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Bisexual: possible or no


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2009
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I know a lot of people who claim there is just no such things as bisexuality. I heartily disagree. I believe sexuality is on a continuum – at one far end are the people who are clearly gay and have known that since they were four nor five years old; at the other far end are the people who are clearly straight and can’t imagine gay sex. But as you approach the middle of the continuum, the possibility exists of “a lot straight/a little gay” or “pretty straight but intrigued with boys” or “pretty gay but also into girls” etc etc. Lots of times opportunity determines whether you’re going to test out your gay (or straight) inclinations.

That’s to me is what is so cool about Broke Straight Boys You get to see who might be “inclined.” So does the fact that they are on the site at all indicate some sort of inclination/willingness/curiosity? Here’s what I look for:

1. Are they hard before they take their pants off?
2. Are they constantly peeking at the straight porn (I notice Shane and Logan don’t)?
3. Is there any sign of affection given – and that could be as simple as ruffling someone’s hair, all the way to the always anticipated act of kissing?
4. Are they coming back for more?

I’m sure the behind-the-scenes guys have a better idea than most of us. Lucky them!
Hi Silvercamel,

I think there is a natural curiosity about the act of sex in general and the great feeling that it gives everyone who experiences it. Gay, Straight, Bi, and all that other stuff is just labels that was invented within the last couple hundred years. In the Roman and Greek days sex was just the act of sex and it really didn't matter who you had sex with...you only tried to solidify a relationship with a more powerful family or something. The act of producing and heir would lead one to think otherwise but you know in those days you could adopt anyone you wanted. You also have to consider that guys are for the most entirely different than girls (girls like to nest) (guys like the power that comes from the act of sex...(probably any sex)

I don't know if you can judge by the way they look at the porn because alot of these guys have been in so many videos that they probably don't need any additional incentives besides the money. They've done it before so that don't have to keep looking at straight porn to give them something to act upon.

I also don't know about the hard before they take there pants off because like if I know I'm getting ready to have any kind of sex...well I think it gets hard on its own. if I think about jacking off..my dick gets hard as a rock..I don't even need to have anything to watch...just the thought that I'm going to do some act of sex either by my self or with someone is all my brain needs to get the blood pumping to get me erect.

The affection may be and indication but you also have to consider that kissing another guy is only looked down upon in America and stuff. In Europe kissing another male in no way is considered betraying your manhood. It is simply a sign of affection for your friend or companion or something. The military calls there fellow soldiers in arms...companions

I don't even know if the coming back for more could be a good indication because usually when they come back they are going to make more money than the last time they was there and so it could just be the money.

I have really thought alot about it lately and I just don't consider gay,bi, straight...I mean if you have sex and you get off...you know like the release you feel and the feeling in your stomach when your ejaculating...It just feels good. I mean I've tried some of that stuff lately and we didn't end up in a fight or anything. The times we kinda felt guilty about it they just left, but they came back the next day ( not for sex) but its not like its eating us up inside...and we did do it again at a later date...I guess when your realy horny you just take the one there (if there willing) and you both get the good feeling about the sex act. I mean no offence but, its only sex...I'm not trying to get any guy pregnant or get pregnant myself (it can't happen)..I just don't see the problem if two guys are willing to do something together..I just think its up to them and I don't think it makes them gay. I just think we both get off and thats what we was after anyway. I mean I think we know when our balls are swollen or full and we for some reason need the feeling that comes from sex. Guys apparently need that feeling alot more than girls...I guess its just who we are.

Love you Silvercamel

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Hey, I am just Try-sexual. I will try just about anything once that looks like it could be fun. Twice or more if I like it...:w00t::001_unsure:
Haha you go Jayman I am with you on that one.....you are awesome!!

Try-sexual...definitely the best way to go :w00t:
No offense to anyone - I promise this is NOT geared toward anyone in particular. I've had this conversation with many people over the last five years. That aside...

It drives me nuts that we try to figure out how much we can get away with before we have to be considered "gay". From what I can see, it seems like this is all a big ploy to avoid the extra baggage that comes with the gay image. And I can't blame them. I don't like Cher, rainbows, techno music, and I don't talk with a lisp or get the urge to fuck anything that makes eye contact with me for more than three seconds.

These are the people that we need on the front lines, though. The ones that aren't your typical definition of gay.

