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Cage Unleashes On Ian


BSB Addict
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
Oh yeah, a 5! Although Ian was coughing a good bit, and now we know he had Pneumonia, it was still a very hot scene. I always love the way Ian watches his partner and the reciprocity of Cage Kafig at the end was priceless! I know Cage Kafig is gone, but I hope some day he'll "lick his wounds," and come back to Broke Straight Boys:smiley-love001:
2 outstanding blow jobs + 1 hot fuck + 2 great cum shots = 5 stars, excellent in my grading system.

Ian, coughing or not, just keeps getting hotter and hotter. I hope his sabbatical is just that and doesn't turn into a permanent absence. And it is a shame Cage Kafig quit because he can throw one hell of a fuck!
Cage Kafig is gone? Where? :crying2:

it's one of those "love-hate" relationships. He has spewed on Facebook about quitting a few times. I guess things got ugly and now he is gone. Sha said Cage Kafig has a few scenes already filmed, but that's it. Cage Kafig does not respond to his Facebook page either. I think he is dealing with a lot of stuff: he married his girlfriend and started crabbing about Broke Straight Boys; it went down hill from there.
I went on his page, wished him well and told him I hope he comes back.
It was a decent scene, fairly business as usual until the ending. Cage Kafig grabbing Ian's cock and pumping the cum out of him was great! It's the occasional surprises like this that are worth the wait. For me, it bumped the scene up from a 3 or 4 to a definite 5.

Cage Kafig is a great top and a consistently good performer. I'm sorry he's gone. Ian did much better this time. After his sabbatical I hope he comes back and can really add some "nasty" to his performances, if Broke Straight Boys allows it. He's been around long enough to pull it off. I love seeing him bottom, but he's also a good top.
First, it isn't as easy as it looks to fuck someone and jack them off at the same time, The two rythems are different. But Cage Kafig does it brilliantly. Second, it is unusual to see a bottom let the top take him off. Usually at the last minute he grabs his cock and finishes. So this was very hot and adventurous for Ian. Really well staged and well photographed.
First, it isn't as easy as it looks to fuck someone and jack them off at the same time, The two rythems are different. But Cage Kafig does it brilliantly. Second, it is unusual to see a bottom let the top take him off. Usually at the last minute he grabs his cock and finishes. So this was very hot and adventurous for Ian. Really well staged and well photographed.

I don't think it was staged; I think Cage Kafig just "did it," and Ian was in the zone, just lying back enjoying it. Afterwards, they laugh about it and Johnny gives a "holy shit;" I just love when things happen naturally. :blushing:
First, it isn't as easy as it looks to fuck someone and jack them off at the same time, The two rythems are different. But Cage Kafig does it brilliantly. Second, it is unusual to see a bottom let the top take him off. Usually at the last minute he grabs his cock and finishes. So this was very hot and adventurous for Ian. Really well staged and well photographed.

This scene was well directed and filmed, although again it seemed to follow the same script, which hardly made it enthralling. I love THE SOUND OF MUSIC, and I have viewed the original film, watched the NBC live production, and even participated in it with a dinner-theatre troupe many times over. The faces were different, the productions were slighted in their own ways, and in time, it became boring. I still love THE SOUND OF MUSIC, but I hardly watch it anymore.
These videos do the same, but nowadays in extreme excess. Repeating myself from other forums: If there is no creativity, no mystery, it resembles a scratched LP (that is a vinyl record played on a turntable with a stylus through the etched grooves, thereby producing electronic sound emanated from the recorded material on this disk, played at 33-1/3 revolutions/minute - for those younger people who had never heard of such a thing), where the stylus is caught in a looped rut, playing the same thing over and over again until someone does something about it. No one is doing anything about these scenes's monotony. Broke Straight Boys attempts to improve by procuring fresh models, but when you put fresh apples into a barrel with only one stale apple, they all become tainted to where the excitement aspect is weakened, if not deadened.
I am a huge Ian fan. Pneumonia (I can relate) or not, Ian works hard at plying his talents at this trade. Even Cage Kafig (ciao) performed incredibly well, all things considered. Other than what I mentioned, the primary distraction for me was Cage Kafig near the end. He had an ideal opportunity to creampie Ian, and for one brief shining moment, I thought he would, but NOPE, not this time AGAIN.
Broke Straight Boys, you strive to provide your viewers with top-quality entertainment. You listen to what we want to see, you make adjustments, you recruit decent models, but for whatever reason, you manage to remain remiss vis-a-vis fulfilling what most of us want to see. I suppose you have your reasons; so do we.
Nevertheless, a 4 for outstanding effort, dedication to commitment, and great directorial prowess.
When I find myself in times of trouble
Julie Andrews comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Do re mi
Cage Kafig is the man and a outsanding perfomed he gives his all ever time to make it awesome every time when he grabbed ian cock and worked that load out holly shit dam that was hot need to use this as a training scene Cage Kafig and ian laugh at the end nice both guys got hard stayed hard if i was running Broke Straight Boys i would look at all the hot best guys you have that people like are leaving Johnny Forza Cage Kafig and more and some scene with the guys at Broke Straight Boys ben there a long time are well but we do have some more for Cage Kafig coming out still so there is good news Cage Kafig ian you both are awesome performers
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Cage Kafig leaving is sad, but a man's got to do what he's got to do. He is one of those guys who always gives his all. He'll be missed. Would have loved to see him with Tyler.
I've not watched it yet, but if Julie Andrews is stuck in the corner singing Do Re Me - then I'll give it a miss.. :o)

Unfortunately, Ms. Andrews underwent throat surgery years ago, where the surgeon permanently fucked up her vocal cords to where she can no longer sing as she used to. We lost one of the greatest natural voices ever.
When I find myself in times of trouble
Julie Andrews comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Do re mi

Kelly, please read my post below.
I finally got around to watching this scene and I have to say that I enjoyed it quite a bit. Ian, I thought you did really well here. In spite of having a cold you soldiered on through it and gave us a really good show. Thank you!