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Cage Fucks Brandon

You keep complaining that the forum isn't as fun as it used to be. Perhaps you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. I enjoy the forum, and probably spend more time here than watching scenes. It might help if you spoke positively about the forum rather than bemoaning that it isn't like the good old days. (I will probably catch hell for saying this.)
Your Right..I hear I complain much to much.So I will try not posting..The Forum is all Yours. Try and keep it
interesting cause I will be reading.
Your Right..I hear I complain much to much.So I will try not posting..The Forum is all Yours. Try and keep it
interesting cause I will be reading.

No no no! Keep posting!!! You make me laugh! We love you!!!:001_wub:
No no no! Keep posting!!! You make me laugh! We love you!!!:001_wub:
I'm with Bartirah! If Johnny stopped posting, the forum would really get boring!

No no no! Keep posting!!! You make me laugh! We love you!!!:001_wub:
He can't quit...he's like half the active forum...Mike's the other half. If Johnny quit posting, we would have to listen to Mike talking to himself ...all day long. Johnny wouldn't do that to us... lololol
He can't quit...he's like half the active forum...Mike's the other half. If Johnny quit posting, we would have to listen to Mike talking to himself ...all day long. Johnny wouldn't do that to us... lololol

lol So true!!!:001_tongue:
This is a fabulous pornographic website. Thousands and thousands of people pay money every month to belong to it. To some of them, it is a significant part of their pornographic budget but they like it so much, they pay up and watch. This is because they love the website. They love the models. They think the sex here is hot.

Some of you have raised the issue of why there are very few people making interesting posts on the forum anymore. In case you're interested, let me give you some clues.

• People are sick and fucking tired of a few VERY negative Bleeding Deacons that dominate the site, posting thousands of times about negative bullshit that simply is not true.

• Saying bullshit like, "There are no straight guys on the website anymore. They are all gay." That's just not true and no matter how many thousand times some negative Bleeding Deacon repeats it, it is absolutely not true. Just from the first page of Episodes there is Kyle Porter, Brandon, Cage Kafig, Brendon, Benjamin, and Vadim Black that look to us thousands and thousands of paying members to be straight. People are tired of hearing this negative shit that just isn't true.

• Saying that the only good Broke Straight Boys is way back in BSB1 where everybody was straight. First of all everyone back in BSB1 wasn't straight. That's "everybody used to be straight" shit is just a crock of shit. There are thousands of members that can look at the first page of the Episodes and think there is not one bad scene on the whole page. But not among the know it all Bleeding Deacons that dominate the forum and can't figure out why people are repulsed by it, have lost interest in it, and who refuse to read it or post on it anymore.

• There are rediculous negative statements that say in all the active models there are ONLY three good ones. That's a fucking crock of shit. Thousands and thousands of us think that you can look at the one FIRST page and see lots of fabulous models, and not all of them are straight, but all of them are fucking hot and pour their hearts into making an interesting scene, only to have a few negative Bleeding Deacons that dominate the forum give them 3's all around because they don't measure up to THEIR high standards.

• There are four of five of you negative Bleeding Deacons that OUGHT to either stop posting or try to understand that the management of this site is producing some really fine pornography. There are thousands and thousands of paying members that love this site. We pay good money to belong to it. Not because it hasn't been good in 10 years, and not because it isn't producing very high quality porn TODAY.

• This is a great porn site. It has BEAUTIFUL people on it. They are doing hot fucking sex. And if you can't see this, then at least be realistic and understand that REAL PEOPLE will not come to the forum just to hear your negative, boring, and untrue bullshit.

• I hope this helps you few Bleeding Deacons that post thousands and thousands of negative and boring posts. I'm giving you some clues here. Real people do not want to come here and participate in interminable rantings of negative bullshit about a website that they love and enjoy.

• As they would say "over and out".
This is a fabulous pornographic website. Thousands and thousands of people pay money every month to belong to it. To some of them, it is a significant part of their pornographic budget but they like it so much, they pay up and watch. This is because they love the website. They love the models. They think the sex here is hot.

Some of you have raised the issue of why there are very few people making interesting posts on the forum anymore. In case you're interested, let me give you some clues.

• People are sick and fucking tired of a few VERY negative Bleeding Deacons that dominate the site, posting thousands of times about negative bullshit that simply is not true.

• Saying bullshit like, "There are no straight guys on the website anymore. They are all gay." That's just not true and no matter how many thousand times some negative Bleeding Deacon repeats it, it is absolutely not true. Just from the first page of Episodes there is Kyle Porter, Brandon, Cage Kafig, Brendon, Benjamin, and Vadim Black that look to us thousands and thousands of paying members to be straight. People are tired of hearing this negative shit that just isn't true.

• Saying that the only good Broke Straight Boys is way back in BSB1 where everybody was straight. First of all everyone back in BSB1 wasn't straight. That's "everybody used to be straight" shit is just a crock of shit. There are thousands of members that can look at the first page of the Episodes and think there is not one bad scene on the whole page. But not among the know it all Bleeding Deacons that dominate the forum and can't figure out why people are repulsed by it, have lost interest in it, and who refuse to read it or post on it anymore.

