Recommending auction be for Gulf Coast relief
Because of the vastness of this oil spill disaster in the Gulf, I would like for each
Broke Straight Boys model to auction some tight fitting undergarment. It will offer the benefit of a few-days-wear guaranteeing some honest-to-God "sweat-equity having full-aromatic character and splendor". Each auctioned brief will possess genuine unadultrated pecker-tracks of the creamy variety for the aromatic benefit of the new owner. All cash proceeds from these auctioned items should go to the Red Cross or some such non-profit relief agency targeted to select needy families or wildlife rescue efforts in the Gulf states.
Then, as a further incentive from Blue Media,
Broke Straight Boys models would compete for a $500, $300, and $200 prize for the models having the three top bids.
Broke Straight Boys would conduct a silent auction for each model's submission. All other non-winning briefs will have the self-satisfaction of selling for the amount bid with cash being given to the needy Gulf Coast families or wildlife rescue efforts. Each model would have the reward that the bid for their timeless personal gift went for a good cause. No model should receive any of the actual money collected from the auction proceeds.
In this time of national hardship, I feel that
Broke Straight Boys models are up to this challenge and want to see their volunteer work benefit society at large. As smooth a talker as David is, I would like to suggest he do the initial presentation to the
Broke Straight Boys models asking them to lend a hand. Participation, however, should strictly be voluntary. I recommend establish a volunteer group of
Broke Straight Boys models. If not the
Broke Straight Boys-Peace Corp, then, maybe the
Broke Straight Boys-Piece Corp

. Just a suggestion! At this sad time, I think we all could use a little humor when things are pretty much out of our control.