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Back to brass tacks

BSB Jason

BSB Model
BSB Model
Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Hello folks,

Its surely been quite a while since Ive last responded or even checked in with the forum. For that I apologize and wanted to make it clear that I have not abandoned my position with Broke Straight Boys or the forum in any manor. The last you heard from me I was trying to get something on the schedule for December. Obviously that too didnt work out to well. Not sure what happened there..

I spoke with Clay on the third of January and we discussed both scheduling and the great changes being brought to BSB2. We discussed scheduling some things in February, nnothin set in stone. Recently I spoke with both Sha and Clay to basically confirm our schedule. So as far as I know ... you should expect some work to be released soon!

My life has been good and I cant complain about my health, the weather is absolutly frightful. My job keeps me very busy and offers me very little personal time which so far im ok with. October 1 - Dec 31 is the busiest time of the year for me. The last two weeks of November and the first week of December I worked 12 hour days, 7 days a week. About 20 consecutive days like that without a day off. Although im still very busy Ive accepted a promotion in Mid December which is allowing my scheudle to simmer quite a bit. But because its a new position and there is both a lot of training required and the need to prove yourself and leave an impression Im still working very hard all the time.

My looks havent faded but my body wants to. As can be expected in this time of the year, ive lost my six pack but that will be right back when spring rolls around and im more active and work less.

As far as the condom thing goes, Im really not sure How I feel. Ive never in the past supported it although it has the potential to make hott porn. Ive never considered doing it myself. I quickly recognize the health risks that are posed and understand the impact it could have on me. The jury is still out on that one ... but Im curious what yall think.

Well I just wanted to stop in and say hello, remind you that I have forgotten you and am still here. I miss you all and hope to hear from you soon!
As far as the condom thing goes, Im really not sure How I feel. Ive never in the past supported it although it has the potential to make hott porn. Ive never considered doing it myself. I quickly recognize the health risks that are posed and understand the impact it could have on me. The jury is still out on that one ... but Im curious what yall think.
Dear Jason,

I am so pleased to hear from you again, and even happier to hear that you are arranging to do a new shoot for Broke Straight Boys next month. That is fabulous news!!!

As long as you are asking our opinions on the new condom-less scenes and are asking for our input, I would rather that you do not do it. I do understand all of the safety measures that Broke Straight Boys is taking with all of the advanced testing procedures, etc. But just the same, there is always risk involved, and I believe it sends a bad message.

There are a number of BSB2 fans who are absolutely "giddy" with pleasure as a result of these new bareback scenes, and I imagine that most of them will whole-heartedly encourage you to participate, but as someone who considers you more than a model, but a friend who I've met and spent quality time with last June, I vote no and would rather not see you participate in this practice. But I certainly respect your intelligence and sense of what is right for you, and I'm sure you will make a wise decision, for yourself.

I too had wondered if we had seen and heard the last of you on Broke Straight Boys, and I'm so pleased to have you back with us. :welcome: Back Home Jason!!!
Imagine a natural born cum eater, like me, getting to suck off young handsome straight guys with a clean bill of health... for me that comes close to cum heaven. I'd suck you vacuum Jason! That happens to be my fetish. : -)
Hey Jason, I'm grinning from ear to ear and kind of giddy that you posted a message for us. Many of us do miss you and have been disappointed not to have seen you for awhile. It's good to know you're doing so well at work, congratulations. Personally I could care less if you have a six pack or even if you get doughy I still think you're cute as hell and you're incredible personality shines so bright in front of the camera I'd enjoy your performance no matter how you looked.

Jason you're such a great performer you don't need to degrade yourself by performing bareback sex. When I see a model doing bareback I feel it puts them in a bad light. I know you liked working with Diesal and he was one of my favorites, he was the first Broke Straight Boys model to really attract my attention and he is the real reason I came to this site even though I knew he was no longer here. I have to tell you I felt kind of sick to my stomach when I heard he was doing bareback. I had a lot of respect and admiration for him but that's gone now I just think it's sad that he felt he needed to do that. I would feel sad if I saw you doing bareback also.

