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Bts-straight talk #3 - Too Much Info for Me

I must say that I have read and ejoyed ALL your comments. But then I consider myself "educated", so .. 1. Anyone who kisses, sucks,riims, fucks or eats another man's hot jizz, is NOT 100% straight! Just send me a deadly handsome guy making love to another man .... and I'm in heaven. I have not hidden the fact that I'm deeply in love with Paul - I wish he was here right now. I could and would show him what LOVE is all about - and that would be enough for me!!

Just my thoughts!
I might have been a little disappointed with this bts, but I may have just figured out why.

I believe none of these guys are homophobic. Too much has been done during their tenures here to disprove that. Actions still speak louder than words.

Sha asked some questions that we, members, would like to ask, and the guys answered them.....I believe honestly. Perhaps, too honestly. I discovered that the problem with me was not that the answers were not honest, but that the answers were not what I had hoped for. Why I thought that after doing gay porn for "X" number of months would change their perception of gay sex, is beyond my understanding. I, after all, was married for six years and "performed" straight sex almost exclusively during that time, and I came away from that marriage just as gay as I was before entering into it. If anything happened during that time, my gayness was heightened and my curiosity of the straight life was totally extinguished.

In my perception of this bts, a line from the movie, "A Few Good Men", comes to mind......"You can't handle the truth". Maybe I just don't really want the answers to all of these questions (seems to put a damper on the fantasy).
I might have been a little disappointed with this bts, but I may have just figured out why.

I believe none of these guys are homophobic. Too much has been done during their tenures here to disprove that. Actions still speak louder than words.

Sha asked some questions that we, members, would like to ask, and the guys answered them.....I believe honestly. Perhaps, too honestly. I discovered that the problem with me was not that the answers were not honest, but that the answers were not what I had hoped for. Why I thought that after doing gay porn for "X" number of months would change their perception of gay sex, is beyond my understanding. I, after all, was married for six years and "performed" straight sex almost exclusively during that time, and I came away from that marriage just as gay as I was before entering into it. If anything happened during that time, my gayness was heightened and my curiosity of the straight life was totally extinguished.

In my perception of this bts, a line from the movie, "A Few Good Men", comes to mind......"You can't handle the truth". Maybe I just don't really want the answers to all of these questions (seems to put a damper on the fantasy).

Yes, exactly. It does work against the fantasy - that these straight guys (at least some of them) will come to like gay sex. But I continue to believe that sexuality is a continuum (the Kinsey scale if nothing else) and some people towards the middle of the continuum can be open to crossing over if the time and the place are right. And some of those people find themselves on BSBs and (like Daniel I think) come to a greater clarity about what can feel good about having a male mouth around your cock or someone's cock stimulating your prostate..
Interesting and varied reaction to this BTS by the forum. I'm stuck on this one. We ask for BTS on one hand, but on the other when some of the "truth" comes out, we do not like it and all hell kicks off. Sometimes it's best just to watch the films and make an opinion based on them. Maybe Broke Straight Boys has gone too far down the road of the members/models interaction e.g BTS and models posting per say - but the forum did ask for this so we have to accept the aftermath.

I'm not particularly happy either about some of the models comments about preferring to have sex with straight guys than gay. I mean if its "all about the money" then surely it doesn't matter if the partner is straight or gay. If their answer to that question is that they don't want to see their partner enjoying the sexual act then they should not be on this site, because by the members seeing enjoyment it makes the films better to watch - whether or not the enjoyment is well acted or real. And it's the members that are ultimately paying these guys wages.

Of course the sexuality of the models is currently kept under wraps on BSB2.5 whereas David used to ask them outright in the interview if they were str8 or gay. So if we do not know of a particular models sexuality, why would or should his partner ?

So did I like this BTS ? I like to hear the guys talking amongst each other but I think getting too personal could have not so good repercussions both within the site and most definitely in the model's private lives.
I had the same reaction to Liam's statement. It's sad to say but, historically, quite a few porn actors, both straight and gay, have had rough or abusive childhoods. This segment was a sharp reminder of that. As a side note, I hope Liam got out of whatever trouble he managed to get himself into when he first began working for Broke Straight Boys

I hope he did as well and is doing better now.

I am so freaked out by Liam's statements and possible well-being that I have to take a sabbatical from the site.

I hope that the models continue to be okay and I want to thank Blue Media for running such an open forum.

All the best to everyone.
No problem Jon Liam says that he came to Broke Straight Boys for his life which is disturbing by itself, but he also says that he can basically disassociate himself leave his body while his mind wanders during scenes. This is a common trait used by physically and sexually abused kids to cope. They tend to continue to do this in adult life which is why those comments disturbed some members.
I have known many sexually abused people in my life (as kids and adults) and know physical abuse growing up personnally. I'm not trying to downplay these awful experiences that anyone has indured, but I think some members are way over analizing Liams situation without knowing him at all personnally. For all we know this could be a character he was asked to play! "The down and out poor kid from a broken home that can't get any other job." If somewhere down the line Liam choses to respond to this thread and confirms some of these unfortunate things indeed happened, then I apologize in advance. But until then he is a cute, hip type kid who enjoys having sex with other guys for money!
Hey, guys,

I was fine with this interview. I thought that Sha did a good (and sensitive) job of interviewing the guys, so thank you, Sha! Let's also remember, though, this isn't "Oprah", or "Live at the Actors' Studio", let alone "Charlie Rose" ;-)

Personally, I wasn't offended by anything any of the models said, in the interview. Lexically (and ethically) speaking, "homophobic" is if someone says, "I hate gay people. I don't like them personally; I think their way of life should be outlawed" - or even worse things, along the further end of that continuum.

However, when a straight guy says, "I REALLY don't enjoy having sex with another guy - especially if I have to KISS him - because it grosses me out. . . ": that's not homophobia. It's . . . ahem. . . heterosexuality ;-)))

I am 100 per cent gay - but I've been fortunate, in my life, to have had a lot of AMAZING, cute, heterosexual guy friends, who are 100 per cent straight. The gentler and more open-minded among them have always been totally open and accepting of who I am, and have never been unwilling to listen to my stories about what I am feeling, and what is going on in my life - - - a lot of them are so supportive, they are totally willing to give me a hug, when I am down: they are not afraid of just normal human affection. But none of them would ever have sex with another guy, because it would just totally gross/FREAK them OUT - they would have no interest in it, whatsoever. (And these are socially liberal, well-educated guys, with no axe to grind against gay people, whatsoever.)

So - I don't think, if the question is asked, you can really blame those Broke Straight Boys models who are really straight, for honestly expressing how they feel about having sex with another man. If they honestly say, "I don't really enjoy sex with another guy", I am fine with taking that at face-value, as long as they are fine with people like me, who DO enjoy sex with another guy! As a lot of the models have shown, both in comments they have made on the videos, and here on the boards. Let's face it, these guys (the ones who are straight) are pushing their boundaries to make a little money - and the nicer ones are coming to appreciate their gay fans, as well. And I am good with that, full stop.

I am also OK with the fact that some (or maybe most) of the models who are really straight, find it more comfortable to perform with other models who are also, straight. Because, in some sense, it has just got to be (or at least SEEM) a little easier - no emotional entanglement, no sense that you are really involved in something that conflicts with your sense of self. (And that is what sexuality is all about, at the bottom line.)

For just this reason, I also think it is the biggest fallacy perpetrated on so many gay boards, that any guy who sucks a penis, or fucks another guy, or gets fucked by another guy, is (just because of those actions) necessarily less than 100 per cent straight. That view stems from a behaviorist, Skinnerian perspective on the world (the notion that behavior is the only thing that matters, not FEELINGS) - and I don't subscribe to that view. I think feelings, and what's inside one's heart and head, matter a whole lot more.

For example. I am 100 per cent gay. I have never kissed a girl. I have never held a girl's hand. I have never DATED a girl. (All the girls who asked me, I turned down, even from the age of 16 - because I knew it would be dishonest, and I knew I could take them precisely NOWHERE, emotionally.)

Still, I'm not BLIND. There are lots of girls, and women, out there (including a number on this board!!!) who are beautiful, kind, sweet, and sexy! I guess, if I looked like a young Kyle MacLachlan, or something (which I certainly do NOT!) - and I were short of money, and some "BrokeGAYGuys" scout said to me, "Hey, A - we'll pay you $ hundred to lick that girl, suck her all over, and make love to her, and even KISS her" ~ I bet I could do it!!! Because maybe I would need the money; maybe I would be charmed by her smile and sense of humour and personality; and maybe (in a moment of general horniness) I could say to myself - "Wow, she is a really goodlooking girl, and what the hell? It would be FUN to get off with her!" But even if I said all that, and DID all that, it still wouldn't make me STRAIGHT.

Just as a human being, I can SEE that there are beautiful WOMEN out there, and, even though I have no desire for them, personally (SEXUALLY) I can still think it's wonderful and inspiring to see them getting sexual pleasure. . . And if I were paid to help them, I suppose I could do it, and might even think it was kind of FUN?!??! But that wouldn't make me even one per cent heterosexual - it would only make me HUMAN. But. . . carrying this little thought-experiment to its conclusion. . . if I were getting paid to do that on a regular basis, I might feel a lot more comfortable if the girls I were getting paid to play with were actually lesbians, so I would KNOW they weren't getting attached to me, or making personal emotional CONNECTIONS to me, which I could never (in good conscience) reciprocate. . . .

So, all I would ask is, when you hear our favourite straight models being interviewed, and saying how they really feel about this job - please: remember that this IS a job for them (if they end up liking us as friends, on the board, that is just a bonus); what they are doing is obviously NOT what they like best, in bed (and they are doing us a favour, by showing us a little bit of their beauty in erotic circumstances); and, just be kind to them.

After all, this is "Broke Straight Boys" - and this is what we all signed up for. As you all know, I am just a fan of male beauty, generally - I don't care if the models are straight, gay, bi, or pansexual. But, since this is Broke Straight Boys, and most of our models are, by definition, straight, I think we ought to respect them and care about them, just as they are, and for WHO they are. IF we can do that, I think, everybody wins.

And the VERY BEST THING that can come out of our interaction with the straight models on Broke Straight Boys, I think, is that, despite their misgivings - because, of course the taboo on male-male sex, but even more, on male-male kindness and emotional intimacy, is so STRONG, in our culture - the more open-minded and inquiring models in the group may come to realize (and the best of them already know) that those of us who are 100 per cent confirmed homosexual guys are not ALWAYS bad people - in fact, the best of US are kind, caring, and friendly people, who are not only glad for the little "morale boost" these straight guys give us: we are also always there to respect OUR friends for who they are, and how they feel. That is a VERY positive outcome, for all our discussions, I think - and one that makes being part of the site, and part of this board, worthwhile :-)))

Last thing, on this topic: Oh, oh, oh. . . BEWARE the fantasy, that a really straight guy who tries gay sex a few times, and discovers it is fun; may try it a few more times, and find it is indispensable; and may try it a few times more, and then "convert". Though this is a myth commonly purveyed by a lot of North American sites - it is NEVER true. It NEVER HAPPENS.

Sure, some guys come to work at sites like Broke Straight Boys because they are secretly curious (though that is the exceptional, rather than the usual case, I think): but, while the spectrum of human sexual inclination is complex and sometimes flexible, in my experience, a straight guy is always gonna be straight, and a gay guy is always gonna be gay. I have never known a truly straight guy who worked in gay modeling, EVER to become gay, because of his experiences on film ~ and honestly, I would never really WANT that, either. (I think, as members of a site like Broke Straight Boys, we have to be careful about letting "wishful thinking" get the better of us ;-)

I think the best that can come of all our experiences on Broke Straight Boys, is just for us to appreciate the beauty we see and hear - AND, come to appreciate one another, for who we ARE. Models, members, staff - everybody.

