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I just hope that Bobby is in a good place getting his life together. He lost his hair in jail the last time, I don't want him losing anything else - he's such a fine individual. It's times like this that I thank God for the ability to pray for others. I do believe in a compassionate God and that he/she takes care of us.
As so many other fans,I miss him as well and I have the feeling he is not around anymore.His latest shoot dates from August,whereas he appeared very frequently before.This says enough I think, the more as Broke Straight Boys seem to be reluctant replying to this post.Understandable.
Same goes for Rocco I suppose whose latest shoot even goes further back.
It is a pitty but that's life;they come and go.Let's be grateful for the fact we were able to enjoy those two fine boys;Wish them all the best and though I doubt it,keep on silently hoping they will show-up again one day.It happened before with models.
As so many other fans,I miss him as well and I have the feeling he is not around anymore.His latest shoot dates from August,whereas he appeared very frequently before.This says enough I think, the more as Broke Straight Boys seem to be reluctant replying to this post.Understandable.
Same goes for Rocco I suppose whose latest shoot even goes further back.
It is a pitty but that's life;they come and go.Let's be grateful for the fact we were able to enjoy those two fine boys;Wish them all the best and though I doubt it,keep on silently hoping they will show-up again one day.It happened before with models.

I could be wrong of course, but I suspect that once Rocco was spotted performing -- under a different name on College Dudes no less -- his days on Broke Straight Boys were numbered. Which I applaud Broke Straight Boys for, personally I don't want to see a guy performing on Broke Straight Boys who has been actively doing porn on other websites because it completely shatters the BSB image and thus fantasy for many who joined this site to get off on the fantasy of BSB sex.
Abe I dont quite follow.If you mean College Dudes(College Dudes) the trans-
fer of Rocco under another name must have been initiated/made by Broke Straight Boys themselves since they own the site within Blu.Are you sure
Rocco is performing there now credited as? An explanation/clearance by Broke Straight Boys would also be appreciated.
Rocco was the first of the Broke Straight Boys 2 boys that really caught my attention, as I've always loved long haired, fresh faced guys, but we later found out, and saw some still pics of Rocco performing under another name on College Dudes, prior to the launch of Broke Straight Boys 2. My guess is that Blu was looking for some exciting talent to launch Broke Straight Boys 2, and choose one of their hot performers on College Dudes to grow his hair out, adopt a new name and appear here as a newbie brokie.
Rocco was the first of the Broke Straight Boys 2 boys that really caught my attention, as I've always loved long haired, fresh faced guys, but we later found out, and saw some still pics of Rocco performing under another name on College Dudes, prior to the launch of Broke Straight Boys 2. My guess is that Blu was looking for some exciting talent to launch Broke Straight Boys 2, and choose one of their hot performers on College Dudes to grow his hair out, adopt a new name and appear here as a newbie brokie.

True Ohvanz,

Rocco performed over at College Dudes before being brought over here for the launch of the new Broke Straight Boys So it wasn't a matter of being transferred over to College Dudes. It was more like he was borrowed from College Dudes. His stage name over there I believe is Conner Dane.

It was a shame to see him shave his lovely locks. Maybe we'll see him again some day. :thumbup1:
Along the same lines...I also miss Vinnie. I definitely didn't feel like I had gotten enough of him. Since we haven't seen him in forever I doubt he's coming back. I don't figure that it hurts to bring up his name though.
I just hope that Bobby is in a good place getting his life together. He lost his hair in jail the last time, I don't want him losing anything else - he's such a fine individual. It's times like this that I thank God for the ability to pray for others. I do believe in a compassionate God and that he/she takes care of us.

According to Jimmy, that stuff about him being in jail was a crock, he was not around because he was mourning the loss of his parents.
That's actually not accurate Coxy,

On the "Can members be any more rude or mean?" thread Jimmy put that to rest. On post #91 Jimmy's verbatim comment was:

"HIS PARENTS ARENT DYING lol omg i was trying to make the point that you never know why someone looks the way they do maybe ther going through something difficult in ther life..."
Don't believe anything Jimmy says, I think Bobby is just fine, by now his hair has grown back and he's in good shape again. I hope we see him soon :)
Please, Bobby is WAY better than some of the boring guys that keep showing up. His energy, his charm, his adorable smile and his willingness to please are worth giving him another chance.
Coxy57, thanks for the "rest of the story" about Bobby. I tell you sometimes I am just bewildered by what people say just to fill in the time of day. I respect Bobby for not telling the truth about his hair cut, just confused as to why the change of story. Maybe it was just a business thing.
I can't really say if he will be back or not. His performance in the more recent shoots weren't so great.


Thanks for responding Mark,

I know that you and the rest of mgmt purposely try not to get involved in every thread or Peyton Place drama du jour. But it is nice to know and be reminded from time to time that you guys really do keep tabs on what's going on.

I hope you are well by the way!

Big hugs! :001_smile:
I can't really say if he will be back or not. His performance in the more recent shoots weren't so great.


when i look at my records, i note that bobby is listed as being in 3 scenes made in august. those 3 scenes got a rating of 4, 4.1, and 3.7.
so great must be a management term with which i unfamiliar.
perhaps, a so great scene was the scene with jason. made in may and released in august and got a 4.6.
bobby will always be a top favorite.
Face it, Broke Straight Boys needs a few adorable Brokies in the mix

Mark, Bobby is (I hope this isn't a case of "was") one of the cutest and most lovable of all the Brokies, past and present. If you aren't bringing him back because "his most recent scenes aren't that great", and Jack has moved over to College Dudes, the site has suddenly got to looking pretty grim.

:ohmy: :blink: :confused1: :crying:
when i look at my records, i note that bobby is listed as being in 3 scenes made in august. those 3 scenes got a rating of 4, 4.1, and 3.7.
so great must be a management term with which i unfamiliar.
perhaps, a so great scene was the scene with jason. made in may and released in august and got a 4.6.
bobby will always be a top favorite.

If you look at it from a % point of view, then each scene of those last three scene would rate 80%, 82% and 74% or average to 79%. That's basically a "B" performance, which in comparison to many of the early BSB2 were in the 2's and low 3's this rating is Stella.

Plus, just because a scene is rated as noted above how can you equate it to, in this case, a specific performer? Could it be due to the other model, poor match, the director, or???

I still think there is room for more Bobby here.

Live Long and Prosper,

when i look at my records, i note that bobby is listed as being in 3 scenes made in august. those 3 scenes got a rating of 4, 4.1, and 3.7.
so great must be a management term with which i unfamiliar.
perhaps, a so great scene was the scene with jason. made in may and released in august and got a 4.6.
bobby will always be a top favorite.

Facts are not going to change Mark. Bobby has done 10 episodes and 8 got a rating of over 4 and 2 in the high 3's. Jimmy has done 18 of which only 3 were in the 4's, 10 in the 3's and 5 BELOW 3 and yet mark considers him the face of BSB2. You would think if someone did 18 episodes one might be a fan favorite !!! If you check the member ratings you will see that BSB2 is not about quality. Check the member ratings on Jimmy's last 6 episodes and by Mark's rational he should be gone, 5 out of 6 were ranked BELOW 4.