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Ayden Troy Fucks Ronan Kennedy

I do apologize as, I didn't realize that this was still a scene Thread! If Mark sees fit, perhaps to move this to another section? That would be his call. Again, my apologies for hijacking and posting in the wrong area or thread! See, THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT apply to me too!
Dear Ambi and mike.
Just want to say Thanks. You guy's are why I love this forum so much. Plus a lot more of people on here. We are different than any other porn site.
Because of such a great bunch of people. Ups and downs. Twist and turns. But there is a lot of Love here.
As The Forum Turns..:biggrin:
Dear Ambi and mike.
Just want to say Thanks. You guy's are why I love this forum so much. Plus a lot more of people on here. We are different than any other porn site.
Because of such a great bunch of people. Ups and downs. Twist and turns. But there is a lot of Love here.
As The Forum Turns..:biggrin:
I'm going to sue you johnny. "As The Forum Turns" is on my copyright. :001_rolleyes::rotflmao:
Ambi, I thought that was a very nice post and sincerely hope that it's intended was able to appreciate it.

I do however want to use this (if I may) to say that we as members on the forum also need to be made aware of something I've observed from the first time I posted till present. And also, to get others to perhaps participate in the discussion as well.

When I first discovered the forum and a place to discuss things about porn, models and all things gay men discuss, I had so much I wanted to share at once I flooded the place with comments! What I didn't know was; THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT! There are members who've been, not only on the site but, participants on the forum for a very long time. They're (for the sake of a description) Established Members. They have seen many things (related to this site and or it's models, management etc) and have probably heard IT ALL, as far as anything a newbie might bring up. Though I was warmly welcome and greeted, within a very short time, I was bumping heads with other members! I got a distinct "GOOD OLE BOY" vibe and took on a very defensive posture!

I did start making real, genuine connections after a while. Beth, Mikeyank,Tampa and PeterH were among the first. But, the forum atmosphere can be a bit intimidating to someone new! It takes a while to get to know the people, what conversations to stay out of, who is going to react to what....who will say something predictable (that's my own thing....ha ha). While it is a PORN SITE, the forum is different things to different people. It can be a very nice atmosphere and, at times....not so much! I've seen a lot of older posters leave; Milla, Rick, Robert...Cumrag?(Stimpy) and even some new members come and go. Bonds have been formed on this very forum!

The one thing that "new comers" tend to do however, is bring new, fresh perspectives. Sometimes it seems like we do hear the same thoughts, ideas and concerns over and over (like recirculated air). Some even think that a newbie is sometimes a "mole" to shake things up a bit! Sometimes, that could be true (maybe) who knows? But, let's get back to the "Rules of engagement". Do you think the forum has an Implied set? How do you feel a new poster should be welcomed? How was your first experience on the forum? If you're still here, how do you feel now? Do you come for the forum or the porn? These are questions I ask myself often, what are your thoughts?:anyone:
Whether this thread is the appropriate place to discuss your questions or not, Betu, I find this a fascinating subject, being addicted to the forum, as I am.

Although it seems that I've been here forever, there was actually a short time between my signing up for the forum, and my first post. I was intimidated by the people who seemed to have "forum savvy", while this was all so new to me. They all knew all the code words like thread, newbie, highjack thread, lol, etc. etc, while it was all Greek to me. I saw everyone quoting each other and making inside jokes. These folks had apparently participated on internet forums before, as I joined here on the first day it was announced that it was forming.

As a result of my initial shyness, I try very hard to be welcoming to a serious new member. I realize that some join on a three day pass and by the time I say hello, they are gone. Other's seem to love the forum community and fit right in, but after three weeks, they too leave. But when I can see that someone appears to want to join in as a regular contributor, I am as welcoming as possible and try to answer questions, and draw on my "historic knowledge" of Broke Straight Boys and the forum.

