this board to start to love him. I only ask for people to be objective, and not negative and condescending toward him, for he is the most real person that we currently have performing on
Broke Straight Boys He is exactly the same person whenever we see him or read his writings.
His "controversial" off the cuff conversation with Sha, Rob & Cole were not admirable, but again he was being real. Jimmy is not a perfect human being, but who is. As we read literature and history, we discover that men by nature, have a strong desire to have sex with folks other than their committed partner's. I believe that religious folks refer to this as the weakness of the flesh. Hopefully, as he matures, he will realize that he is doing a diservice to his partner by lying and cheating, when he is away from home. But using a biblical reference again, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
Jimmy is very limited in his sexual performances with men, and if his "fifteen minutes of fame" have expired here, so be it, but I admire his trying to stretch his abilities, and his brutal honesty, and all of his on screen partners seem to respect his integrity, and his enjoy his personality.
I am not trying to get the same old debate started again today. I am just expressing my honest feelings on the subject.