I like the old series a bit better too. I do kind of like the story line a bit in the new one. The human cylons was an interesting twist. I really would like it to be a lot less soap operaish. Too many story lines to follow. Also, the lighting is way too morbid and saltry for my liking.
I like the old series a bit better too. I do kind of like the story line a bit in the new one.
The human cylons was an interesting twist. That is one reason I don't like the new one.
I really would like it to be a lot less soap operaish. Too many story lines to follow.
Also, the lighting is way too morbid and saltry for my liking.: To be expected. Mind you they are on a ship, you just don't have "sunny" days inside one.
I like the old series a bit better too. I do kind of like the story line a bit in the new one.
The human cylons was an interesting twist. That is one reason I don't like the new one.
I really would like it to be a lot less soap operaish. Too many story lines to follow.
Also, the lighting is way too morbid and saltry for my liking.: To be expected. Mind you they are on a ship, you just don't have "sunny" days inside one.
We have day florescent bulbs today. They are more advanced than us. Why haven't they figured out the lighting... The old series had some well lit ships. They had well lit ships in Star Wars too... Just, little pick pet peave of mine. LOL
I like the old series a bit better too. I do kind of like the story line a bit in the new one. The human cylons was an interesting twist. I really would like it to be a lot less soap operaish. Too many story lines to follow. Also, the lighting is way too morbid and saltry for my liking.
Too many story lines going at once. That is all. I kind of like the old episodes where there was one story line and everyone was working toward a common goal for the most part. Then again I have ADD and I often like not having to stay glued to the TV all of the time for fear I might miss something.