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Cameraman is a distraction


Well-known Member
Mar 27, 2010
Reaction score
Just when you get really into an episode (after the first 5-10 minutes of unnecessary chit chat in every episode) the cameraman continues to interject unnecessary and silly comments, and sometimes his big hand. This is very distracting and breaks the concentration of the models who obviously feel obligated to respond to his comments. Nothing is as annoying and UNNCESSARY as the cameraman reaching in front of the camera and grabbing a guys dick, apparently just to get his own jollies. The Damien & Marlin episode is a prime example, exactly 9 minutes and 9 seconds into the episode. I love that episode but when I see that hand reaching out from behind the camera and groping that boys dick it just turns my stomach. How many films, outside of this site, have a cameraman interjecting himself into the movie? There are other sites where the cameraman does a brief introbduction and then gives instructions, but not to the extent that this one does. It should be more like www.collegedudes247.com. It is sex from beginning to end with no outside running commentary. That constant intrusion from behind the camera ruins the episode. Nothing against the camerman, I am sure he is a swell guy, but other than giving specific instructions like "OK, now its your turn to suck his dick" we should not have to hear anything else coming from behind the camera. A running commentary is not needed from behind the camera. Socialize with the models before or after the filming. We pay to see good looking, slim or muscular, young men having sex, we don't need these distractions.
Just when you get really into an episode (after the first 5-10 minutes of unnecessary chit chat in every episode) the cameraman continues to interject unnecessary and silly comments, and sometimes his big hand. This is very distracting and breaks the concentration of the models who obviously feel obligated to respond to his comments. Nothing is as annoying and UNNCESSARY as the cameraman reaching in front of the camera and grabbing a guys dick, apparently just to get his own jollies. The Damien & Marlin episode is a prime example, exactly 9 minutes and 9 seconds into the episode. I love that episode but when I see that hand reaching out from behind the camera and groping that boys dick it just turns my stomach. How many films, outside of this site, have a cameraman interjecting himself into the movie? There are other sites where the cameraman does a brief introbduction and then gives instructions, but not to the extent that this one does. It should be more like www.collegedudes247.com. It is sex from beginning to end with no outside running commentary. That constant intrusion from behind the camera ruins the episode. Nothing against the camerman, I am sure he is a swell guy, but other than giving specific instructions like "OK, now its your turn to suck his dick" we should not have to hear anything else coming from behind the camera. A running commentary is not needed from behind the camera. Socialize with the models before or after the filming. We pay to see good looking, slim or muscular, young men having sex, we don't need these distractions.

Here we go
I agree about the interuptions. once the models get into it hot and heavy, don't tell them to do something else. It really breaks the mood and is very frustrating. if they are into fucking on their backs and enjoying it, let them decide when to make a change. work it out before the action begins and let it take its natural course.
Ho please no...nooo. not again !

This subject was over-discussed many times and end up always in the same way : One of THE ideas of Broke Straight Boys is this chit chat, so members who do not like it are perhaps in the wrong place.

