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Bisexual: possible or no

Oh! I also like to point out based on this scale that this is why many gay men have had sex with females. Those gay guys or boys that had sex with females are between 4-5. I have to admit that I'm a total 6. Where do you fall into?

I am a total 6 today even though I was married for 15 years and have a son...At the time (the sixties) I desperately thought that homosexuality could be cured and I wanted a family (i.e. to be normal) very very much...all to say that this is, as many in this thread have pointed out, a very complex question with many levels of experience among people, but even within one person.
I first had sex with boys as a young teen. Then I had sex with the whore of the class. She was beautiful. Not bright, but beautiful. I've been torn ever since. She taught me many things about hetero sex. Love it! I don't know what number I am............
Very interesting question! I wish I could say that I"m a 6. I was a 2-3 until I was 30 years old. I am now a 4-5 and trying very hard to reach a 6. Lets see how many guys are totaly honest with this question or a least atempt to answer it. I wonder about those that are always harping on your honesty about the models. This was very difficult for me to answer and required a lot of soul searching.
Very interesting question! I wish I could say that I"m a 6. I was a 2-3 until I was 30 years old. I am now a 4-5 and trying very hard to reach a 6. Lets see how many guys are totaly honest with this question or a least atempt to answer it. I wonder about those that are always harping on your honesty about the models. This was very difficult for me to answer and required a lot of soul searching.
As I said previously on this thread, it all depends on the individual. For me, I am clearly a 6 and didn't have to think about it or do any soul searching. I am totally into cock, no question about it. But for many who are elsewhere on the scale, I can imagine that it could be tough to give one's self their ranking on the scale.
You see...its not so easy...for me I know I'm a 6. I'm 100% homosexual/gay...I don't have to think about it or analyze it...I know who I am and what I am and I'm happy with my sexuality.

But for some, it becomes a matter of confusion, not sure...there torn between two lovers and sexualities. I think SEX & one's sexuality is very complex. Now if you the members are having a difficult time with your sexuality...imagine the models that come here and have sex with guys. Perhaps the models that come here are text book classic case of what Kinsey was speaking about. The only difference is that back in those days right up to the early 90's, guys and girls weren't so open to sex. Today, the younger generation due to MTV and Chatting on the internet and watching porn...it has become open and acceptable for a person to be more open and to explore. Our society had changed. Doing porn and filming porn was a immoral practice...voodoo, unethical, and yes some still think that way today...but many think its cool, wow, you have a great job, how can I do porn, that is so cool!!! so the negative responses to porn have become a lot more positive. Our society is and will always change so when you question the models on the Broke Straight Boys site or see them on other sites or see the models on another site we film or a DVD, think of the Kinsey Report and the scale of 0-6 and where you or that model falls into.

Something to think about :)
Boy, what a great thread! I guess I would say through experience I am a 1, however, psychologically, I'm a 3-4. I do have to say since I've joined this site over a year ago, I have watch very little straight porn. Until recently, I had very little experence with other guys, but have thought about it since my teens. I guess I've always been 'too scared' to some degree. Anyway, I had one true experence with another guy this past summer and loved it and know I want more. I just know my emotions play hell with me and it is difficult to accept how I feel at times. But, I do think I'm making progress and think this site has really helped me a lot. Thank you to Broke Straight Boys and you guys! Thomas.
Jay - You got that right!


To quote "I've tried everything in my life. The things I liked, I tried 'em twice". Always love that line in this song! Thomas.

Great song too. Hey, I just really believe that we are all sexual beings and all of us are capable of deep passionate love with both sexes... I just think that many of us decide our sexuality when we meet that special someone... For the rest of us we just tend to choose the side we are most comfortable with. I believe we refer to that as gay or straight. Gay, straight, and bisexual are just labels which mean nothing in the real grand scheme of life. We are all here to learn to love each other unconditionally as God would love us. To love is seriously not a sin... To offer ourselves up freely to another for both our mutual sexual gratification is the highest expression of love we could ever possibly hope to achieve.

Bless your hearts live long, love much, and prosper in peace and happiness always...:001_rolleyes:
I've been calling myself an ex-heterosexual for years. Kinsey would know how to rate that, but it would probably be a word rather than a number, something dismissive, plus an invitation to take the test again or stop wasting his time.
Great song too. Hey, I just really believe that we are all sexual beings and all of us are capable of deep passionate love with both sexes...

