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An Open Apology to Rob Ryder, Clay and the Rest of the Forum

No... darling Beth:smiley-love001:, a professional whore sets you back a lot of dollars.

Our Tampa pleasures all those young man out of the kindness in his heart; strangers passing by in the middle of the night, like ships in the mist with their huge rudders.

Shit, I should have been charging all those years!
As for Tampa, "swabbing the decks" of all those "ships," is his main goal in life..."Ahoy captain! May I cum aboard?!":smiley-sex011:
Throw her overboard

"Many people thought that to have a woman on board would bring bad luck to a ship. They weren't strong enough either physically or emotionally. Men would be distracted and led to vice. A terrible storm was bound to destroy the vessel and everyone on it.

An example in the middle ages when sailors gave in to this fear with horrible consequences. At the height of a storm off the coast of Cornwall, panicking men in a fleet of ships began to throw their female passengers to the sea. Over sixty women were drowned in this way in the hope of appeasing the storm and saving themselves. It failed to work and the majority of men, including their commander, Sir John Arundel, died."
source: http://www.plimsoll.org/SeaPeople/womenandthesea/theearlydaysofwomenatsea/default.asp

"Many people thought that to have a woman on board would bring bad luck to a ship. They weren't strong enough either physically or emotionally. Men would be distracted and led to vice. A terrible storm was bound to destroy the vessel and everyone on it.

An example in the middle ages when sailors gave in to this fear with horrible consequences. At the height of a storm off the coast of Cornwall, panicking men in a fleet of ships began to throw their female passengers to the sea. Over sixty women were drowned in this way in the hope of appeasing the storm and saving themselves. It failed to work and the majority of men, including their commander, Sir John Arundel, died."
source: http://www.plimsoll.org/SeaPeople/womenandthesea/theearlydaysofwomenatsea/default.asp


But that occurred over in England; here in the US, we are much more "civilized." We just burned "the bitches!"...the cost of a vagina.

tampa, well written. speaking for myself (as if i could be speaking for someone else), i see no need for to apologize for clearly and strongly stating your views. no offense taken by me.
for offenses to me, i absolve you.
extended families have their differences.
it was a learning experience!
Obviously, my dear Tampa, you didn't say anything that was in any way irreprehensible! As you can see by the many posts, all of the forum members agree with me, even Clay. You're a kind-hearted soul and you should never apologize for giving your honest opinion.
Forum critics need to "get over it"! There are bigger fish to fry!

I cannot stay silent anylonger over the unending saga of lamenting over Tampa's apology. We all want to pride ourselves by having a forum that is open and free of direct criticism by offering the alternative - constructive suggestions. As far as I know, no one but especially me-Stimpy, required Tampa to apologize to Clay and the forum at large for that matter. The original intent of my sympathetic posting precipitating Tampa's apology was to help us all on the forum(including me) to realize that all the negativity on the forum causes unintended and possibly serious consequences. While it is easy for us to join in on the bandwagon criticizing something or someone, I would like to think that as gay men (+ a few noteable exceptions), that we don't have to be so very DISINVITING or CLIQUEISH to Rob_Ryder as an introduction to Broke Straight Boys that there is an almost unending litany of calls for CHAD(who I dearly admire) replacing Rob_Ryder in a scene with Kodi. It matters not at all, regardless of how "PROFESSIONAL" Rob might be, he still is human and has feelings. Afterall, he is real flesh-and-blood just like all of us here!

Just ask yourself:
  • ]why must we set out to be so rude to someone like Rob that has done nothing to offend us other than keep us entertained on BTS for months now.

  • how you would feel being so disregarded by hearing on the forum over and over again we want someone else, not Rob! I agree it was a mistake for management to introduce us to Rob as a "newbie" on Broke Straight Boys It would have been preferrable to make the distinction "just not a newbie to 'Gay Porn'".

  • do you actually think Rob felt he needed being reinvented for Broke Straight Boys Of course not! How silly! He is too well known by now!

As gay men mostly, it is my hope and expectation that we all, through years of less than perfect experiences in society, have learned the "life lesson" that "acceptance" should be our own "name of the game here on Broke Straight Boys". Definitely not "rejection" from the get-go prior to filming here or at least with others from our own Broke Straight Boys stable. After we all have met with some form of rejection before in our past, so can we not learn from our past negative experiences by embracing the positive for a change and as a matter of habit!

When you talk about consequences of negativity, we don't have to look very far to see some direct probable consequences of our own negativity on Broke Straight Boys Remember Mike Robbins? Yes he may have had a lot of problems prior to filming for Broke Straight Boys No one will ever know exactly what was his final trigger, but he had been the recipient of overwhelming deafening praise, then overwhelming rejection from many, then being asked not to return to Broke Straight Boys, and then much later on being brought back as a shadow of his former self. I am sure the total lack of constant stroking of his self-concept was a stark reality for him to adjust to after leaving. I am not attempting to establish blame for what exactly lead to his death as my facts are only sketchy at best, but who is to say that anybody we routinely disembowel on the forum might not be just at the breaking point to end their life prematurely as well. I loved Mike R, then hated him, and finally began trying to like him again before he died. Regardless of their actual age, each and every model is in a personal process of maturation on an emotional level and that requires a lot of flux emotionally for them as for us. I am advocating giving people the benefit of the doubt and have a heart while you are at it. Suicides and other forms of self-destructive behaviors are not that hard to achieve. Yes, I can hear the critics say, but..."This is just porn, what do you expect?"

Regardless of their age or the exact reason these models have found themselves in this line of work, I think we should all have in our hearts the ability to see behind the facade at the real person they represent. Despite the front they may represent to us, just because they are paid for their Broke Straight Boys work/services, does not give us license to treat them with anything other than the full respect that we all deserve as being HUMAN! They have a real life, with real thoughts, with real feelings, and if they had no personal vulnerability, we would have no interest in them.

I do not claim to be more morally astute or superior than anybody else on the forum. I am flawed and my goal is not to destroy the fun for everybody else. All I ask and I feel Tampa is guilty of in his much criticised apology, is this, I think we view our models as real people with real hearts and real human emotions. Can we not at least agree to be "respectful" of that core person with their individual frailities as the human they represent! That goes for Clay and Mark, and Broke Straight Boys management as well as the "cast of thousands" that keep us entertained late at night. Why cannot we replace that mantra of personal criticism whether vitriolic or simply downright disinviting with us realizing we are fortunate indeed to have as an invited guest in our Broke Straight Boys home, though only momentary! Yes this can apply to porn as well as real life. Until we have computerized robots performing for us, lets all realize our models are humans first and, as a consequence, they should feel welcomed and deserve our full RESPECT!

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to explain this viewpoint.


Sorry Stimpy,
I do not agree with you for one major reason, and that is that I do not beleive that the majority of the members of the forum set out to hurt anyone with their words . We are all on this forum to have a good time and express our views and opinions about the site, the videos, the models and life and the world in general. It is fun and entertaining when we can have a lively discussion with differing points of view and we all become trial lawyers as we make our cases and try to get others see things as we see them.
The fact that you choose to interpet what others say as being "cruel", "mean spirited", "harsh" and "disrespectful" (your words) is just that, your interpetation, and that alone does not make it so. You cannot presume to know that how you feel about or interpet ones post is the same way that the target of that post is going to interpet or feel about it. While I respect your right to your opinions and views, they are just that, your opinions and your views. And while you are quick to jump to the defense of someone's feelings that you probably don't even know on a personal level, you manage to chastise a fellow forumite, that considers you a friend, for a harmless post to the point that he felt the need to apoligize to the world for having a point of view.
A point of view that at least one target (Clay) wrote that he did not even have a problem with in the first place and did not feel the need to be apologized to.

At times a little human kindness is a lot to ask!

Again I say, "THAT'S SHOW BIZ, KID!"

Sorry Stimpy,
I do not agree with you for one major reason, and that is that I do not beleive that the majority of the members of the forum set out to hurt anyone with their words . We are all on this forum to have a good time and express our views and opinions about the site, the videos, the models and life and the world in general. It is fun and entertaining when we can have a lively discussion with differing points of view and we all become trial lawyers as we make our cases and try to get others see things as we see them.
The fact that you choose to interpet what others say as being "cruel", "mean spirited", "harsh" and "disrespectful" (your words) is just that, your interpetation, and that alone does not make it so. You cannot presume to know that how you feel about or interpet ones post is the same way that the target of that post is going to interpet or feel about it. While I respect your right to your opinions and views, they are just that, your opinions and your views. And while you are quick to jump to the defense of someone's feelings that you probably don't even know on a personal level, you manage to chastise a fellow forumite, that considers you a friend, for a harmless post to the point that he felt the need to apoligize to the world for having a point of view.
A point of view that at least one target (Clay) wrote that he did not even have a problem with in the first place and did not feel the need to be apologized to.


Sorry fellas,

Sorry, but in my opinion, you still don't get my point, but that is okay. I'm not taking the bait.:crying2: Better luck next time and have a happy day on the forum sharing your :welcome: on the forum!


Stimpy :deadhorse2:
Anybody seen Rob Ryder on the forum? The guy posted his last message on December 14th!

I'm looking everywhere, but can't find him...
When I returned last December, Rob posted message after message...

Let's wait and see, he could be back soon.
Anybody seen Rob Ryder on the forum? The guy posted his last message on December 14th!

I'm looking everywhere, but can't find him...

He's probably at home, in a deep depression, sobbing over the cruel, mean spirited and harsh criticisims that were flung his way before and after he appeared with Kodi. But worry not, we have someone working on it to draw him out again. Maybe next time he won't be attacked so viciously.
He's probably at home, in a deep depression, sobbing over the cruel, mean spirited and harsh criticisims that were flung his way before and after he appeared with Kodi. But worry not, we have someone working on it to draw him out again. Maybe next time he won't be attacked so viciously.

I agree with you that we should never be vicious to anyone, porn or no porn. I hope that Rob is taking some time off of here for some "real life" fun.
Judging from his performance with Kodi, he is probably home recovering from the flu. If he wasn't sick, I don't get that performance at all. If it was me and I was in the same room with a sexy looking kid like Kodi, I wouldn't need a director. I may let him come up for air. I think that's, what the College Dudes Rob would have done. Hopefully he was sick, and not following direction.
I cannot stay silent anylonger over the unending saga of lamenting over Tampa's apology. We all want to pride ourselves by having a forum that is open and free of direct criticism by offering the alternative - constructive suggestions. As far as I know, no one but especially me-Stimpy, required Tampa to apologize to Clay and the forum at large for that matter. The original intent of my sympathetic posting precipitating Tampa's apology was to help us all on the forum(including me) to realize that all the negativity on the forum causes unintended and possibly serious consequences. While it is easy for us to join in on the bandwagon criticizing something or someone, I would like to think that as gay men (+ a few noteable exceptions), that we don't have to be so very DISINVITING or CLIQUEISH to Rob_Ryder as an introduction to Broke Straight Boys that there is an almost unending litany of calls for CHAD(who I dearly admire) replacing Rob_Ryder in a scene with Kodi. It matters not at all, regardless of how "PROFESSIONAL" Rob might be, he still is human and has feelings. Afterall, he is real flesh-and-blood just like all of us here!

Just ask yourself:
  • ]why must we set out to be so rude to someone like Rob that has done nothing to offend us other than keep us entertained on BTS for months now.
  • how you would feel being so disregarded by hearing on the forum over and over again we want someone else, not Rob! I agree it was a mistake for management to introduce us to Rob as a "newbie" on Broke Straight Boys It would have been preferrable to make the distinction "just not a newbie to 'Gay Porn'".
  • do you actually think Rob felt he needed being reinvented for Broke Straight Boys Of course not! How silly! He is too well known by now!
As gay men mostly, it is my hope and expectation that we all, through years of less than perfect experiences in society, have learned the "life lesson" that "acceptance" should be our own "name of the game here on Broke Straight Boys". Definitely not "rejection" from the get-go prior to filming here or at least with others from our own Broke Straight Boys stable. After we all have met with some form of rejection before in our past, so can we not learn from our past negative experiences by embracing the positive for a change and as a matter of habit!

When you talk about consequences of negativity, we don't have to look very far to see some direct probable consequences of our own negativity on Broke Straight Boys Remember Mike Robbins? Yes he may have had a lot of problems prior to filming for Broke Straight Boys No one will ever know exactly what was his final trigger, but he had been the recipient of overwhelming deafening praise, then overwhelming rejection from many, then being asked not to return to Broke Straight Boys, and then much later on being brought back as a shadow of his former self. I am sure the total lack of constant stroking of his self-concept was a stark reality for him to adjust to after leaving. I am not attempting to establish blame for what exactly lead to his death as my facts are only sketchy at best, but who is to say that anybody we routinely disembowel on the forum might not be just at the breaking point to end their life prematurely as well. I loved Mike R, then hated him, and finally began trying to like him again before he died. Regardless of their actual age, each and every model is in a personal process of maturation on an emotional level and that requires a lot of flux emotionally for them as for us. I am advocating giving people the benefit of the doubt and have a heart while you are at it. Suicides and other forms of self-destructive behaviors are not that hard to achieve. Yes, I can hear the critics say, but..."This is just porn, what do you expect?"

Regardless of their age or the exact reason these models have found themselves in this line of work, I think we should all have in our hearts the ability to see behind the facade at the real person they represent. Despite the front they may represent to us, just because they are paid for their Broke Straight Boys work/services, does not give us license to treat them with anything other than the full respect that we all deserve as being HUMAN! They have a real life, with real thoughts, with real feelings, and if they had no personal vulnerability, we would have no interest in them.

I do not claim to be more morally astute or superior than anybody else on the forum. I am flawed and my goal is not to destroy the fun for everybody else. All I ask and I feel Tampa is guilty of in his much criticised apology, is this, I think we view our models as real people with real hearts and real human emotions. Can we not at least agree to be "respectful" of that core person with their individual frailities as the human they represent! That goes for Clay and Mark, and Broke Straight Boys management as well as the "cast of thousands" that keep us entertained late at night. Why cannot we replace that mantra of personal criticism whether vitriolic or simply downright disinviting with us realizing we are fortunate indeed to have as an invited guest in our Broke Straight Boys home, though only momentary! Yes this can apply to porn as well as real life. Until we have computerized robots performing for us, lets all realize our models are humans first and, as a consequence, they should feel welcomed and deserve our full RESPECT!

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to explain this viewpoint.



Stimpy, with all due respect, I have read your above post twice now and I don't understand what point you're trying to make. It appears you were telling Tampa he shouldn't have apologized, but then you went into a rather confusing rant about various topics. But I'm not really sure what you're trying to illustrate other than you don't think people should be negative or speak their mind?
I agree. It was confusing to read to me as well. I usually stoping reading comments after one paragraph, posting a rant that long doesn't solve anything, just confuses people. This is gay porn folks if we can't speak our minds on the forums what's the point of them then.