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Apologies and Confessions


Oct 30, 2008
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I want to start off here by admitting my guilt and apologizing for something that I am not proud of at all. I am guilty of an extreme lapse in judgment. I was the one David referred to recently who contacted a fellow member on his personal social networking site. Rather than my contact being welcomed, as I hoped it would be, it frightened the man and angered him at the breach of privacy. Let that be a lesson to all. Do not contact someone privately unless you are absolutely sure it will be welcomed. I was not sure. I only had the hope that it would be. Since we had been friendly in the past. THAT is not good enough. I should have been sure. I learned the very hard way. Let my experience be your guide.

I wish to apologize to the man in question. He will never have to fear that I will contact him again. Either through PM, a post or a social networking site. I am not a stalker. I am VERY sorry for any stress I may have caused you. You will never hear from me again.

As for the other assertions in David's posts. I do apologize for any part I may have played in stressing him out and taking his focus off of the tremendous workload he carries. He probably thinks me guilty of many things. Very few of them true. Most of them not. With all he has gone through in the last week with lowlife criminals trying to break into the office and so on, I can't blame him for seeing a conspiracy under every rock. As they say, "It's not paranoia when they really are out to get you." David is majorly stressed and I'm sorry what you have gone through David.

Please take care of your health also David. This storm will pass. I hope that one day your faith in humanity will be restored to its rightful place. You cannot know the depth of my appreciation for the 2 years that I've had here at your, Eddie's and Mark's site. It has been wonderful.

I agree that it is definitely not the way the things are supposed to be. The site and forum are supposed to be for fun and entertainment. Over the past few days I have been losing weight and my blood pressure has been soaring. I have had to take more BP medication just to stay close to normal.

I admit that after being here for so long I wanted to learn more and more about how the site worked. When info became available to me (through non internet sources) of course I was curious about it. Discussing a favorite pastime in private is not unusual. Nor illegal. There are whole sites and chat rooms devoted to nothing but the discussion of various favorite teams, sports, activities and so on.

I have laid out pretty succinctly what I have done. Now here are the many things that I have never done. I have never hacked David's facebook page to dig up dirt on him. I have never contacted any friends or acquaintances of his to learn about his childhood. And very, very importantly I have never had anybody share tidbits of David's past that might have been gleaned from such snooping. If anybody in my circle of friends here was the one who did contact your relatives I was totally unaware of it. And you know of course that it was not me.

If I offered words of support to a young man who was very depressed, that does not mean that I was oblivious to the reason why he got himself in the situation he was in. It does not mean that I am taking his side over somebody else's. In fact I may agree with the other person's take. While simultaneously trying to comfort someone who might turn suicidal. In a case like that...yes, I am willing to reach out to him. It is not a betrayal when I happen to understand or agree with the other people's reasons for him being in that situation.

A while back when there was a major breach of models' names and identities fom BCB on a social website I contacted 2 of them with the warning about the breach. And advised them to contact others. They both thanked me and were very kind and gracious. I promised them that I would never contact them again. And I kept my word.

More to follow...

I have decided to cancel my membership in this esteemed site. I will finish out the remainder of my subscription and then leave. Unless they choose to ban me first. As I told my far less than 12 friends in the group, the stress is taking too much of a toll on me physically and emotionally.

It pains me to leave but perhaps it is the best thing for me anyway. I have made many new friends at my MCC church who are deaf. I am trying to teach myself ASL. American Sign Language. It has been slow going because I spend so much time on the forum. Hopefully now I can devote more time to something more worthwhile.

David said that we superfans of the site who were so addicted to the forum needed to get a life. I happen to agree with him. I cherish all the people I have met here. I had never belonged to a chat site before. I found that I quite liked writing. Even perhaps that I was rather good at it. I had no idea. That was a revelation for me.

I hope that future members will enjoy some of the posts that I leave here. I do not close the door to ever returning. But I would only do so if I got David or Mark's consent.