Hi Jayman with all do respect I think you have just demonstrated an interesting paradox about human nature. As I recall on your profile you list your self as Bi which coincides with the views you expressed. To you it seems just as easy for a person to have sex with either sex. It is only natural that a person relates life to how they feel them selves. In the same respect a person that is a 0 or 1 cant understand how anyone could "choose" to have sex with the same sex. To them it is just our "choice" to be homosexual. Naturally we know they are wrong and so goes the circle.
................To you it seems just as easy for a person to have sex with either sex. It is only natural that a person relates life to how they feel them selves. In the same respect a person that is a 0 or 1 cant understand how anyone could "choose" to have sex with the same sex. To them it is just our "choice" to be homosexual. Naturally we know they are wrong and so goes the circle.
You are so correct Denny Bear. Words like "choice" and sexual "preference" do not apply at all for us "6"'s and for
"0"'s. I didn't wake up one day, and choose to be into guy's and it's not a preference, but instead it is who I am.
I agree. If we were all truly just sexual beings free of choice I'd have been choosing to do women, for a much easier life. It's just as wrongheaded and potentially hurtful as those who say we choose to be gay...
Greetings all!

Haven't posted much although I've been a member since Jan. Too much to watch and read. But this topic is one that has intrigued me for many years.

Back in the early 70s, when everyone was fucking everyone else (ah, the days before HIV), I was living with my girlfriend and had many self-proclaimed gay friends. I'd always been attracted to both sexes and it never seemed much of a big deal to label myself.

My girl got a bit upset after I came home very late one evening, having spent the night with a male co-worker. Obviously I'd betrayed her trust, and this was the beginning of the end of our relationship. It also brought up the question from her point of view: was I gay? At the same time, my gay friends were of the opinion that I was in denial, and was masquerading as straight.

So I sat down one day and made a list of every person I had ever had sex with up to that point in my life, and to my amazement it come out exactly even: 25 females and 25 males.

I agree with Jayman that we are all sexual beings. The gender of a person is not the deciding factor of my decision to pursue having sex with them. It is their personality, soul, and overall makeup.

Now many years later, I still find myself emotionally and physically attracted to both genders. But with the risk of AIDS, I tend to be much more choosy in who I actually go all the way with.

I guess my all-encompassing sexuality is the reason I never married. Didn't feel I could honestly say to anyone "til death do we part" or that I could be forever faithful to one person, and honesty is a huge part of my personal ethos.

I don't broadcast my sexuality to the world, but if asked, I will always be honest.

I believe we create our own reality and in our spiritual evolution, we need to have many different experiences.

In my next existence, I think I'll come back as a Broke Straight Boys and apply to this site!

Greetings all!

Haven't posted much although I've been a member since Jan. Too much to watch and read. But this topic is one that has intrigued me for many years.

Back in the early 70s, when everyone was fucking everyone else (ah, the days before HIV), I was living with my girlfriend and had many self-proclaimed gay friends. I'd always been attracted to both sexes and it never seemed much of a big deal to label myself.

My girl got a bit upset after I came home very late one evening, having spent the night with a male co-worker. Obviously I'd betrayed her trust, and this was the beginning of the end of our relationship. It also brought up the question from her point of view: was I gay? At the same time, my gay friends were of the opinion that I was in denial, and was masquerading as straight.

So I sat down one day and made a list of every person I had ever had sex with up to that point in my life, and to my amazement it come out exactly even: 25 females and 25 males.

I agree with Jayman that we are all sexual beings. The gender of a person is not the deciding factor of my decision to pursue having sex with them. It is their personality, soul, and overall makeup.

Now many years later, I still find myself emotionally and physically attracted to both genders. But with the risk of AIDS, I tend to be much more choosy in who I actually go all the way with.

I guess my all-encompassing sexuality is the reason I never married. Didn't feel I could honestly say to anyone "til death do we part" or that I could be forever faithful to one person, and honesty is a huge part of my personal ethos.

I don't broadcast my sexuality to the world, but if asked, I will always be honest.

I believe we create our own reality and in our spiritual evolution, we need to have many different experiences.

In my next existence, I think I'll come back as a Broke Straight Boys and apply to this site!


Yes, I agree about creating your own reality....thanks for your post
Point blank - you'll notice a common portion of the words heteroSEXual, biSEXual, and homoSEXual. It's who you have sex with. I hate to break it to you, but hetero means different. So if you only sleep with the opposite sex, that's you. The "bi" prefix means two, so if you have sex or are attracted to both genders, that's you. And finally, if you're only having sex and/or attracted to the same sex, you're homosexual. Done deal. Not much room for question.

I'm bisexual - sex twice a night - lol
Oh! I also like to point out based on this scale that this is why many gay men have had sex with females. Those gay guys or boys that had sex with females are between 4-5. I have to admit that I'm a total 6. Where do you fall into?

Damn it David you have just given me a headache thinking about this question - lol
I guess I started as a 3, & was for a long time, but I suddenly woke up one day & realised I was also a 6
I believe we create our own reality and in our spiritual evolution, we need to have many different experiences.
For those of you who fall in the mid range of the Kinsey scale, it is fine and great to have sexual relationships with both men and women, but for those of us on one end of the scale or the other, this is not possible. Much like in the thread about animals being gay, I am "wired" to have sex with men. It is not a choice or a preference. I don't think that the birds or fish or mammals who cohabit with their own sex made a "choice" either. If you fall in the mid range of the scale, and can get turned on by either sex, more power to you. But you must understand that we are not all programmed to be bisexual.
For those of you who fall in the mid range of the Kinsey scale, it is fine and great to have sexual relationships with both men and women, but for those of us on one end of the scale or the other, this is not possible. Much like in the thread about animals being gay, I am "wired" to have sex with men. It is not a choice or a preference. I don't think that the birds or fish or mammals who cohabit with their own sex made a "choice" either. If you fall in the mid range of the scale, and can get turned on by either sex, more power to you. But you must understand that we are not all programmed to be bisexual.

Once again mikeyank, I find myself agreeing with you. I have had sex with a lot of women in my life, trying to live my life for other people. In fact, I was engaged, but that didn't make me bisexual. I am gay and always have been, even before I knew about sex.

Was I turned on by heterosexual sex? I thought I was, but looking back, I would get a boner for absolutely no reason in my teens and twenties. The naked female body represented merely an announcement to my cock that it would soon have some relief, nothing more.

Did I cum while fucking women? Yes, but put a wet and warm, snuggly fitting grasp around any twenty-something's dick and you will watch it shoot within 15 minutes no matter who it is attached to.

So many men are afraid of the term "gay" that they never admit to themselves that they are. (These men usually develope a twitch after awhile.) Unfortunately the stigma attached to being gay, if you're a man, is too intense for a lot of men to handle. A lot of men are just pussies.

That's why I believed for the longest time that men were either straight or gay, and the guys calling themselves bi were just too afraid to take that final leap. Everyone I met who claimed to be bi was just trying to fool everybody and themselves and eventually became full-on gay within 5 years.

Then I met my friend Ron and he changed my entire view about bisexuality. He is the only man I know who is truly bi, but if he is, then there must be more like him.
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For those of you who fall in the mid range of the Kinsey scale, it is fine and great to have sexual relationships with both men and women, but for those of us on one end of the scale or the other, this is not possible. Much like in the thread about animals being gay, I am "wired" to have sex with men. It is not a choice or a preference. I don't think that the birds or fish or mammals who cohabit with their own sex made a "choice" either. If you fall in the mid range of the scale, and can get turned on by either sex, more power to you. But you must understand that we are not all programmed to be bisexual.

I totally understand your point and I think that eventually those of us who do fall in the middle range tend to choose one way or another eventually. Some may never choose. For example I am attracted to women and their beauty first and foremost. I love the soft sensual curves. I cannot stand women who try to manipulate me to their bidding through sex. Instant turn off. After that Skip won't give a woman the time of day. (My mom was like that and I could always see right through it. LOL Guys who do this keep right on going too. LOL) I always like the straight forward approach in life. I like my relationships to be stimulating intellectually but I don't want to feel like I need to go three rounds with Mike Tyson or Mohamed Ali just to make a decision. Nor do I want to feel like I need to have an accounting for my where abouts 24/7. I enjoy being independent for the most part. I am honest to a fault. And I pretty much shoot from the hip. I do love men that are masculine in nature with subtle indications of musculature. I think being an artist as a hobby I am always first attracted to the beauty of the human body in general. However; I find that it is the mind of the person I am dating that I find the most illuminating. These days I find myself leaning more and more toward male companionship for the long haul. At this point I am still open for the long haul. I just wonder if animals can sort through the baggage like we tend to do. Or is it more of a If it feels good just do it approach.:confused1: