BSB Addict
Here is the point, I think: Porn guys are supposed to be figures of fantasy. These are guys on whom erotic fantasies can be hung. Finding out that Tate is being medicated for bi-polar does not allow that to happen. I now feel for him and if he were a friend i would certainly stand by him and make sure he is being properly cared for, but he would not be my choice for an erotic fantasy as I would be constantly worried about how his line of work is affecting him.
I have to say my feelings on this are the exact opposite from yours. I like knowing about the young men modeling here. I want to see them as something other than a slab of beef which is so often the situation on other porn sites. For me that is one of the good things about this site is that we do get to know a bit about the young men and share in their lives to the extent they are willing to share. The fact that Tate has taken medications for bi-polar makes him all that more a real person to me - completely three dimensional. He is still a sexy young man. I think he is doing a good job here. Are there models who are better? Yes. But there are those who are not as good.
I have over the years represented more than one young person who was down and out on their luck. Some were sex workers because it was the only way they had to make enough money to get a room and food. Some had issues with mental or physical problems of one sort or another. Some were addicts or alcoholics. Some were just down on their luck. I always tried to see them as complete humans and try to help them deal with their issues to the extent I could. I do not like to see people in a one dimensional fashion. That is true in face to face encounters as it is here.