Point blank - you'll notice a common portion of the words heteroSEXual, biSEXual, and homoSEXual. It's who you have sex with. I hate to break it to you, but hetero means different. So if you only sleep with the opposite sex, that's you. The "bi" prefix means two, so if you have sex or are attracted to both genders, that's you. And finally, if you're only having sex and/or attracted to the same sex, you're homosexual. Done deal. Not much room for question.

It's not (or it shouldn't be) a label that dictates your personality and every aspect of your life. It's a description of your sexual activities.
No offense to anyone - I promise this is NOT geared toward anyone in particular. I've had this conversation with many people over the last five years. That aside...

It drives me nuts that we try to figure out how much we can get away with before we have to be considered "gay". From what I can see, it seems like this is all a big ploy to avoid the extra baggage that comes with the gay image. And I can't blame them. I don't like Cher, rainbows, techno music, and I don't talk with a lisp or get the urge to fuck anything that makes eye contact with me for more than three seconds.

These are the people that we need on the front lines, though. The ones that aren't your typical definition of gay.

Point blank - you'll notice a common portion of the words heteroSEXual, biSEXual, and homoSEXual. It's who you have sex with. I hate to break it to you, but hetero means different. So if you only sleep with the opposite sex, that's you. The "bi" prefix means two, so if you have sex or are attracted to both genders, that's you. And finally, if you're only having sex and/or attracted to the same sex, you're homosexual. Done deal. Not much room for question.

It's not (or it shouldn't be) a label that dictates your personality and every aspect of your life. It's a description of your sexual activities.

I agree. If you have sex with a guy you are engaging in a homosexual act and, as we all know, homosexual = gay. I shall now replace the word HOMOSEXUAL with GAY. One can try and cloud the issue with various excuses or reasons why you are doing it, but in the end you are indulging in a GAY act. However, this does NOT mean you are 100% gay, you are just getting involved in gay activities.

Try and relate the words gay and straight to the colours white and black. If you mix up the colours, then depending on the proportion of mixture, there are many shades of in between colours. So a dark grey would put you more straight but who likes to dabble, whereas a light grey would have you sometimes peering into womens shop windows (joke). As you can see there is no definate defination but even the slightest drop of white paint amongst the black makes you slightly gay.
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here is how i view sexuality, you may or may not agree, but hey :) it's my dang view!

i believe that there is no such thing as sexuality. it's pure attraction. you can't help who you are attracted to or what you want to have sex with. i consider myself homosexual, i have sex with men but i am attracted to women too. now you may ask.... isn't that weird? no. i am attracted to men and women. i prefer sex with men. i won't cut myself off at a gender if i genuinely am attracted to a person, the gender just comes along with the person.

my friends call me an old soul for how i view my sexuality. i'm 25. i just can't stand people who have this need to label OTHERS. label yourself, first. me? i'm just a homosexual who if he falls in love with a woman it will happen. :) i can't change things like that!

and for those asking, i have been attracted to and loved a woman before.
I know a lot of people who claim there is just no such things as bisexuality. I heartily disagree. I believe sexuality is on a continuum – at one far end are the people who are clearly gay and have known that since they were four nor five years old; at the other far end are the people who are clearly straight and can’t imagine gay sex. But as you approach the middle of the continuum, the possibility exists of “a lot straight/a little gay” or “pretty straight but intrigued with boys” or “pretty gay but also into girls” etc etc. Lots of times opportunity determines whether you’re going to test out your gay (or straight) inclinations.

Try and relate the words gay and straight to the colours white and black. If you mix up the colours, then depending on the proportion of mixture, there are many shades of in between colours. So a dark grey would put you more straight but who likes to dabble, whereas a light grey would have you sometimes peering into womens shop windows (joke). As you can see there is no definate defination but even the slightest drop of white paint amongst the black makes you slightly gay.

This is a fascinating subject and one I have spent much time considering in my many years. Both from my personal feelings and in a great way by watching and listening to the younger people around me. My conclusions echo those of both Silvercamel and Jon in each of their respective statements above. It is therefore extremely difficult to know at what point one should inject the word gay as it really has no definitive definition. It is however extremely important that the tag be attached purely to identify the struggle for equality that we all face. There is nothing that any of us would love more then to live in a world where it really didn't matter and that they just left us alone to do our own thing with the same rights as everyone. Being Gay is not a bad word but every child in the world is being taught that it is. If we as a community are afraid to stand up and announce ourselves as gay and loving it our world will never change. To live in a world where it doesn't matter we must first live in a place where it does. We can not hide behind a definition and expect things to change.
Gay or straight sex distracts from a very basic reality about people: It is the reality between those who have children and those who don't. The majority of straight people have children and the majority of gay people don't. Is it possible that this is Nature's way of population control, that is, the sexual drive of a certain portion of the population is diverted to same sex instead of the opposite sex? This is maybe how Nature works and it seems like it all balances out in the end. There is no right or wrong in sex; it's all a matter how you are made naturally. We are all sexual beings and we are more than just sexual. We are complicated and complex just like Nature. Notice that I don't bring God into this equation. Nature is complicated enough nevermind putting a god in this discussion.
here is how i view sexuality, you may or may not agree, but hey :) it's my dang view!

