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Bobby and Rocco


Active Member
Jul 21, 2010
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Where is this Bobby and Rocco episode which is shown on the gateway page before you log in? There is a clip of it, so it was obviously shot, but it isn't among the regular episodes, nor is it listed as an upcoming episode.

I really want to see this.
Nevermind. The Upcoming Updates now lists this as June 4. Not sure how this could be a "Member Favorite" when it hasn't even been made available.
With ALL his LOVING his ass played with, lets hope Rocco fucks Bobby just pay him what he needs hahaha
I can't wait to see this! I haven't been this excited since the last episode with Hippy Shane.
Bobby & Rocco


I SERIOUSLY do not know what I am going to for this update! Call me shallow/superficial, (remember I/we are PAYING for the site), thus allowed to voice opinions about actors/appearances, soooooo here is MY "2 cents worth!!!"

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I am/was TRULY saddened when I scrolled down, and was trying to figure out WHO that 'new guy' was next to Bobby, ONLY (to my EXTREME dismay), to find out that it was/is Rocco! :crying:

He looked SO gorgeous in the long hair!!

you have to go to google.com and enter 'brokestaightboys.com rocco and bobby' to see a clip. the full vid is supposed to be available tomorrow (6/04/11) on the site.
The episode just went up and I'm confused. The posed pics show Bobby getting fucked, but the video has Rocco getting fucked! Is there some sort of mix up going on here? Or are the powers that be psyching us out?
Rocco gets fucked!

Sorry, it wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. Yes, there was some half hearted kissing and a little sucking, but it had the air of get it done and get out. Especially Rocco's comment after nearly eight minutes of "Are we done?" Get real! Bobby's fucking was so mechanical that it was boring. Give me Jimmy, ha! The really strange thing was the photos. They were from a completely different shoot, it seems. Yes. it was Bobby and Rocco, but Bobby got fucked! And Bobby did the sucking, and there was double jack off. I know the pictures are usually done separately but how can they be that much different. Better luck next time. :001_unsure:
I'm confused. The posed pics show Bobby getting fucked, but the video has Rocco getting fucked! Is there some sort of mix up going on here? Or are the powers that be psyching us out?
Since the suspense has built with the pictures being leaked that Bobby is going to get fucked, can we get that scene next? LOL
I don’t understand these posts! On another thread, people rave about Jimmy and Brett fuck scene as a great piece, whereas on the Bobby / Rocco piece guys are pissing and moaning.

For me, Jimmy’s fuck scene was mechanical, while Bobby showed signs of getting into the zone we talked about when we watched Taylor or Logan. Admittedly, Bobby floated in and out of that zone, but watch his face and match it with his cock action and you will see whaat I mean. I like everything about Bobby, his body, his hair, his smile, his laughter, his great cock and humongous balls. I have high hopes for him as he gets into a place where he continues to enjoy his sexuality, wherever it lands on the Kinsey scale.

I have become a big fan of Jimmy after watching the Behind the Scenes with Jimmy, Rob and Cole. His personality and joie de vivre comes through, and I can only expect that he will grow into the next Diesal.

To both Bobby and Jimmy: keep up the good work, learn to enjoy the "moment" and the sexual feelings/pleasure, and as you do the hang-ups of "what the fuck am I doing" will pass and transition into "I know I'm straight, but the sexual arousal and getting off, even with a guy, is fucking mind-blowing!"

One big disappointment in this, and in past, videos is the poor camera work for cum shots. David was always able to capture the special moments, but we seem to be left with spots on the sheet or cum on the partner’s chest. Clay – get an assistant or a better camera!

I don’t understand these posts! On another thread, people rave about Jimmy and Brett fuck scene as a great piece, whereas on the Bobby / Rocco piece guys are pissing and moaning.

For me, Jimmy’s fuck scene was mechanical, while Bobby showed signs of getting into the zone we talked about when we watched Taylor or Logan. Admittedly, Bobby floated in and out of that zone, but watch his face and match it with his cock action and you will see whaat I mean. I like everything about Bobby, his body, his hair, his smile, his laughter, his great cock and humongous balls. I have high hopes for him as he gets into a place where he continues to enjoy his sexuality, wherever it lands on the Kinsey scale.

I have become a big fan of Jimmy after watching the Behind the Scenes with Jimmy, Rob and Cole. His personality and joie de vivre comes through, and I can only expect that he will grow into the next Diesal.