I do say i like it, but at least I know it is part of Broke Straight Boys and at least we have David chatting now that he does not anymore chat with us on the forum:001_tt2:
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My husband and I moved to the most beautiful little community in the Rocky Mountains. I always tell my friends in Paris that if they jump off the backside of The Grand Teton (not one of the Tetons, but The Grand Teton) they'll land on my roof. They're always suitably impressed. When people came to visit, they sat in my big bay window and sipped drinks and looked up at it's snow capped peak and a panoramic view that changed from green to gold to white with the regularity of May, September, and October. My husband and I bragged about raising our children in a county without a single traffic light. Our sons learned to drive on a gravelled county road because a boy could go for miles without encountering a dent or upsetting a sheriff because the sheriff's boys learned on that same stretch of road and only the Brown's lived at the end of it and their boys learned there, too. The air was clean and the water was pure and, soon, people wanted to share in our Eden.
And they did.
Some of them got tired of waiting to turn into the post office off of Main, so we got a traffic light and now you can still see the Grand but the panorama is covered by a housing addition across the street, so, the green, and gold is gone. The white's still there when the snow plow pushes it into the driveway and we have to dig out on a winter morning. We needed the plow because some of the new arrivals didn't think they should have to drive their kids to school on snowy days and their kids didn't want to ride the bus. There aren't any empy country roads anymore; they all have houses on them, and the city limits have moved six times in the last four years. People wanted city utilities which meant expanding the sewer lines and water lines and electric lines and telephone lines. My water bill went from $57 a year to $357 a year in two years, but the expansion had to be paid for.
We have new sidewalks on mainstreet, but the giant oaks that stood for fifty years had to go and so did the doctor's old farm house. It left an empty field, but one day there might be a WalMart there if it doesn't locate next to the new court house. Then, they'll have to tear down the old Depot which has four of the most beautiful old apartments in it.
My suggestion is, if you move to a community because you love it and you find one or two things that are slightly inconvenient, learn to live with the inconveniences. Changing them may just cost you the very reason you moved in the first place.
Just when you get really into an episode (after the first 5-10 minutes of unnecessary chit chat in every episode) the cameraman continues to interject unnecessary and silly comments, and sometimes his big hand. This is very distracting and breaks the concentration of the models who obviously feel obligated to respond to his comments. Nothing is as annoying and UNNCESSARY as the cameraman reaching in front of the camera and grabbing a guys dick, apparently just to get his own jollies. The Damien & Marlin episode is a prime example, exactly 9 minutes and 9 seconds into the episode. I love that episode but when I see that hand reaching out from behind the camera and groping that boys dick it just turns my stomach. How many films, outside of this site, have a cameraman interjecting himself into the movie? There are other sites where the cameraman does a brief introbduction and then gives instructions, but not to the extent that this one does. It should be more like www.collegedudes247.com. It is sex from beginning to end with no outside running commentary. That constant intrusion from behind the camera ruins the episode. Nothing against the camerman, I am sure he is a swell guy, but other than giving specific instructions like "OK, now its your turn to suck his dick" we should not have to hear anything else coming from behind the camera. A running commentary is not needed from behind the camera. Socialize with the models before or after the filming. We pay to see good looking, slim or muscular, young men having sex, we don't need these distractions.
LoganBroad, according to your profile page you've been a member here since March 27, and you have made 32 other posts on the forum, yet you act as if you don't know that "the cameraman" is David. He is the one who recruits and hires the models, as well as houses them while they are in South Florida to shoot their scenes. This is David and Eddie's production team, working for Mark. They direct and film most every episode.

And if you don't like his manner with the guys, then you are on the wrong site, as that is what Broke Straight Boys is about, and obviously the majority of member's like David's way as the site is very successful, and he is in virtually every episode. The few times that David has reached his hand into a guy's briefs have always been with the hottest guys, and I can relate to it, as that is what I want to do too.

I believe if the whole core of this site irritates you, and you mention another site in your post, perhaps this is the wrong site for you. We all have our individual taste, and perhaps your taste would be better suited elsewhere.
LoganBroad, according to your profile page you've been a member here since March 27, and you have made 32 other posts on the forum, yet you act as if you don't know that "the cameraman" is David. He is the one who recruits and hires the models, as well as houses them while they are in South Florida to shoot their scenes. This is David and Eddie's production team, working for Mark. They direct and film most every episode.

And if you don't like his manner with the guys, then you are on the wrong site, as that is what Broke Straight Boys is about, and obviously the majority of member's like David's way as the site is very successful, and he is in virtually every episode. The few times that David has reached his hand into a guy's briefs have always been with the hottest guys, and I can relate to it, as that is what I want to do too.

I believe if the whole core of this site irritates you, and you mention another site in your post, perhaps this is the wrong site for you. We all have our individual taste, and perhaps your taste would be better suited elsewhere.

You go somewhere else. Don't think you can run me off just because I have an opinion that differs from yours.
You go somewhere else. Don't think you can run me off just because I have an opinion that differs from yours.
No Logan. Why would I want to run you off? It was just your attitude seemed to be so anti everything this site is all about, and all the work David has done, and it seemed sarcastic or belittling to keep referring to him as "the cameraman". So I merely suggested that if David was so annoying that you might find a site more to your liking.

