BSB Addict
I agree with you wholeheartedly about this. Sometimes the banter in the beginning can be funny, if you have the right models. But I almost never find David himself all that funny and I'm not interested in listening to them barter about the price, so nine times out of ten I just go straight to the sex. It can be very annoying when you're trying to watch a hot scene and David keeps interjecting. Like with the recent Scott/Tyler scene. Scott's giving a great blowjob and David's joking about underwear. It was like, damn dude quiet down. I don't care. But I will give David credit because generally when the scene is really hot and the models know what they're doing his input is minimal. After the initial intro he says nothing during the Shane/Josh scene and I enjoyed that. He says very little during Diesal/Jimmie(1 & 2.) So he knows when to shut up. Only sometimes he forgets himself. And the hand in pants thing doesn't happen very often. It kind of skeeves me out too, but I just go past it. From recent scenes like Diesal/JC by the pool it seems the site might by branching out a little.
Well put Stacey. I have posted on record that I thought the underwear banter went on too long and spoilt the Scott/Tyler scene. And since page 1 of this thread, a lot of people have come out to support LoganBroad on some of his issues. I am glad of this because it makes good debate and has probably brought this subject to the fore which otherwise would have been simmering under the surface.
So therefore I retract my statement about going to another restaurant but it would be nice if you did comment on what you actually liked about the site. Good critics are those who state the positive and negative points of a debate.