Our newest newbie forumite, Miami24 seems to be a Broke Straight Boys junkie too, and I love to getting his perspective on both old and new models here, but I also think that it was rude of him to start "attacking" long term members right off the bat without engaging in discussion first. I want him to stay as he has definite opinions which makes for great reading for me, and I also enjoy engaging in debate on the forum too. But it all has to be civil with us all respecting each other and not going on "attack mode" before we have a chance to explain ourselves.
Beth, Mikeyank,Tampa and PeterH .How do you feel a new poster should be welcomed? How was your first experience on the forum? If you're still here, how do you feel now? Do you come for the forum or the porn? These are questions I ask myself often, what are your thoughts?:anyone:

Why is my name 4th? lol Not looking for any apology's but when I found the forum I too felt left out by the "queer click" as I referred to them back then. Beth wasn't a member yet so I never got a "welcome" to the forum from anyone. Honestly I was told I was never even noticed until I changed my Avatar to Shane! I'm a pretty confident guy that doesn't need everyone to like him, but it would have been nice if a hello had come from an established forumite. One did finally quote me on a thread and then I felt welcomed, but that was nearly a year. So I try and welcome new members with open arms with all sincerity, as I know how hard it is being the "new kid in school" on this forum. I have made some dear friends now (whom I've yet to meet) but never the less are my friends. So when I see a new member post and the welcome wagon comes out from our established forumites and Mark, it makes me happy.
Why is my name 4th? lol .

I knew that was going to happen! LOL, honestly though, that was the order in which I met through private messages.....(you're trying to get me to say,....I saved the best for last.....aren't you???
I knew that was going to happen! LOL, honestly though, that was the order in which I met through private messages.....(you're trying to get me to say,....I saved the best for last.....aren't you???
This maybe off topic again. But I new it was going to happen too. He is such a sweet little. Diva....
I know that we have bounced back and forth from being on and off the subject matter of this thread, yet as I have read all the posts concurrently coming in at this time, I am quite honored to be a member of this forum with all of you. I do not post all that much for you to get to know me, but I know you because I read your posts. Those of you that have recently responded to this thread and those forumites that you have mentioned, mean so much to me because I an unable to walk so that means that I don't get out except to visit my doctors. I'm blessed in so many ways: I have a power chair for home, a power scooter to go to the doctor, and a laptop that allows me to read your posts and feel like I am a member of a family that understands each other whether we agree with each other or not. Isn't that the way it is with brothers and sisters. It is in my book and that's why I enjoy looking over you guys shoulder as seeing what you think.

I could go on an on and I know you don't want that so I leave with two things:

1) To be on subject, I loved the scene because I love the young men. 2) I have just one question for Dr. M. (I have a doctorate in counselling) I have turned my laptop every which a way to find the answer to just what your avatar is? Would you mind telling me?
I know that we have bounced back and forth from being on and off the subject matter of this thread, yet as I have read all the posts concurrently coming in at this time, I am quite honored to be a member of this forum with all of you. I do not post all that much for you to get to know me, but I know you because I read your posts. Those of you that have recently responded to this thread and those forumites that you have mentioned, mean so much to me because I an unable to walk so that means that I don't get out except to visit my doctors. I'm blessed in so many ways: I have a power chair for home, a power scooter to go to the doctor, and a laptop that allows me to read your posts and feel like I am a member of a family that understands each other whether we agree with each other or not. Isn't that the way it is with brothers and sisters. It is in my book and that's why I enjoy looking over you guys shoulder as seeing what you think.

I could go on an on and I know you don't want that so I leave with two things:

1) To be on subject, I loved the scene because I love the young men. 2) I have just one question for Dr. M. (I have a doctorate in counselling) I have turned my laptop every which a way to find the answer to just what your avatar is? Would you mind telling me?
Dear Mac,

I am honored to share this forum with you, a totally honest, decent man and you are as much a part of this forum as anyone else. We are all brothers here, and sisters here too Beth, and no one's opinion is any more important than anyone else's. You took a leave of absence a while ago and now you are back and that's just how I like it.

And threads do tend to meander, and this one has been a doozy but I'm glad you like "my boys" Ayden & Ronan Kennedy.

And by the way, I am also curious about Dr. M's avatar. I don't know who or what it is but it sure peaks my curiosity :001_unsure:
Dear Mac,

I am honored to share this forum with you, a totally honest, decent man and you are as much a part of this forum as anyone else. We are all brothers here, and sisters here too Beth, and no one's opinion is any more important than anyone else's. You took a leave of absence a while ago and now you are back and that's just how I like it.