• There are rediculous negative statements that say in all the active models there are ONLY three good ones. That's a fucking crock of shit. Thousands and thousands of us think that you can look at the one FIRST page and see lots of fabulous models, and not all of them are straight, but all of them are fucking hot and pour their hearts into making an interesting scene, only to have a few negative Bleeding Deacons that dominate the forum give them 3's all around because they don't measure up to THEIR high standards.

• There are four of five of you negative Bleeding Deacons that OUGHT to either stop posting or try to understand that the management of this site is producing some really fine pornography. There are thousands and thousands of paying members that love this site. We pay good money to belong to it. Not because it hasn't been good in 10 years, and not because it isn't producing very high quality porn TODAY.

• This is a great porn site. It has BEAUTIFUL people on it. They are doing hot fucking sex. And if you can't see this, then at least be realistic and understand that REAL PEOPLE will not come to the forum just to hear your negative, boring, and untrue bullshit.

• I hope this helps you few Bleeding Deacons that post thousands and thousands of negative and boring posts. I'm giving you some clues here. Real people do not want to come here and participate in interminable rantings of negative bullshit about a website that they love and enjoy.

• As they would say "over and out".

It won't change anything.
It won't change anything.

You are right ScottA. I have no realistic goal to think something might change these few Bleeding Deacons that dominate the forum. Its just that they are puzzled as to why members do not participatin in the membership forum, like they used to.

I know that I cannot fix them. Its just that when they are puzzled, I want to give them a few clues. That's all. I just try to help.
This is a fabulous pornographic website. Thousands and thousands of people pay money every month to belong to it. To some of them, it is a significant part of their pornographic budget but they like it so much, they pay up and watch. This is because they love the website. They love the models. They think the sex here is hot.

Some of you have raised the issue of why there are very few people making interesting posts on the forum anymore. In case you're interested, let me give you some clues.

• People are sick and fucking tired of a few VERY negative Bleeding Deacons that dominate the site, posting thousands of times about negative bullshit that simply is not true.

• Saying bullshit like, "There are no straight guys on the website anymore. They are all gay." That's just not true and no matter how many thousand times some negative Bleeding Deacon repeats it, it is absolutely not true. Just from the first page of Episodes there is Kyle Porter, Brandon, Cage Kafig, Brendon, Benjamin, and Vadim Black that look to us thousands and thousands of paying members to be straight. People are tired of hearing this negative shit that just isn't true.

• Saying that the only good Broke Straight Boys is way back in BSB1 where everybody was straight. First of all everyone back in BSB1 wasn't straight. That's "everybody used to be straight" shit is just a crock of shit. There are thousands of members that can look at the first page of the Episodes and think there is not one bad scene on the whole page. But not among the know it all Bleeding Deacons that dominate the forum and can't figure out why people are repulsed by it, have lost interest in it, and who refuse to read it or post on it anymore.

• There are rediculous negative statements that say in all the active models there are ONLY three good ones. That's a fucking crock of shit. Thousands and thousands of us think that you can look at the one FIRST page and see lots of fabulous models, and not all of them are straight, but all of them are fucking hot and pour their hearts into making an interesting scene, only to have a few negative Bleeding Deacons that dominate the forum give them 3's all around because they don't measure up to THEIR high standards.

• There are four of five of you negative Bleeding Deacons that OUGHT to either stop posting or try to understand that the management of this site is producing some really fine pornography. There are thousands and thousands of paying members that love this site. We pay good money to belong to it. Not because it hasn't been good in 10 years, and not because it isn't producing very high quality porn TODAY.

• This is a great porn site. It has BEAUTIFUL people on it. They are doing hot fucking sex. And if you can't see this, then at least be realistic and understand that REAL PEOPLE will not come to the forum just to hear your negative, boring, and untrue bullshit.

• I hope this helps you few Bleeding Deacons that post thousands and thousands of negative and boring posts. I'm giving you some clues here. Real people do not want to come here and participate in interminable rantings of negative bullshit about a website that they love and enjoy.

• As they would say "over and out".

I am reminded of the "Emperor's New Clothes" or the expression "The Elephant in the Room". This was a good post in my honest opinion. I think of the members who not only belong to the site but, participate in the forum discussions, these sentiments have been felt for a while. I am sorry if people aren't able to accept constructively, the words that have been shared in this comment but, the forum is and should be a place where people should ALL feel free to participate as they choose without feeling the influences based on what doesn't give the same level of enjoyment repeated over and over again. I applaud you for taking a stance and hopefully we can all move forward once again, discussing present day Broke Straight Boys as it is delivered to us. Nothing says we have to enjoy it ALL but, there certainly is a lot to enjoy.
Your Right..I hear I complain much to much.So I will try not posting..The Forum is all Yours. Try and keep it
interesting cause I will be reading.

Of course you will keep posting. You have a lot of great things to say. Don't take my comment the wrong way. I just think if we want to encourage people to post more, we might be well to keep it positive. Sort of a honey vs. vinegar sot of thing. :smiley-love001:
I am reminded of the "Emperor's New Clothes" or the expression "The Elephant in the Room". This was a good post in my honest opinion. I think of the members who not only belong to the site but, participate in the forum discussions, these sentiments have been felt for a while. I am sorry if people aren't able to accept constructively, the words that have been shared in this comment but, the forum is and should be a place where people should ALL feel free to participate as they choose without feeling the influences based on what doesn't give the same level of enjoyment repeated over and over again. I applaud you for taking a stance and hopefully we can all move forward once again, discussing present day Broke Straight Boys as it is delivered to us. Nothing says we have to enjoy it ALL but, there certainly is a lot to enjoy.

I find it interesting that you make this statement advocating a free and open forum for all to participate in, while endorsing a post which criticizes forumites who post as they choose but are attacked because what they choose to post doesn't agree with other forumites' views. You can't have it both ways; we can't have a forum that is open and free to all, but some are attacked by others if they don't like what some are posting. There is only one censor for this forum and that is management. And it has exercised that power very rarely and in only the most judicious manner.

If I can recall, Betu, you and I have had a few disagreements over the years with what views we have expressed, but we have never called each other names or suggested the other stop posting or post only what the other agrees with. Nor have we purported to represent anyone other than our own views much less thousands and thousands of members, which of course is impossible.

I joined the site 6 years ago in April and the forum a month later. Obviously time marches on and, like our personal lives, things change - that's life, as Sinatra tells us. The entire web porn industry has changed a lot since then and Broke Straight Boys has changed as well. And there is nothing wrong with people who like to talk about the good ole' days while they lament what they consider to be a different and, to them, a lesser Broke Straight Boys of today. That's why it is called a free and open forum. And for those who tire of reading the lamentations of others, the forum provides a quick and easy solution. Just punch the ignore button and they will never have to see those peoples' posts ever again. That's much more judicious than calling people names and advocating them not to post.
I find it interesting that you make this statement advocating a free and open forum for all to participate in, while endorsing a post which criticizes forumites who post as they choose but are attacked because what they choose to post doesn't agree with other forumites' views. You can't have it both ways; we can't have a forum that is open and free to all, but some are attacked by others if they don't like what some are posting. There is only one censor for this forum and that is management. And it has exercised that power very rarely and in only the most judicious manner.

If I can recall, Betu, you and I have had a few disagreements over the years with what views we have expressed, but we have never called each other names or suggested the other stop posting or post only what the other agrees with. Nor have we purported to represent anyone other than our own views much less thousands and thousands of members, which of course is impossible.

I joined the site 6 years ago in April and the forum a month later. Obviously time marches on and, like our personal lives, things change - that's life, as Sinatra tells us. The entire web porn industry has changed a lot since then and Broke Straight Boys has changed as well. And there is nothing wrong with people who like to talk about the good ole' days while they lament what they consider to be a different and, to them, a lesser Broke Straight Boys of today. That's why it is called a free and open forum. And for those who tire of reading the lamentations of others, the forum provides a quick and easy solution. Just punch the ignore button and they will never have to see those peoples' posts ever again. That's much more judicious than calling people names and advocating them not to post.
You know something Stowe1, don't make this about me. Another thing I've always wanted to tell you. You can kiss my entire ass..Never cared for you, never will. Don't come for me and I won't come for you. In other words, don't start nothing, won't be nothing, you feel me?
You know something Stowe1, don't make this about me. Another thing I've always wanted to tell you. You can kiss my entire ass..Never cared for you, never will. Don't come for me and I won't come for you. In other words, don't start nothing, won't be nothing, you feel me?

Not about you. Your post just provided a better vehicle for me. And this post of yours just proves the point of my message. What a classy guy you are!! Never a fan of yours either, but I was just being civil with you over time - a trait which you obviously don't possess, you feel me??
Not about you. Your post just provided a better vehicle for me. And this post of yours just proves the point of my message. What a classy guy you are!! Never a fan of yours either, but I was just being civil with you over time - a trait which you obviously don't possess, you feel me??

Stowie, I think you are seeing democracy in action - everyone is getting their say and the forum is self policing itself. I have previously expressed the same sentiment as Andy and betu - and as a matter of fact, I WAS called names so perhaps you should have made this same type call on others previously. But don't blame me, it's just my opinion.
Stowie, I think you are seeing democracy in action - everyone is getting their say and the forum is self policing itself. I have previously expressed the same sentiment as Andy and betu - and as a matter of fact, I WAS called names so perhaps you should have made this same type call on others previously. But don't blame me, it's just my opinion.

Well, Leedwb, Had I seen the posts where you were called names, I would have called the offender out (I don't read every post and/or every thread). I have always advocated a free and open forum - democracy in action, if you will. My problem is when someone is ridiculed or called names just because other people don't like or agree with what that person wrote. The whole purpose of a free and open forum is for people to express themselves without being denigrated by name calling or their integrity being impugned. It would be a boring forum if everyone had the same opinions.

I don't know what you mean by "But don't blame me", I'm not blaming anybody. And this exchange between us is a perfect example of my point. We obviously disagree on the issue at hand. Yet you did not ridicule me or call me names, nor did I to you. That's the way a free and open forum should work.