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Attn Austin Grant fans


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score
While flipping through our bonus sites I found Austin. I have never seen him outside of a Broke Straight Boys site so was quite happy to see him. HSBoys, Meat police 4th movie. He has a couple of good scenes. The last one isn't with him, but so worth watching.
Great find, peterh! Thanks. I thought it was a pretty decent porno actually. I noticed that the production date was October 2008, while Austin was in the midst of his Broke Straight Boys career. And jon is correct. He always produced the goods. It was good to see Kurt Wild again. He would have made this film just as he was ending his Cdudes career. Their scene together was very well done.

Seeing who wrote and directed this reminded me of how old I am. I can remember when Chip Daniels and Chris Steele were young, hot porn actors themselves. Tempus really does fugit!!!