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Bts-straight talk #3 - Too Much Info for Me


Ye Olde Curmudgeon
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
This BTS-Straight Talk episode was a bunch of bullshit. I probably shouldn't be writing this now because I am so aggravated that I know some of the things I will say might very well upset some of my forumite friends, but I can't help it. This is how I feel after having watched this shortly after it was posted and I wanted my comments to reflect my views as they are now and not later. So my comments follow in no particular order, more stream of consciousness:

1. What is the ultimate audience for these Straight Talk episodes? It seems to me given the setting and the canned applause and commerciasl breaks, that the ultimate audience would be those who are watching BSB TV in the future? In no other BTS's except Straight Talk episodes are there commercial breaks and canned applause, so those things are not really meant for or necessary for any thing intended for site members only.

2. The question "Are you really straight?" was a setup. These guys are working for a site called Broke Straight Boys Do you think they would admit to being gay or bi even if they were? Of course not, they have an image to uphold if they were.

One of the questions sha should have asked was "how do you guys stay hard? I would like to know how many take the little blue pill? Johnny on an aside intimated that he did. This question would set up an interesting dilemma for them. On the one hand, they think they are all straight studs so would they admit they need help in achieving an erection; or wanting to reinforce that they are not gay, that they take the little blue pill so they can perform.

3. Some of the comments made really show how much these guys, despite working for a gay-owned business and being around gay management and going to pride events, still hold certain stereotypes about gays. The whole I'd rather not work with a gay model because they would enjoy it shows the typical straight view that gays lust after straight men first and foremost. I was particularly disappointed when Ayden not only said this but also made a disgusted look on his face. I know I will incur mikeyanks's wrath for saying this, but this combined with a few other comments Ayden made and the way he said them and the facial expression which accompanied them, gave me the impression that he might be tinged with a bit of homophobia.

4. When sha said something to the effect that not every single performer on the site has been straight, I thought to myself facetiously ' "Really?'. Look at Broke Straight Boys 1.0: just off the top of my head I can list guys who were gay or bi: Nelson, Skyler, Zaak, Austin, Cousin Mikey & his cousin, one of the Seans, Jimmy Slater, Austin. In the newer iterations of Broke Straight Boys, the issue of sexual orientation is never brought up and we are supposed to believe that everyone is straight with the exception of a few cases where it was so obvious there was no need to mention it or the models said so themselves. And then there's gaydar which most of us possess. Not always accurate, but a pretty good judgement tool.

5. I do have to compliment them on the issue of kissing. They said that was the hardest part. Yet to their credit they have all come to perform that function quite well, except for Ayden who I don't think has ever kissed or if he has it has been rare.

I am discouraged by what transpired in this video. It seems to me that management while it is paying these guys for sex scenes, given that the owner and most of the staff are gay, should use this time to educate these guys so when the are finished at Broke Straight Boys, they will have not only earned alot of money, but also learned something about gay people and what are true stereotypes and which ones aren't.

Unfortunately for me, I come away from this video with views about some of these guys which are different in a bad way from those which I held about them beforehand. That is the danger in any of these types of undertakings. Maybe from now on, I'll steer clear of these up close and peresonal bts's.
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Somethiing to think about!

This BTS-Straight Talk episode was a bunch of bullshit. I probably shouldn't be writing this now because I am so aggravated that I know some of the things I will say might very well upset some of my forumite friends, but I can't help it. This is how I feel after having watched this shortly after it was posted and I wanted my comments to reflect my views as they are now and not later. So my comments follow in no particular order, more stream of consciousness:

1. What is the ultimate audience for these Straight Talk episodes? It seems to me given the setting and the canned applause and commerciasl breaks, that the ultimate audience would be those who are watching BSB TV in the future? In no other BTS's except Straight Talk episodes are there commercial breaks and canned applause, so those things are not really meant for or necessary for any thing intended for site members only.

2. The question "Are you really straight?" was a setup. These guys are working for a site called Broke Straight Boys Do you think they would admit to being gay or bi even if they were? Of course not, they have an image to uphold if they were. One of the questions sha should have asked was "how do you guys stay hard? I would like to know how many take the little blue pill? Johnny on an aside intimated that he did. This question would set up an interesting dilemma for them. On the one hand, they think they are all straight studs so would they admit they need help in achieving an erection; or wanting to reinforce that they are not gay, that they take the little blue pill so they can perform.

3. Some of the comments made really show how much these guys, despite working for a gay-owned business and being around gay management and going to pride events, still hold certain stereotypes about gays. The whole I'd rather not work with a gay model because they would enjoy it shows the typical straight view that gays lust after straight men first and foremost. I was particularly disappointed when Ayden not only said this but also made a disgusted look on his face. I know I will incur mikeyanks's wrath for saying this, but this combined with a few other comments Ayden made and the way he said them and the facial expression which accompanied them, gave me the impression that he might be tinged with a bit of homophobia.

4. When sha said something to the effect that not every single performer on the site has been straight, I thought to myself facetiously ' "Really?'. Look at Broke Straight Boys 1.0: just off the top of my head I can list guys who were gay or bi: Nelson, Skyler, Zaak, Austin, Cousin Mikey & his cousin, one of the Seans, Jimmy Slater, Austin. In the newer iterations of Broke Straight Boys, the issue of sexual orientation is never brought up and we are supposed to believe that everyone is straight with the exception of a few cases where it was so obvious there was no need to mention it or the models said so themselves. And then there's gaydar which most of us possess. Not always accurate, but a pretty good judgement tool.

5. I do have to compliment them on the issue of kissing. They said that was the hardest part. Yet to their credit they have all come to perform that function quite well, except for Ayden who I don't think has ever kissed or if he has it has been rare.

I am discouraged by what transpired in this video. It seems to me that management while it is paying these guys for sex scenes, given that the owner and most of the staff are gay, should use this time to educate these guys so when the are finished at Broke Straight Boys, they will have not only earned alot of money, but also learned something about gay people and what are true stereotypes and which ones aren't.

Unfortunately for me, I come away from this video with views about some of these guys which are different in a bad way from those which I held about them beforehand. That is the danger in any of these types of undertakings. Maybe from now on, I'll steer clear of these up close and peresonal bts's.

Dear Stowe,

I have to agree big time with your astute observations about this interview and its many implications to all of us members. Further, I must add that I used to worry about models eventually leaving Broke Straight Boys with a bad taste in their mouth(unrelated to swallowing and/or rinsing their mouth with semen) feeling used. Rather, I worried about them feeling they had been compromised, selling their bodies for financial gain only. I actually worried about them feeling victimized indirectly from their modeling experience on our behalf.

For this BTS-Straight Talk interview to suggest that gay models are so very few and far between and that the straight models actually would rather not share a scene with a gay model on this gay site, it makes me angry to think about as many gay guys that could profit financially by being a Broke Straight Boys model! Just the thought prospective gay models are not essentially being given a equitable chance on their own merit to compete with straight guys for modeling slots MAKES ME DOWNRIGHT MAD!

Just ask yourself, "who obviously has the inside track here on Broke Straight Boys"? Certainly it is not prospective models that are Gay. What is wrong with this picture other than to suggest that "We gays on this Gay site don't even support our own kind"! WHAT A DISAPPOINTIING THING TO SAY ABOUT US AS PATRONS OF Broke Straight Boys! What is wrong with this picture? I do understand gays nationally are a small percentage of the overall population, but then SO ARE ANY MINORITY! "Why would this gay site be more supportive of non-gays models in their recruiting efforts? It just goes to reinforce the "underlying homophobia" present on this Gay site, having little interest in correcting this obvious flaw. Back during the BSB1 days, we used to look for the transformation of newbies to begin leaning toward developing either a "Bi" or "Gay" sexual orientation after they had accepted the inevitable predispositions about them self. Now, this is not even considered as a possibility.

I am interested to hear your response and that of others to my post.


My opinion is the models have to act "straight" as this is the premise of the site. When actually we all know that these models are gay or at the least bi. Whether they admit it or not in their personnel lives thats their dilemma. But the fact is straight guys don't suck, kiss, rim and fuck other guys. But with that being said the straighter acting model is a better model for this site regardless of his comments, because we all know the truth.
I won't ever complain about a BTS because I watch every one from start to finish, which is more than I do for some of the scenes, but getting to know the models through BTS and through reading their posts on the forum can be a doubled edged sword for me...sometimes I hear responses I like and want to learn more about them, and sometimes learning more about them just kills their charm...
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I absolutely LOVED this segment. Sha asked all the questions that I always have in my mind when watching these guys, especially the regulars who return repeatedly. And as I've said many times in the past, while Johnny Forza does not rank as a favorite sexual performer of mine, (I'm just not into his body type), the more I see him in the BTS, the more I love him. He is funny, personable, confident, and charming. In fact his boyish smile as he is joking round turns me on and makes me want to see his sex scenes more as he impresses me as a very cool guy, who I would enjoy spending time with, drinking a beer and having a good time with.

As Stowe and others know, my favorite performer on the site right now is Ayden, and I was thrilled to see that Sha finally got Ayden to appear in a BTS, as while he is totally the hottest guy around, he has been mostly an enigma to me. From his first solo, I was extremely turned on and thought that he appeared very straight, but when I watched his shower scene with Gabe, where it was basically Ayden sucking Gabe, I was surprised and disappointed for in my mind, a beautiful creature like Ayden is the one who should be worshipped, and pleasured. But this segment did give me some insight into the real young guy and I was very impressed.

I learned that Ayden has a girlfriend who knows what he does when he visits Denver, and while she is not thrilled with his "side job", she understands and accepts it, and the fact that he sat down with his parents and told his dad what he does, and he did not get the negative reaction that he expected, showed me an integrity in Ayden that he was not going to continue to lie to his parents, and I respect his father for being so open and accepting of his son.

I honestly did not see any homophobia in any of these models, as had been suggested by my friends Stowe and Stimpy, previously in this thread. But I can understand where you guys are coming from, however I have a very different perspective.

I believe that Peter expressed my exact feelings on this issue when he said:
My opinion is the models have to act "straight" as this is the premise of the site. When actually we all know that these models are gay or at the least bi. Whether they admit it or not in their personnel lives thats their dilemma. But the fact is straight guys don't suck, kiss, rim and fuck other guys. But with that being said the straighter acting model is a better model for this site regardless of his comments, because we all know the truth.
I agree that no totally straight guy, a Kinsey "0" could appear here and do what they do, but I also believe that Ayden, Johnny, Adam, Skyler and Liam expressed to us exactly what their own thought process is, and I don't think that any of them was lying to us, but instead that they feel the need to lie to themselves about the total experience of having gay sex for money. These are very young guys anywhere from 18-22, and I know of many guys who did not admit to themselves that they had at least a bisexual side until they were much older, and some can never admit it to themselves at all, but that is okay too. I loved the reality of this scene as well as the honesty expressed by them. I totally believe that they believe what they told us and that is very good.

I rank this episode along with the recent BTS where Sha was actually on set with Johnny & Adam during their pool scene as being my two favorite BTS, for the guys discussed the way they justify to themselves what they do here, and the raw honestly was a turn-on for me in both segments.

Thank you Sha for giving me exactly what I wanted to see, and thank you to the six guys who appeared for being as open and honest about their thought process, and a bit more about their real lives, and I especially want to thank Ayden for finally giving me a glimpse into the man behind the beautiful body, and I sure hope to see a lot more of this type of introspective BTS in the future. I loved every minute of this segment.
Blue Media and its models are very courageous (or is it unconscious enough?) to be willing to peal so much of amateur gay porn's glamour off : some of those answers were downright chilling - Liam's getting into gay porn for fear of his life especially (hyperbole or not, he sure seemed to have first researched entering straight porn thoroughly), Ayden's mysterious fines, ...

This is very disarming, as I don't know how much is purely marketing the site ("gay performers, eww" is nothing new at Broke Straight Boys, as per Spencer Todd exit interview for example) and trying to appeal to the members' mother instinct (gotta get that cam usage up) and how much is living in that morally grey area for so long (Sha repeatedly wondering why the models run out of their fees and asking to return so fast speak of personal lives somewhat in shambles and being unable to fix them).

I understand that it's not in management's best interest that the models get their lives back on track and quit the site quickly, especially if they are popular (Johnny's willingness to discuss his exclusivity contract, much to Sha's horror, was interesting - I wonder how the payments are spaced out so Johnny's kept on a leash) and that the excuses "it's okay to make mistakes when you're young" and "personal responsibility" are going to come up if some discussion sparks up from this update, but still I'd be a little relieved when, on an upcoming episode, a model simply proffers "because I'm an exhibitionist" as the reason to get into this line of business!

Once again, Johnny came off the best as being relatively the most guilt-free...
Before I write this let me say that I appreciate MikeYank's fantasy and I would like him to be happy and content in it. That said, these sequences do no one any service, not the patrons or the models. It exposes the model's ignorance and stupidity and does the management really want everyone to know any of this. With a gay man recently murdered in NYC and gay bashing in that city on the rise do we really need to know that these guy don't want to perform with a gay model because he would enjoy it too much. Give me a fucking break. If you don't like it or find it disgusting, don't do it. Believe me Mike there are far more attractive guys who would fulfill your fantasies and not be as ignorant and regressive as "Ayden". The only advice I have for that young man is, get another job. A note to management: When you trot these guys out, please remember that these are "Pride" events. DO you think people really want to know that the people at their Pride events are disgusted by them
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I enjoyed the BTS and Liam saying that being with a straight guy is easier as did Ayden was their opinion. On a side note Liam is on College Dudes even though it is old he does not have the sleeve or piercing he gets fucked and he must be one heck of an actor cause that scene has more passion than any scene he has done on Broke Straight Boys I enjoyed Johnny,Syler, and Adams openness and agree that no true straight person would do gay for pay. The fact is straight porn does not pay as much even Johnny would not make too much in this industry where the females make top pay. Ayden remarks are ignorant there have been many gay Broke Straight Boys models and because you are gay does not mean you would enjoy the scene. Their still has to be some chemistry there. Ayden can try straight porn and get his 300 dollars a scene and see how much he likes it then. There seem to be an overwhelming belief by straight guys every gay guy wants them. This is not true we have our on body types and features that we like just as straight guys do with girls so Ayden really needs to get over himself. Next time Broke Straight Boys needs to try educating these dumb asses before putting them in front of a cameras.
I forgot to add this but Liam saying he could let his mind go and leave his body caught my attention. This disturbed me cause many child abuse or sexual abuse children do this to cope with the abuse. They never get rid of this coping mechanism which is why Liam saying this was disturbing to me.
Before I write this let me say that I appreciate MikeYank's fantasy and I would like him to be happy and content in it. That said, these sequences do no one any service, not the patrons or the models. It exposes the model's ignorance and stupidity and does the management really want everyone to know any of this. With a gay man recently murdered in NYC and gay bashing in that city on the rise do we really need to know that these guy don't want to perform with a gay model because he would enjoy it too much. Give me a fucking break. If you don't like it or find it disgusting, don't do it. Believe me Mike there are far more attractive guys who would fulfill your fantasies and not be as ignorant and regressive as "Ayden". The only advice I have for that young man is, get another job. A note to management: When you trot these guys out, please remember that these are "Pride" events. DO you think people really want to know that the people at their Pride events are disgusted by them
For a man who identifies himself as being straight to say that he does not enjoy gay sex or feel comfortable having sex with a gay man is exactly what I would expect for him to say, and to compare any of these guys with the sick motherfucker who took out a gun last week and murdered a man in the street for being gay is a rather odd comparison.

I really see no comparison between a person rolling his eyes, or shaking his head in a disgusted manner about kissing a man, or making love to him, and being a hateful homophobe who wants to beat up or even kill a gay man, and I am actually offended by your comparison. If I were to sit down with a group of gay peers in a lighthearted session, as this was, and be asked about my having sex with a woman, and perhaps going down on her, I would have the same reactions as these guys did, rolling my eyes, and perhaps making similar comments. Does this mean I am likely to take out a gun and go shoot a woman in the street for being a heterosexual?

Jimmy Johnson, the poster boy for BSB2 was known for rolling his eyes, and shaking his head, and blatantly declaring that he does not enjoy gay sex and needs to take a Viagra to get hard, and that he is not gay, yet he attended almost if not all of the Pride events during his year of employment at Broke Straight Boys, and from all of the BTS which I watched, and from my personal discussion with Sha at last year's NYC Pride event, Jimmy was always polite and respectful to all of the gay men he encountered. He put his arms around the bare torsos of the attendee's, and hugged them for the photo opportunities, and was always respectful to the gay community.

You call this my fantasy, but it is actually a reality that there are many young men such as these guys who have girlfriends, or wives, live in straight society, call themselves straight, yet are capable of having gay sex for pay, and in no way does their declaring their heterosexuality make them "ignorant" or "regressive". They may not be truly in touch with all of their inner feelings regarding sexuality, but that does not offend me in the least. They are being real, which is what I thought was the purpose of this "straight talk" segment. I saw and heard nothing in this segment which "offended" me in any way.
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I watched this last night, with headphones so that I could hear as much as possible. I am glad I waited to comment.

I decided to reserve judgement on Ayden, because number one, I don't know how much of that was real or staged....and number two, there were so many times that what Ayden or Skyler was saying was completely drowned out by Johnny's constant talking, that I don't feel like I got an accurate picture.

Over all, I walked away from this BTS worried about Liam, and wishing someone would have told Johnny that this scene had five guys in it, and wasn't just about him.
Of course, Mike I knew that would be your reaction. Before you further leap to the defense of these guy I am not saying that they are homicidal. I am simply pointing out that if this is so offensive to them they should seek alternate employment. These boys are not your friends and they will not react on the same level that you expect from your friends. This whole thing with these guys always seems to me me like deeply internalized homophobia while having sex on camera for pay with other guys. I think the dichotomy is seriously damaging and I hope that eventual understanding will dawn. Given that, I will also say that I don't want to hear homophobic opinions with my porn. I am sure that not all of them have the opinions expressed by a few and I am glad that the boys they take to Pride events don't get nasty and violent with people who come up to the booth. This is a business and I am sure business rules every decision. I would expect no less.
i have the feeling that i watched very different behind the scenes than is being commented upon in this thread.
straight guys having gay sex, thinking 'hey dude! it's ok to this, but you aren't suppose to enjoy it.' well... . sounds wierd, but not phobic.
overall i thought this bts was well done.
Jimmy Johnson, the poster boy for BSB2 was known for rolling his eyes, and shaking his head, and blatantly declaring that he does not enjoy gay sex and needs to take a Viagra to get hard, and that he is not gay, yet he attended almost if not all of the Pride events during his year of employment at Broke Straight Boys, and from all of the BTS which I watched, and from my personal discussion with Sha at last year's NYC Pride event, Jimmy was always polite and respectful to all of the gay men he encountered. He put his arms around the bare torsos of the attendee's, and hugged them for the photo opportunities, and was always respectful to the gay community.
mike i had to copy this because it points out that there is a difference between what people believe and what is true.
i have straight friends who don't think having gay sex would be a good thing. that doesn't make them bad people.
i have the feeling that i watched very different behind the scenes than is being commented upon in this thread.
straight guys having gay sex, thinking 'hey dude! it's ok to this, but you aren't suppose to enjoy it.' well... . sounds wierd, but not phobic.
overall i thought this bts was well done.
Jimmy Johnson, the poster boy for BSB2 was known for rolling his eyes, and shaking his head, and blatantly declaring that he does not enjoy gay sex and needs to take a Viagra to get hard, and that he is not gay, yet he attended almost if not all of the Pride events during his year of employment at Broke Straight Boys, and from all of the BTS which I watched, and from my personal discussion with Sha at last year's NYC Pride event, Jimmy was always polite and respectful to all of the gay men he encountered. He put his arms around the bare torsos of the attendee's, and hugged them for the photo opportunities, and was always respectful to the gay community.
mike i had to copy this because it points out that there is a difference between what people believe and what is true.
i have straight friends who don't think having gay sex would be a good thing. that doesn't make them bad people.

While others may have watched a very different behind the scenes, I saw the same well done, interesting and entertaining video that you did, and I found nothing offensive that was said. Our friend Sha who is a proud, openly gay man has a marvelous rapport working with the straight models, both on these BTS videos, and as we both know from personal experience, at the live pride events as well, and I feel confident if he were offended by any of their responses, he would have called them out on them too.

To those who saw this video very differently than you and I did, all I can say is that perception can be reality, and as human beings, we can all react differently to the same situations and to the same words spoken. It is all part of the human condition.
I forgot to add this but Liam saying he could let his mind go and leave his body caught my attention. This disturbed me cause many child abuse or sexual abuse children do this to cope with the abuse. They never get rid of this coping mechanism which is why Liam saying this was disturbing to me.

I had the same reaction to Liam's statement. It's sad to say but, historically, quite a few porn actors, both straight and gay, have had rough or abusive childhoods. This segment was a sharp reminder of that. As a side note, I hope Liam got out of whatever trouble he managed to get himself into when he first began working for Broke Straight Boys
Adam by the way has been with a gay model Alex Case and he was not hard and did not seem to enjoy it. So there goes that theory.
Adam by the way has been with a gay model Alex Case and he was not hard and did not seem to enjoy it. So there goes that theory.
I'm not sure which theory you are referring to Keylow, but Adam has told us many times that he is straight, and even discussed it on the BTS with Johnny in the pool, with Sha as well as on this BTS.

But Adam is a great sexual performer, both topping and bottoming, and he was apparently a big hit at his Gay Pride event too. Adam is exactly the type of model I enjoy watching on Broke Straight Boys, young, handsome, great body, hot face and straight oriented. If I didn't care if the model considered himself straight or gay, then I would probably be a member of College Dudes, where the model's sexuality is not an issue. I openly admit that I have a fetish for young handsome straight guys, and that is why I've been a loyal member of this site for so long.
I'm not sure which theory you are referring to Keylow, but Adam has told us many times that he is straight, and even discussed it on the BTS with Johnny in the pool, with Sha as well as on this BTS.

But Adam is a great sexual performer, both topping and bottoming, and he was apparently a big hit at his Gay Pride event too. Adam is exactly the type of model I enjoy watching on Broke Straight Boys, young, handsome, great body, hot face and straight oriented. If I didn't care if the model considered himself straight or gay, then I would probably be a member of College Dudes, where the model's sexuality is not an issue. I openly admit that I have a fetish for young handsome straight guys, and that is why I've been a loyal member of this site for so long.

I was referring to his statement about being with a gay or straight model. I like Adam also I was just stating facts.
Upon Further review

I first watched this when I woke up early this morning, and in this situation the audio quality was fantastic, and I had to keep the sound down, so as not to wake the neighbors, but I just gave it a second viewing, after reading and responding to this thread, and these ae my observations after a second viewing.

Johnny did not volunteer that he was an exclusive model with Broke Straight Boys It was Sha who stated it. Sha is also the one who specifically asked each of the models if they preferred to do a scene with a straight or a gay dude. The model's did not just volunteer that information, but were responding to a direct question. If you ask a question, you need to expect a direct answer and I am a bit confused why their answers were taken as being homophobic.

Johnny was the only one who seemed to prefer having a gay guy in his scene with him, because he is a "pleaser". When he said that, I kept thinking back to his scene with "dorky" Joey, who clearly loved Johnny's big cock and seemed to want more and more of Johnny. Liam also did mention that he liked fucking Brade Castro who he said was a gay dude, because he was easier to fuck, as his ass seemed more like a pussy. Ayden, Adam and Skyler all expressed feeling more comfortable with another straight guy, which I can understand, based on their value systems. They didn't put down gay partners, but only said they were more comfortable with a fellow straight guy.

I also paid particular attention to Sha asking how they feel about people in their real lives, who know what they do here accusing them of being gay, and I loved Ayden's answer of "I don't care", what they think. That showed me a very enlightened approach, which apparently comes from his family upbringing as he also told us that his father was very understanding of how he makes all that money, whereas Johnny said that he thought his grandparent's would prefer to think that he was a drug dealer. Obviously they were brought up in very different families with very different values.

One last observation was of one of the black and white "commercials" shown during the break was obviously the artsy work of Damian Christopher, I believe his name is. It was of our hot sultry Daniel getting naked in a shower with Angel, and tongue kissing. Is this a scene which we have not yet seen? Daniel's eyes look amazing even in black and white. I do believe that Daniel has the right stuff to be a star on Broke Straight Boys

Again, I found this episode a fascinating look into the real guys who portray their characters on Broke Straight Boys, and I look forward to many more of Sha's asking the hard questions of the models. I love reality and this was more real than most of what I am accustomed to watching on Broke Straight Boys, and I definitely loved it. Thank you to Sha and thank you to the models for some very revealing answers.