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Bsb 3.0!?

1. Meaning no disrespect to you at all, sha, but Mark as the owner of the site should have been the one who announced the change in directors, presuming of course that he is the one who let Clay go and hired Johnny.

2. I'm sure the models would only give positive feedback since the director plays a major role in their being used and how frequently. But in the Ian/Tate scene, Ian's facial expressions during Johnny's interrogation was not one of unbounded joy. Sometimes actions do speak louder than words.

3. As I wrote on another thread, Johnny's teasing and attempts at being funny come across as his being a wiseass who is trying to embarrass the models. Also in his first scene with Tate's solo, his doing that stupid you can sit, you can stand routine was down right disrespectful to Tate. Again as I wrote on another thread, Mark has to smooth out Johnny's rough edges. What worked for him in his other places of employ, might not work here at Broke Straight Boys As we all like to say, it is a unique site in the web porn industry.

4. You guys in mgmt keep saying member feedback is so important to you, but that is hard to believe.

As Sha stated we have not made an announcement yet because we still have old scenes from the old producer. Changing is never an easy process and yes we do need all the input we can get.

Johnny is not trying to embarrass the models at all. He is helping bring out their personality. He is one of the best in the industry and we are helping guide him. Please be patient with us as we go through this tough transition.


Again, the reason highlighted in green above makes no sense. You either go through all the old scenes as quickly as possible or you do as I suggest in this post I made earlier:

Again, sha this explanation makes no sense and flies in the face of your earlier assertion about members' feedback. Here is the professional way this should have gone down instead of members hearing a new voice and wondering if it was a new director or Clay was on vacation. Mark should have posted an announcement along these lines:

"I am pleased to announce that effective (insert date) Blu Media has retained the services of Johnny as our Director. He has considereable experience in the porn industry and we look forward to his bringing to Broke Straight Boys a new perspective that will build on the success which the site has enjoyed from its founding. As you know, we film scenes ahead of time so for the next month or so we will see Johnny's scenes interspersed with those remaining which were produced by Clay. We know our members will share with us their views on this latest iteration of Broke Straight Boys Be assurred that we want only one thing, to continue improving our site to please as many of our members as much as possible."

That could have ameliorated some of the instant criticism that you hoped to avoid by saying nothing, but which did just the opposite. You guys need some good pr and customer relatkions advice.

With respect to the sentences you wrote highlighted in red above, He might not be trying to embarrass the guys, but that's how it comes across. There is no doubt that he has made the guys looser and more open on the set, but some of the things he does and says and how he does and says them come across as embarrassing and demeaning; for example, how does that whole stupid 'Simon Says"-like Stand up, Sit down routine he did in Tate's solo help bring out Tate's personality. It was embarrassing and you don't need a degree in psychology to know that it was the director asserting his authority and control over the model. I don't know the man, so I can't say he is doing these types of things purposefully - I surely hope not. But this is a rough edge of his you need to smooth out. After all, what worked for him at his previous place of employ, just might not be totally suited to this site. During a time of change everyone has to adjust. God knows your older members had to adjust as the site has changed over the years. Well, so does a new employee have to adjust to a new and different audience.
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Director Johnny reminds me a little of David on Broke Straight Boys 1? 2?. He was very involved in the scene as director. I didn't care for it. I muted the scenes for a long while before cancelling. I'm patient and will mute Johnny until the annoying things we have all been discussing, go away. Many on here really liked David, though, and that shows different tastes. I really had gotten use to Clay and had no complaints. Laid back ...able to enjoy a sexual fantasy easier than with Johnny's direction due to talking. Zander Floyd's first video was 50% Johnny and the other 50% Zander Floyd and Johnny. Just watch the timers on left and right at bottom. I couldn't believe it. I can't pay for him talking out of camera range for half the video ....that's not entertainment. And then there is his hand.
Welcome Gero, and thank-you for thanking Broke Straight Boys They are getting clobbered this week and they needed that. I will also thank Mark and his staff for caring about the product they put out. It is obvious they are working very hard.
I don't like the new director. It's as if we've gone back to Broke Straight Boys 1.0 and having to listen to David's non-stop yapping.

In the video of Ian and Tate, the episode is 29:42 long and his yapping on the front end lasted 7:00! That's 7:00 of video that could've been used for more sex. Then he can't seem to shut up during the video with his constant running commentary ("He sure can suck some dick!" "Look up at the camera!") It ruins the flow of the scene.

If I wanted to listen to all this drivel, I can watch a chat show or listen to talk radio. You're a director not a commentator!
As I've said before, just when things were getting totally boring here for me, both on the forum and with the "broke pansexual boys" format, we now have an infusion of change which is generating lot's of comments, some positive, some negative, and some like me interested in the "new direction" that Broke Straight Boys is moving towards.