I want to not censor myself and say exactly what I think about models who bareback but it wouldn't be very nice and it's really none of my business what a model does in his life but it does change my opinion about them as a person. One time I got in trouble at work and a customer filed a complaint against me at the corporate office saying I was mean and rude to them. I was not mean nor rude I was being honest and forthright with them, I didn't sugarcoat it. I had witnesses and my reputation even though I didn't do anything wrong I was required to apologize to the customer which I did. One of my supervisors talked to me and said peoples perception is reality. How we intend to come off and how we really are is not always the way we are perceived. We cannot always control how we are being perceived, if someone things we're being rude then we are if someone thinks you're a gutter slut then you are, in their eyes perception is reality and they will have no problem sharing their perceptions with other people especially if it is a negative perception. People will repeat negative perceptions to what used to be up to a 100 people before the digital age now it's probably millions but they don't often go out of their way to repeat a positive perception to more than a few people.

I would be sad to see you perform bareback sex on camera, I would not insult you for your decision but I would not support you either. It hurts me to even say that and to think about it. I have the same feelings for some of the other models, I think it cheapens you as a person and as a performer. It sounds like you already know what you want and what you feel comfortable with please don't let anyone change your mind because at the end of the day you have to live with your decisions and choices.

Take care buddy and big hugs to you, best of luck with your new job. I am so happy for you.
i cannot say to a man i've hug in friendship, that i believe it is 100 o/o safe.
i know that every precaution is being taken.
i have seen many bb scenes and love seeing them end in facials, they can be hot.
i have never seen a bb with someone i personally care about. how sick it that, two strangers, but not two friends.
i must sound like i would rather have strangers offered jobs and not friends. i am like that i guess.
i love to skydive. would never jump of a bridge with a bungee cord and certainly, not without one.
Hello folks,

Its surely been quite a while since Ive last responded or even checked in with the forum. For that I apologize and wanted to make it clear that I have not abandoned my position with Broke Straight Boys or the forum in any manor. The last you heard from me I was trying to get something on the schedule for December. Obviously that too didnt work out to well. Not sure what happened there..

I spoke with Clay on the third of January and we discussed both scheduling and the great changes being brought to BSB2. We discussed scheduling some things in February, nnothin set in stone. Recently I spoke with both Sha and Clay to basically confirm our schedule. So as far as I know ... you should expect some work to be released soon!

My life has been good and I cant complain about my health, the weather is absolutly frightful. My job keeps me very busy and offers me very little personal time which so far im ok with. October 1 - Dec 31 is the busiest time of the year for me. The last two weeks of November and the first week of December I worked 12 hour days, 7 days a week. About 20 consecutive days like that without a day off. Although im still very busy Ive accepted a promotion in Mid December which is allowing my scheudle to simmer quite a bit. But because its a new position and there is both a lot of training required and the need to prove yourself and leave an impression Im still working very hard all the time.

My looks havent faded but my body wants to. As can be expected in this time of the year, ive lost my six pack but that will be right back when spring rolls around and im more active and work less.

As far as the condom thing goes, Im really not sure How I feel. Ive never in the past supported it although it has the potential to make hott porn. Ive never considered doing it myself. I quickly recognize the health risks that are posed and understand the impact it could have on me. The jury is still out on that one ... but Im curious what yall think.

Well I just wanted to stop in and say hello, remind you that I have forgotten you and am still here. I miss you all and hope to hear from you soon!

Dear Jason- As a fan of long standing and my fellow 'Burgher, I am glad to hear that you have been well. Is this the job you wrote about when you last posted at UPMC? You got the promotion you were aiming for and while your schedule might be easing as a result, you are absolutely correct in concentrating all your time and talent on training for the new job and showing that you are the best person for the job, and thus, ratify in the minds of your bosses that they made the right choice in promoting you.

Given all that, why would you want to continue with porn? All of your fans miss your not being on site, but most of us realize that this is not a long-term career opportunity for anyone, much less you.

With respect to barebacking, there is the thread which Mark started with his statement and has gone on for 8 pages. And the thread about Johnny and Lucas' scene which goes on for 5. So if you want to know what people think, read those - they go on ad nauseum.

Your message was a bit cryptic in that you say you've talked to Sha & Clay recently and confirmed your schedule, but then you say we should see some work released soon. What is soon?

No matter what you decide to do with Broke Straight Boys, you are at a point that you have to think of your future long-term and put that ahead of all else. I want you back selfishly because I love your work; but more importantly I want to see you set on a path for your long-term well-being.

Dear Jason,

I am so pleased to hear from you again, and even happier to hear that you are arranging to do a new shoot for Broke Straight Boys next month. That is fabulous news!!!

As long as you are asking our opinions on the new condom-less scenes and are asking for our input, I would rather that you do not do it. I do understand all of the safety measures that Broke Straight Boys is taking with all of the advanced testing procedures, etc. But just the same, there is always risk involved, and I believe it sends a bad message.

There are a number of BSB2 fans who are absolutely "giddy" with pleasure as a result of these new bareback scenes, and I imagine that most of them will whole-heartedly encourage you to participate, but as someone who considers you more than a model, but a friend who I've met and spent quality time with last June, I vote no and would rather not see you participate in this practice. But I certainly respect your intelligence and sense of what is right for you, and I'm sure you will make a wise decision, for yourself.

I too had wondered if we had seen and heard the last of you on Broke Straight Boys, and I'm so pleased to have you back with us. :welcome: Back Home Jason!!!

Mikey- being of those who are enthused with the barebacking scenes (I wouldn't say I'm "giddy" - too old for that-lol), I don't think it is fair to those of us who are pleased with their being a part of Broke Straight Boys for you to imagine that most of us would wholeheartedly encourage Jason to participate in barebacking. What I would tell Jason is to read the literature, listen to the pros and cons, inform his intellect, and make a free will choice whether or not to bareback. I would like to imagine that many others would do the same, but I have no way of knowing, so I'll just not do so.

Mikey- being of those who are enthused with the barebacking scenes (I wouldn't say I'm "giddy" - too old for that-lol), I don't think it is fair to those of us who are pleased with their being a part of Broke Straight Boys for you to imagine that most of us would wholeheartedly encourage Jason to participate in barebacking. What I would tell Jason is to read the literature, listen to the pros and cons, inform his intellect, and make a free will choice whether or not to bareback. I would like to imagine that many others would do the same, but I have no way of knowing, so I'll just not do so.
You are right Stowe. That was an unfair broad stroke swipe speaking of the folks who are "giddy" about the bareback sex. I did not mean you and I apologize for the inference.
You are right Stowe. That was an unfair broad stroke swipe speaking of the folks who are "giddy" about the bareback sex. I did not mean you and I apologize for the inference.

Mikey, no need to apologize to me. But you know me - forever the muckraker - lol!!!!

Life is too precious to take unnecessary risls for such a transient thing as BB Porn

Hello folks,

Its surely been quite a while since Ive last responded or even checked in with the forum. For that I apologize and wanted to make it clear that I have not abandoned my position with Broke Straight Boys or the forum in any manor. The last you heard from me I was trying to get something on the schedule for December. Obviously that too didnt work out to well. Not sure what happened there..

I spoke with Clay on the third of January and we discussed both scheduling and the great changes being brought to BSB2. We discussed scheduling some things in February, nnothin set in stone. Recently I spoke with both Sha and Clay to basically confirm our schedule. So as far as I know ... you should expect some work to be released soon!

My life has been good and I cant complain about my health, the weather is absolutly frightful. My job keeps me very busy and offers me very little personal time which so far im ok with. October 1 - Dec 31 is the busiest time of the year for me. The last two weeks of November and the first week of December I worked 12 hour days, 7 days a week. About 20 consecutive days like that without a day off. Although im still very busy Ive accepted a promotion in Mid December which is allowing my scheudle to simmer quite a bit. But because its a new position and there is both a lot of training required and the need to prove yourself and leave an impression Im still working very hard all the time.

My looks havent faded but my body wants to. As can be expected in this time of the year, ive lost my six pack but that will be right back when spring rolls around and im more active and work less.

As far as the condom thing goes, Im really not sure How I feel. Ive never in the past supported it although it has the potential to make hott porn. Ive never considered doing it myself. I quickly recognize the health risks that are posed and understand the impact it could have on me. The jury is still out on that one ... but Im curious what yall think.

Well I just wanted to stop in and say hello, remind you that I have forgotten you and am still here. I miss you all and hope to hear from you soon!

Dear Jason,

I am so pleased to hear from you again, and even happier to hear that you are arranging to do a new shoot for Broke Straight Boys next month. That is fabulous news!!!

As long as you are asking our opinions on the new condom-less scenes and are asking for our input, I would rather that you do not do it. I do understand all of the safety measures that Broke Straight Boys is taking with all of the advanced testing procedures, etc. But just the same, there is always risk involved, and I believe it sends a bad message.

There are a number of BSB2 fans who are absolutely "giddy" with pleasure as a result of these new bareback scenes, and I imagine that most of them will whole-heartedly encourage you to participate, but as someone who considers you more than a model, but a friend who I've met and spent quality time with last June, I vote no and would rather not see you participate in this practice. But I certainly respect your intelligence and sense of what is right for you, and I'm sure you will make a wise decision, for yourself.

I too had wondered if we had seen and heard the last of you on Broke Straight Boys, and I'm so pleased to have you back with us. :welcome: Back Home Jason!!!

Hey Jason, I'm grinning from ear to ear and kind of giddy that you posted a message for us. Many of us do miss you and have been disappointed not to have seen you for awhile. It's good to know you're doing so well at work, congratulations. Personally I could care less if you have a six pack or even if you get doughy I still think you're cute as hell and you're incredible personality shines so bright in front of the camera I'd enjoy your performance no matter how you looked.

Jason you're such a great performer you don't need to degrade yourself by performing bareback sex. When I see a model doing bareback I feel it puts them in a bad light. I know you liked working with Diesal and he was one of my favorites, he was the first Broke Straight Boys model to really attract my attention and he is the real reason I came to this site even though I knew he was no longer here. I have to tell you I felt kind of sick to my stomach when I heard he was doing bareback. I had a lot of respect and admiration for him but that's gone now I just think it's sad that he felt he needed to do that. I would feel sad if I saw you doing bareback also.

I want to not censor myself and say exactly what I think about models who bareback but it wouldn't be very nice and it's really none of my business what a model does in his life but it does change my opinion about them as a person. One time I got in trouble at work and a customer filed a complaint against me at the corporate office saying I was mean and rude to them. I was not mean nor rude I was being honest and forthright with them, I didn't sugarcoat it. I had witnesses and my reputation even though I didn't do anything wrong I was required to apologize to the customer which I did. One of my supervisors talked to me and said peoples perception is reality. How we intend to come off and how we really are is not always the way we are perceived. We cannot always control how we are being perceived, if someone things we're being rude then we are if someone thinks you're a gutter slut then you are, in their eyes perception is reality and they will have no problem sharing their perceptions with other people especially if it is a negative perception. People will repeat negative perceptions to what used to be up to a 100 people before the digital age now it's probably millions but they don't often go out of their way to repeat a positive perception to more than a few people.

I would be sad to see you perform bareback sex on camera, I would not insult you for your decision but I would not support you either. It hurts me to even say that and to think about it. I have the same feelings for some of the other models, I think it cheapens you as a person and as a performer. It sounds like you already know what you want and what you feel comfortable with please don't let anyone change your mind because at the end of the day you have to live with your decisions and choices.

Take care buddy and big hugs to you, best of luck with your new job. I am so happy for you.

I applaud all of these wise remarks are listed above. They express reasonable concerns that most of us would normally have for a person we know and care for personally: a beloved brother, a lover, and/or a best friend. The lives of the youngest frequently have a sense of being invulnerable to the genuine risks that can come our way from something as simple as not keeping our eyes to the “sexually responsible” road ahead. Someone we think of as a true friend has our normal expectations for them succeeding in life's many challenges and are hoping to see them at their best for many years to come. Being from the generation that brought to people's consciousness the Era of AIDS, my initial intent is to refrain from pouring gasoline on the fire!

For those of us who witnessed the sense of utter hopelessness that came from someone we cared for being diagnosed as being HIV POSITIVE, you would not want this fact of life increasing for merely the momentary enjoyment of a few meaningless sexual indiscretions. What a tragedy that befell its countless victims in the past, who had their whole future stolen from them due to carelessness and taking unnecessary sexual risks. Life is not some dime-a-dozen reality show where people do foolish acts only to have a lifetime to regret these indescretions. Being someone’s true friend implies a genuine concern for their wellbeing, personal safety, and looking forward to.seeing them achieve their lifelong goals without the burden of dealing with unnecessary medical risks that are going to be essentially looked upon as a "statistical error". Imagine a tombstone with the words engraved...





No life is worth loosing over something as inconsequential as “statistical error”.

I realize that medical science has advanced since the early 1980’s with many medical protocols that further advance the life expectancy of AIDS victims, but who wants to constantly be thinking of how compromised one’s health has become as a consequence. Who wants to be viewed as a victim?

Maybe today’s generation has somehow come to think that HIV is no longer a genuine threat to your health. DON'T FOOL YOURSELF!!! So many highly intelligent and artistically gifted people have fallen in the past as a result of taking too many risks in their own sexual life and essentially lying to themself. Being from that era that brought to people's consciousness an indelible image of suffering and abandonment by many so-called “Fair Weather Friends” to be left to die alone, a supremely dejected human existence further reduced due to other people’s worst fears.

I do not judge anyone but, rather, I implore you to love yourself enough to realize the many great blessings that have come your way. Just as people die from Auto-Erotic Asphyxia's , Barebacking should be looked upon as equally self-destructive behavior and no more. I love Jason Matthews to death without him killing himself in the process. Personally, I don't enjoy seeing people do such things as BB sex. It only serves to desensitize us rather than make us more appreciative of the many wonders that lie in store for us to discover. Just because something exists, doesn’t mean that we must practice it as well.

When BenBen talks of the fallacy of convincing yourself only other’s perception really matters and these misperceptions suddely becomes "the truth", all I can say is that you own your own truth and don’t allow someone’s perception to trump what you know to be "the truth". In normal verbal communication, we often miscommunicate our ideas to others because communication itself is not perfect. Then, we must take the time to clarify ideas we communicated incorrectly to hopefully get at the truth that all can share in!

Sincerely disturbed by the regression to BB sex,

Stimpy :angeldevil:
Jason, I think you can see that many of us think a great deal of you and, like others, I was thrilled to see your new post. I have been anxiously awaiting to see you again on Broke Straight Boys I've been a fan since you first appeared on BSB1. You are an amazing young man and obviously have many, many talents. One such talent is a very good brain. From what you say, your brain is struggling with this bareback issue. All I can say is please adopt the cautious side of the brain and pass on bareback. I know everyone is doing his/her very best to make this as safe as is medically possible. However, there are no guarantees in life and you have such a bright future, I would not do anything to jeopardize that. Just having you back will be such a huge boost to Broke Straight Boys and your fan base. But, we want you to stay happy, healthy and successful in life. Can't wait for your next scene here. Meanwhile, thank you for checking in here and take good care of yourself.
A voice from the past - Jayman01 - had a few thoughts to share

I was talking with Jayman1 on the phone tonight about the current BB situation at Broke Straight Boys and he had these thoughts he wanted to share:

Adult entertainment is just what it is; adult entertainment. I only wish the price for entertainment of any kind did not place the performers at risk. It kind of reminds me of how the Gladiators would fight to the death for entertainment. Face it risk sells.

Obviously, there is a certain amount of increased sexual arousal that occurs when we watch models appearing to be so in love that they throw out all of the safety protocols like condoms.

I do not want to come across as the condom police. And in my own hay day, I had my fair share of unprotected sex. I was lucky and never acquired an STD. Many of my friends who had unprotected sex did… I wish that the models were not so desperate for cash that they would leap at the opportunity to engage in unprotected sex even for entertainment purposes. I do realize that they were briefly informed of the risks and that they even received STD testing prior to the scene. That is normal for the porn industry most of the time any way. However, I would like to point out that because of the incubation period with most diseases there is never a guarantee that those tests are accurate. I do commend Broke Straight Boys for their efforts to maintain as much safety as possible when filming bareback sex. I still want the models to realize that test or not there is still risk in engaging in bareback sex with any partner.

Bareback sex should never be engaged in lightly. This decision should only be considered when you are in a mutually monogamous relationship with some one that you love very much and that you feel that you can trust implicitly. Although, there is still risk with that kind of trust… It is perhaps safer that any one night stand or one time film shoot.

Nameste my friends. I miss you all very much.

Live long, love much, and prosper in your health…





back to brass tacks

Hi Jason:
So glad to hear from you. As a fellow "Burgher" like stowe. I had been grousing over how some models write on the forum once or twice and then seem to disappear. Congrats on promotion and I look forward to seeing your upcoming videos as I truly appreciate your work(and bod). Just what were you promoted to? No need to answer that if you feel it is too personal. Thanks again for entertaining us so well.
Bugcatcher :2c:
Dearest Jason,

I am so glad to hear from you again and have you back with us! Happy dance. :woohoo: :woohoo:

I'm thrilled that you will be doing more work onscreen. I couldn't care less if because of all the long days you've been putting in at work, that your 6 pack is more of a 2 pack right now. I know you bring your own charm and skill to every scene you're in.

As for the BB... If you or any model is the least bit uncomfortable with it, then don't do it. Period. Mark has indicated that no model would be punished or denied future work for opting out of BB. Those who really want the extra cash and feel very comfortable with all the safeguards Broke Straight Boys has in place...then let them do it. I'm not thrilled about BB. It worries me. Plus, unlike other friends of mine in here I don't have a particular fetish for wanting to see unwrapped models in porn.

I grudgingly accept that BB is being brought to the site, mainly because there is nothing I can do to stop it. There have been times when I have put myself out there with some strongly worded posts in order to affect some change in one direction or another on the site. If I do that however, I know that I have to pick my battles. This is one such "battle" so to speak, that I know I have zero chance of winning. So I'm not going to expend the effort. I will enjoy the BB scenes and not make a fuss over that issue...knowing all along that I would like the scene just as well, (if not more) if the models wore condoms.
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Dearest Jason,

I am so glad to hear from you again and have you back with us. I'm thrilled that you will be doing more work onscreen. I couldn't care less if because of all the long days you've been putting in at work, that your 6 pack is more of a 2 pack right now. I know you bring your own charm and skill to every scene you're in.

As for the BB... If you or any model is the least bit uncomfortable with it, then don't do it. Period. Mark has indicated that no model would be punished or denied future work for opting out of BB. Those who really want the extra cash and feel very comfortable with all the safeguards Broke Straight Boys has in place...then let them do it. I'm not thrilled about BB. It worries me. Plus, unlike other friends of mine in here I don't have a particular fetish for wanting to see unwrapped models in porn.

I grudgingly accept that BB is being brought to the site, mainly because there is nothing I can do to stop it. There have been times when I have put myself out there with some strongly worded posts in order to affect some change in one direction or another on the site. If I do that however, I know that I have to pick my battles. This is one such "battle" so to speak, that I know I have zero chance of winning. So I'm not going to expend the effort. I will enjoy the BB scenes and not make a fuss over that issue...knowing all along that I would like the scene just as well, (if not more) if the models wore condoms.
Jason _ I am delighted you are back. I look forward to your contributions here. As for bareback - as an old fart who saw far too many die in the worst of the AIDS pandemic and having continued to work with young men as recently as a couple years ago who have become HIV+ through sex work, I can only offer you my opinion which is not doing bareback is the better course.
Well this just so happens to be the HAPPIEST day of my life since Jason is posting again!! SO thrilled to be hearing you on here again and your alleged return to Broke Straight Boys!! Those of us who love you would do so UNCONDITIONALLY and could absolutely care less whether you have a 6 pack or a 1 pack for goodness sake!!
As for the other thing, I trust you will use your own judgment regarding this and frankly with whatever choice you manage to make I will support you no matter what!! I would like to encourage you to stick with the courage of your own personal convictions though and if you don't feel it is right for you stick with it and have the assurance that THIS member will MOST CERTAINLY not judge you either way!!
I too was a young man when this GAY DISEASE hit the media and saw, like most of you, the children that could not attend school, the complete ignorance of all and of course the understandable fear of something new and unknown. Fortunately, for many reasons, 1) New babies, brighter more informed and accepting people 2) amazing advances in science and medicine, we should thank our committed scientists who continue to find cures for this disease as well as others 3) do not spit in Gods eye, our country has been very fortunate in it's advances in HIV treatment but that has resulted in complacency, especially in the young. Remember this virus like all viruses mutate (find a cure to kill us --- fuck you -- we'll just make a new and stronger strain). WE MUST CONTINUE TO STRESS SAFTER SEX OR WE WILL BE BACK TO STEP ONE AND STARTING A HORRIBLE AND SAD PLIGHT AGAIN. PLEASE EDUCATE ANY YOUNG GAY YOU KNOW IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY.
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I too was a young man when this GAY DISEASE hit the media and saw, like most of you, the children that could not attend school, the complete ignorance of all and of course the understandable fear or something new and unknown. Fortunately, for many reasons, 1) New babies, brighter more informed and accepting people 2) amazing advances in science and medicine, we should thank our committed scientists who continue to find cures for this disease as well as others 3) do not spit in Gods eye, our country has been very fortunate in it's advances in HIV treatment but that has resulted in complacency, especially in the young. Remember this virus like all viruses mutate (find a cure to kill us --- fuck you -- we'll just make a new and stronger strain). WE MUST CONTINUE TO STRESS SAFTER SEX OR WE WILLBE BACK TO STEP ONE.
I too was a young man when this GAY DISEASE hit the media and saw, like most of you, the children that could not attend school, the complete ignorance of all and of course the understandable fear or something new and unknown. Fortunately, for many reasons, 1) New babies, brighter more informed and accepting people 2) amazing advances in science and medicine, we should thank our committed scientists who continue to find cures for this disease as well as others 3) do not spit in Gods eye, our country has been very fortunate in it's advances in HIV treatment but that has resulted in complacency, especially in the young. Remember this virus like all viruses mutate (find a cure to kill us --- fuck you -- we'll just make a new and stronger strain). WE MUST CONTINUE TO STRESS SAFTER SEX OR WE WILLBE BACK TO STEP ONE.

How can you preach like a vicar on this thread, then on another say you enjoy watching bareback sex... I'm totally confused.
I never said I was a saint, I do enjoy watching it. I love watching it. That doesn't mean my crude animal desires should be satisfied at the expense of others and that was the reason for the post above. I do not think there should be BB sex but if it's there I'' watch it. No contradiction just plain selfish self gratification.