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CBP: Corey


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england

Just wanted to express my admiration to Corey for bravely coming through a nasty operation and having the balls (no pun intended) to show off his beautiful body, minus one testicle, to the world. That takes guts. Also a big thank you to Dave and the team for giving Corey the opportunity. Even though he's minus a ball, he certainly shoots a load. Can't wait for the follow up next week.
Wow, I know I've been really distracted this week with work and personal issues, but how did I miss a) them talking about his only having one testicle, and b) not even notice it myself?

Damn old age...
Beautiful guy! Great body, cock, treasure trail, face and personality! Complete package!

ns, exactly. Complete package. The uni-ball didn't take anything away from the total allure of Corey. He probably is tired of having to unzip to show off his unusual test (singular of testes?). "Yes, yes, yes I'm the guy with only one ball...dude, I just had to show the algebra teacher and her boyfriend, and they want me to show it to the principal and his staff after break, so I've gotta grab a bite now or I won't have time before I exhibit to that crowd...NO-wa, not here man, I mean they've asked me not to unbutton in the hall...no not there either man, dude, just turn up at the principal's door at 1 and I'll try to get you in for that showing. But I can't promise anything."
And I thought that I was the first to bring it up today. Jon beat me to it. And I'm so glad that he and I are in agreement on this one. Along with a few other wise souls. haha
And I thought that I was the first to bring it up today. Jon beat me to it. And I'm so glad that he and I are in agreement on this one. Along with a few other wise souls. haha

Are you suggesting that we disagree on things.... How very dare you lol
Haha Jon you have been watching far to much Catherine Tate!!! But does your face look bovered lol!!

I think David should be commended on this one. I think Corey also needs to be as well. Without being mobid there are a lot of guys out there with only one testicle and I think for one of them to get on a porn site and have no inhibitions is something to be praised for....you rock Corey.
there are a lot of reasons as to why a guy can lose a testicle and a lot of them we just don't discuss, they are taboo. Funny isn't it, we will quite happily chat about fucking someones brains out, or talk about fetishes or which of the Broke Straight Boys boys we would like to have in a room for 5 minutes naked but the serious stuff we always seem to by-pass.
My brother is a testicular cancer survivor and he had to have one of the boys removed. Like he said though he has a bit more room in his shorts and he is still here!!
He was only 34 when he was diagnosed and it was not something you expect to hear. Considering we are both guys we knew very little about the disease and it isn't something that you talk about. We need to be more like the girls and talk about these things haha they talk about anything and everything all the time!!!
My bro is 37 this year and doing fine so hey we can live fine with only one.

Haha and Corey showed us you can shoot pretty well with only one too....one is all it takes !
Your brother is a brave guy Wantto. And of course Corey is too. For deciding to attempt porn...while going solo.
shooting has nothing to do with balls its the prostate that makes cum and just muscles to make it shoot. Balls just produce sperm to go into the cum. To enjoy a guy we dont need a microscope to see the sperm just cum shooting or even if the prostate is removed you can still get hard and have an orgasm. Isn't corey on the cover page of th esite and where is the video you mentioned that show his ball sack?
Went back and found him getting examined and given a hand job by the doctor. If he is happy with himself great but I have a neighbor who had a ball removed and he got a prosthetic put in. you cant tell the difference. There are guys with bent dicks that have them straightened out too. As for me I like any cock if the guy knows how to use it.
Haha Jon you have been watching far to much Catherine Tate!!! But does your face look bovered lol!!

I think David should be commended on this one. I think Corey also needs to be as well. Without being mobid there are a lot of guys out there with only one testicle and I think for one of them to get on a porn site and have no inhibitions is something to be praised for....you rock Corey.
there are a lot of reasons as to why a guy can lose a testicle and a lot of them we just don't discuss, they are taboo. Funny isn't it, we will quite happily chat about fucking someones brains out, or talk about fetishes or which of the Broke Straight Boys boys we would like to have in a room for 5 minutes naked but the serious stuff we always seem to by-pass.
My brother is a testicular cancer survivor and he had to have one of the boys removed. Like he said though he has a bit more room in his shorts and he is still here!!
He was only 34 when he was diagnosed and it was not something you expect to hear. Considering we are both guys we knew very little about the disease and it isn't something that you talk about. We need to be more like the girls and talk about these things haha they talk about anything and everything all the time!!!
My bro is 37 this year and doing fine so hey we can live fine with only one.

Haha and Corey showed us you can shoot pretty well with only one too....one is all it takes !

Catherine Tate - I should jolly well coco..

Sorry to hear about your brother but we talk about things but its normally in the first section. Glad he's doing fine and yes Corey obviously is too, he had his done when he was only 9.

Talking about testicles there was a programme on BBC TV tonight about lambing. It went back to last summer when the farmers went to auction to find new rams. You should of seen the size of those balls and the farmers give them a good feel to make sure they're in order.
Catherine Tate - I should jolly well coco..

Sorry to hear about your brother but we talk about things but its normally in the first section. Glad he's doing fine and yes Corey obviously is too, he had his done when he was only 9.

Talking about testicles there was a programme on BBC TV tonight about lambing. It went back to last summer when the farmers went to auction to find new rams. You should of seen the size of those balls and the farmers give them a good feel to make sure they're in order.

Haha Catherine Tate rocks Jon, I have one of her series and I love the nana..."what a fuckin liberty"!!!

My bro is doing fine, he has to have his check ups once a year but he has been clear for 2 years now so hopefully it will stay that way.

Yep you gotta check out those rams balls......my friends family owns a farm and trust me they are even bigger up close!!! you think they are big you should see a bullocks haha :w00t:
Haha Catherine Tate rocks Jon, I have one of her series and I love the nana..."what a fuckin liberty"!!!

Yep you gotta check out those rams balls......my friends family owns a farm and trust me they are even bigger up close!!! you think they are big you should see a bullocks haha :w00t:

The grandson in that sketch is the guy who plays Gavin in Gavin and Stacey - do you that down under ?

I remember walking in the Welsh hills and this ram was on the other side of the hedge. His balls were so big they were rubbing against the ground - which was full of thorns from the hedge.. Ouch..
I saw some rams last summer while visiting one of those old settler kind of villages where guides in period costume give you tours of old houses. There was a farm on the property that had lambs and rams. I was surprised at how short their legs were and how low to the ground their bodies hung. I said to him that I always thought they (the rams) were taller. He smiled and said to me very sarcastically of the rams, "They THINK they're tall." LOL
The grandson in that sketch is the guy who plays Gavin in Gavin and Stacey - do you that down under ?

I remember walking in the Welsh hills and this ram was on the other side of the hedge. His balls were so big they were rubbing against the ground - which was full of thorns from the hedge.. Ouch..

haha we do indeed get Gavin & Stacey over here....that is another great show so funny. We have a guy who works in one the branches over here that is from wales....hehe he sounds just like them so cool. He has gone from one place full of sheep to another!!!:lol:

Can you imgaine your balls hanging down so that they rub on the gound lol...talk about friction burns!! Maybe he was a bit kinky rubbing them through the hedge...no accountin for fetishes!!!:blink: