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Back to brass tacks

A very hearty welcome back from me took, Jason.

As far as the BB issue is concerned, I happen to be a fan of watching bb porn, but would never want to be part pf any situation that would make a model perform BB sex if he didn't want to and it is perfectly clear from the various postings by Mark and Clay that this is certainly not ever the case with Broke Straight Boys

You are obviously intelligent enough to make that decision without any advice from us (too young, obviously to have witnessed the devastation that AIDS caused among our friends as some on this forum -- myself included -- have personally endured).

Management makes sure that everyone is thoroughly and regularly tested. The eventual decision is entirely up to the individual model.
A very hearty welcome back from me took, Jason.

As far as the BB issue is concerned, I happen to be a fan of watching bb porn, but would never want to be part pf any situation that would make a model perform BB sex if he didn't want to and it is perfectly clear from the various postings by Mark and Clay that this is certainly not ever the case with Broke Straight Boys

You are obviously intelligent enough to make that decision without any advice from us (too young, obviously to have witnessed the devastation that AIDS caused among our friends as some on this forum -- myself included -- have personally endured).

Management makes sure that everyone is thoroughly and regularly tested. The eventual decision is entirely up to the individual model.

Indeed and Amen
Dearest JASON,

Welcome back - and it is so wonderful to hear from you, again! As you know, you are the reason I returned to Broke Straight Boys, after a long hiatus: and, I am so glad I did so. Every moment you have shared here on video, is rapturous - given that my boyfriend lives 1500 miles away, you have helped me survive many a long, arctic, night ;-) But even MORE, the gentle pleasure of enjoying your bright, witty, but still caring and lovely conversation. . . has made this whole subscription, worthwhile, for me.

Though I am a little late to this party (I apologize - my furnace was malfunctioning, which is not a small matter in Canada, where it is presently minus 31 Fahrenheit): I, too, would like to congratulate you on your promotion. It's wonderful; I know it is entirely deserved; and, I am certain that there will be more to follow, in your career. You are bright; you are cheerful; you are articulate; you are skilled, and charming, and empathetic. It is no wonder that your employers want to make an increasing use of your talents.

Jason, I read Stowe's concerns about your future career with great appreciation and care, and am not quite certain what to say about it, at all. Yes, for most of us, for most of our lives, having been a model in erotic video was surely something that could have precluded a variety of careers. (And I think this is still the case, particularly in the realm of careers in elementary and secondary education. And likely will be the case for a good while to come, in such areas as the political arena, for example.) So - Stowe's concerns are definitely to be taken seriously: and, I appreciate his selflessness, in caring about you, first. That is admirable.

My sense is that, as a (rather celebrated) model, with numbers of images and videos available online, this is an issue with which you may or will have to contend, either now or in the future - whether you choose to retire from modelling now, or in the future. As I know you know, there are a couple of things you must do. First, you must choose your employment possibilities with regard to these risks. Second, you must have an appropriate communications strategy in place (nothing mendacious, simply sincere, but effective) to deal with prospective employers who have questions.

I know you are capable of this, and furthermore: our society, in North America, has changed a good deal, lately. People (especially young people) are much more tolerant than they were, even 10 years ago. And honesty, sincerity, and talent, open a great many doors, that formerly were slammed shut. While I think I can guarantee that you might have difficulties if you ran in your local primary, to become the Republican nominee for the House of Representatives - even POLITICS is not completely off-limits for people who have worked in adult industries, these days.

(In my city, in the last civic election, there was a former erotic model - turned businessman - who was nominated on the "conservative" side of the ticket, for a certain ward. Granted, Canada is significantly more liberal than most of the U.S.A., and, he lost - but he was NOMINATED, and that never would have happened, even 10 years ago. Also, former Senator Scott Brown, of Massachusetts, was - famously - a former Playgirl model!)

Jason, I am not meaning to give you a false sense of optimism about all this stuff: there is surely still a stigma in some people's minds (which I think is wrong) about being a model, especially on an erotic site. And it can be a problem - sometimes a BIG problem, depending on the field in which you work, and the attitudes of one's employers. But attitudes are changing, gradually but significantly, and I think that if you work hard, and explain yourself well, there will be good opportunities for you, in your career going forward.

At any rate, think about it hard, and make the best decision you can. Stowe is RIGHT to be concerned for you - and, in this respect, he is probably a better friend than I am! - but, I think that, having taken the plunge into adult work some time ago, you will be able to overcome the challenges to your future career. Whatever you do, you know that I (and countless others) will always be on your side.


Re: "Condomless videos" - I do not want, or need to see Jason Matthews, do one of those.

I know (and accept, and am GLAD) that Broke Straight Boys management has promised to use the best and most current testing available, in the most stringent way. And I know that, in some instances, this may be even a safer option, for many models. And that's a good thing.

BUT - all of us OLD gay men, who lived through the worst of the AIDS crisis (and some of the younger ones, too, like James, the lovely young doctor from Ireland - I have a lot of doctor friends, too, and I know they would agree with James) know that condoms are the best first line of defence available: so why not make use of them?

As I said in another post, I really do not GET why people are so crazed for condomless videos, anyway: at MOST, you get TWO SECONDS before the PENIS ENTERS, and TWO SECONDS after it EXITS - how thrilling is that??? I think the "bareback" thing, at least on video, is all a product of people's IMAGINATIONS, and recollections of things THEY have felt. If so (I think) let them do it with a partner THEY know and trust, and not ask for it as entertainment. . . . But, sexual fixations are, by definition, not rational, and people want, what they WANT.

Again, I think that, as described, Broke Straight Boys's condomless testing regime is going to be both strict and effective - so people can watch these videos without guilt, or fear, for their favourite models.

HOWEVER, I wouldn't do it myself, not even with Mr. K., the man I LOVE - and I would never recommend it, for a friend. And, needless to say, Jason, I consider YOU a FRIEND. (Of course, you are an ICON and an IDOL, as well ;-) So, I hope you won't do it.

Not to mention, I really don't NEED this, in a Jason Matthews video! Every video you have ever done has made me splooge four or five times in a row (your video with Blake made me HIT the CEILING, literally!!!): so what difference does a few inches (or, in your case, MANY inches) of RUBBER that you NEVER SEE MAKE, in terms of that kind of BLISS????? I submit. . . . NONE. . . AT. . . ALL!!!

So, Jason, come back, play safe, and please do ANOTHER scene with Blake - - - and take some time to teach Adam Baer, and Paul Canon, and Johnny Forza, and Tyler Blaze. . . . how beautiful sex can be!!! (Mark, and Sha, and Clay - are you listening??? LOL!!!)

Hey, J. ~ Little Richard once said, "I am the originator, the emancipator, the architect of rock-'n-roll!!!" Well, I think the very SAME thing could be said of Jason Matthews, as an inspiration on Broke Straight Boys, and College Dudes You are WILDLY sexy; incredibly sweet; magnificently intelligent; and. . . simply put. . . a STAR.

I'm glad I got to live in the 21st century, just to know you a little, man ;-))) You ARE that old-time rock-and-roll ;-)

Your fan always,


P.S. In full disclosure, re: the clip: Yeah, I know that Tom Cruise is a MASSIVE jerk, these days, and have renounced him. (Scientology is pure EVIL, as far as I am concerned, and has got to be the nastiest and most expensive way of covering up for being gay - - - Tom, and John. . . )

But, back in the day, when I was 16 and first went to university, the first movie I went to was "Risky Business". I made the mistake of wearing khakis - wow, khakis are figuring so prominently in my recent posts, I think I should cut it out! - and, after I got done seeing Tom dance in his underwear, I had a big, HUGE, DARK, wet, spot on them. . . My friend Scott said, "A - liked the movie, huh? That Rebecca de Mornay was pretty cute, huh???" I mumbled, "yeah."

