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BSB revisited: TAZ and the Amish boy (Jan 2007)


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Dallas TX
Hey guys,

I had this idea of revisiting some older episodes once a week and talk about them :) This week, I'll start with Hot damn Taz :001_tt1: and the "Amish" boy.

Taz has been one of my all-time favorites and I miss him :) He's just hot hot hot, he could fuck a door, I would still watch him lol Anyway, I like the "Amish" boy as well, I mean he's not hot HOT, but he's alright. Tyler is hot, and the guy next to him, well, let's say that my eyes didn't pay much attention to him. Just not my type.

I have to admit, I know a little about Amish, so when I heard "Ron Springer", I was totally lost and wondered if it was related to Jerry Springer lol So yeah i had to check it out, and saw that it was "Rumspringa" lol

Anyway, at the beginning when David tells the guys that Jona is Amish, I love Taz's reaction... he had that 'oh yeah cool" look, but then when David asked if they knew what Amish was, Taz's face went from "I know" to "mmm WTF is that?" LOL I don't know, it made me laugh.

Taz and Tyler definitely have big cocks and watching Jona trying to suck on both at the same time is pretty hot. Poor guy couldn't go far though lol

I skip a lot of things and go straight to my favorite scene. Da penetration!!!
Ok there is nothing hotter than watching a guy taking on a dick and hurting lol That's my kinky side coming out. I just love it. And watching Jona's face at that moment turned me on a lot. Now 18.58 minutes when Taz slaps his ass and tries to get deeper is sooooo HOT!

I love that episode and I enjoy it everytime I watch it :)
So your turns, what did you like? What didn't you?

PS: I didn't check what i typed so sorry for mispells and grammar mistakes. :)
That was a very hot scene. I loved it when Jona took both Taz's and Tyler's dicks in his mouth at the same time. I think straight Tyler liked having Taz's dick rubbing up against his. He wasn't complaining any! It's a shame Tyler couldn't have stayed around longer. Short cute twinkish kid. BIG dick. LOL Jona was awesome in this one.

Okay... I gotta go watch it again. haha
Hey guys,

I had this idea of revisiting some older episodes once a week and talk about them :) This week, I'll start with Hot damn Taz :001_tt1: and the "Amish" boy.

Taz has been one of my all-time favorites and I miss him :) He's just hot hot hot, he could fuck a door, I would still watch him lol Anyway, I like the "Amish" boy as well, I mean he's not hot HOT, but he's alright. Tyler is hot, and the guy next to him, well, let's say that my eyes didn't pay much attention to him. Just not my type.

I have to admit, I know a little about Amish, so when I heard "Ron Springer", I was totally lost and wondered if it was related to Jerry Springer lol So yeah i had to check it out, and saw that it was "Rumspringa" lol

Anyway, at the beginning when David tells the guys that Jona is Amish, I love Taz's reaction... he had that 'oh yeah cool" look, but then when David asked if they knew what Amish was, Taz's face went from "I know" to "mmm WTF is that?" LOL I don't know, it made me laugh.

Taz and Tyler definitely have big cocks and watching Jona trying to suck on both at the same time is pretty hot. Poor guy couldn't go far though lol

I skip a lot of things and go straight to my favorite scene. Da penetration!!!
Ok there is nothing hotter than watching a guy taking on a dick and hurting lol That's my kinky side coming out. I just love it. And watching Jona's face at that moment turned me on a lot. Now 18.58 minutes when Taz slaps his ass and tries to get deeper is sooooo HOT!

I love that episode and I enjoy it everytime I watch it :)
So your turns, what did you like? What didn't you?

PS: I didn't check what i typed so sorry for mispells and grammar mistakes. :)

Taz was a great fucker, Jona was lucky to have him break him in. Tyler was great as well and yes the other guy was unmemorable, even in his other scenes.

I like the insert of Jona's face when he is coming. That must have been one helluva orgasm. My hubbie worked at a gay bar in an Amish area, the boys are required t o use the back door by the elders but they are not forbidden to go there. Basically it's ok to fuck and suck until you are married, then it's all about family!

Stephane, that is a great idea discussing the older scenes. Especially since some of those are the ones we all go back to for a good wank!
Watched one of the Amish boy's solos today, loved it.

He was up for anything...David, you perv...playing with such delicate innocence..YUM! I bet you wore that leather wristband to enhance his submission...from the timbre and lilt of your voice, I would never guess you as a top ;)...was def hot to watch.

Steve, I think the scene you are speaking of is the one where Amboy is desparate for money. Was hot. I had to keep reminding myself that we all have choices. Desparation is something I have never known. Perhaps there are degrees of desparation. Amboy's degree is unsettling. Tyler's is not. To save the farm was right out of Rebecca of Donnybrooke or The Perils of Pauline. I make those comparisons because the fictions were just that. I know you must create, at least in some small part, some of your episodes. I hope this was one. Amboy did what he must and I fear it may be truer than I would like to jack off to. I did though. I would have liked to see our guys give up some of their money to help Amboy.

Do you know whether or not he returned to his home after the Rumspringa?

I like your idea of taking episodes to workshop and using our comments to better Broke Straight Boys I would take it a step further. Take, for example, all of Amboy's episodes, put them in chronological order and post...then open the forum to growth.
Yes the Broke Straight Boys revisited idea is a good one and one a British site has been doing for a while. The forum members get to choose a date when to post a previous film but it takes some co ordinating by the organiser. On the british site is fairly easy because the membership is not so large, to do a similar membership run thing on Broke Straight Boys may prove difficult unless someone has the time, inspiration and patience to do it.

I have just watched two films recommended by member Funtimes on the "What happened to" thread, so the concept of recommending your favourite films really works for me.

Re this thread film Taz and Amis; I watched it a short while ago and liked it a lot.
I am in! I love the Taz & Jonah vids. Farm boys really do me, or rather it, for me! (OOOOPS!) Jonah's innocenceis easy to believe, and ITA about the pain he endures from penetration by Taz.

I have a few other faves, when you're ready guys, let me know and we can talk!
Give you a hint or two? OK, one involves a hot blonde who kisses, the other involves some leather!!
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