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Call your Brother.Or sister Or Mom and Dad.


BSB Addict
Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
San Francisco Ca
Today marks one year since my little brother passed. He fought hard for five months with his battle with cancer.
It seems like yesterday.
He was a beautiful man.In and out.We never were as close as the last five months.I am writing this because
we all have family and we all have are own lives.So being gay are friends become more family than are real
blood family.We don't have a lot of time sometimes to really keep in touch.
And sometimes family become a pain in the ass.My brother was the bad one I was good. He always got caught I
He turned out to be a pretty together guy. Married ,kids.paid off his house the week he found out he had cancer.
He was going to be there to clean up my mess. I had a room in his house for when I got old.
He worried about me, my being gay, alone.
Never a bad word about my being gay .Always had his door open to my friends.He did the holidays and any of my
friends that had nowhere to go were invited.
I was lucky to have that last five months with him. Spent every Sunday watching football.I didn't even like football.
We would take pain pills and I was able to force him to eat.
There is so much more to the story. But I just want to tell people.Even if you have trouble with your family give
them a call. Just say hi.Because when there gone that's it.His number still in my phones. I want to call him every
day. But he can't answer.I am not a good writer. Just want to tell people I have no regrets. All it takes is a
three min phone call tell them your thinking of them.It will mean a lot to you and them.
Love them or not . That is who you were given.
My prayers are with you today Johnny. One of my Sister's just found out she has a cancerous growth on one of her kidneys. The Dr's seem pretty optimistic they'll be able to get it all. She's lucky!!! My parents had all 6 of us kids in 8 yrs, so we are a very close family. We usually all talk to each other a lot, but I think I'll make a point in calling more. Again Johnny my prayers are with you xoxoxo
I'm so sorry for your loss Johnny. You are right that we should not take our family for granted. I will have to make a point of calling more and staying more in touch.
Sending you good thoughts Johnny. If you get a chance, could you tell us a story about your brother? I'd love to hear one.
Thank you Johnny for sharing that with us. Your brother sounds like a fantastic guy, and he was lucky to have you as a loving brother too. The closest person to me on this earth is my older brother who is four years older than me. He also had a cancer scare last summer, but hopefully it has been completely removed and he will be fine. I do speak to him on the phone most him every day Johnny, and after reading your beautiful tory, I'm even happier now that I do.
His number still in my phones. I want to call him every
day. But he can't answer.
Johnny, one of the reasons I had to leave this site some time back was because my mother had come down with Pancreatic cancer and as the only child, it fell to me to care for her until she finally passed. It took over a year before I could pass a single day without thinking, "Gee, I better call mom, see how she's doing." On my phone I still have a video I shot of her in her bed at home just 9 days before she died. So, I know exactly what you are talking about and I couldn't agree more. Well said!
This may sound silly (Markymark) But believe it or not. This site has helped me make it through some shit this year.
And last . ....Thanks to all you guy's for your kind comments.Glad to be a member.And welcome back Markymark
I'm sorry to hear about the anniversary of your brother's death. We all have to go through it with family and friends at some point. It's so difficult but talking about it helps. I am an only child and lost my parents and friends in my life. You are absolutely right about calling family and friends often. I called my parents EVERY day when they were alive. I make it a routine to call friends often. I have a close friend I've known for what seems like forever I call or txt him EVERY day to see that he is ok and let him know I'm ok.
Today is difficult for you but good memories of good times makes him alive again. He is not dead as long as his memories remain in your heart.
Johnny, one of the reasons I had to leave this site some time back was because my mother had come down with Pancreatic cancer and as the only child, it fell to me to care for her until she finally passed. It took over a year before I could pass a single day without thinking, "Gee, I better call mom, see how she's doing." On my phone I still have a video I shot of her in her bed at home just 9 days before she died. So, I know exactly what you are talking about and I couldn't agree more. Well said!

I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother MarkyMark.

Welcome back! It's so nice to see you in here again. :001_smile:
Today marks one year since my little brother passed. He fought hard for five months with his battle with cancer.
It seems like yesterday.
He was a beautiful man.In and out.We never were as close as the last five months.I am writing this because
we all have family and we all have are own lives.So being gay are friends become more family than are real
blood family.We don't have a lot of time sometimes to really keep in touch.
And sometimes family become a pain in the ass.My brother was the bad one I was good. He always got caught I
He turned out to be a pretty together guy. Married ,kids.paid off his house the week he found out he had cancer.
He was going to be there to clean up my mess. I had a room in his house for when I got old.
He worried about me, my being gay, alone.
Never a bad word about my being gay .Always had his door open to my friends.He did the holidays and any of my
friends that had nowhere to go were invited.
I was lucky to have that last five months with him. Spent every Sunday watching football.I didn't even like football.
We would take pain pills and I was able to force him to eat.
There is so much more to the story. But I just want to tell people.Even if you have trouble with your family give
them a call. Just say hi.Because when there gone that's it.His number still in my phones. I want to call him every
day. But he can't answer.I am not a good writer. Just want to tell people I have no regrets. All it takes is a
three min phone call tell them your thinking of them.It will mean a lot to you and them.
Love them or not . That is who you were given.

I was touched by your story Johnny and am very sorry for your loss. I had noticed that you hadn't been around for a couple of days! Glad that you find ways to pull yourself up out of the dark, (so to speak). I have 1 brother, we're not real close but, my mom's passing 9 years and 10 days ago today in fact, keeps us connected more. We either text or call, even use facebook to stay present in each others' lives! So, your message rings loud and clear, a three minute phone call, or some way to let people in your life, family, friends, whatever..know that you are thinking of them....it means more than we think sometimes!