Still love Bob Seger, though!!! LOL!
Welcome back Jason!!! I'm a new member, a straight woman who loves you!! Your video with Blake was pure BLISS!! You have to do more videos with Blake, please!!!! And there needs to be kissing, lots of kissing with tongue of course :)
You both have an amazing personality. It's not just about the looks with you guys even though YOU ARE PURE HOTNESS!!!
You're laid back, funny, witty, intelligent and Much more....
You sound like a really nice guy to be friends with and I've enjoyed all the videos I've seen of you so far. I'm looking forward to more videos of you on Broke Straight Boys! You are a star here and I can totally see why. I hope you'll get in touch with us , as soon as you have some time, of course! Btw, belated congrats on your promotion at work! You totally deserve it!

I totally agree with what Ambivalent said and especially that part:
"Again, I think that, as described, Broke Straight Boys's condomless testing regime is going to be both strict and effective - so people can watch these videos without guilt, or fear, for their favourite models.

HOWEVER, I wouldn't do it myself, not even with Mr. K., the man I LOVE - and I would never recommend it, for a friend. And, needless to say, Jason, I consider YOU a FRIEND. (Of course, you are an ICON and an IDOL, as well ;-) So, I hope you won't do it.

Not to mention, I really don't NEED this, in a Jason Matthews video! Every video you have ever done has made me splooge four or five times in a row (your video with Blake made me HIT the CEILING, literally!!!): so what difference does a few inches (or, in your case, MANY inches) of RUBBER that you NEVER SEE MAKE, in terms of that kind of BLISS????? I submit. . . . NONE. . . AT. . . ALL!!!

So, Jason, come back, play safe, and please do ANOTHER scene with Blake - - - and take some time to teach Adam Baer, and Paul Canon, and Johnny Forza, and Tyler Blaze. . . . how beautiful sex can be!!! (Mark, and Sha, and Clay - are you listening??? LOL!!!)"

Sending you lots of love from France!
Chere Milla,

Quel plaisir de rencontrer quelqu'un qui aime Jason, aussi. Bien sur, j'aime Blake, tres cher: et Jason est, pour moi, l'ange incomparable de Broke Straight Boys

Bien sur, je suis d'accord que leur scene ensemble est magnifique. Et incomparable. J'espere qu'un jour, ces deux beaux hommes pourraient partager un baiser ~ dans le sens traditionnel du terme! ~ sur les rives de la Seine. Et j'espere qu'un jour, Blake vous embrasserai.

Je suis desole que je n'ai pas de bonnes marques diacritiques sur mon ordinateur - et je suis desole que mon francais est si deficient.

Une fois, j'ai eu un petit ami canadien-francais, et j'ai travaille dur a apprendre pour lui, mais j'ai tout oublie. Maintenant, je suis oblige d'utiliser les dictionnaires, et des programmes informatiques. . . et les resultats sont mauvais. Je m'exuse :-((((

P.S. ~

Just for Milla (and Jason): Rufus Wainwright singing (in his bad Montreal, ANGLO, accent) "Coeur de parisienne" ;-) This is a song which, in my heart, will always belong to my friend H. (who first showed me Paris) - but I thought you might like it, too. . .

Chere Milla,

Quel plaisir de rencontrer quelqu'un qui aime Jason, aussi. Bien sur, j'aime Blake, tres cher: et Jason est, pour moi, l'ange incomparable de Broke Straight Boys

Bien sur, je suis d'accord que leur scene ensemble est magnifique. Et incomparable. J'espere qu'un jour, ces deux beaux hommes pourraient partager un baiser ~ dans le sens traditionnel du terme! ~ sur les rives de la Seine. Et j'espere qu'un jour, Blake vous embrasserai.

Je suis desole que je n'ai pas de bonnes marques diacritiques sur mon ordinateur - et je suis desole que mon francais est si deficient.

Une fois, j'ai eu un petit ami canadien-francais, et j'ai travaille dur a apprendre pour lui, mais j'ai tout oublie. Maintenant, je suis oblige d'utiliser les dictionnaires, et des programmes informatiques. . . et les resultats sont mauvais. Je m'exuse :-((((


Cher Ambi,

Ton français est impressionnant! Je te remercie d'avoir pris le temps de m'écrire ce petit message en français. Ça me fait très plaisir.


PS: thanks for the song!
Chere Milla,

Quel plaisir de rencontrer quelqu'un qui aime Jason, aussi. Bien sur, j'aime Blake, tres cher: et Jason est, pour moi, l'ange incomparable de Broke Straight Boys

Bien sur, je suis d'accord que leur scene ensemble est magnifique. Et incomparable. J'espere qu'un jour, ces deux beaux hommes pourraient partager un baiser ~ dans le sens traditionnel du terme! ~ sur les rives de la Seine. Et j'espere qu'un jour, Blake vous embrasserai.

Je suis desole que je n'ai pas de bonnes marques diacritiques sur mon ordinateur - et je suis desole que mon francais est si deficient.

Une fois, j'ai eu un petit ami canadien-francais, et j'ai travaille dur a apprendre pour lui, mais j'ai tout oublie. Maintenant, je suis oblige d'utiliser les dictionnaires, et des programmes informatiques. . . et les resultats sont mauvais. Je m'exuse :-((((


You may need the help of a dictionary and translation programs Ambi but you seemed to express yourself quite well. . Even with my very rudimentary understanding of French, based on my knowledge of Latin and Spanish...you did great. The sentiments expressed above towards Jason, Blake and Milla are very kind and sweet.
You may need the help of a dictionary and translation programs Ambi but you seemed to express yourself quite well. . Even with my very rudimentary understanding of French, based on my knowledge of Latin and Spanish...you did great. The sentiments expressed above towards Jason, Blake and Milla are very kind and sweet.

His french is quite good and I love that he took the time to write me this little message in french. How nice of him?
Such a great guy!!
I once got 98 out of 100 in my French exam. I asked why I didn't get 100 and the teacher said it was because I had placed the bedroom downstairs instead of upstairs (the question was place the rooms in the part of the house they should be in ?). I said that in our house we had a downstairs bedroom because our granny was with us at the time. It didn't cut the mustard - I still got 98.
His french is quite good and I love that he took the time to write me this little message in french. How nice of him?
Such a great guy!!

Dear Tampa and Milla,

You are both so kind. It might amuse you to know that, once when I was in Paris, and we were walking about, I suddenly spied an AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS police-cadet, about 19 years old, with jet-black hair, and sparkling eyes: resplendent in his uniform, right in front of the Louvre. (We were about to go in, for a tour.)

And so I asked him, Monsieur, est au Louvre pres d'ici? He replied, Monsieur, etes-vous serieux? Le musee du Louvre est la - derriere nous!!! (Everyone laughed - but I was NOT sorry to play the stupid North American tourist, for THAT gorgeous cadet!)

My friend Dr. H wryly observed, "A, your French gets better so suddenly, and MIRACULOUSLY, as soon as you set eyes on a cute brunet policeman!" LOL!!!


P.S. Another1 ~ Yes, indeed, JASON is the light who spans not only BSB1, and BSB2, but every room he ENTERS, and every corner of my heart. . . . :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub: I love and ADORE Monsieur Jason, as one of the greatest models, and kindest people, of all time.

Dear Tampa and Milla,

You are both so kind. It might amuse you to know that, once when I was in Paris, and we were walking about, I suddenly spied an AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS police-cadet, about 19 years old, with jet-black hair, and sparkling eyes: resplendent in his uniform, right in front of the Louvre. (We were about to go in, for a tour.)

And so I asked him, Monsieur, est au Louvre pres d'ici? He replied, Monsieur, etes-vous serieux? Le musee du Louvre est la - derriere nous!!! (Everyone laughed - but I was NOT sorry to play the stupid North American tourist, for THAT gorgeous cadet!)

My friend Dr. H wryly observed, "A, your French gets better so suddenly, and MIRACULOUSLY, as soon as you set eyes on a cute brunet policeman!" LOL!!!


P.S. Another1 ~ Yes, indeed, JASON is the light who spans not only BSB1, and BSB2, but every room he ENTERS, and every corner of my heart. . . . :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub: I love and ADORE Monsieur Jason, as one of the greatest models, and kindest people, of all time.


You should definately consider writing if you don't already. You, sir, have a way with words. I would love to write like you!