But if you want to stay, with David still doing his thing, (and keep in mind that we've been told there is a six month backup of scenes being shown). So even if David heeds your advice totally, (which I certainly hope he doesn't do), but in any case you will be subjected to his banter, and occasional "handling the merchandise" until at least early 2011.

So I believe that your only choices are to leave or get used it. That's all I was trying to say. Sorry if I offended you.
I can't believe I am going to step in shit again, but here goes.

Logan, I think I speak for both joninleveton and mikeyank when I say that they are most cetainly not trying to run you off.

What they are saying is that what you object to is exactly what Broke Straight Boys is all about, and that it's not going to change. That is how the site was conceived and that is how it evolved, and that is the way it is going to stay. This has been discussed many, many, many times in the past, with the same results. David is here to stay, and the overwhelming majority of the members prefer it that way.

The analogy which was previously used is very appropriate. You wouldn't go into a Chinese restaurant and order Italian food. They don't serve it. You don't join a pay site which caters to a certain genre and expect it to change. All the previous posters were saying is if that is what you want, you will have to go elsewhere to find it. It is not going to happen here, nor would most of us want it to. Mikeyank, Joninliverton and myself all hope that you can find satisfaction here, that the bumbling, fondling, lovable David will grow on you. We love him and abhor the thought of making this site any less than what we bargained for.

So, please don't be offended when these fine gentlemen defend the site we love. They are not out to weed out the people who don't share our opinion. I know both of them and their heart was in the right place when they were trying to be helpful in advising you that your pleas would not be heeded, and to please not get upset about it.

Having said all of that, I hope gently but eloquently, all I can tell you is that you are pissing in the wind.
I can't believe I am going to step in shit again, but here goes.

Logan, I think I speak for both joninleveton and mikeyank when I say that they are most cetainly not trying to run you off.

What they are saying is that what you object to is exactly what Broke Straight Boys is all about, and that it's not going to change. That is how the site was conceived and that is how it evolved, and that is the way it is going to stay. This has been discussed many, many, many times in the past, with the same results. David is here to stay, and the overwhelming majority of the members prefer it that way.

The analogy which was previously used is very appropriate. You wouldn't go into a Chinese restaurant and order Italian food. They don't serve it. You don't join a pay site which caters to a certain genre and expect it to change. All the previous posters were saying is if that is what you want, you will have to go elsewhere to find it. It is not going to happen here, nor would most of us want it to. Mikeyank, Joninliverton and myself all hope that you can find satisfaction here, that the bumbling, fondling, lovable David will grow on you. We love him and abhor the thought of making this site any less than what we bargained for.

So, please don't be offended when these fine gentlemen defend the site we love. They are not out to weed out the people who don't share our opinion. I know both of them and their heart was in the right place when they were trying to be helpful in advising you that your pleas would not be heeded, and to please not get upset about it.

Having said all of that, I hope gently but eloquently, all I can tell you is that you are pissing in the wind.

You are going into territory that I never broached and you seem to be trying to put words into my mouth when you talk about "David is here to stay". Who said anything about david going anywhere? I don't know David, but I guess you do. I was refering to the camera man generically. I did not know who was behind the camera, not that it alters the point I was trying to make. You guys are trying to make this personal when it is not. It does not matter who is behind the camera. I would have said the same thing if the guy behind the camera was "John Jones." Jesus guys, get a grip. I feel like am surrounded by 3 sharks. With this kind of feedback is it any wonder that someone who shares my opinion would be loathe to step up and say so. I don't believe you speak for the majority. I believe you all are a very vocal minority. BTW, your post was mostly OK until the last sentence, that is where I take offence. (I was suprised to hear somebody from Ohio say what you said in that last sentence. I once lived in Bowling Green, OH and the people were wonderful). Can't someone state an opinion without getting nuked by the firebrands? Lets just leave it at that before this gets out of hand.
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C'mon guys, Logan was being very respectful in his post, and he has every right to contribute to the forum and state his opinion. Broke Straight Boys is for all paying members to enjoy, and we are all equally entitled to our opinions. Just because some of us have been here longer than others, and have posted more than others, doesn't mean that other folks don't have every bit as much right to share their thoughts and opinions.