i believe that there is no such thing as sexuality. it's pure attraction. you can't help who you are attracted to or what you want to have sex with. i consider myself homosexual, i have sex with men but i am attracted to women too. now you may ask.... isn't that weird? no. i am attracted to men and women. i prefer sex with men. i won't cut myself off at a gender if i genuinely am attracted to a person, the gender just comes along with the person.

my friends call me an old soul for how i view my sexuality. i'm 25. i just can't stand people who have this need to label OTHERS. label yourself, first. me? i'm just a homosexual who if he falls in love with a woman it will happen. :) i can't change things like that!

and for those asking, i have been attracted to and loved a woman before.

Just before I finished work today, I was the only employee left in the office, the cleaners came in. One is a sexi dark haired woman of about 26 - she has 2 kids but hubby ran out on her. She came around my desk and said that the vaccum had failed so she had to bend down with a brush and dustpan. I said jokingly "you can bend down on all 4s in front of me anytime but I won't be responsible for my actions. She smiled and crawled to my legs and ran her face against my knee, I responded by playing with her long dark hair and smiling at her. As she touched the inside of my leg her boss came into the room and shouted her name - what a surprise her boss had when her little head popped up right next to me. I'm not sure how far we would have gone but I must admit I did feel something twinge in my groin.
Here is the scale that Kinsey came up with, (reprinted with permission from the Kinsey Institute) and it's important to note that of the 12,000 men his team interviewed between 1938 and 1947, about 37 percent could be labeled bisexual. More, if you consider the respondents' history, past and fantasies.

0 - Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual
1 - Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 - Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 - Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 - Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 - Predominantly homosexual, on incidentally heterosexual
6 - Exclusively homosexual.

Here at Broke Straight Boys we get models that are between 1-3 those are the Taz's, Sabastian aka Phoenix, Brad Star, Diesal, Shane, Shane, Tyler, CJ, Dustin to name a few...

We also get those that are between 4-6 which we match up with the 1-3.

However, we never get only "0". This group applies to become a model, but I must disclose to them what the work is all about. Once I tell them, no matter the amount of money I offer they decline. Some "0" will turn into a "1" and we will try them out and bring them down. This eventually turns the "1" into 2 & 3.

I think this information from the Kinsey report is the best way to describe sexuality in today's world and perhaps clarify some confusion with our Broke Straight Boys models.

The information I gave you was directly from the Kinsey institute and I recommend to google it and do some research and the matter :wink:
Oh! I also like to point out based on this scale that this is why many gay men have had sex with females. Those gay guys or boys that had sex with females are between 4-5. I have to admit that I'm a total 6. Where do you fall into?
Oh! I also like to point out based on this scale that this is why many gay men have had sex with females. Those gay guys or boys that had sex with females are between 4-5. I have to admit that I'm a total 6. Where do you fall into?

Thanks David I have heard of the Kinsey report but was not aware of the institute I will have to check that out. I have always felt however that the report should have more steps. I would say at least 10 but myself would prefer 100, the larger the scale the more accurate the results. You also spoke of converting 0 to 1 and so forth. Have you ever had or if so how often do you have some one fly down only to find they chicken out and leave you hanging. Do you just write them off or shake them down for the air fare? LOL :001_unsure:
i just can't stand people who have this need to label OTHERS.

No offense to you, as I'm aware this is a common thought.

I can't stand people that refuse labels! If you look at human nature, we label EVERYTHING.

We classify creatures as mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, etc. Short, tall, skinny, fat, Mexican, Caucasian, Hairy, Smooth. Diseases are broken down by viral or bacterial. Foods are Carbohydrates vs. Proteins and Fats, etc. etc. etc.

It is in our nature to distinguish patterns and labels are the only way to accurately identify them. Even the people that try not to be "conformists" have to recognize the patterns/labels in order to work against them.