Those are my thoughts,

"I love you, just the way you are" ~ Billy Joel : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPiK_yGG8ag
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In reading the comments here I was struck by the interaction I had yesterday with one of my former clients who I run into socially form time to time. Rob is around 25. He is from Michigan and has a Mexican mother and Irish father. He is tall, whipcord slender, pasty white with dark brown hair and a real charmer. When he first came to SF he was really freaked out by gay men who were practically lining up to hit on him from the time he walked off the bus. He grew up in a small town where he had no contact with gay people or so he thought. After a few months here he found out that his older brother whom he was living with at the time, was in fact gay. He had no clue at all.

Rob lives with his girlfriend with whom he is infatuated. He works a variety of marginal jobs and so, often has periods of unemployment. He has discovered that gay men will pay him substantial sums of cash to engage in sex with him. So he does this on the downlow so his girlfriend doesn't know [although I think she does]. He has been very upfront with me about his efforts to supplement his income and how he finds it amazing that gay men will pay him for sex. He recently ran into a person who works for a certain website in Las Vegas and they mentioned to him that he could make a substantial sum by engaging in anal sex as the receptive partner of he wished. He surprised me when he told me he was seriously considering it. He explained to me that for that amount a money a little physical discomfort was worth it. His only worry is how he is going to get away form his girlfriend for a weekend to fly to Vegas to do the scene since they live together.

The thing is that Rob considers this as work. He has no sexual interest in men as such. He loves the female form. He once told me he is too chicken to be a criminal and is a lousy thief anyway. He is not smart or well educated enough to get a high paying job. But he is good looking and men like him so why not use what assets he has to his advantage. He now has gay friends and has no issues with gay people but as he puts it, some people like broccoli and some people do not. So I find the comments of the guys here as quite believable. Now some of them may be here just for the money and some may actually be exploring some facet of their psyche in a fashion that is comfortable for them. But I think it is unrealistic to assume that a man who has sex with other men is per se bisexual or gay.
Juan ~

I think you have told it pretty much the way it is. It is really interesting, to me - I've been on a number of European sites where the models are sold as "gay", even though most of them are straight - because that is what the members want to hear. I've been on a number of North American sites where most of the models are always portrayed as "straight", because that is what most of the members want to hear ~ though some of the models are gay or bisexual, in real life - with the hope held out that some of these straight models will get to like gay sex so much, that they are "converted". In BOTH cases, a big play has been made for cultural presuppositions, and members' "wishful thinking".

( I guess that narrative of "transformation" is some guys' wet dream - not mine, though. Because I think it is so fake, and false. In this day and age, with mass media and social media and so many venues on the Internet portraying all facets of human sexuality, openly, I have a sense that most guys have a pretty good idea where they are going, sexually, by the time they are in their late teens. Some may hide their inclinations due to social pressures - and I don't blame them for that - but, I think most young homosexually-inclined men today are not as innocent as some guys in the '50's, '60's, '70's, or even '80's, of the last century: who maybe had no idea that what they were feeling was a genuine human possibility. . . and felt constrained to TRY being straight, just because that seemed like the only acceptable alternative.)

The point being that: if we ever witness a "transformation" here on Broke Straight Boys, it is NOT because gay sex "feels so good", that no one can resist it - it is because the model in question (like, apparently, someone like SHANE) was feeling that way all along, and used the opportunity of working on Broke Straight Boys to explore his innermost, hidden, feelings. (Gay sex feels good to most of US, because we are GAY, and that is where our attraction lies - but it DOESN'T feel all that good to 93 per cent of the male population, and they are called. . . heterosexuals ;-)))) Straight sex feels pretty amazing, to about 93 per cent of men and women the world over, but I can resist it, pretty EASILY! LOL!

Likewise, the truly straight guys we love and adore on here feel just the way they always have, from the moment they sign the contract, till the moment their very last scene is in the can, and they retire - they like women best, and are doing this purely for money - and maybe secondarily, for fun, fame, and friendship. But, if they are really straight (as most of them are) they are NEVER going to "convert" to being gay or bi, just because a guy giving them a blowjob felt good. *I sure WISH gay guys would get OVER, that particular myth.*

I think it is important to recognize these facts, and respect every model who takes the time and risk to share his personal experiences on Broke Straight Boys, for who he is, and what he FEELS. Without judging or second-guessing what his personal sexual identity and feelings, might be. And just like and love every model for who he is, and where he is, in life.