And threads do tend to meander, and this one has been a doozy but I'm glad you like "my boys" Ayden & Ronan Kennedy.

And by the way, I am also curious about Dr. M's avatar. I don't know who or what it is but it sure peaks my curiosity :001_unsure:

Hi Mac
I have too just agree with everything mike has to say. Glad your on the forum. I just love Southern Gentlemen. So meaning that your now part of this group again.Can you tell mike for me
Are Pedro is. Both a Deva and a yenta. A good one.
Thanks Mac . Hope your having a nice Sunday. And I'm curious about that avatar too. But I'm a yenta. And your wrong about one thing. You can go on and on all you want.
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His avatar looks like a hot guy reaching to turn the light off and get ready to fuck!!! (just what I see) lol If you've ever met me I'm so far from a Diva. I just like people at my beck and call, and to do everything my way!! I was so happy Mactee came back, he was truly missed by me. Now if we could convince on RRhill, Jlipps, Stympy and Rbar to return things would be even better.
Hi Mac
I have too just agree with everything mike has to say. Glad your on the forum. I just love Southern Gentlemen. So meaning that your now part of this group again.Can you tell mike for me
Are Pedro is. Both a Deva and a yenta. A good one.
Thanks Mac . Hope your having a nice Sunday. And I'm curious about that avatar too. But I'm a yenta. And your wrong about one thing. You can go on and on all you want.
whats a yenta
Ambi, I thought that was a very nice post and sincerely hope that it's intended was able to appreciate it.

I do however want to use this (if I may) to say that we as members on the forum also need to be made aware of something I've observed from the first time I posted till present. And also, to get others to perhaps participate in the discussion as well.

When I first discovered the forum and a place to discuss things about porn, models and all things gay men discuss, I had so much I wanted to share at once I flooded the place with comments! What I didn't know was; THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT! There are members who've been, not only on the site but, participants on the forum for a very long time. They're (for the sake of a description) Established Members. They have seen many things (related to this site and or it's models, management etc) and have probably heard IT ALL, as far as anything a newbie might bring up. Though I was warmly welcome and greeted, within a very short time, I was bumping heads with other members! I got a distinct "GOOD OLE BOY" vibe and took on a very defensive posture!

I did start making real, genuine connections after a while. Beth, Mikeyank,Tampa and PeterH were among the first. But, the forum atmosphere can be a bit intimidating to someone new! It takes a while to get to know the people, what conversations to stay out of, who is going to react to what....who will say something predictable (that's my own thing....ha ha). While it is a PORN SITE, the forum is different things to different people. It can be a very nice atmosphere and, at times....not so much! I've seen a lot of older posters leave; Milla, Rick, Robert...Cumrag?(Stimpy) and even some new members come and go. Bonds have been formed on this very forum!

The one thing that "new comers" tend to do however, is bring new, fresh perspectives. Sometimes it seems like we do hear the same thoughts, ideas and concerns over and over (like recirculated air). Some even think that a newbie is sometimes a "mole" to shake things up a bit! Sometimes, that could be true (maybe) who knows? But, let's get back to the "Rules of engagement". Do you think the forum has an Implied set? How do you feel a new poster should be welcomed? How was your first experience on the forum? If you're still here, how do you feel now? Do you come for the forum or the porn? These are questions I ask myself often, what are your thoughts?:anyone:


Hi, Betu (XOXOXOXO) ~

First of all, I bear no grudges toward Dr. M. for expressing his opinions, or raising his questions. It's all fair ball, as far as I'm concerned. And, as you will have seen, Dr. M. posted a very civilized and gracious response to my letter, for which I am appreciative.

Betu - I came here for one reason, and one reason only - Jason Matthews - because I adore him, and think he is the sexiest model of all time. Am I here for the forum, or the erotic video???? Well, Betu. . . come on! You weren't born yesterday! If I wanted, I could spend my weekends in Bible-study classes, or in a literary discussion circle, but. . . I'm here because I have a super-high sex drive, and watching Jason, Paul, or Adam get off, gets ME off, too! LOL!