To both Bobby and Jimmy: keep up the good work, learn to enjoy the "moment" and the sexual feelings/pleasure, and as you do the hang-ups of "what the fuck am I doing" will pass and transition into "I know I'm straight, but the sexual arousal and getting off, even with a guy, is fucking mind-blowing!"

One big disappointment in this, and in past, videos is the poor camera work for cum shots. David was always able to capture the special moments, but we seem to be left with spots on the sheet or cum on the partner’s chest. Clay – get an assistant or a better camera!

I agree Jeff. I thought that Bobby was hot fucking Rocco. I enjoyed watching his body, and his face as he thrust himself into Rocco, and enjoyed the pleasure on his face too. Rocco was certainly able to get his cock hard and shoot a nice load while Bobby was giving it to him.

I too am often confused by the response on the forum. I wonder if those who post regarding the scenes do represent the majority of the viewers of the site, or if it is a minority posting with a singular point of view. I also feel that many of the posters are "romanticizing" the good old days. I recall the original version of Broke Straight Boys also being very hit or miss with the models and the sexual intensity in scenes. Some of David's scenes were classics that I go back to re watch on occasion. But I also recall many less than hot guys doing a less than stellar job, (see the last year of version 1).

But I still enjoy the whole concept of straight guys venturing into gay sex, presumably for the first time, and when magic does happen, it is wonderful, but I don't expect an "instant classic" in every scene. Keep in mind the original version spanned from April 2006 through March 2011. The new version is barely two months old, so I think that some folks are being premature with their criticisms, comparisons and expectations.
I liked this scene though it wasn't the one i was expecting. I like Rocco and bobby who both appear more open to new experiences. Rocco has made his journey after being quite adamant about not getting fucked!

I liked that Bobby heeded Rocco's pleas to go gently and he went at it rhythmically but not full thrusts! I like it when the guys show a bit of feeling for each other. Rocco came when Bobby was still inside of him so he couldn't have hated it that much though it must have sore and uncomfortable as it was his firs time. 8 mins or so was probably enough for him.
Thanks guys for that episode - can't wait for th re-match!
What is there not to understand?

I don't understand those who don't understand why people are not happy with this episode. The main problem is that some of us expected one thing, but got something else. I was looking forward to the scene whose clip has been up for a couple of weeks now. That involved Rocco fucking Bobby. That's what i thought I was going to see, and I was very disappointed that it wasn't what I got to see, after waiting so long. I can accept the post that the wrong clip and pictures were posted--it seems that should have been an easy enough thing to check, but whatever. It was a mistake. However, I don't accept people questioning why the posts would be negative. It should be patently obvious, and you need to get over yourselves. Not everyone agrees with your view of the actors and their performances. Deal with it. I see no reason for anyone to cast aspersions about people just because they didn't like the episode. There is no grand scheme to dream up as to why certain people are posting in the negative. They didn't get what they thought they were going to get. What is difficult to understand about that?
Dear Navel, "I don't understand those who don't understand why people are not happy with this episode. The main problem is that some of us expected one thing, but got something else. I was looking forward to the scene whose clip has been up for a couple of weeks now. That involved Rocco fucking Bobby. That's what i thought I was going to see, and I was very disappointed that it wasn't what I got to see, after waiting so long. I can accept the post that the wrong clip and pictures were posted--it seems that should have been an easy enough thing to check, but whatever. It was a mistake. "

OK, I understand tht you were disappointed, as you say, "it was a mistake".

"However, I don't accept people questioning why the posts would be negative. It should be patently obvious, and you need to get over yourselves. Not everyone agrees with your view of the actors and their performances. Deal with it. I see no reason for anyone to cast aspersions about people just because they didn't like the episode. There is no grand scheme to dream up as to why certain people are posting in the negative. They didn't get what they thought they were going to get. What is difficult to understand about that?

Navel, I would suggest that you "deal with it". How can you criticize some of us, without looking in the mirror at yourself and your criticism? To each his own, and don't stand in judgment of others. "Now get over it."
I attempted to watch the video, but after the comments and what I saw in the first part of the fucking, I was like, no, not in the mood to watch reluctant sex. This is at the beginning when Bobby couldn't even look at Rocco. I thought, this is pathetic, and turned it off.

See, this is what I do when there's a program on TV that's a dud. Turn the channel. Both models are so hot and have such potential, I think this is where the frustration comes from regarding their performance. I really couldn't understand that kiss. Rocco's kissed guys with a lot more passion over on College Dudes, so what's the problem here? I have a feeling the director is telling the guys to act this way, and if that's the case, STOP IT!