I admit that when I first joined the site several years ago I felt the same way as he did. There are plenty of sites out there where the site owners/management insist on joining in on the action all-too-often (nearly every other scene if not more often than that), and to be honest I loathe it when that happens because 99% of the time the site owners/management are among the last guy(s) on earth I want to see interacting with the star model in the scenes.

But, as I remained a member of the site longer and longer, David and his interaction grew on me to the extent that he is now a lovable, funny, wonderful guy who we all feel as if we know him to a certain extent. Most of us have grown to love David and his antics, not to mention the way he interacts with the models (and the way he used to interact with us too, on the forum here).

Unfortunately, because of some members who ruined it for all of us, David no longer posts to the forum and he may not even take the time to read any of the posts any more.

But honestly Logan, even though I completely agreed with you back when I was a newer member of Broke Straight Boys, David's interaction with the models truly is a big part of the whole feel of this site. It is actually rare where he grabs the models' goods, and he usually keeps his bantering with the guys at a minimum during the actual "action" part of the scenes. True he does a lot of joking around with the guys and interacting with them both before, and after the scene, but if you take the time to watch the scenes in their entirety (something I admit I never used to do until I grew to appreciate the whole bantering), you may find that the joking around and stuff is usually pretty funny.

David has the ability to be hilarious, a lot of times without even trying. He's just a great guy who you can't help but love. Also, he and the whole management and staff at Broke Straight Boys treat the guys great, and they give them all a lot of respect not to mention help them on their way in life in many ways. How many porn peddlers do you know who actually encourage the models (their bread and butter) to try not and plan on making an entire career out of being in porn. They encourage them to get a real job, go to school, make something of themselves.

The way that a few folks have responded to your post only shows that they feel a sense of loyalty to Broke Straight Boys and to David (the cameraman), and I think they're just sticking up for him and the way the scenes are usually laid out. You are perfectly justified in stating your opinion, and you have done so in a very respectful, tactful manner.

While I no longer share your opinion regarding David bantering with the guys in the scenes, I can attest to the fact that I definitely did at one time as I mentioned earlier. I can only encourage you to stick around, enjoy the scenes, and in time you may find the bantering pretty entertaining and funny. If not, that's cool too.

I think that most sites evolve over time, and it's been my experience as a subscriber of a great plenty of paysites out there that the sites who never change a thing, and just keep the scenes the exact same episode after episode with never any deviation (i.e. Bait Bus, Corbin Fisher, Sean Cody, Straight College Men), become very boring and dated to a great many of us who end up unsubscribing and rarely coming back for more than a one-month glance and then cancelling the recurring membership right away after seeing that it's the same-old-boring business as usual.

I guess the true test is how many members continue their recurring memberships without cancelling. But of course that information is not something that we as members are privy to. Although it would be nice if there was eventually a universal site ratings system similar to television ratings. But, I'll save that discussion for a different post sometime lol. :001_tt2:

C'mon guys, Logan was being very respectful in his post, and he has every right to contribute to the forum and state his opinion. Broke Straight Boys is for all paying members to enjoy, and we are all equally entitled to our opinions. Just because some of us have been here longer than others, and have posted more than others, doesn't mean that other folks don't have every bit as much right to share their thoughts and opinions.

I admit that when I first joined the site several years ago I felt the same way as he did. There are plenty of sites out there where the site owners/management insist on joining in on the action all-too-often (nearly every other scene if not more often than that), and to be honest I loathe it when that happens because 99% of the time the site owners/management are among the last guy(s) on earth I want to see interacting with the star model in the scenes.

But, as I remained a member of the site longer and longer, David and his interaction grew on me to the extent that he is now a lovable, funny, wonderful guy who we all feel as if we know him to a certain extent. Most of us have grown to love David and his antics, not to mention the way he interacts with the models (and the way he used to interact with us too, on the forum here).

Unfortunately, because of some members who ruined it for all of us, David no longer posts to the forum and he may not even take the time to read any of the posts any more.

But honestly Logan, even though I completely agreed with you back when I was a newer member of Broke Straight Boys, David's interaction with the models truly is a big part of the whole feel of this site. It is actually rare where he grabs the models' goods, and he usually keeps his bantering with the guys at a minimum during the actual "action" part of the scenes. True he does a lot of joking around with the guys and interacting with them both before, and after the scene, but if you take the time to watch the scenes in their entirety (something I admit I never used to do until I grew to appreciate the whole bantering), you may find that the joking around and stuff is usually pretty funny.

