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Ayden and Alex


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england
Just wasted 20 mins watching another one way scene. This film as well as the Duncan/Dexter one should have ended up in the trash can. What are the producers/management thinking of releasing stuff like this ? It seems that Broke Straight Boys could do with a QC (Quality Control) person to view the films before broadcasting them.

It's just as well that we can see forthcoming films and the next 2 seem pretty good potential wise. Otherwise, based on the latest 2 scenes, I'd be taking my pink pounds elsewhere.

What are we gonna get next week ! Alex and Dexter... .perish the thought.
I totally agree. The last 4 scenes were all very medicore and every one got a 3 or less from me. After watching the Adam
And Kodi scene last week it shocks me how much better that was. I hope Broke Straight Boys just got the bad ones out of the way. The Ayden and Alex scene was terrible. Ayden is so gorgeous and watching him paired with someone as medicore as Alex killed me. Ayden doesn't have to do anything but sit there to impress me.
We have filmed some great scenes lately so hang in there.

I wanna say I like it but Alex does zero for me! Speaking of great scenes I can't wait for the one on the 15th! (Carter and Adam) Hopefully this one doesn't get taken away from me like the Adam one that was supposedly coming out today! :P
I hate to say it but the only thing that saved this scene was Ayden. Though I did like the interaction between the two at the beginning when Ayden was trying to reassure Alex. :) It was cute. And is it just me or was Ayden more talkative than usual?
We have filmed some great scenes lately so hang in there.

Sorry Mark, but I find it hard to believe why you would release scenes that don't come up to scratch. I appreciate that you have to pay the guys but do you really pay guys who don't produce a cum shot ? I remember during BSB1 that David said models wouldn't get paid if they didn't produce a cum shot..
Only two words can be said....Poor Ayden. Thumbs down for this disappointing scene.
OK, when I saw that big wooden headboard all I could think of was how hot it would be to see Colin or Anthony 3 tied up to it and then my mind kind of wandered.

Ayden did look hot in those white undies and thought Alex did a nice job of sucking his cock. Ayden seemed to enjoy it. It would have been nice to see a cum shot from Alex. While Ayden was lying on his back, big dick sticking up in the air I really wanted to see Alex sit on it but maybe that will cum?
I hate to say it but the only thing that saved this scene was Ayden. Though I did like the interaction between the two at the beginning when Ayden was trying to reassure Alex. :) It was cute. And is it just me or was Ayden more talkative than usual?
I agree that Ayden was more talkative than usual, as he is trying to find his comfort zone in performing in porn scenes for a gay audience. I did find his attempt to comfort Alex cute. I did not enjoy the first half of this scene as Ayden was still dressed in his white briefs, (which he said were not his, and I think he looked silly in them), as he attemped to get Alex hard while he sucked him. But when Ayden got naked the scene totally improved for me. He is a truly beautiful guy, in fact the best looking guy of the current crop of performers.

Ayden is handsome, with a perfect body and a beautiful hard cock, with a sexy blonde bush too. Broke Straight Boys has now given me three consecutive updates with VERY hot guys, Paul, Dexter and now Ayden. I would love to see a combination of these beautiful sexy guys together.

Alex is not my type, but seeing beautiful Ayden again, naked, hard, having his dick sucked, and then jerking off and shooting a nice load onto his rock hard tummy was very satisfying to me, but I sure hope his next scene is with a hotter partner!
Two positive comments about this scene: Ayden's thick bush and hairy balls--I like natural--and the moment that Ayden put his hand on Alex's ass while Alex was sucking him. I have been waiting for a guy to do that--touch the other guy's butt while getting sucked. Alex does have a cute ass.
I don't understand why this was even aired!

Because AYDEN was in it! I know, I have heard the complaints.......I wish MARK would buy him some Proactive, for the acne problems he has, but even with the blemishes, AYDEN is almost PERFECT. I have always noticed eyes, face, hair, chest, abs.............but AYDEN is the first guy that has me captivated with watching his arms, then there is the snowboarder tattoo on his thigh.....

