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Bobby is a keeper


Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bobby has a hot body and a nice cock. Bobby also has a great personality.
don't waste him on Jimmy, but pair him with Rocco or Zack
Bobby has a hot body and a nice cock. Bobby also has a great personality.
don't waste him on Jimmy, but pair him with Rocco or Zack

Agreed! Bobby is one of the cutest guys we've seen in the new Broke Straight Boys He also seems like a nice kid. Feeding him to Jimmy would be cruel and unusual punishment.
OK, I'm having Spanish problems just to see the video. Even postage stamp sized "portable" crashes before Bobby gets back to Matt's so I don't know what goes down during the rest of the scene. But I have to say that I really missed Clay in those first few minutes.

I haven't watched all the updates quite frankly, but the last one I watched, with Jimmy and Zack, was filmed and directed by Clay. He's great. Matt is just about all right without being as cool as Clay is. I feel almost as if the baby went out with the bathwater.

Is it just coincidence that the forumite who christened the new cameraman "Matthew", before we were told he preferred "Clay" got it right? Or is Matt a pseudonym Blu has cleverly given this new sidekick, as a wink to the forum?

The whole pro skateboard theme is a bit hokey considering the limited expertise Bobby is able to exhibit, but hey. He's so cute with his Nebraska accent when he enunciates Tenth Street, every single consonant (NTHSTR) sounded perfectly, as if there were such a place in that town. All over the world you'd just say "Tenth", but it was adorable.

Would love to know how the scene evolves. He's deffo a keeper. And yes, either with Rocco or Zach please.

Scorpio, why won't my PC play any of the formats this clip is available in?
OK, I'm having Spanish problems just to see the video. Even postage stamp sized "portable" crashes before Bobby gets back to Matt's so I don't know what goes down during the rest of the scene. But I have to say that I really missed Clay in those first few minutes.

I haven't watched all the updates quite frankly, but the last one I watched, with Jimmy and Zack, was filmed and directed by Clay. He's great. Matt is just about all right without being as cool as Clay is. I feel almost as if the baby went out with the bathwater.

Is it just coincidence that the forumite who christened the new cameraman "Matthew", before we were told he preferred "Clay" got it right? Or is Matt a pseudonym Blu has cleverly given this new sidekick, as a wink to the forum?

The whole pro skateboard theme is a bit hokey considering the limited expertise Bobby is able to exhibit, but hey. He's so cute with his Nebraska accent when he enunciates Tenth Street, every single consonant (NTHSTR) sounded perfectly, as if there were such a place in that town. All over the world you'd just say "Tenth", but it was adorable.

Would love to know how the scene evolves. He's deffo a keeper. And yes, either with Rocco or Zach please.

Scorpio, why won't my PC play any of the formats this clip is available in?

I would try to right click the video and save it to your computer. If that doesn't work I would try to use a different browser. This will help determine what the issue might be.
I would try to right click the video and save it to your computer. If that doesn't work I would try to use a different browser. This will help determine what the issue might be.

Gonna try that now Mark; thank you v. much for such a prompt reply man.:001_wub:
i agree with Tobey02. Bobby is a cutie! he and zack are the type of guys i like. please don't pair him with Jimmy. as Ms.Kianna says it "would be cruel and unusual punishment". iam confused about a couple of things. i thought Matt was a "straight" guy. why is he so interested in helping to pick up another guy and then wants to see the guys ass? just curious. also, how is it, if Clay is randomly picking up "straight" guys off the street or where ever, all of them just happen to have cocks that are larger than the average size cock (6inches)? iam not complaining. i like big cocks,especially if they are on cute guys. i will say again, that i enjoyed this episode. i would love to see Bobby fuck Zack!
Yes! Bobby is very cute with a sweet smile and a great personality. I look forward to seeing more of Bobby. :001_tt2:

I agree that he is a keeper!
For sure, Bobby is hot and has 'great manners' his whole persona is a major turn on!! Can't wait to see more of him. Hopefully Broke Straight Boys keeps him around for awhile.
I agree 100% with Tobey -- Bobby is hot. Please don't waste him with Jimmy. He'd be great with Zack and/or Rocco.
Man it seems good to be reading all the positive comments about Bobby for a change. I was really getting tired of all the negative waves. I bet Mark is jumping up and down. LOL Bobby is for sure a keeper and I sincerely agree with the comments PLEASE don’t film him with Jimmy. Mark with all do respect I think the less we see of Jimmy from now on the happier everyone is going to be...:001_smile:
NOW WE'RE TALKIN'!!! Bobby is the hottest guy on the site and the best thing to have happened to Broke Straight Boys 2.0!

And how refreshing that he's genuinely nice and attitude free! (Am I using too many exclamation points?) I've said before that I'm not a fan of solo scenes ... but WOW!

I agree with the majority --- don't waste him on Jimmy. (Jimmy should take notes from this guy.)

Lord, I wish I was a skateboard!

(P.S. - Not to be a tech geek, but did anyone notice that Jimmy's underwear was burgundy in the car and white on the couch? Must've been a long car ride!)
The title of this thread says it all. Bobby is a Keeper. He's cute, polite,nice smile, body, and cock, and not on some big "I'm a str8 guy" trip. Only criticism is stash the money off cam. It really cheapens the show. Great job!!!
I am happy to say...

Yes! Bobby is very cute with a sweet smile and a great personality. I look forward to seeing more of Bobby. :001_tt2:

I agree that he is a keeper!

Dear Mikeyank,

I have to agree with you, Bobby is a keeper with a great personality and a truly sweet smile. Thank God he is absent any negative attitude! This is the first time I could actually give a new model from Broke Straight Boys-2 a rating of 4 which is about tops for a simple j/o.

Bobby is indeed a promising type, more in the "Tank Shane" mold than Jimmy, in my opinion. I was always fond of Tank Shane too.

Sincerely pleased,

bobby ia a totle keeper

love him got the looks and personality
want to see lots more of him!!! who also sees some Shane (tank) in him

I did have a problem down loading the clip could not collect the whole clip tried 2 separate browsers and 2 players and all links:cursing: o well this too shall pass and get fixed
sorry cumrag27 did not read your post before i added mine .. but i also see a little shane (tank) in bobby
date of recording on scenes

I find it interesting to check the dates that the scenes were recorded on. That is a feature that we did not have access to on Broke Straight Boys-1. Today's Bobby solo was shot on April 11. The previous "controversial" Jimmy & Zack which was released two days prior to Bobby, was actually shot on February 13, which was a month and a half before any of the scenes were released and reviewed by the members of the site.

I believe that Mark & Clay will continue to improve the content, and the quality of the scenes as the weeks go by. I'm really looking forward to the next two episodes, one with Bobby and another model, and then the return of my new favorite model, Rocco. I am very pleased with the new content and the overall quality of the models. Things are definitely looking up!
Hi Guys,

WOW...this guy is great , has a nice personality,hot looking and seemed very down to earth.PLEASE keep him away from Jimmy. I would love to see him with Zach or Vinnie or Rocco.

Only negative comment is the way the money is shown on the screen, makes him look cheap.

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I agree with all the previous comments.

I think it is a ray of hope that this episode was shot April 11th, long after the Jimmy episodes so someone is listening to our negative comments about Jimmy.

I too had trouble downloading this shoot, but eventually did see the whole thing with stops and starts - it was worth it!