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Cage on Youtube

I am of the generation where you would not talk about this type of personal matter publicly, but only with the closest of friends. Times are different now and I am glad that Cage Kafig can find solace and support from all of the people here and other places to help him through what has to be a difficult period in his life. I will keep him in my prayers, asking that he be guided by the better angels of his nature.
I want Cage Kafig to know that he does have much support and love from all the fans. Broke Straight Boys is unlike most other sites out there because we really do care about the performers here as flesh and blood human beings. It pains me to see that he is hurting right now. I know how much he loves his daughter also. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I hope there is a chance of repairing that relationship. Or at the very least I hope that they can salvage a good friendship out it with mutual respect for one another.
I too worry about him. There is always a chance to repair a relationship but it is up to him to do that. I hope he reads our support and gets his life in order.
I applaud you Cage Kafig for opening up to your fan base through youtube. Sometimes just talking about a situation or problem with a close friend or a professional counselor can be the beginning of healing and perhaps righting a wrong. As you have put yourself out into the public spotlight through your "Cage Kafig" persona you now have a very interested and caring group of supporters here in "cyberspace". You are a very strong willed guy with a sensitive and caring side too, and I feel confident that you will come out of this just fine. You have a lot of people out here rooting for you Cage Kafig! :thumbup1:
I too echo the positive sentiments expressed by the viewing members of this site! I hope Cage Kafig can recognize, he's got the support of many!
Wtf is he coming out of? His youtube videos show him singing with is horrible and I hope I don't have to hear it when & if he comes back. And Cage Kafig does his own shit. He likes to show off & be in the spot light even if it's bad. I don't feel bad for him at all & u guys shouldn't either. I got a bunch of shit going on in my life but I don't out it on the table for u all to feel bad for me. I'm my own man and I deal with my own problems by my self. Maybe Cage Kafig should stop being so wreck less and start being a good little church boy
Wtf is he coming out of? His youtube videos show him singing with is horrible and I hope I don't have to hear it when & if he comes back. And Cage Kafig does his own shit. He likes to show off & be in the spot light even if it's bad. I don't feel bad for him at all & u guys shouldn't either. I got a bunch of shit going on in my life but I don't out it on the table for u all to feel bad for me. I'm my own man and I deal with my own problems by my self. Maybe Cage Kafig should stop being so wreck less and start being a good little church boy

Now, before the comments start flying and words start....as I am reminded of a similar scenario when Ian made a comment about Johnny Forza a while back! Maybe I just look at the world through rose colored glasses but.....I brought this point up then too! We want to get all up in the models' business (voyeur like) and when a model "throws shade" on another model...we ain't having it! Two words.....Broke Straight Boys-TV! What do you think a reality tv show involving Broke Straight Boys models is going to be like? I'm just sayin!
Now, before the comments start flying and words start....as I am reminded of a similar scenario when Ian made a comment about Johnny Forza a while back! Maybe I just look at the world through rose colored glasses but.....I brought this point up then too! We want to get all up in the models' business (voyeur like) and when a model "throws shade" on another model...we ain't having it! Two words.....Broke Straight Boys-TV! What do you think a reality tv show involving Broke Straight Boys models is going to be like? I'm just sayin!

lmfao cant wait BSB TV!
I got a bunch of shit going on in my life but I don't out it on the table for u all to feel bad for me. I'm my own man and I deal with my own problems by my self. Maybe Cage Kafig should stop being so wreck less and start being a good little church boy

Damien - we all handle things very differently. Whatever has or is going on in your life, I would offer you the same support I would and did offer Cage Kafig. I don't feel bad for him but I have not been the one who lived his life just as I am not lived your life. In my own life, when I was taking care of my father during his last illness, it was good friends both nearby and on line who helped me deal with that situation because a burden shared is easier to handle. Likewise when I had my stroke and essentially had to relearn how to speak [something as a lawyer is necessary to earn my bread], it was friends both in person and on line who helped me get through that frustration. It was the kindness of many people including some here which helped me deal with that.

So as I said, I do not know Cage Kafig except for what he has shared online and through his videos. Obviously your interaction has been much more in person. But I do not intend to judge his motivations in this situation [nor your assessment of them]. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
I'm sure models on Broke Straight Boys-TV are going to share very personal things with an international viewing audience. Damien Christopher has already assured us that it will be full of drama. So I'm not going to throw stones at Cage Kafig for deciding to share his own personal dramas and heartaches online. It's his choice...for better or for worse. He posted the video as a cry for love, forgiveness and support. It's up to his ex to decide on the first two. As a fan of Cage Kafig's, I will certainly provide the latter. :)
I'm sure models on Broke Straight Boys-TV are going to share very personal things with an international viewing audience. Damien Christopher has already assured us that it will be full of drama. So I'm not going to throw stones at Cage Kafig for deciding to share his own personal dramas and heartaches online. It's his choice...for better or for worse. He posted the video as a cry for love, forgiveness and support. It's up to his ex to decide on the first two. As a fan of Cage Kafig's, I will certainly provide the latter. :)
Perhaps being a New Yorker, I am a bit more skeptical than you are Tampa, but after all the years of hype for Broke Straight Boys-TV, I am wondering if I will ever be tuning in on my TV to watch this show. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not terribly optimistic either.
I am so glad you guys find people to support you. It has been my experience that people are very concerned about themselves ao almost exclusivity. It may be a symptom of my chosen profession. I will say this, however, The video sounds like an apology of an abuser. I sincerely hope that is not the case. And if any of you want an earful , let me know I will be happy to provide . Just kidding. Have a peaceful day.
Cage Kafig good for you for opening up. That's the beginning of healing, yourself and your relationship. The only person who can change the things in your life is you. Change is more important than being sorry. You can only be unhappy when you are living in the past or worrying about the future. When you are living in the 'now' you'll be guided in the right direction. You'll know what and how to do what you need to do to change the situation. What you did won't be as important as what you can do now.
Cage Kafig good for you for opening up. That's the beginning of healing, yourself and your relationship. The only person who can change the things in your life is you. Change is more important than being sorry. You can only be unhappy when you are living in the past or worrying about the future. When you are living in the 'now' you'll be guided in the right direction. You'll know what and how to do what you need to do to change the situation. What you did won't be as important as what you can do now.

Very wise Elyot.