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Cage Fucks Brandon


BSB Addict
Oct 24, 2016
Reaction score
Lansing, Michigan
And he sure did. This was a damn good scene. The two guys are great kissers, and their cocksucking is second to none. There's obviously plenty of skill in how these both work a cock orally. But above all, Cage Kafig fucked the daylights out of Brandon. Once he got going, there was no letting up. And you can tell that Brandon loved every bit of it. Even though Brandon tried to slow things down a couple of times, Cage Kafig wouldn't have any of it.

I've got to admit that I'm jealous of Cage Kafig's stamina. He really cut loose on the "fast and furious" style, especially while Brandon was sitting on him. Brandon sure made quite the fuss about it, but never once asked him to stop. He loved it!

Yeah, two guys who are friends having a great fuck! It doesn't get much better than that.
Well as to this scene, I was disappointed. For some reason Cage Kafig has abandoned totally his dominant persona. Now I know there are those who equate hard fucking with dominance. And that's not the case with me. Even a nelly queen who wants to top can fuck hard. Dominance is about the whole approach in how a top deals with his bottom both physically and verbally. As soon as I saw Cage Kafig rush to Brandon's crotch, I knew any hopes I had of dominance were shot. And as for Brandon, he's got to man up. That over the top shrill groaning was pathetic. On the pre-scene thread, I said if Cage Kafig is dominant it could be a hot scene; if not, it would be average. So I gave the scene a 3; Cage Kafig, a 3; and Brandon, a 2.
Well... All I am gonna say is that I love Cage Kafig and is always nice to see him! That's all I can say about it... Because Johnny warned me about keeping my words to myself! lol I'm just kidding!
And he sure did. This was a damn good scene. The two guys are great kissers, and their cocksucking is second to none. There's obviously plenty of skill in how these both work a cock orally. But above all, Cage Kafig fucked the daylights out of Brandon. Once he got going, there was no letting up. And you can tell that Brandon loved every bit of it. Even though Brandon tried to slow things down a couple of times, Cage Kafig wouldn't have any of it.

I've got to admit that I'm jealous of Cage Kafig's stamina. He really cut loose on the "fast and furious" style, especially while Brandon was sitting on him. Brandon sure made quite the fuss about it, but never once asked him to stop. He loved it!

Yeah, two guys who are friends having a great fuck! It doesn't get much better than that.

Sorry I have to disagree with you, they may be good kissers but the kissing in this scene was perfunctory with no indensity of passion and no tongues darting into each others mouths.

At best this was a mediocre scene with two really good models who could if they have put more passion into the beginning and end have made one of the best scenes at Broke Straight Boys At the end it felt like the money shot had been achieved let's walk away from the coupling. Both models could learn a lot from Kaden Porter
I posted on the wrong thread.But Brandon can ride me like that anytime.The Forum is a funny place.What I feel is Hot most people don't.
What I find boring people love. Maybe I have just reached that point where it is better to read and shake my head.
And leave the posting too every one else. About the scenes at least.The most boring group of models
since I have been a member.Just one opinion. Not trying to be negative...Just what I feel.
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Sorry I have to disagree with you, they may be good kissers but the kissing in this scene was perfunctory with no indensity of passion and no tongues darting into each others mouths.

At best this was a mediocre scene with two really good models who could if they have put more passion into the beginning and end have made one of the best scenes at Broke Straight Boys At the end it felt like the money shot had been achieved let's walk away from the coupling. Both models could learn a lot from Kaden Porter

That's why I didn't say it was a great scene. I agree that a lot more could have been done. I'm glad to see someone else give Kaden Porter credit for his insight on how great porn is made. Actually, Broke Straight Boys could learn a lot from Kaden Alexander. He should be acting and directing. It's supposed to be the director who calls the shots, not the actors. The scenes here are way too short compared to scenes from other studios.

There just doesn't seem to be much passion from many of the scenes lately, and when there is, you'll see that the scenes are longer. Damn few scenes end with anything other than the standard, "Thanks for the fuck. Let's shower". Ben is one of the few who will actually lay down and cuddle afterward. They don't need to spend a lot of time of "afterglow", but to just get up and walk out makes it look like what it is, a scene where two models have sex, get it over with and get paid. I think that's a throwback to the original days, when the straight boys were done 'experimenting" with gay sex, David would tell them that it was a great scene and pretty much dismiss them. That just doesn't cut it anymore, especially with all of the other studios putting out stuff.