HOWEVER, I WILL SAY - this is a very, very nice forum: which is home to a shining constellation of brilliant, funny, witty, and compassionate people. And it's absolutely wonderful to relax, and talk to you all, about any subject under the sun - from sexuality, to politics, to music, or literature: knowing that someone out there is going to understand.

AND - the forum IS a place where real friendships can be forged. I feel very lucky, because this is kind of a second chance for me. For many years, I was a frequent poster on a forum that was hosted on a (now-defunct) Eastern-European site, and I met some of the best friends of my lifetime, there. . . people whom I have subsequently gotten to know in real life, and visited, and et cetera. It is really nice that Broke Straight Boys offers the same opportunity for the exchange of ideas, and the creation of friendships. I think it is really wonderful - and there are not many sites out there, that afford this opportunity, anymore.

Now, Betu, is there, on the Broke Straight Boys board, a "code of conduct", or strict "rules of engagement"??? I don't really think so. But, Betu, it would be very interesting to me to know if you have ever taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory!!! (A sort of personality-profile derived from the insights of Carl Gustav Jung.)

According to the MBPI, I'm an "INFJ". I'm predominately intuitive and lead with the heart. I make virtually immediate decisions about whom I like, or don't like, based upon fragments of what they write, or say. I am also extremely disorganized, and care VERY LITTLE about established rules, and regulations, if they conflict with what my heart tells me, to do.

You will have noticed, that dear Jon, from Liverton (whom I love very much, even though his personality is diametrically opposed to mine - he and I would be DISASTROUS, as lovers, though I think we have become great friends!!!): is always trying to clean up threads, and urge people to post under the appropriate topic, and so on. (Which is perfectly justifiable, and conduces to a more readable board!)

I, on the other hand (left-handed, and right-brained, as I am) don't give a flying f*** about all that. If someone wants to go off on a tangent, in the midst of a thread: I think it's fascinating, and will not only encourage them - I'll join right in!!! LOL!!!

But these sorts of things, Betu, are a function of one's personality, and conversational style. On boards like this, they can loom large, at times - and even give rise to controversy. In terms of the intellectual dimension, some people prize order and intellectual discipline, on a board: others are much more tolerant of a little anarchy. (I'm in the latter camp, I suppose.) In terms of the emotional dimension, some people can tolerate quite a lot of conflict, in the interest of intellectual integrity. . . while others prefer that conflict be muted, in the interest of peace, love, and probably granola-bars, all 'round. (Again, being an INFJ, I am in the latter camp.)

Betu, I DO FEEL for those who imagine that there are (or must be) "rules of engagement", on message-boards like this: who are wanting and needing rules, beyond, of course, the keeping of federal, state, and civic, LAW. Because, message-boards like this one are inevitably messy, and anarchic. Perversely, perhaps - I think that is what makes them so interesting.

Betu: my experience on this board (as on others, before) has been this: I have come, and simply tried to be myself. I have a great many controversial opinions, which I know will not wear well, with everyone. So, when I express them, I try to be gentle and diplomatic, without ever betraying myself. I try to be interesting; I try to amuse; I try to have FUN. Because I am a Celt, with a FEROCIOUS TEMPER, invariably (from time to time) I get so pissed-off with someone who has made an innocent comment I didn't appreciate (usually because I took it out of context - I am not a saint, like Tampa!): I dump loads of fire and brimstone, over his head. Usually, thereafter, I have to apologize. But I don't really mind doing so, if I am in the wrong ~ as I very frequently, am.

Betu, is there, on this board, an "establishment", of "ESTABLISHED MEMBERS"? Well, YES and NO.

Betu, in any social group where primates converge (LOL!!!) there WILL BE a sort of social order - but that needn't be a HORRIBLE thing! As people get to know one another, over time - and share ideas and experiences - it is only NATURAL that likings, affinities, affections, and mutual respect, will emerge. (Honestly, if it were NOT SO, one would have great cause for concern!!!!)

