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Facts are not going to change Mark. Bobby has done 10 episodes and 8 got a rating of over 4 and 2 in the high 3's. Jimmy has done 18 of which only 3 were in the 4's, 10 in the 3's and 5 BELOW 3 and yet mark considers him the face of BSB2. You would think if someone did 18 episodes one might be a fan favorite !!! If you check the member ratings you will see that BSB2 is not about quality. Check the member ratings on Jimmy's last 6 episodes and by Mark's rational he should be gone, 5 out of 6 were ranked BELOW 4.
What Mark said was:

"I can't really say if he will be back or not. His performance in the more recent shoots weren't so great.


Mark didn't say that Bobby did not receive a high rating from the member's who vote. Perhaps there were some problems behind the scenes, that we do not know about, that made Mark question if Bobby should be brought back.

I thought that the curly haired, fresh faced, trim, sleek Bobby that we initially saw here was GREAT. I also voted on Slim's poll to bring him back too.

But I am also aware that the member's vote is not what determines the success of a model or a scene. Mark and his staff have many ways of evaluating the popularity of a model, and I for one, question exactly what percentage of the general membership of the site, actually vote on the scenes. My guess is that many members watch the scenes to jerk off to, and never vote or even visit the forum.

Mark is a businessman, and he is in business to please his "over-all" membership, or else his business would not be successful.
Marks business decisions have not been in the same league as the Donalds and I would suggest that before he acts too hastily with Bobby, that he give it some thought and let Bobby get back to being the sexy little fellow that all of us love. Read: keep Bobby.
if bobby was in jail and i don't know one way or the other, i agree that it is my fervent prayer that he was safe and had time to think. Also, I hope he realizes that he has many many fans who also consider themselves friends to whom he could reach out for some ideas on what to do, how to set up some boundaries and priorities. We aren't all evil lurkers who have no care for the welfare of these young men who give so much of their dignity and pride to make us happy for twenty minutes. They actually give us a whole fantasy life where we can come on the "board" and rant and rave about one boy or the other and one thing or the other and you all know we love doing it. Hell someone on here has got to have their Doctorate in Mathmatics to come out with all those percentages of scenes etc. Blew me away. All this being said, I know that I am too tough on the management but it comes from a good place because as most of us, we have lived most of our lives in the workplace already and we know what it is to be successful and it is frustrating not to see young men starting a business not even do the simple things like get a decent mattress or give those young men their "props" for guys without them we'd be searching for another site and outside B'puppy's forum I don't know where we'd be. So let's count our blessings; say our truths; stay friends; pray that the management remembers that for the most part we are gay men who love to look at young men and dream of days gone by. I have rambled but I had to just get it out. Thanks folks.
Amen, ray! Amen to that!!!
What Mark said was:

"I can't really say if he will be back or not. His performance in the more recent shoots weren't so great.


Mark didn't say that Bobby did not receive a high rating from the member's who vote. Perhaps there were some problems behind the scenes, that we do not know about, that made Mark question if Bobby should be brought back.

I thought that the curly haired, fresh faced, trim, sleek Bobby that we initially saw here was GREAT. I also voted on Slim's poll to bring him back too.

But I am also aware that the member's vote is not what determines the success of a model or a scene. Mark and his staff have many ways of evaluating the popularity of a model, and I for one, question exactly what percentage of the general membership of the site, actually vote on the scenes. My guess is that many members watch the scenes to jerk off to, and never vote or even visit the forum.

Mark is a businessman, and he is in business to please his "over-all" membership, or else his business would not be successful.

I know what Mark said, I read it. And thanks for explaining how business works.
" His performance in his more recent shoots weren't so great". I was pointing out that the voting members do not agree with him. The voting members rated him a lot better then Jimmy and yet they keep bringing Jimmy back. I am amazed how you can read between the lines on a one line post. I was commenting on what Mark actually said not what perhaps he thought. Perhaps Bobby did a great job as the voting members think and there were not imagined problems. I was just hoping we could see more episodes with models who the voting members enjoy watching.
If you take both Bobby and Jimmy and stand them side by side and just engage them in conversation or anything, what do you think you can glean from the two of them? My guess is that Jimmy would be the more interactive of the two and the most popular in dealing with both management and members. Maybe this is why Jimmy is brought back so often. I really don't know but there is something about that Jimmy that either makes you love him or hate him. Mark obviously loves him like so many of us out there. Also, Jimmy is the proverbial Broke Straight Boys - he is handsome, well-endowed (both physically and fucks very well) and very straight. He has those qualities that qualifies him to be the face of BSB2.