I think it is really awesome that so many of our straight models are recognizing and appreciating US, for who WE ARE. And I think we ought to return the favour.

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If my opinion counts I must say I agree with Stowe and interestingly enough I also changed my opinion about Ayden and Adam... I wish I hadn't watched this and I will just stick to the vids. My new fave is now Johnny and he appreciates the gay/bi models...
Juan ~

I think you have told it pretty much the way it is. It is really interesting, to me - I've been on a number of European sites where the models are sold as "gay", even though most of them are straight - because that is what the members want to hear. I've been on a number of North American sites where most of the models are always portrayed as "straight", because that is what most of the members want to hear ~ though some of the models are gay or bisexual, in real life - with the hope held out that some of these straight models will get to like gay sex so much, that they are "converted". In BOTH cases, a big play has been made for cultural presuppositions, and members' "wishful thinking".

( I guess that narrative of "transformation" is some guys' wet dream - not mine, though. Because I think it is so fake, and false. In this day and age, with mass media and social media and so many venues on the Internet portraying all facets of human sexuality, openly, I have a sense that most guys have a pretty good idea where they are going, sexually, by the time they are in their late teens. Some may hide their inclinations due to social pressures - and I don't blame them for that - but, I think most young homosexually-inclined men today are not as innocent as some guys in the '50's, '60's, '70's, or even '80's, of the last century: who maybe had no idea that what they were feeling was a genuine human possibility. . . and felt constrained to TRY being straight, just because that seemed like the only acceptable alternative.)

The point being that: if we ever witness a "transformation" here on Broke Straight Boys, it is NOT because gay sex "feels so good", that no one can resist it - it is because the model in question (like, apparently, someone like SHANE) was feeling that way all along, and used the opportunity of working on Broke Straight Boys to explore his innermost, hidden, feelings. (Gay sex feels good to most of US, because we are GAY, and that is where our attraction lies - but it DOESN'T feel all that good to 93 per cent of the male population, and they are called. . . heterosexuals ;-)))) Straight sex feels pretty amazing, to about 93 per cent of men and women the world over, but I can resist it, pretty EASILY! LOL!

Likewise, the truly straight guys we love and adore on here feel just the way they always have, from the moment they sign the contract, till the moment their very last scene is in the can, and they retire - they like women best, and are doing this purely for money - and maybe secondarily, for fun, fame, and friendship. But, if they are really straight (as most of them are) they are NEVER going to "convert" to being gay or bi, just because a guy giving them a blowjob felt good. *I sure WISH gay guys would get OVER, that particular myth.*

I think it is important to recognize these facts, and respect every model who takes the time and risk to share his personal experiences on Broke Straight Boys, for who he is, and what he FEELS. Without judging or second-guessing what his personal sexual identity and feelings, might be. And just like and love every model for who he is, and where he is, in life.

I think it is really awesome that so many of our straight models are recognizing and appreciating US, for who WE ARE. And I think we ought to return the favour.


I appreciate your comments and that of the person you quoted however, that just answers one of the questions posed on this thread.

Sure some of the models are genuinely straight and are here just for the money. But they should also show respect to their audience who are primarily gay, and not give off the wall comments that could be (and have on this thread and others) interpreted as homophobic.
I appreciate your comments and that of the person you quoted however, that just answers one of the questions posed on this thread.

Sure some of the models are genuinely straight and are here just for the money. But they should also show respect to their audience who are primarily gay, and not give off the wall comments that could be (and have on this thread and others) interpreted as homophobic.
I think it is unfair to say that the comments made did not show "respect" to the primarily gay audience, or that any of their answers were in any way, "off the wall". They were asked very direct questions, and they responded in very direct answers, expressing their unfiltered thoughts.