However, that there are pre-existing (or long-existing) friendships, in a community such as this, needn't and shouldn't mean that anyone new should feel (or be made to feel) excluded. Despite the fact that I am a MAD CELT, with an array of outrageous opinions, and a thin skin and a rotten temper, to boot. . . people have been exquisitely nice to me, here. I have simply been myself, and presented myself, and all my bizarre notions, to the group - and have found many fine friends. Right from the start.

OF COURSE, and this is inevitable, some of those friendships took longer than others, to forge - because the partners in some of those friendships have such different ideas, and experiences, from my own. But those, I think, are the most valuable friendships - the ones with people whom, in real life, one would seldom agree, and perhaps might never meet. That, Betu, is the glorious value, of a place such as this.

To any new member, who is feeling concern about how to enjoy the board, or "fit in" on the board, and wondering how to accomplish this. . . I would say (to quote one of my old heroes, Mr. Quentin Crisp): SIMPLY BE YOURSELF. Of course, take some pains to be kind, and civil, and humane - because these are important graces, which will not go unnoticed. But, by the same token, never hesitate to share your REAL IDEAS, and what's REALLY on your mind ~ because people will really value your candour, in the end: even if they protest at the moment. (Unless, of course, you're a Nazi, or something, in which case all bets are OFF - and sometime, Betu, I'll have to tell you all about the beautiful blond Argentinian Nazi who desperately wanted to date me, and whom I consigned, to. . . EREBUS.)

That's it, that's all, but Betu - I hope I have answered your question, in a proper fashion. Always, always, always, BE YOURSELF, no matter what they say.


*An Englishman in New York ~ written by "Sting", in tribute to Quentin Crisp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d27gTrPPAyk
I hope not as I love johnnys work as it was so smooth and seemles to me and the stuff he did as well as the filming was amazing also. Dan x

I sometimes enjoyed his stuff as I did Clay's. but come on, dude was a one shot deal. I liked his approach sometimes, but now let's see his departure. I challenge you to watch Skylar fucks Tate Thompson and on another screen watch Ronan Kennedy fucks Jake. It's the same exact scene down to the timing of changing positions. Its the same exact scene and shot the exact same way. Like i said its funny and discouraging.

You will have noticed, that dear Jon, from Liverton (whom I love very much, even though his personality is diametrically opposed to mine - he and I would be DISASTROUS, as lovers, though I think we have become great friends!!!): is always trying to clean up threads, and urge people to post under the appropriate topic, and so on. (Which is perfectly justifiable, and conduces to a more readable board!)

I, on the other hand (left-handed, and right-brained, as I am) don't give a flying f*** about all that. If someone wants to go off on a tangent, in the midst of a thread: I think it's fascinating, and will not only encourage them - I'll join right in!!! LOL!!!

That's it the wedding invitation is off..
I sometimes enjoyed his stuff as I did Clay's. but come on, dude was a one shot deal. I liked his approach sometimes, but now let's see his departure. I challenge you to watch Skylar fucks Tate Thompson and on another screen watch Ronan Kennedy fucks Jake. It's the same exact scene down to the timing of changing positions. Its the same exact scene and shot the exact same way. Like i said its funny and discouraging.
johnny will always be my favourite no matter what anybody says. He has true skill in my eyes in all the things he does and I love watching any scenes that he has produced and I love watching the way he interacts with the models and manages to put them all at ease no matter what. Not everyone has to be a fan of the same thing as that would make it a boring place to be but I will never change my opinion towards him and his work. Also if he has had to leave and moves to a similar gay porn site then I will join that site as well to still see his work.
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Well, I think it's safe to say that, we all may enjoy different styles of filming. It's an adjustment sometimes to go from; getting used to one style, then having another style introduced, to get used to. Johnny's departure didn't allow for a "Segway" as it were but, in time, we will either grow accustomed to this new style, both styles, or what ever! I think the focus should be on the enjoyment of the models we like watching perform more than anything. If you attend a baseball game (assuming you are a fan) and you were a holder of great box seats, for reasons beyond anyone's control, those seats weren't available for several games. Would you enjoy baseball any less?