I wish to thank all the staff here who run such an entertaining site. I can't tell you again how much I appreciated my VIP treatment at the event last month. It will forever be a jewel in time for me. It was my pleasure to meet everyone in person that I did.

mark I would still be honored to meet you in the real world if the river of life so blessed me. Chuck, I have enjoyed so much all the time that that we chatted. And yes, how much I enjoyed flirting with the unattainable straight guy. :001_smile: I wish you all the best in your future marriage. She is one lucky woman. Of course being the gentleman that you are you will probably say that YOU are the lucky one. haha

I cannot stress enough what an amazing human being that Diesal is. If any of you get he chance to meet him or Mike or the other models...run, don't walk to the nearest event. They are some of the best things the site has going for it.

Well I have family waiting on me in the other room to celebrate the 4th weekend with me. So I suggest that the rest of you get back to your holiday weekend in the real world as well.
Don't apologise Tampa, just get the hell outta here. And remember that the next forum you join not to get so involved and don't ask for personal details of the forum members.
Tampa, you can contact me. anybody can. It won't scare me at all. I don't care.

I would also say, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. To err is human, to forgive is divine. Those who show contrition and are penitent are worthy of forgiveness.

No, I am not a holy roller. Charity and forgiveness are just good virtues.
Thank you LB.

Contrition and penance is what this thread was all about. That is why I voluntarily decided to leave of my own accord. It pains me to leave. Because obviously I love the staff of the site and the people here on the forum. But it also symbolically shows how remorseful I am that my actions caused distress or hurt. My subscription ends on the 15th. As I stated above I will stay around until such time.

And no. I'm not embarrassed to say that I love people that I may have met only once or not at all.
Thank you LB.

Contrition and penance is what this thread was all about. That is why I voluntarily decided to leave of my own accord. It pains me to leave. Because obviously I love the staff of the site and the people here on the forum. But it also symbolically shows how remorseful I am that my actions caused distress or hurt. My subscription ends on the 15th. As I stated above I will stay around until such time.

And no. I'm not embarrassed to say that I love people that I may have met only once or not at all.

Take some time out and rethink about ending your subscription Tampa. Is it really worth making a hole in your life and missing out on the friends you've made over the last god knows how many years. Time may be a great healer but it is also very precious so don't waste it or deny yourself what you enjoy doing.
I agree with Jon, Tampa. And I keep saying this. Please don't go.
Dear Tampa

having finally gotten through all the posts in both the Membership Chat and General Forums, I have to say that I would hate to see you go. I have learned a lot about tact and diplomacy from your posts and those of some others. You have great insight and I appreciate your contributions to those discussions you have blessed us with. You write very nicely, as do so many others on this Forum, and I look forward to reading your words of wisdom.

Please reconsider

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Tampa, I have been a member, for a while, and enjoyed reading, (amongst all the rest), your threads. Okay, you 'might have' said something that was/'could have been taken as' offensive, but you have NEVER seemed the type, in all your past posts, to INTENTIONALLY 'mal-speak'-if that's even a word/speak maliciously about ANYONE. I am a BIG believer of freedom of speech/expression, and can back up why you feel as you do, as long as you have the CHOICE to 'turn the channel/station....or in this case, website. I have been the 'victim' of 'mal-speak' on the computer, as it is only a READING what you see on the screen, vs live, and being able to hear the syntax in which the words are spoken, (the intonation/fluxuation of the voice), that determines whether I am being sarcastic, or if I am "REALLY GONNA KICK YOUR ASS", pardon the language.
Tampa, I pledged my love to jon because I like the way he said what he was thinking. I don't want you to leave the forum, either. Please reconsider....
Who was it who said," To err is to be human, to forgive divine." And I will like to add that to ask for forgiveness is also a step above our human nature. Whatever you decide Tampa whether to leave or to stay, I will always stand with you.
Who was it who said," To err is to be human, to forgive divine." And I will like to add that to ask for forgiveness is also a step above our human nature. Whatever you decide Tampa whether to leave or to stay, I will always stand with you.

Thank you Angelone and to all my friends in here for offering your kind words of support.
Our sins . . .

Take some time out and rethink about ending your subscription Tampa. Is it really worth making a hole in your life and missing out on the friends you've made over the last god knows how many years. Time may be a great healer but it is also very precious so don't waste it or deny yourself what you enjoy doing.

Stick around Tampa, no need to disappear into the caves. We all live with our sins and hopefully cum to terms later on . . .