I am sure that no malice was intended, and I highly doubt if they even thought that their comments might be taken as offensive by a segment of the viewing audience, as I am 100% gay and saw nothing offensive myself, so how could a straight guy be asked to analyze how some might react to their unfiltered response to a question.

I for one prefer honesty over political correctness, (not that I found the answers politically incorrect myself).
What in the hell is wrong with you people? Do you actually think our models would come here, suck dick, fuck and get fucked by another dude if they were homophobic? Are they not entitled to their own opinions without constantly getting labeled as being homophobic? If they are more comfortable having sex with a straight model, it only means they are more comfortable having sex with a straight model. I, too, am more comfortable having sex with a straight dude. Does that make me homophobic?

I swear, sometimes we are our own worst enemies. We need to start focusing our energy with the REAL problems we face and stop trying to invent problems that just aren't there. Homophobia may be a real problem of our community, but is not one that we have with our models. Our biggest problem with them is to get them to kiss, rim, or eat cum. Our models are here to entertain us and have shown me NO indications that they are here for any other reason. If you can't handle the truth, then STOP ASKING THE QUESTIONS.

My thanks to our models and if you feel more comfortable having sex with a straight dude, it's okay with me.....I'm the same way.
You guys should really chill out instead of firing both guns because I typed the word homophobic.

Read my sentence carefully "off the wall comments that could be (and have on this thread and others) interpreted as homophobic." I was actually referring to other peoples posts on this and other threads and I also used the word INTERPRETED.

What in the hell is wrong with you people? Do you actually think our models would come here, suck dick, fuck and get fucked by another dude if they were homophobic? Are they not entitled to their own opinions without constantly getting labeled as being homophobic? If they are more comfortable having sex with a straight model, it only means they are more comfortable having sex with a straight model. I, too, am more comfortable having sex with a straight dude. Does that make me homophobic?

I swear, sometimes we are our own worst enemies. We need to start focusing our energy with the REAL problems we face and stop trying to invent problems that just aren't there. Homophobia may be a real problem of our community, but is not one that we have with our models. Our biggest problem with them is to get them to kiss, rim, or eat cum. Our models are here to entertain us and have shown me NO indications that they are here for any other reason. If you can't handle the truth, then STOP ASKING THE QUESTIONS.

My thanks to our models and if you feel more comfortable having sex with a straight dude, it's okay with me.....I'm the same way.

Rob, if you are trying to get at me with that post you couldn't be further away from the truth. I don't give a fuck if the models don't post here or that we have another BTS, as I stated in an earlier thread. I watch the films and don't want or wish to know about their private lives.
I don't give a fuck if the models don't post here or that we have another BTS, as I stated in an earlier thread. I watch the films and don't want or wish to know about their private lives.
I think that is a sensible attitude Jon, that if you are only interested in watching their performances in the sex scenes, that you should not read the model posts or watch the BTS, where they reveal more about the real man behind the model in the scene.

I however enjoy getting to "know" the real guys behind the scenes, and for me it enhances my enjoyment of the sex scenes to have a bit of insight into the guys. That is why I preferred David's approach of a more extensive interview before the sex, where he asked them if they were gay, bi or straight, and if they had a girlfriend, etc.

Either way is fine. I only object when the models do give us an honest glimpse into their real feelings about these matters, and others on the forum put them down for being honest. Those who are not interested in their private lives and thoughts shouldn't watch the BTS, or certainly not make negative comments about their honest answers, if they are not the answers that they wanted to hear.
Rob, if you are trying to get at me with that post you couldn't be further away from the truth. I don't give a fuck if the models don't post here or that we have another BTS, as I stated in an earlier thread. I watch the films and don't want or wish to know about their private lives.
I wasn't pointing my finger at you, Jon, and that couldn't be further from the truth either. I'm just tired of people constantly trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. These models have the right to give an honest answer when asked a question without always being bashed by the "homophobe accusers". As I said before, if these guys are homophobes for preferring performing their gay sex with a straight dude, then I am a homophobe too, because that's exactly how I like it.