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Can't We All Just Get Along?


Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
***************Let us ALL step back for a moment and read, not just look, but READ.***************

FORUM: a. a meeting place for discussion of matters of public interest or a means through which such discussion can be conducted; b. a public meeting or assembly for such discussion; c. a discussion of a public issue or other serious topic by a select group. < L: public place

Now we know what the actual definition of a Forum is. If I'm not mistaken, this forum was set up for an honest open expression of ideas and opinions. (Opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one, and they all stink) We have a divergent group of members here on the Forum. Nitpickers, naysayers, second-guessers, one-line opines, anal retentives, and of course a cadre of sycophants, who wouldn't say shit with a mouthful. Through natural selection and the tenor of their posts, we all know who they are....but it makes no difference....it's an OPEN FORUM....that's the beauty of it.

To try and close this post and be a decent human being, I have only one problem or concern.

No hard feelings Dave, but when you stated in your post, "Does This Make Any Sense To You" (and this is literal not verbatim) if you have any problems or concerns, private me or Mark. In effect you are saying, it's none of the Forum's business and don't take the time or Forum space to discuss it openly and see what anybody else thinks. The Forum is what a Forum is....open, free, and honest discussion of any topic, with other members allowed to express their opinions....good or bad.

This is how a Forum grows and matures....healthy, open discussion, without recrimination (or privates). I hope we all remember what a Forum is when we post and more importantly, when we reply to those posts.
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This is how a Forum grows and matures....healthy, open discussion, without recrimination (or privates). I hope we all remember what a Forum is when we post and more importantly, when we reply to those posts.

richard, the voice of moderation, wisdom and reason...

I think that the Broke Straight Boys team in some ways got more than they bargained for when they opened this forum. A few days ago I suggested that Mark and Dave were probably really studying the critiques carefully and with interest, which by then had begun to surface. The suggestions and beefs were couched in a fairly intelligent way, based on real issues and concerns, mostly constructive. But instead I think the guys were actually taken by surprise, even a bit hurt, by some of the criticism, and in Dave's words, were "insulted" by the suggestions that the product was in some way dodgy or inauthentic because of the inconsistencies.

These are fetish sites. They cater in part to guys who get off on the fantasy of a medical exam turning sexual, or a buzz from seeing a boy having to suck a dick or put out because he has no options, even though the idea of doing that shit is repugnant to him. I can understand perfectly the fetish mentality and share it to some extent. I'm mostly here for the twinks however and the more gay stuff they do in their 17 minutes on the salmon colored sofa-bed the happier I am by the end of the episode. But guys really into fetishes are by nature a bit obsessive. It shouldn't come as a surprise to Broke Straight Boys that some of the clientele they cater to is pretty rigorous in their demands and totally unafraid to make their points.

Mark, Dave, once the shock is over you can be proud that you've got us nit-pickers and second-guessers loyally on board and posting on your forum. Think Barack. He just yesterday finished putting together a cabinet that's half semi-adversarial: guys he expects will keep him on his toes. And Ole LBJ famously said, "Ah'd rether have a sombitch insad the tint pissin' out, than outsad the tint pissin' in." You need us :). Love, Slim

richard for president in 2016.
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Wow, I admire your fervor. Man you guys are intense...:bored:

I totally get what you are saying. I think we all do. You guys are awesome to care so much. However, you guys are asking for professionalism. I think that the administration here is doing their best to deliver what they can too. I just think the site administrators are asking for professional curtseys as well. In most corporate companies in America, the policy is to take your issue straight to the source before pursuing other measures. It gives management an opportunity to investigate the issue and resolve it with out disrupting the eb an flow of routine business. This also keeps things from blowing out of proportion. I think that is all that was being asked.

Bless your hearts for caring so much…Have a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday season.:thumbup:
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However, you guys are asking for professionalism.

Jayman, you are an awesome conciliator. But as one of the most vociferous nit-pickers I have to tell you that I love the sites, with their hand-held jumpy cam work and inconsistencies and fantasy premises--just the way they are. It's the non-perfectionist, homemade aspect that is so hot. Of course I'm only marginally fetishist, if that, and am totally into the site because of the un-slickness of it, Dave's discourse with the boys, plus his dirty chortles and sense of humor, the laid-back, back-talking, ever-changing hotties, and the great sex scenes, not the more psychological, fetishist side.

Professional is different from Perfect. Maybe you could say the whole laid-back semi-tropical Florida thing isn't necessarily conducive to perfectionism, I live in a place very like it, but these guys are awesome professionals. Like I said somewhere, the forum intensity you mention probably took them a bit by surprise, but they've got over it. I would hate to lose the great atmosphere of debate that's begun here, and shuttle it over to private messages which the team wouldn't possibly be able to answer for lack of time in a working day, meaning that the issues, in the end, couldn't feasibly be aired or addressed. Dave spoke his piece and let everyone know that he's part of a company that rocks. He's relaxed after doing that and is gonna run that auction for the slipcovers he hates...let the debate continue if there are issues to bring up. Otherwise Merry Christmas.
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However, you guys are asking for professionalism.

Jayman, you are an awesome conciliator. But as one of the most vociferous nit-pickers I have to tell you that I love the sites, with their hand-held jumpy cam work and inconsistencies and fantasy premises--just the way they are. It's the non-perfectionist, homemade aspect that is so hot. Of course I'm only marginally fetishist, if that, and am totally into the site because of the un-slickness of it, Dave's discourse with the boys, plus his dirty chortles and sense of humor, the laid-back, back-talking, ever-changing hotties, and the great sex scenes, not the more psychological, fetishist side.

Professional is different from Perfect. Maybe you could say the whole laid-back semi-tropical Florida thing isn't necessarily conducive to perfectionism, I live in a place very like it, but these guys are awesome professionals. Like I said somewhere, the forum intensity you mention probably took them a bit by surprise, but they've got over it. I would hate to lose the great atmosphere of debate that's begun here, and shuttle it over to private messages which the team wouldn't possibly be able to answer for lack of time in a working day, meaning that the issues, in the end, couldn't feasibly be aired or addressed. Dave spoke his piece and let everyone know that he's part of a company that rocks. He's relaxed after doing that and is gonna run that auction for the slipcovers he hates...let the debate continue if there are issues to bring up. Otherwise Merry Christmas.

I guess if we ran all of the banks, mortgage brokerage firms, automotive manufacturing companies, and Wall Street investments this way we might not need to bail everyone out. I am not sure how much would get done but at least they should be relatively solvent... LOL:thumbup:
I guess if we ran all of the banks, mortgage brokerage firms, automotive manufacturing companies, and Wall Street investments this way we might not need to bail everyone out. I am not sure how much would get done but at least they should be relatively solvent... LOL

Nail on the head Jay. Oversight. Let the fresh air of debate in. Think tanks help management keep on course. Just in the last 24 hours brainstorming has produced a really good, useful, interactive idea. The debate we've been having sowed the seeds for the charity auction, and if we keep the breeze moving through there will be lots of great initiatives from members that will be taken up by management.

That said, I'm gonna try to shut up for a while. It's one thing to push to make things better and another to be a thorn in Dave's and Mark's side. See you guys later. Bye.
***************let us all step back for a moment and read, not just look, but read.***************

now we know what the actual definition of a forum is. If i'm not mistaken, this forum was set up for an honest open expression of ideas and opinions. (opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one, and they all stink) we have a divergent group of members here on the forum. Nitpickers, naysayers, second-guessers, one-line opines, anal retentives, and of course a cadre of sycophants, who wouldn't say shit with a mouthful. Through natural selection and the tenor of their posts, we all know who they are....but it makes no difference....it's an open forum....that's the beauty of it.

To try and close this post and be a decent human being, i have only one problem or concern.

No hard feelings dave, but when you stated in your post, "does this make any sense to you" (and this is literal not verbatim) if you have any problems or concerns, private me or mark. In effect you are saying, it's none of the forum's business and don't take the time or forum space to discuss it openly and see what anybody else thinks. The forum is what a forum is....open, free, and honest discussion of any topic, with other members allowed to express their opinions....good or bad.

This is how a forum grows and matures....healthy, open discussion, without recrimination (or privates). I hope we all remember what a forum is when we post and more importantly, when we reply to those posts.
rswaim is the single most useful member to the management on the site, bar none. Mark and Dave aren't dumb at all. They can't help but find his observations and quibbles germane to the business they're running. He's a financial consultant, economist and accountant. He's very bright and extremely informed.

He's a terrific contrarian. He's what every business needs. I know stories from all kinds of companies and the most successful ones are those that take guys like Robert very seriously. And I'm totally sure that they do here at Broke Straight Boys He needs to be thanked for caring enough to speak out.

That said, this has started to sound like a spat, which is also fun, but less useful.