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Bad Boys

I watched these two videos above in the past two days. Smokin' hot. Just smokin' hot. Jason sure has bedroom eyes for his partners. Probably gay but who cares. Not I said the Valentine. Both of the other boys are so sensual and sexual in these two videos too. Loved 'em.

Have you seen the Behind the Episodes too with Jason, Blake and Denver in New York?
But, not really "bad boy" types.


On this picture these guys look as if they were brothers...
Bad boys
Whatcha want, watcha want
Whatcha gonna do
When sheriff John Brown come for you
Tell me
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna dooo

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

When you were eight
And you had bad traits
You go to school
And learn the golden rule
So why are you
Acting like a bloody fool
If you get hot
You must get cool


You chuck it on that one
You chuck it on this one
You chuck it on your mother and
You chuck it on your father
You chuck it on your brother and
You chuck it on your sister
You chuck it on that one and
You chuck it on me


Nobody naw give you no break
Police naw give you no break
Soldier naw give you no break
Not even you idren naw give you no break


Why did you have to act so mean
Don't you know you're human being
Born of a mother with the love of a father
Reflections come and reflections go
I know sometimes you want to let go
I know sometimes you want to let go

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
(You're too bad, you're too rude)
(You're too bad, you're too rude)
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you


You chuck it on that one
You chuck it on this one
You chuck it on your mother and
You chuck it on your father
You chuck it on your brother and
You chuck it on your sister
You chuck it on that one and
You chuck it on me

(repeat 'til the end)

Here's a theme song for this thread. Just change one word's spelling to be naughty so Forumites: "Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Watcha Gonna Do? Watcha gonna do when they CUM for you?
On the way home, Patrick let me fall asleep on his shoulder, on the school-bus. And I felt so happy and comforted. (It was a freezing, Canadian, February night. And I still remember the scent of his deodorant - Mennen Speed-Stick, original: and if I ever catch a whiff of that deodorant, in the drugstore, I almost lose my head, and don't know whether to come, or cry: honestly.) And, when I got back home from that school-trip, I went directly to my room and masturbated exactly 15 times, in a row - I was so frustrated and desperately in love, with Patrick.
Thank you Ambivalent for sharing your entire story of the "straight boys" in your life that you have known, lusted after and cared about, but your story of Patrick befriending you and the bus ride home, and how the aroma of Patrick's Mennen Speed-Stick, original still to this day conjures up memories of Patrick is very touching and very erotic.

While I understand that you have now adopted Jason's attitude of looking for "pan sexuality" in your models and the men in your life, I appreciate your youthful memories and the memory of Patrick with your head on his shoulder and the Mennen Speed-Stick combined with Patrick's natural aroma resonates with me. Thank you.
But, not really "bad boy" types.
Not sure if these two are "bad boys" or not, but they sure are very much my type, and to borrow a phrase from my friend Stowe, they sure "melt my butter". Whether they are "bad" or "good", they sure are sizzling HOT!!!

And after gazing at this image further, one of the hottest parts to me is the casual, almost incidental contact between Carter's elbow with Ayden's arm. That kind of contact is electric!
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Thank you Ambivalent for sharing your entire story of the "straight boys" in your life that you have known, lusted after and cared about, but your story of Patrick befriending you and the bus ride home, and how the aroma of Patrick's Mennen Speed-Stick, original still to this day conjures up memories of Patrick is very touching and very erotic.

While I understand that you have now adopted Jason's attitude of looking for "pan sexuality" in your models and the men in your life, I appreciate your youthful memories and the memory of Patrick with your head on his shoulder and the Mennen Speed-Stick combined with Patrick's natural aroma resonates with me. Thank you.


Dear Mike:

It is never a problem, sharing stories of days past, with you. And I am certainly not pan-sexual, in Jason's definition. I could never, honestly, accept a woman's hand in marriage ~ and six women have offered. But, as far as my taste in male erotica is concerned, I think I am pretty generous: as long as the guys are cute, it matters not to me whether they are straight, gay, or bisexual.

I like Broke Straight Boys for the quality of the models who appear - and that of the photoshoots and videos - period. Though I ALSO know and appreciate that, for others, other factors are equally important. I simply wanted you to know that, I have loved a number of straight men, in my life.

Not every bad boy can be tamed, some are capable of cutting your throat with a smile on their face. Be careful with real bad boys.


You spake the truth there, Rrhill.
I have been burnt, fortunately only by being the victim of theft.
No cut throat to date.

I like to think I'm better at realising when chasing someone would
only lead to a dead end. The benefit of (sometimes joyful, sometimes
painful) experience.

VBB are very similar to BB but incorrigible.

I understand that Clay was trying to give some background of the scene to justify the models not being completely nude but I felt the personal things he had to say was a betrayal of a confidence. I do like hearing the back stories of the models but I like hearing it from them. If they chose not to divulge some personal experiences I think that should be respected.

I do have an attraction to bad boys but like Mike I want to hold them and hug them and tell them how special they are. The real back story of why so many young men turn bad or end up in bad situations is tragic and usually goes back to a bad home life. One of the biggest problems in our society is that adolescents are ignored at home. When children are capable of being on their own or seeing to their own needs too often parents let them go and ignore them then the only time they get attention is when they do something bad.

I've seen it on here time after time one of the boys has 6 different jobs in a year and can't hold a job or hasn't had a job in over a year and they come here to this site and put their heart into performing, it's not about sex it's about pleasing the people they are working for because they feel wanted and appreciated.

I think it's a lot of hard work to hire a bad boy, they don't cooperate with you in the beginning and they need some space and time and a lot of encouragement. If you give them room and support they will bloom into the best employee you've ever had, they become fiercely devoted and committed to you and the job. It takes a strong and steady hand to guide these type of people but you can make a real difference in their lives and their future.
Dear BenBen,

I am not quite so sure about the first part, of your letter. I think that it was not totally a bad thing for Clay to give some (non-identifying) background, to help people understand, and empathize with, what some of the models are going through. Because, especially in the current Internet environment: people can be so quick, to judge. (And judge, mercilessly.)

I totally agree with the second part of what you said, though. Very often young people who are seen as "bad", or "incorrigible" ~ if they actually GET a chance to HAVE some care and kindness, which they have never hitherto received ~ turn out to be the BEST people, of ALL. Before I was born (because she was an old lady, by then) my Grandma used to give opportunities like that to kids on the farm (kids who were considered to be "juvenile delinquents", in the '40's, and '50's): to have a job, and make friends, and go to the movies, and stuff like that. And, by far, most of them repaid her with LOTS of love, and went on to do pretty well, in their lives.

(Of course, that was a different era, I am granting you that ~ long before the problems of complex and intractable substance addictions, that a lot of kids face, today. And such difficulties alter the equation considerably, and sometimes, sadly, irrevocably.)

However, BenBen, I think the principle is the same. It is true, that there are a few people out there who are genuinely BAD. More, who are ill, suffering from various intractable emotional problems: often brought on by cruelty, in their growing-up years. And even MORE, devastated by substance abuse. Sometimes, these problems can never be "solved", even by the greatest kindness.

BUT, I do believe, at bottom, most young men and women are the same: they want simply to be cared-about, and loved - and have a chance to do SOMETHING in life that will make better things possible. It is not ALWAYS possible, but, it is my belief: if you can catch such kids EARLY enough in life, and show them some love, and GIVE them a chance: wonderful things CAN happen, for them. It's not inevitable - especially in the midst of all the challenges people face today ~ but, it is still POSSIBLE. And so, people should TRY.

I understand that Clay was trying to give some background of the scene to justify the models not being completely nude but I felt the personal things he had to say was a betrayal of a confidence. I do like hearing the back stories of the models but I like hearing it from them. If they chose not to divulge some personal experiences I think that should be respected.

I do have an attraction to bad boys but like Mike I want to hold them and hug them and tell them how special they are. The real back story of why so many young men turn bad or end up in bad situations is tragic and usually goes back to a bad home life. One of the biggest problems in our society is that adolescents are ignored at home. When children are capable of being on their own or seeing to their own needs too often parents let them go and ignore them then the only time they get attention is when they do something bad.

I've seen it on here time after time one of the boys has 6 different jobs in a year and can't hold a job or hasn't had a job in over a year and they come here to this site and put their heart into performing, it's not about sex it's about pleasing the people they are working for because they feel wanted and appreciated.

I think it's a lot of hard work to hire a bad boy, they don't cooperate with you in the beginning and they need some space and time and a lot of encouragement. If you give them room and support they will bloom into the best employee you've ever had, they become fiercely devoted and committed to you and the job. It takes a strong and steady hand to guide these type of people but you can make a real difference in their lives and their future.

I also agree with you, BenBen, about the second part of your post. I was a part of a ministry in Florida that worked with such people. Not all of the young men we worked with were changed, but we did have more successes than failures.

This subject also reminds me of an obscure movie, titled "Walking Across Egypt" (1999), which deals with this subject. It stars Ellen Burstyn and Jonathan Taylor Thomas. I originally watched it because I had the hots for Jonathan Taylor Thomas. But I ultimately became a fan of the movie because it reminded me of so many of the young people in Florida who I may have been blessed to help along the way in this thing we call life. A little love goes a long way.
I know we can't help everyone and some people aren't ready to get help. It's important to realize that even if we have good intentions they may not be received well. I've had it backfire and people would try to play me or try to take advantage of me. Even if I am holding out one hand to help I'm still keeping an eye on what's going on. I think being strong and having rules is a good thing. I have been charitable but I'd rather give a hand up than a hand out. I try to be supportive and not get emotionally involved.