David has the ability to be hilarious, a lot of times without even trying. He's just a great guy who you can't help but love. Also, he and the whole management and staff at Broke Straight Boys treat the guys great, and they give them all a lot of respect not to mention help them on their way in life in many ways. How many porn peddlers do you know who actually encourage the models (their bread and butter) to try not and plan on making an entire career out of being in porn. They encourage them to get a real job, go to school, make something of themselves.

The way that a few folks have responded to your post only shows that they feel a sense of loyalty to Broke Straight Boys and to David (the cameraman), and I think they're just sticking up for him and the way the scenes are usually laid out. You are perfectly justified in stating your opinion, and you have done so in a very respectful, tactful manner.

While I no longer share your opinion regarding David bantering with the guys in the scenes, I can attest to the fact that I definitely did at one time as I mentioned earlier. I can only encourage you to stick around, enjoy the scenes, and in time you may find the bantering pretty entertaining and funny. If not, that's cool too.

I think that most sites evolve over time, and it's been my experience as a subscriber of a great plenty of paysites out there that the sites who never change a thing, and just keep the scenes the exact same episode after episode with never any deviation (i.e. Bait Bus, Corbin Fisher, Sean Cody, Straight College Men), become very boring and dated to a great many of us who end up unsubscribing and rarely coming back for more than a one-month glance and then cancelling the recurring membership right away after seeing that it's the same-old-boring business as usual.

I guess the true test is how many members continue their recurring memberships without cancelling. But of course that information is not something that we as members are privy to. Although it would be nice if there was eventually a universal site ratings system similar to television ratings. But, I'll save that discussion for a different post sometime lol. :001_tt2:


Thank you Abe, you are very kind and a true gentleman. I don't have any problem with the first 5-10 minutes of "get to know you" chit chat. I can fast forward past it very easily. I just don't like the interruptions when they are having sex. Thank you so much. You have my never ending affection. :wink:
Thank you Abe, you are very kind and a true gentleman. I don't have any problem with the first 5-10 minutes of "get to know you" chit chat. I can fast forward past it very easily. I just don't like the interruptions when they are having sex. Thank you so much. You have my never ending affection. :wink:

I do agree Logan about the interruptions during sex....on the other hand, I don't always like the editing that has them switching positions abruptly....I know sessions go on for a lot longer than the 20 or so minutes we see and probably sometimes it is necessary to "move things along." But i agree it can be a distraction.
You are going into territory that I never broached and you seem to be trying to put words into my mouth when you talk about "David is here to stay". Who said anything about david going anywhere? I don't know David, but I guess you do. I was refering to the camera man generically. I did not know who was behind the camera, not that it alters the point I was trying to make. You guys are trying to make this personal when it is not. It does not matter who is behind the camera. I would have said the same thing if the guy behind the camera was "John Jones." Jesus guys, get a grip. I feel like am surrounded by 3 sharks. With this kind of feedback is it any wonder that someone who shares my opinion would be loathe to step up and say so. I don't believe you speak for the majority. I believe you all are a very vocal minority. BTW, your post was mostly OK until the last sentence, that is where I take offence. (I was suprised to hear somebody from Ohio say what you said in that last sentence. I once lived in Bowling Green, OH and the people were wonderful). Can't someone state an opinion without getting nuked by the firebrands? Lets just leave it at that before this gets out of hand.

Once again, I am totally misunderstood. As a long time member, all I was trying, unsuccessfully, to tell you is that this same discussion has been bandied back and forth more that a tennis ball. I assure you that it is not personal concerning David, or John Jones, or whatever you want to call the cameraman. I have never met David. I don't know him, nor would I probably recognize him if I met him on the street. What I was saying is that what you are not a fan of is precisely what Broke Straight Boys is. That is the site, that is what it was when it started and what it will continue to be. There are numerous posts on this subject. Some have stated the same concerns that you have voiced, but I assure you that we are not a vocal minority, but a majority who have become convinced that this is the reality of this site.