This scene was a far sight better than many lately, especially the one with Tanner and Chris. What top in his right mind gets partnered with a voracious bottom like Chris and ignores him while he jacks himself off to orgasm? I was especially disappointed with that one, especially since I've always praised Tanner for his passion and respect he has for his partners, even though he can push their limits.

Broke Straight Boys has really improved their camera work and how they frame their shots, but it's like they let the actors do too much of what they want, and unless it's someone like Kaden Alexander, that pretty much means let's do the routine, shoot a load and get paid. At least this scene was a "talkie". In some scenes the actors are so quiet, I feel like there should be a piano playing in the background.

I really think I need to take a break from Broke Straight Boys for a while. I've joined and left this site many times over the years. They say that "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", and I just need to feel fonder of Broke Straight Boys I can always catch up on the scenes from the arcade. It's just not fun anymore, and no matter how hard I try to be positive about the scenes there's just too much that's left undeveloped that could make a scene really hot. It's there, the models and the abilities, but just not that desire to go that "extra effort" that makes a great scene a standout. I sure hope they find that.
I really think I need to take a break from Broke Straight Boys for a while. I've joined and left this site many times over the years. They say that "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", and I just need to feel fonder of Broke Straight Boys I can always catch up on the scenes from the arcade. It's just not fun anymore, and no matter how hard I try to be positive about the scenes there's just too much that's left undeveloped that could make a scene really hot. It's there, the models and the abilities, but just not that desire to go that "extra effort" that makes a great scene a standout. I sure hope they find that.
If you are leaving oldfart, I wish you all the best and thank you for joining in on the forum this time around. Regardless of whether I enjoy the scenes at any point in time, I am always interested in what other members of the audience think. For me it's like following the news of the times, and I think of the site and the forum as it is one of my favorite "hobbies". I am intrigued by the whomever is directing and filming the scenes and the caliber of the models. I feel so vested in all things Broke Straight Boys, that it would be very difficult for me to ever leave as long as there is a site and of course a forum. Models, directors and forumites come and go but I am a lifer, (and as I always say either the life of the site or my own, whichever happens first). lol
It will be you!! lololol:sneaky2:
I agree! lol

Nothing to write home about.......Neither was up to their usual speed. 3's
Well... All I am gonna say is that I love Cage Kafig and is always nice to see him! That's all I can say about it... Because Johnny warned me about keeping my words to myself! lol I'm just kidding!
Dear Bartirah..
Say what you feel .You have the spirit of what the Forum used to be. A fun Happy place.There used to be a boy on the Forum.
A very sweet boy. Who was stuck in a hospital bed that used to call the Forum his Happy Place. It was a fun Happy Place. But that seems to have changed.
But for a few there are not that many people that want to play. I miss the old Forum.The light hearted banter.
Saying what you wanted without being looked down upon. Everything is so serious now. Like the whole World around us.
It started to change about two years ago when Broke Straight Boys became openly gay. Anyway Bartirah I am glad You are here.
Your Fun. Like it used to be. Keep posting..xo
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Dear Bartirah..
Say what you feel .You have the spirit of what the Forum used to be. A fun Happy place.There used to be a boy on the Forum.
A very sweet boy. Who was stuck in a hospital bed that used to call the Forum his Happy Place. It was a fun Happy Place. But that seems to have changed.
But for a few there are not that many people that want to play. I miss the old Forum.The light hearted banter.
Saying what you wanted without being looked down upon. Everything is so serious now. Like the whole World around us.
It started to change about two years ago when Broke Straight Boys became openly gay. Anyway Bartirah I am glad You are here.
Your Fun. Like it used to be. Keep posting..xo
You are completely right Johnny that the forum is just a shadow of what it used to be in it's heyday. I don't have a definitive answer as to why, but I think it comes down to the forum being driven by the site and the models and the scenes, and the forum reflects the members feelings about what they are watching.

