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Behind the scenes

Mark, you obviously have a lot to be thankful for, as you yourself say. But that doesn't take away from the fact that you are very brave not to feel a little sorry for yourself at times. The persona that all of us on the forum have seen consistently since your very first post shows a laidback handsome guy brimming over with humor, responsiveness, generosity and efficiency. You let us into your life as well, comparing notes with guys who were coming out of relationships and giving them your take on the problems that come with that. And your compassion level is right up in the clouds dude: I personally know of stuff you've done in private that makes a lot of difference to the lives of people we all know; and it's beautiful to see you and our fellow forumites, who've been through some of the same stuff as you have, share encouragement and hope.

What an amazing atmosphere must reign out in Colorado at Blu. Not to get overly soppy here, but the word "hero" comes to mind. Thanks for everything mister.

Thanks Slim for your kind words. I don't even know what to say except for thanks. I feel like I somehow high jacked this thread lol. I just treat everyone else like I would like to be treated myself. :001_smile:

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Is there something on BCB I don't know about lol.
You are right there is so many people worse off and thinking that actually helped me get through a lot of things. I never really had much self pity and I think everything I have been through has made me the person I am today.

Don't you remember your 3 way scene with Nate and Blake? :blink: :lol: LOL
Actually of course it was the Halloween photo you posted. While I would never accuse you of lying, it took some convincing from you to get me to realize that the 16 year old looking gym bunny in the picture wasn't photo-shopped. haha Your arms and chest are awe inspiring. :tongue_smilie:

Yeah. Because I believe in reincarnation I have to believe that there is a divine plan at work in all of our life circumstances. The people we meet and the people whose lives we touch by seeming coincidence, all has a purpose. I think that all of our struggles are designed to teach us the lessons that are needed for our own individual spiritual growth.

As far as self pity I find that it's a very counterproductive emotional response. It only tears down one's self esteem and mentally reinforces limits on what's possible for one to achieve. Especially as far as lifelong intellectual, emotional or physical goals. As flawed human beings in the flesh none of us are immune to at least minor bouts of self pity now and then. But if I find myself slipping into a little bit of it I try to stop it right away.

I remember the first time I went on dialysis several years ago. I was pretty freaked out being hooked up to the machine and physically I felt pretty crappy. My saving grace from self pity though was the guy seated directly across from me. He was about 70 and a brittle diabetic. He had been on dialysis for many years. The diabetes had ruined his kidneys and was ruining the rest of his body, piece by piece. Both of his legs had been amputated above the knees. He only had one arm. On his last remaining hand he had a thumb and two fingers. I sat there and watched him go through dialysis day in and day out just like I was doing and thought to myself, "There but for the grace of God go I." If I could sit there with all four limbs and all twenty digits, what right did I have to complain? I was blessed!

And he was just one of many people that Mark, Smiley and I (along with many others) have met along the way. If you visit hospitals, pediatric wards, physical rehab centers you are bound to meet tons of people who are worse off than ourselves.
Mark, you obviously have a lot to be thankful for, as you yourself say. But that doesn't take away from the fact that you are very brave not to feel a little sorry for yourself at times. The persona that all of us on the forum have seen consistently since your very first post shows a laidback handsome guy brimming over with humor, responsiveness, generosity and efficiency. You let us into your life as well, comparing notes with guys who were coming out of relationships and giving them your take on the problems that come with that. And your compassion level is right up in the clouds dude: I personally know of stuff you've done in private that makes a lot of difference to the lives of people we all know; and it's beautiful to see

LOL This thread is so interesting that I haven't been able to help but stop and comment before I see the posts that follow. You are so right about Mark, Slim. He does many things in private to show concern, empathy, sympathy and generosity. And these are things that he never seeks credit or publicity for.
LOL This thread is so interesting that I haven't been able to help but stop and comment before I see the posts that follow. You are so right about Mark, Slim. He does many things in private to show concern, empathy, sympathy and generosity. And these are things that he never seeks credit or publicity for.

Agree guys, Mark is a hellova guy. xx