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Archie Bunkerisms


Well-known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Marion, OH
As a card-carrying, anal retentive gay man with OCD, there are some phrases which have been included at some time in the English language (or, should I say American so as not to offend our friends across the pond whose language we have effectively murdered).

Then, someone comes along and misquotes it, or just screws it up. There are several that I hear on a daily basis, and it's like fingernails on a chalk board to me.

I would like to know if there are any that crawl under your skin? Or, are you brave enough to confess that you use the phrase incorrectly and have just never stopped to think about it?

Some examples:

One used quite a bit here, and it is almost appropriate, considering this is a gay male porn site. "No holes barred." The correct phrase comes originally from wrestling matches. It is actually, "No holds barred" meaning that the normal rules were relaxed to make the competition more macho and fierce.

Another, "I could care less." Think about it. The correct phrase is "I couldn't care less" meaning that is could not possibly be more insignificant and is meaningless to me.

And lastly, "hot water heater." Jesus Christ, even Bob Villa uses this one. It is just a water heater. Or a hot water tank. If you already have hot water, it does not need to be heated. It is technically a cold water heater.

So, what's yours?
And lastly, "hot water heater." Jesus Christ, even Bob Villa uses this one. It is just a water heater. Or a hot water tank. If you already have hot water, it does not need to be heated. It is technically a cold water heater.

Sorry to disappoint you my friend, but I never thought of this one. I replaced my first "hot water tank" in January. When I went to Home Depot to pick out a new one, the sign said "hot water heater.":001_tt2:
At least Archie Bunker's chair has made it as an exhibit in the Smithsonian Museum -- as a piece of Americana at his best. Old Archie was, underneath the warts and verbal abuse he handed out, really an old softie at heart!
Sorry to disappoint you my friend, but I never thought of this one. I replaced my first "hot water tank" in January. When I went to Home Depot to pick out a new one, the sign said "hot water heater.":001_tt2:

They used to advertise hot water heaters in the Sears catalog. How dumb!

Also, we have a local furniture store that advertises "Save up to 50% off!" Now, you can save 50%, or you can get 50% off, but how can you save 50% off?

Ole Forest was right, "Stupid is as stupid does."
"I"ll have to wait while the turkey is unthawed." either frozen or thawed - not unthawed.
No such thing as"alot". Use of "your" for "you're".

Amen! And, I love David, but he needs to learn the difference between their and there. And, how about the people who don't use to, too, and two properly?

By the way, I thought unthawed was an Ohio thing. I never heard anyone else anywhere else say that.
And , of course, "anyways". No such word.
From internet site reading and bloggers, I'm beginning to think there is a reverse pride in making grammatical errors. Show their English teacher a thing or two.
Being originally from New England, I can't stand "you can't get there from here." Such an awful phrase...Agree with the to, too ,and two comment, carking...just heard it on the news a "partial cease-fire"...laugh every time.
Being originally from New England, I can't stand "you can't get there from here." Such an awful phrase...Agree with the to, too ,and two comment, carking...just heard it on the news a "partial cease-fire"...laugh every time.

That gets into the area of oxymorons, like jumbo shrimp, military intellengence, highly adequate, and my favorite, rap music.

Just thought of it. "At this point in time" It's "NOW" you jackass. Phrase used by those who want to sound smart, and aren't.

I've been trying to think of a way to respond to this one, that would not get me 20 lashes. I'll just leave it with the fact that I would never fault someone for wanting to sound like they had more than an 8th grade education.