The reasons that the models and the scenes have changed have been well documented, (and not just on Broke Straight Boys, but in the whole porn industry, both gay and straight). Those reasons include the proliferation of free tube sites giving scenes away for free, the proliferation of cam sites where models can broadcast out of their own homes, and sometimes make more money without traveling to a studio. And the world has changed since 2008 when I first became aware of Broke Straight Boys Self identifying straight guys are less interested in performing on the internet as they now understand that there are no secrets online, and gay and bisexuality becomes less and less taboo in society and there are more "sexually fluid" guys, and less candidates to titillate some of us older folks who still remember a stricter distinction between gay and straight from our own youth.

And so with less interest in the porn, possibly less members of Broke Straight Boys, there seems to be less to talk about on the forum. That's basically how I see the change in the last year or two.
You are completely right Johnny that the forum is just a shadow of what it used to be in it's heyday. I don't have a definitive answer as to why, but I think it comes down to the forum being driven by the site and the models and the scenes, and the forum reflects the members feelings about what they are watching.

The reasons that the models and the scenes have changed have been well documented, (and not just on Broke Straight Boys, but in the whole porn industry, both gay and straight). Those reasons include the proliferation of free tube sites giving scenes away for free, the proliferation of cam sites where models can broadcast out of their own homes, and sometimes make more money without traveling to a studio. And the world has changed since 2008 when I first became aware of Broke Straight Boys Self identifying straight guys are less interested in performing on the internet as they now understand that there are no secrets online, and gay and bisexuality becomes less and less taboo in society and there are more "sexually fluid" guys, and less candidates to titillate some of us older folks who still remember a stricter distinction between gay and straight from our own youth.

And so with less interest in the porn, possibly less members of Broke Straight Boys, there seems to be less to talk about on the forum. That's basically how I see the change in the last year or two.
Thanks mike for trying to explain things. But I think it is just me. When I first came on
the Forum it was just so much fun.It was like making new friends. I had a man crush (fantasy) on Paul. And all these new people too talk to. Lost so many friends in the past few years. It was fun talking with new people.
I always went to the gym after work. But I started missing more and more time. CAUSE..I wanted to get home and see what was going on with the people on the Forum.
And then the models talked to us too.The BTS were fun with Miss Sabrina and the mansion.
With the pool. The dinners and we got to see what the boy's were doing.Then it changed so many of the boys I liked were gone.
I didn't change it did. Also when I came on it was fun making friends. So just for fun I looked at my friend list this morning. Out of 36 people on my friend list 21 were gone
So I guess that say's it all. And I guess we have seen more changes in the last few years than ever before.
But that is with everything.So Broke Straight Boys changed I didn't. I am not leaving Don't cost that much. But it is a different Broke Straight Boys..And if I am here I just have to except it .Just not spend as much time on the Forum as I did.lol.I guess?
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Dear Bartirah..
Say what you feel .You have the spirit of what the Forum used to be. A fun Happy place.There used to be a boy on the Forum.
A very sweet boy. Who was stuck in a hospital bed that used to call the Forum his Happy Place. It was a fun Happy Place. But that seems to have changed.
But for a few there are not that many people that want to play. I miss the old Forum.The light hearted banter.
Saying what you wanted without being looked down upon. Everything is so serious now. Like the whole World around us.
It started to change about two years ago when Broke Straight Boys became openly gay. Anyway Bartirah I am glad You are here.
Your Fun. Like it used to be. Keep posting..xo

You keep complaining that the forum isn't as fun as it used to be. Perhaps you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. I enjoy the forum, and probably spend more time here than watching scenes. It might help if you spoke positively about the forum rather than bemoaning that it isn't like the good old days. (I will probably catch hell for saying this.)
You keep complaining that the forum isn't as fun as it used to be. Perhaps you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. I enjoy the forum, and probably spend more time here than watching scenes. It might help if you spoke positively about the forum rather than bemoaning that it isn't like the good old days. (I will probably catch hell for saying this.)
Nick, you are most welcome to express your opinion, and as you enjoy the forum as much as johnny and I, I wish you would make more posts and give us more to talk about. If everyone who loves this site would make a few posts a day, it might get back to the way it was when we loved the fun and the banter and the camaraderie between forumites so much. Let's all do our part to make this a fun place again! :001_tongue: