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BSB Ratings this YEAR vs. Last Year


Well-known Member
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
With all the discussion on the various threads about the scenes, models, general direction of Broke Straight Boys I decided to see where Broke Straight Boys and selected models stand this year vs. last year. I thought this might have a message on where Broke Straight Boys is or is not going. So I used the first 23 scenes from this year and compared the ratings to last eyars first 23 scenes. I then used the models whom we seem to talk about the most (be it good or bad). For last year I used some models not filimng this year. Models had to do a mimimum of 2 scenes. I chose those models whom, in my opinion for the two years have received them most feedback on. So Here is what I discovered:


Ave. rating 23 scenes = 4.12
# of ratins < 4 = 6
highest rated = 4.67
lowest rated = 3.16 (solo)
# of solos = 4

Key Model Ratings

Kayden = 4.07 (3 scenes)
Paul = 4.07 (4)
Justin = 4.49 (4)
Vadium = 4.53 (4)

Highest scene Vadium/Justin 4.67


Ave. rating 23 scenes = 4.02
# ratings , 4 = 10
Highest rating = 4.64
Lowest rating = 3.09
Solos = 4

Key model Ratings

Jason = 3.98 (3)
Kayden = 4.05 (2)
Damien = 4.12 (6)
Dakota = 4.14 (5)
Johnny F. = 4.38 (2)
Paul = 4.41 (2)
Vadium = 4.56 (2)

Highest Scene Vadium (solo) 4.64

Some conclusions: This years scenes are doing better and with fewer scenes under 4.0.
Kayden, Damien, Jason & Dakota are some of the lowest rated models via the scenes they were in.
Vadium is the Hottest model wih an over 4.53 rating in 6 scenes. (none uder 4.4)
Justin has the second highest ave. He has 3 scenes over 4.5.

Granted the scenes rating may reflect the second model, but if a model is a favorite, would it not move the total rating???

I made the selections of models and if you felt I should add others (Tate, Cage Kafig, Sergio, Antonio, David) I could if you desire.

To be honest, I did not expect to see that this years ratings would be higher. One thing that needs to be noted, only a small % of members regularly post on the forum. (I'm not one, but Mike, Tampa, Jon truly are regulars). So perhaps the silent majority of members are happy with what is being presented hence the higher ratings this year vs last.

Now it is your turn to comment.

Live Long and Prosper,

It has been pointed out before Vicekid that ratings are higher lately than in the past, as your numbers illustrate. But we do not know how many members the site has now as opposed to in 2014 or in past years. So while the "satisfied customers" are giving high scores to the current crop of models, but it may be a much smaller pool doing the voting than in the past. All I can go by is the forum, which seems to get less and less active as time goes by, and I notice names from the past no longer posting and perhaps no longer members. Some say goodbye, but most just let their membership lapse and they are gone.

For a short while Mark had a staff member known as Webmonkey who told us that ratings, forum comments and messages and emails to management all count in helping determine the popularity of the models. But he also said the main factor is the number of hits to a scene, which is a number we are not privy to (nor is it any of our business). But I also I cannot unequivocally say the higher ratings equate with the site doing great at this time. I love Broke Straight Boys and of course this forum, and I'd love for the site to continue onward and upward, but signs are telling me that these are not "the best of times", and that saddens me.
It has been pointed out before Vicekid that ratings are higher lately than in the past, as your numbers illustrate. But we do not know how many members the site has now as opposed to in 2014 or in past years. So while the "satisfied customers" are giving high scores to the current crop of models, but it may be a much smaller pool doing the voting than in the past. All I can go by is the forum, which seems to get less and less active as time goes by, and I notice names from the past no longer posting and perhaps no longer members. Some say goodbye, but most just let their membership lapse and they are gone.

For a short while Mark had a staff member known as Webmonkey who told us that ratings, forum comments and messages and emails to management all count in helping determine the popularity of the models. But he also said the main factor is the number of hits to a scene, which is a number we are not privy to (nor is it any of our business). But I also I cannot unequivocally say the higher ratings equate with the site doing great at this time. I love Broke Straight Boys and of course this forum, and I'd love for the site to continue onward and upward, but signs are telling me that these are not "the best of times", and that saddens me.
I've been a member for one and a half years. Here are some of my opinions for what they are worth.

I have become disillusioned by Paul and Damien. I still give them a 5 when they have a scene but was saddened when heard them talk of their not liking the fans and Damien going on about how sick he was of the same questions at the pride events. It just doesn't make me want to see them as much as I used to. I do understand it must get old but so does ringing up groceries at Walmart.

Vadim Black has skyrocketed to the top of the ratings and I am proud of him.

My biggest wish is for Zander Floyd to come back

I read all the posts but don't comment too much because the posters on this site seem to be way more educated and able to put words together much better me so I generally just "lurk" in the background.

I do not mean to bad mouth Paul and Damien. I still like them but they could be so much more popular if they would treat their fans a little better. I for one would never stalk them or cause them trouble and most of the members on this site wouldn't either.

Hope you all have a good day.
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Nice Point Clinlasvegas: I too have just realized Vadim Black has hit the top spot... And congratulation Vadim Black. Popularity has made him who he is the good and bad spin.

Also don't be shy in responding too any threads that you feel needs your touch, I am far from being educated and you don't need to be writing a bio to write here even just a sentence can be effective.

Nice work Vicekid but you too will realize we only have one side of the formula to create a statistic picture, and as a viewer we will either agree or disagree how they create the rating per model per scene. But having said that at least we are part of making that formula so all input is valuable.
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I've been a member for one and a half years. Here are some of my opinions for what they are worth.

I have become disillusioned by Paul and Damien. I still give them a 5 when they have a scene but was saddened when heard them talk of their not liking the fans and Damien going on about how sick he was of the same questions at the pride events. It just doesn't make me want to see them as much as I used to. I do understand it must get old but so does ringing up groceries at Walmart.

Vadim Black has skyrocketed to the top of the ratings and I am proud of him.

My biggest wish is for Zander Floyd to come back

I read all the posts but don't comment too much because the posters on this site seem to be way more educated and able to put words together much better me so I generally just "lurk" in the background.

I do not mean to bad mouth Paul and Damien. I still like them but they could be so much more popular if they would treat their fans a little better. I for one would never stalk them or cause them trouble and most of the members on this site wouldn't either.

Hope you all have a good day.

I agree with pretty much all you have said with the exception of Paul. Unlike Damien Kyle I don't think he's ever said anything bad to a member or fan (a model) maybe but never a fan. And for Vadim Black I think he's one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen, but still question if porn is his calling! And lastly there is absolutely nothing wrong with your writing and I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable posting. Trust me I know most of these guys and their not that bright!!! lol hell little johnny is loved by everyone and that bitch can't write a sentance to save his ass!!! lol xoxoxoxo johnny from Peter so please continue to post what you feel man, we need your input!
I agree with pretty much all you have said with the exception of Paul. Unlike Damien Kyle I don't think he's ever said anything bad to a member or fan (a model) maybe but never a fan. And for Vadim Black I think he's one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen, but still question if porn is his calling! And lastly there is absolutely nothing wrong with your writing and I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable posting. Trust me I know most of these guys and their not that bright!!! lol hell little johnny is loved by everyone and that bitch can't write a sentance to save his ass!!! lol xoxoxoxo johnny from Peter so please continue to post what you feel man, we need your input!
I thunk I am learing to rigt perety will. sO theer....:piss: Peter
I agree with pretty much all you have said with the exception of Paul. Unlike Damien Kyle I don't think he's ever said anything bad to a member or fan (a model) maybe but never a fan. And for Vadim Black I think he's one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen, but still question if porn is his calling! And lastly there is absolutely nothing wrong with your writing and I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable posting. Trust me I know most of these guys and their not that bright!!! lol hell little johnny is loved by everyone and that bitch can't write a sentance to save his ass!!! lol xoxoxoxo johnny from Peter so please continue to post what you feel man, we need your input!
Oh Peterh My Love...You know I'm not one too go on. But..Sentence is spelled with a (e) not an a. Just saying..xoxo johnny..:nana:
It has been pointed out before Vicekid that ratings are higher lately than in the past, as your numbers illustrate. But we do not know how many members the site has now as opposed to in 2014 or in past years. So while the "satisfied customers" are giving high scores to the current crop of models, but it may be a much smaller pool doing the voting than in the past. All I can go by is the forum, which seems to get less and less active as time goes by, and I notice names from the past no longer posting and perhaps no longer members. Some say goodbye, but most just let their membership lapse and they are gone.

For a short while Mark had a staff member known as Webmonkey who told us that ratings, forum comments and messages and emails to management all count in helping determine the popularity of the models. But he also said the main factor is the number of hits to a scene, which is a number we are not privy to (nor is it any of our business). But I also I cannot unequivocally say the higher ratings equate with the site doing great at this time. I love Broke Straight Boys and of course this forum, and I'd love for the site to continue onward and upward, but signs are telling me that these are not "the best of times", and that saddens me.


I don't disagree with you at all as for the "pool" of voters. The total membership may be down, but like you say the number of members using the forum is also down. If you go by how members vote on any give scene it is not uncommon to see many voting in the 2-3 range. Yet the overall score is much higher. This leads me to believe that the non-posters might be pushing up the ratings. I do remember the Webmonkey, I do miss him.

I also love the site and the forum (when time allows). I think several things are happenning which is making life a bitch fo Broke Straight Boys I still think they are looking for a full time replacement director/videographer. Sha and his partner are just filling a void. I think that is also taking time away from Sha for working on road shows. It is the end of February and so far we have not heard anything. Third, I just think it is not nearly as easy to get models. So you put all that together and that may explain why the expectations are not what we are all use to. Having met Mark, I fully believe in time everything will turn out fine, but we need to be patience. Mark has set very high standards and he is not sitting around doing nothing. As a former start relief pictuer once said, "You gotta Believe".

Live Long and Prosper