There was no intention to offend you by my last statement. I have lived in Ohio for 46 years. We are wonderful people, myself included. I simply meant that you were not going to change things. It has been tried. You are most certainly entitled to state your opinion, as are all of us. I am not trying to change your mind, alter your opinion, or in any way say that your feelings are incorrect. I am saying that we have been down this road to the point of exhaustion. As a relative new member here, unless you invest an immense amount of time reading all of the previous posts, you are unaware that this subject has come up before.

Most of us here on this site have the best of intentions, and welcome the input of newer members. The posts which have seemed to raise your hackles were simply an effort to let you know that Broke Straight Boys is unique, and will most likely remain in its present format. There is no need to feel defensive, even though it does seem you were confronted with a three-prong attack. I didn't mean it to come through as an attack, but I can see where you felt that way. We are a family here, with strong emotions, and a bit territorial. Please accept my deepest apologies and don't be discouraged from sharing your feelings in the future. I promise to be more gentle. Perhaps I watch a little too much Animal Planet, and defended my baby too strenuously.
Thank you Abe, you are very kind and a true gentleman. I don't have any problem with the first 5-10 minutes of "get to know you" chit chat. I can fast forward past it very easily. I just don't like the interruptions when they are having sex. Thank you so much. You have my never ending affection.

I agree with you wholeheartedly about this. Sometimes the banter in the beginning can be funny, if you have the right models. But I almost never find David himself all that funny and I'm not interested in listening to them barter about the price, so nine times out of ten I just go straight to the sex. It can be very annoying when you're trying to watch a hot scene and David keeps interjecting. Like with the recent Scott/Tyler scene. Scott's giving a great blowjob and David's joking about underwear. It was like, damn dude quiet down. I don't care. But I will give David credit because generally when the scene is really hot and the models know what they're doing his input is minimal. After the initial intro he says nothing during the Shane/Josh scene and I enjoyed that. He says very little during Diesal/Jimmie(1 & 2.) So he knows when to shut up. Only sometimes he forgets himself. And the hand in pants thing doesn't happen very often. It kind of skeeves me out too, but I just go past it. From recent scenes like Diesal/JC by the pool it seems the site might by branching out a little.

Personally I really like the chit-chat. Getting to know the personalities involved is what keeps me coming back to the site. When all you see is sex in a video it isn't as memorable in my opinion. Just a preference I guess, but that's the type of video I'm mostly drawn to. It just seems hotter because I feel like I'm watching a real situation. The traditional porn set in some implausible fantasy, with bad acting, and even worse music just seems so unreal that it's hard to believe that it could happen. And if someone started talking the way some of those guys do in the mainstream vids I'd burst out laughing. I remember after my first exposure to that kind of porn I wondered if that's the way you are supposed to act during sex. haha And after watching too much of it I started expecting everyone to break out in spontaneous sex at the doctor's office, on airplanes and just about anywhere else. Every time the UPS man made a delivery I kept waiting for him to whip his dick out!

It doesn't bother me when David interrupts. Actually I like it because it reminds me that there's someone else in the room, which is turn on. Maybe it's a voyeur/exhibitionist fetish, but to see people watching is really hot to me. On the other hand, there's another site that does a similar format of the director talking and he just sounds way too creepy and perverted. When it crosses over into molester/stalker territory that can be a little too much. But I think David does a really good job at keeping the balance just right and adds a lot to the interest factor. I don't think many of the models would be able to keep the flow going at a smooth and entertaining pace without being able to bounce off of David's dialog and verbal cues.

I do understand the original poster's point if your goal is just to get off quickly. It's kinda hard to stay in the zone for some people when distractions from the sex are going on. My A.D.D. makes it really hard to focus anyway, which is why I usually don't watch porn while jerking off unless I've got a lot of time to spare. Watching videos works better as a way of getting in the mood or just watching for entertainment which can be remembered as a fantasy at another time. If you just wanna get off fast then the Boy Gusher site or a cumshot video would seem like a better choice.

This site may not be for everybody, but it works for me because I keep coming back to Broke Straight Boys ever since it was a small site with just a few vids. It just keeps getting better with time.