As I was not happy with BSB2 or was it BSB2.5, I welcome the change and will keep an open mind and give the new director and the new focus of the site some time to establish themselves before making any definitive judgments.

To those who enjoyed the pansexual scenes that always start and end with gentle kissing, I'm sure the change will not be to their taste. To me, it is a hopeful sign of change, but I'm in it for the long run and look forward to seeing what happens next in the seeming never ending drama of "As the Broke Straight Boys turns". :001_rolleyes:
I don't like the new director. It's as if we've gone back to Broke Straight Boys 1.0 and having to listen to David's non-stop yapping.
Keep in mind deeteedub that to some of us going back to Broke Straight Boys 1.0 and David's style of "non-stop yapping" is a good thing. :angel:

"We" the members of this site and of this forum are a very diverse group with a wide variety of taste in just what Broke Straight Boys should be to satisfy our own fantasies and fetishes. Different strokes for different folks.
Different strokes for different folks doesn't mean you're right either.

I say put it to a vote. Or at the very least, a compromise. Tell the so-called director that he can yap all he wants at the front and back end of the scene, but during the sex he has to shut it.

At least with DVD's we have the option to shut off the Director's Comments...
Different strokes for different folks doesn't mean you're right either. "There is no right or wrong, opinions are subjunctive."

I say put it to a vote. Or at the very least, a compromise. Tell the so-called director that he can yap all he wants at the front and back end of the scene, but during the sex he has to shut it. I think it was established (I may be wrong) that, scenes have been shot for the year. Comments made regarding scenes released now will basically be "after the fact".

At least with DVD's we have the option to shut off the Director's Comments..QUOTE]

My computer has a mute option! There was a time in history when, silent movies were all the rage!!!
I just watched the "new" Sergio & Johnny scene, ("newly" released, but obviously an older Clay filmed scene). I thought about commenting on the thread for that scene, but decided that here was more appropriate for what I have to say.

This scene used what had become the formula "Clay scene" of two masculine guys silently engaging in gentle kissing, undressing themselves or each other, interspersed with more gentle kisses followed by blowjobs followed by bareback fucking ending in more gentle kissing. These were the type of scenes that I call "broke pansexual boys", that were making me consider doing "the unthinkable" for me, and that was to contemplate leaving this site after five solid years of it being my number one internet obsession.

My initial reaction to Johnny's BSB3 scenes was that he was too obtrusive in the scene, interjecting his very strong personality entirely too much and even making the models feel uncomfortable, but after watching the older "Clay formula" style, it made me realize even more than before that for me to remain a member of Broke Straight Boys a change was definitely needed and I am willing to give Johnny some time to "smooth out the rough edges", as Stowe has said several times.

This is obviously totally subjective, but from this consumer's personal perspective, I find the Johnny BSB3 scenes interesting and real, and I watch them fully to see what is going to happen next, and to see how the models respond to the Johnny's in your face style. The new scenes are different but so much closer to the BSB1 style of David which got me hooked on Broke Straight Boys in the first place.

There has been talk about if Mark and Blu Media management actually listen to our complaints and criticisms. I can see that they do, and while the change isn't instantaneous nor should it be, it does happen. We were told on the forum by WebMonkey who was part of management and was openly talking with us on the forum, that management uses a variety of factors to determine what is working and what is not. Those factors include the fan "votes", comments on the scenes both on the forum and in the twitter world, as well as private emails by members to gauge the popularity of models and scenes. But the biggest determining factor is "hits" on scenes to see what people are actually watching. And I would have to imagine that an even bigger factor is the number of members who subscribe to the site. If membership was consistently high and the profits flowing, then no change would be made, so obviously Blu Media felt the need for a "new direction" as Sha calls it.

Again only speaking from my perspective, I am all in favor of the potential that the new direction may offer to appeal to my sexual desire to watch believably straight boys, apparently taking the very first steps towards having gay sex on camera before our very eyes, and then to watch their progression. So watching the current Johnny and Sergio film makes me want to watch the new direction BSB3 scenes filmed by Johnny with even greater anticipation.
This scene used what had become the formula "Clay scene" of two masculine guys silently engaging in gentle kissing, undressing themselves or each other, interspersed with more gentle kisses followed by blowjobs followed by bareback fucking ending in more gentle kissing.

My initial reaction to Johnny's BSB3 scenes was that he was too obtrusive in the scene, interjecting his very strong personality entirely too much and even making the models feel uncomfortable, but after watching the older "Clay formula" style, it made me realize even more than before that for me to remain a member of Broke Straight Boys a change was definitely needed and I am willing to give Johnny some time to "smooth out the rough edges", as Stowe has said several times.

There has been talk about if Mark and Blu Media management actually listen to our complaints and criticisms. I can see that they do, and while the change isn't instantaneous nor should it be, it does happen. If membership was consistently high and the profits flowing, then no change would be made, so obviously Blu Media felt the need for a "new direction" as Sha calls it.

