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Calling For A Truce


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
This forum is here for us to discuss our enjoyment of watching hot sexy young guys having sex, and there will never be any general agreement as to exactly which guys are the hottest or the sexiest as we all have our own standards, but that is okay too, as long as we are all respectful to each other as human beings and fellow gay men, (and Beth, lol).

But seriously we all pay to be here so why shouldn't this be a fun place or as sometimes forumite Danleeh who has more than his share of problems in his life once called it, his "happy place". I can be guilty of name calling too, but after-all it's been said that grown men are just little boys at heart, and in my mind enough is enough with bad mouthing and name calling.

As long as we are all here, a diverse group of people from all corners of this nation and of this earth, I propose that we try our hardest not to offend each other and just take a step back and take a deep breath and chill.......and enjoy the naked boys that are the real reason we are all here.

In my neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights, we have a beautiful park right on the waterfront and there is currently standing a 25 foot rotating sculpture that can be seen from the East River and from lower Manhattan with the simple word UNDERSTANDING. It is done by a British sculptor, Martin Creed and explained by the director of the public arts fund who is sponsoring it here for this summer and fall.

“Martin Creed is a poet of the everyday,” said Public Art Fund Director & Chief Curator Nicholas Baume in a press release. “‘Understanding’ is a simple word with complex meanings; we might, for example, show understanding on an emotional level, even while not understanding what somebody has said or done… Both literally and figuratively, Creed offers us a new vantage point to see the world.”"

The rotating sculpture is raised on a platform with stair-like seating to relax by the waterside. As picturesque as it is, the color red was chosen as a contrast to all the bright white lights that pepper the city skyline. “Neon red is one of the most straightforward colors, it is the color of neon gas,” Creed says. “And yet, red is a danger color.”

I ask that we on the Broke Straight Boys forum take note of artist Martin Creed's work and try to have a little UNDERSTANDING right here.


Well said!

In my final days on the forum I would like to to agree Mike on this.

Everyone on here has their opinion and is entitled to it. Some choose to express theirs some do not.

I am leaving because I chose to express my opinion and was verbally attacked for doing so. It has happened a time or two throughout my years here, I have been here for a long time, longer than a lot of you. But this time was the final time, the hate that was expressed towards my opinion was that of some seriously ill people and I have chosen to move on.

So please, calm down and show a little "understanding" towards others here on the forum. It not like we have to live with each other in real life.
So, I made a discovery today as I was watching my latest series of Netflix. I tend to get really caught up in the drama, excitement, adventure, the characters.....all of these things as they unfold with each series I watch. I want good things to happen to or for the characters I like or even wish the bad or evil characters to get what they deserve (or at least in my opinion). Now, I realize that this is all part of the story line and if it's a well written series, that's exactly the affect it should have on the viewers being entertained by the series?
I also find myself getting caught up in this same emotional state when watching Broke Straight Boys, following the models and the forum. While it's different in some ways, the models are real people and it's Porn they are participating in by choice or circumstance, I do, like many others I'm sure, start to develop the same kind of "story line" imagery" in my mind as a means of enjoying the series.
I declare that I am going to be more aware and less caught up going forward. That's the one thing I can honestly say that both Peter and Wade seem to have much better control over (or at least expressing). Yes we all know it's pseudo reality at times, but getting so caught up in it to the point where we are having to do battle with others for what they say and how they think or express themselves on the forum.....is not someone I think "I" want to or need to become.
While this doesn't mean I'll not participate in the sharing of thoughts and opinions and how or what I may have enjoyed about scenes and models, but....I think I'm not going to "think" about all of the other stuff as much. I'll support and have fun with my buddies on the forum but, I really think it's time for me to RE-EVALUATE my level of emotional involvement in the forum "series" as it were.🤔
Well said!

In my final days on the forum I would like to to agree Mike on this.

Everyone on here has their opinion and is entitled to it. Some choose to express theirs some do not.

I am leaving because I chose to express my opinion and was verbally attacked for doing so. It has happened a time or two throughout my years here, I have been here for a long time, longer than a lot of you. But this time was the final time, the hate that was expressed towards my opinion was that of some seriously ill people and I have chosen to move on.

So please, calm down and show a little "understanding" towards others here on the forum. It not like we have to live with each other in real life.

On many occasions I have been told that I was being thin skinned. That Zi was overreacting & not being Ganged up on or attacked. It seems Im not the only member that has experienced this kind of treatment. I have NEVER made any negative comments to a member until THEY threw the first verbal punch. It's clear that my views & manner make some members upset. That does not give you liscence to attack ( Mosst times as a group) at will. It is one cool. It is not appropriate. And once again..... I for one will not sit , like a punk, and get bitch slapped . It's not going to happen!
And U know........ I comment on A LOT of posts here. But not EVERYTHING. There really are SOME subjects that we just have to admit " Second Chair " status on. Many things we LEARN" about in our lifetime. Other elements we " LIVE".......... And in those instances if you haven't lived them U should just sit quietly & sit that one out.
You always stress Family" here...... Well.....It's a not very nice family quite often. Families support differences because they are Family. Where else are U to turn.
I for one am very skeptical about this Truce. I've heard it here before. And here we are again......And again.....And a again.
Time will tell.........
I think there is enough hate in the world. Everyone needs to set things aside and we just need to all get along and be nice to each other. Let't start right here. :)

I couldn't agree more Mark. I've always appreciated how you have let the members pretty much "self police" this forum, but sometimes we may need a moderator to step in if things do get out of hand. But over-all while I don't always agree with all of decisions on the direction of the site today, but I always appreciate and am grateful that you give us pretty much free reign here on what has been my home on the web for the last eight years. Long live Broke Straight Boys and the Broke Straight Boys Forum! :thumbup:
I think there is enough hate in the world. Everyone needs to set things aside and we just need to all get along and be nice to each other. Let't start right here. :)


I couldn't agree more Mark. I've always appreciated how you have let the members pretty much "self police" this forum, but sometimes we may need a moderator to step in if things do get out of hand. But over-all while I don't always agree with all of decisions on the direction of the site today, but I always appreciate and am grateful that you give us pretty much free reign here on what has been my home on the web for the last eight years. Long live Broke Straight Boys and the Broke Straight Boys Forum! :thumbup:

Long live the site and the forum. May we strive in here to make it a kind and welcoming place. :)
Long live the site and the forum. May we strive in here to make it a kind and welcoming place. :)
Indeed Tampa. You and I are the most prolific long term members here and we both always have been welcoming to newcomers and try to encourage them to join in on the fun. I can remember way back at the beginning that I was new and too shy to post, as hard as that may be to believe today. But guys like Slim, Jayman, TusconJayce, Parisnoyd, Markymark and others made me feel welcome and I've always tried my best to be similarly welcome to others. No one's opinion is any more important than anyone else's as long as we all state our opinion's and feelings in a civil manner we can all get along.
I think reconciliation can only happen if all parties accept their improper & inappropriate behavior. And I haven't seen a single response accepting any responsibility. Acknowledge your behavior so that real change can occur. Band aids are just that...... A temporary fix. Effect REAL change. Balls in your court........ Don't just talk the talk ....... Walk the Walk.
I see no point in rehashing the past. Let's all move forward with dignity and respect for one another and a new "understanding"!
As stated I disagree . It's like in AA...... You can't move on until you've acknowledged your behavior...... Made attempts at apologies & then steps to move forward. That's the way responsible adults handle things effectively. It would be helpful to us all. And at the end shouldn't it even what " We" as a collective & not "I" as an individual be satisfied with the process of healing. But as with all things "'You can lead a horse to water etc...........