I think any director would have selected the models you named. that is the models were not clay specific.
a quick review of where we are.
mark put out a request for proposals and david came back with paying
Broke Straight Boys to have sex with each other idea. (some say the idea came from amateur straight boys). right out the gate d & e productions and blumedia had a hit with
Broke Straight Boys the site became one of the top ranked site. that continued for six years. one of the big problems that arose was that david like to produce in bulk. the backlog was so great that without producing any more scenes there were enough scene to last until april of 2011. more direct control of the production schedule was a driving force in making a change.
mark bought a production studio and kept the production staff. clay started producing
Broke Straight Boys scenes. his presentation was unimpressive. I never found him to be a good fit. whether the throw me the money thing came from clay or was part of a greater plan, it didn't work very well. by july, 2011, the once top 10 site dropped to the top 100. I read that data to suggest that it took 3 months for people to realize how much had changed. during the first months, there were more 2.0 scenes than 4.0 scenes. you know that pony ride outside of stores? david was like a rodeo ride and clay more like that pony ride. the camera work, the lighting, and sound left much to be desired.
more change and johnny became the director. two studios with separate schedules became too much. and more change.
while many people don't like him, damian turned out of the best scenes in have seen, in
Zeno Kostas and ian scene. he is very good with a camera. better suited to art production than porn. more change.

and change bring us to now.
the holy roman empire was neither holy, nor roman! the name reminds you of greater past.