Thank you Mikey for a post that segues right into something I wanted to talk about myself. I will preface my comments by saying that I have not had time to watch the last 2 updates yet. I have however been following the posts and the "tweet" style comments regarding them. I think that people who are in an uproar over Johnny's debut scenes should take a minute to catch their breath. I think it's safe to say that at any given time there is a backlog of about 3 weeks' worth of scenes. Probably more. This will fluctuate I'm sure, based on vacations for staff, sick time off work, models flaking out and not showing up, equipment malfunctions, the demands on the house and staff of filming the tv show, etc.

If I had to guess, I'd say the backlog of films "in the can" right now is probably somewhere between 2-6 weeks. Sha intimated that the inventory of films in the can was low (by their own internal standards) at the moment that Johnny took over. Even if the inventory of scenes is low right now though, what does this mean for those who are bashing Johnny's style so much?

It means that nothing we say right now in asking for tweaks to Johnny's style of directing will have a chance to be seen onscreen for possibly several more weeks. Even if mgmt went running onto the set last week after the first debut scene aired, and told Johnny to immediately stop doing this and start doing that...we won't see a change for quite a while. Just because each new Johnny scene we see up to this point doesn't show an "improvement", or incorporate any of our initial suggestions, doesn't mean that mgmt isn't listening or isn't willing to ask Johnny to make some adjustments. It's quite possible that we'll be seeing Johnny's current style of work for at least 2 more weeks before we see any changes based on our comments and suggestions.

If the chorus of negative reaction in the forum (and comment section) continues to build up exponentially based on where we are at now, I shudder to think of how nasty and ugly it will be in another 2-3 weeks. What started out as some negative feedback to Johnny's initial style has just kept escalating. At this rate, in another week the torch wielding villagers will be at Johnny's door threatening to burn the place down if he doesn't leave town immediately. By another week they'll be asking for his head on a platter. By yet another week they'll be wanting him drawn and quartered.

Just in time for... What was it? Oh yeah. Christmas.
The holiday where we are asked to reflect on the joy of living in the 2,013th year of Christendom. A time of year that many of us are reflecting on the best of our human natures that the holiday season celebrates. (Regardless of which religion we follow or if we follow no particular religious faith at all.) Kindness towards others and the poor and downtrodden. Compassion, sympathy, empathy, justice, charity, Love, joy, happiness. Other calls to our better natures such as the Golden Rule...

This is only video entertainment. It's not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. lol We can give it a few more weeks without foaming at the mouth in indignation. :soapbox: :blink: haha Mgmt does listen to us here if they feel that our suggestions have merit. Just because we do not see immediate results doesn't mean that we are being ignored and that nothing will change. It definitely doesn't mean that if we see no changes in a matter of days or even a couple weeks that we should abandon ship.

Clay took the site this far into the post-David era. Clay's scenes though had gotten too mechanical, predictable and by the numbers. The cold openings had also caused a loss to the site of its trademark bond to its members. That being the ability of the viewer to get to know the model better personally. That and the forum are what make this site feel like a family or sorts. Lovemaking or even just lust-filled scenes with cold openings, or not even a closing conversation with the models...can be seen for free all over the net. While entertaining at times, they are not all that special or unique. I see Broke Straight Boys as very unique and special based on its ability to get viewers invested in the models as human beings, and not just performers. A stronger and more forceful personality like Johnny's on the set might be exactly what the site needs in the long term... With a few tweaks and modifications which many of us have already suggested in varied degrees of earnestness. :001_smile:
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the team has a new coach. his style is different from other coaches. negative comments aside, those who took the time to rate each outing give high marks.
as to players looking confused, it happens when coaching changes are made.
moving way from the sports thing. I am less taken back by johnny's style than I was when money was thrown across the room.
it will be hard to see any change in johnny's scenes, because the November scenes are a done deal. December scenes being made this month are the earliest anything different could be seen.
and november was a busy production month.
when bsb2 started in april 2011, we were watching things from February and march 2011. change seem to come slowly. the endless talking and the dollar bill throwing did end (months later).
when bsb3 started in November 2013, we were watching things from November 2013. this is a more real-time situation.

I preferred bsb1 presentations over bsb2 presentations and bsb3 is close to bsb1. the camera work is better than bsb2. the openings are more straight. there is more interaction. coach and players work well together, the some fans don't like the coach.

conversational during interviews, but sotto voce during sex.
WOW...There definitely are vast array of opinions in this thread....I'm not sure I have read a thread with this many comments since I have joined...of course still fairly new here......so to keep it short and sweet, what comes to mind is an old saying....you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time......
so here is my 2 cents.....I'm like Mike Yank.....I like the direction the new guy is taking us...Thanks Blue Media......keep up the good work..