Being labeled Homosexual, Bisexual, and Heterosexual is no different than being labeled Carnivorous, Omnivorous, or Herbivorous. If you eat meat, you're a carnivore. If you eat plants, you're an herbivore. If you eat both, you're an omnivore.

There's no "Well I eat meat occasionally, but I identify as an herbivore because that's more socially acceptable!"
No offense to you, as I'm aware this is a common thought.

I can't stand people that refuse labels! If you look at human nature, we label EVERYTHING.

We classify creatures as mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, etc. Short, tall, skinny, fat, Mexican, Caucasian, Hairy, Smooth. Diseases are broken down by viral or bacterial. Foods are Carbohydrates vs. Proteins and Fats, etc. etc. etc.

It is in our nature to distinguish patterns and labels are the only way to accurately identify them. Even the people that try not to be "conformists" have to recognize the patterns/labels in order to work against them.

Being labeled Homosexual, Bisexual, and Heterosexual is no different than being labeled Carnivorous, Omnivorous, or Herbivorous. If you eat meat, you're a carnivore. If you eat plants, you're an herbivore. If you eat both, you're an omnivore.

There's no "Well I eat meat occasionally, but I identify as an herbivore because that's more socially acceptable!"

i cant stand people who refuse labels, if they are sure of themselves and willingly accept their label. the type of person i'm talking about looks at a guy who sleeps with men and women and calls them a homosexual just because they feel they have the right to. i'm perfectly fine with labels. :) had to clarify!

most of the things you listed that are labeled and categorized are concrete and not as abstract as sexuality. i feel there is a difference.

david! you read my mind on the kinsey scale. i'm a 5. :) but again, psychology is very abstract.
the type of person i'm talking about looks at a guy who sleeps with men and women and calls them a homosexual just because they feel they have the right to.

I can understand that because it's not accurate. If the person were to call the above mentioned guy "bisexual", that would be an accurate observation regardless of the psychological mindframe of the guy.

That's not to say that the guy could not reach a stage of heterosexuality or homosexuality, just as some people become vegetarian. I think people are afraid to say "I'm bisexual" or "I'm gay" because they feel like it's a game of Who Wants to be a Millionaire and they have to lock in their answer. There's nothing wrong with being gay now and straight next week and bisexual the week after that, though. Everyone's taste changes as they develop as people.
Kinsey said every one is on a sexual orientation scale from 1 to 5. One being totaly heterosexual, 5 being totaly homosexual. Almost no one is a 1 or a 5.
Thanks David I have heard of the Kinsey report but was not aware of the institute I will have to check that out. I have always felt however that the report should have more steps. I would say at least 10 but myself would prefer 100, the larger the scale the more accurate the results. You also spoke of converting 0 to 1 and so forth. Have you ever had or if so how often do you have some one fly down only to find they chicken out and leave you hanging. Do you just write them off or shake them down for the air fare? LOL :001_unsure:

Once in a blue moon this has happen. When this does, pending on the person, we just let them stay as guest and the just hang out for the week. If the person is an asshole and rude, I make them pay for the flight or at least half...if not we throw them out and ship them back to the airport the next day. Usually the airline will get the person on the next flight.
This is maybe how Nature works and it seems like it all balances out in the end. There is no right or wrong in sex; it's all a matter how you are made naturally. We are all sexual beings and we are more than just sexual. We are complicated and complex just like Nature.
As I was reading this thread, I was trying to formulate how I was going to respond. Well Angelone, you expressed my thoughts exactly, in your above statement. There is no one answer that applies to all of us, as Angelone said, "we are complicated and complex". I also believe that Kinsey had it right with his scale. We are all a different degree on the gay-straight scale, so it is laughable to me, for anyone to say how all people should be.

I know bisexuals who are primarily straight, but only will allow a guy to suck them, or for them to only suck a guy, but anal sex or even kissing is repulsive to them. I once met a young straight truck driver, who only wanted to get fucked, didn't want his dick touched or sucked. I also know guys who enjoy men and women fairly equally. There are guys who will only fuck women and can't get hard with another guy, and there are guys like me, who has always known that I was attracted to boys, and then young men. It's not a choice for me. If I was naked with the most beautiful, sexy woman in the world I couldn't get hard and fuck her. I'm not wired that way, but that's just me. This is a subject that it is impossible to generalize on. It's all where nature has put us on the sexual scale.