I sure would like to see him with DAMIEN, Jason, or a Blake redo.:par50:
Actually, while not totally hot, all wasn't lost in this. I am liking Ayden better. He was gentle with Alex, and in the scene where he had his hand on Alex's little butt for a moment I thought was cute and sincere. When the time comes to pop that new backside, I think Ayden is the one who should do it. While Alex doesn't do anything for me, Ayden went up on my rating scale considerably. He is a hot young gentleman.
I was very disappointed in this scene. The best part was the banter about Ayden's hot white undies. Had the two been asked to stand, I am sure Ayden's package would have been a site to behold. The rest was below par for Broke Straight Boys Each model has some very appealing attributes, but together they just did not seem to click sexually. Perhaps a different paring would have changed things. Ayden improves with each scene and perhaps Alex will too. He received good marks for his solo, so let's not write him off yet. I wish them both the best with Broke Straight Boys
Because AYDEN was in it! I know, I have heard the complaints.......I wish MARK would buy him some Proactive, for the acne problems he has, but even with the blemishes, AYDEN is almost PERFECT. I have always noticed eyes, face, hair, chest, abs.............but AYDEN is the first guy that has me captivated with watching his arms, then there is the snowboarder tattoo on his thigh.....

I sure would like to see him with DAMIEN, Jason, or a Blake redo.:par50:
I agree that Ayden's almost perfect. I also noticed his skin condition but he still has a very boyish face, and perhaps that will clear up as he matures. I too absolutely LOVE watching him, and I can't decide which part to focus on, as everything is so nice to look at.

All three of your suggested partners would make me very happy to watch him with, however as we saw him in the background at Denver's impromptu guitar session, I believe that he and Denver may have filmed a scene together. I absolutely DO NOT want to see Ayden bottom, so hopefully we will see Ayden's perfect young body in full motion giving Denver the fucking of his life, in an upcoming scene.

AYDEN is far and away the hottest guy on Broke Straight Boys currently!!!
I agree that Ayden's almost perfect. I also noticed his skin condition but he still has a very boyish face, and perhaps that will clear up as he matures. I too absolutely LOVE watching him, and I can't decide which part to focus on, as everything is so nice to look at.

All three of your suggested partners would make me very happy to watch him with, however as we saw him in the background at Denver's impromptu guitar session, I believe that he and Denver may have filmed a scene together. I absolutely DO NOT want to see Ayden bottom, so hopefully we will see Ayden's perfect young body in full motion giving Denver the fucking of his life, in an upcoming scene.

AYDEN is far and away the hottest guy on Broke Straight Boys currently!!!

Uh Oh, Mikey! We might be starting an AYDEN vs. Johnny war with Erikthbod............
Uh Oh, Mikey! We might be starting an AYDEN vs. Johnny war with Erikthbod............
Different strokes for different folks. Johnny does nothing for me, and Ayden makes me go gaga, like a star struck teenager. If I ever met him, I would be totally tongue tied in his presence. He totally pushes all of my buttons!
I'll have to agree with others that this was a mediocre scene. I think much will be made about Alex not cumming. While it defintiely didn't help this scene, I am sympathetic to that because these guys aren't robots. And these are supposed to be "amateur" models on a "reality" site. So if you subscribe to an amateur reality site...be careful what you wish for. haha Other professional gay porn studios will just reshoot a segment of the scene on the following day, and then splice together the cumshot of the model who couldn't cum the day before or had a premature ejaculation. And I believe Alex should definitely be paid something for allowing his nude images to be broadcast internationally.

The model who made the scene more watchable was also the one I was most disappointed with in some ways. Ayden has really upped his game in being more proactive and talkative in his scenes. In that sense he's coming along quite nicely. A big improvement for Ayden! Much like with the model Rocco though I was really disappointed that he cut his hair so short. Like Samson from the bible I feel that the shorter hair on Ayden really knocked him down a peg in the looks department. He looked much more plain Joe average and less hot to me here. I really really hope he grows back the hair. I don't like it that short on him at all. Oddly enough when the still photos appeared later last night, his hair looks much better in the photos than it does in the video. In the video it looks even shorter, overly moused and plastered to his scalp.

Ayden has no control over breaking out any more than we did when we were his age. I know in the past that D&E used to apply some makeup to the models who were having breakouts. With the HD technology it gets much harder to do, without it looking like the models are wearing makeup to cover up blemishes. lol I'm just wondering though if more could not have been done in this scene (and future scenes) to try to hide or soften the blemishes. But as I say the biggest distraction for me in the scene was trying to get past Ayden's short hair. I hope he grows it back. Even if not to same length as before..at least a little longer than it is now. Maybe he has a job that required him to do it?
Because AYDEN was in it! I know, I have heard the complaints.......I wish MARK would buy him some Proactive, for the acne problems he has, but even with the blemishes, AYDEN is almost PERFECT. I have always noticed eyes, face, hair, chest, abs.............but AYDEN is the first guy that has me captivated with watching his arms, then there is the snowboarder tattoo on his thigh.....

I sure would like to see him with DAMIEN, Jason, or a Blake redo.:par50:

Frankly, Ayden's acne problems do not deter me in the least. I like him jsut as much as if he had a clean and clear complexion.