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An Open Apology to Rob Ryder, Clay and the Rest of the Forum


Oct 30, 2008
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It is with a heavy heart that I must humbly ask the forgiveness of the many of you in here. The events and postings of the last 72 hours, suffice to say will not go down as one of my finer moments. I most sincerely and specifically ask the forgiveness of Rob and Clay and the Broke Straight Boys staff for all that I either said myself or helped to instigate.

I want to thank Stimpy very much for being the voice of reason in my near temporary insanity. I have behaved atrociously with the use of my words. Some of it was over the top. Some of it was just plain mean spirited. I can hardly believe it myself. Sometimes it takes a friend whom you like and respect to hold up a mirror and say, "Look what you're doing here!" Stimpy held up that mirror to me and I didn't like what I saw at all.

I wish I could say that it was indeed some temporary insanity, like going off meds or something. I could say that I shouldn't be writing posts at 3:00 am when I have a bad cold. I could try to pile on a bunch of excuses but the truth is I have only myself to blame.

One thing is abundantly clear here with Rob in particular. This is absolutely NO way to welcome a beloved guest into our home. Rob deserves far better than what I have shown him over the last 3 days. One would easily think that I didn't like Rob. Even though nothing could be further from the truth. I DO like Rob. Alot! From here on I guess I will have to try even harder to make that truth clear to him. We are blessed to have a fine young man like Rob Ryder with us over here. I'm so sorry Rob. I hope you can forgive me. I sincerely look forward to all the future work you do here on the site. I'm glad you're here!

To Clay. I have been so unkind in my harsh critiques of your work. You work so hard directing two major sites. Colin says you work like a dog. I can only imagine how much you are trying to juggle on a daily basis. You deserve far more respect than I have been showing you lately. Suggestions or constructive criticism are one thing. Crossing the line is something we think will never happen to us. Until unfortunately in this case I did. I know that you are always trying to deliver great work for your many customers. I am truly sorry for any hurt or offense I may have caused you.

To all the staff of Broke Straight Boys I wish to offer my apologies for any hurt, stress or inconvenience I may have caused you over the last few days. You work so hard. In spite of my harsh words here in the forum lately I hope you still know that I respect and value each one of you.

To my fellow forumites I also ask your forgiveness in making this place more stressful and less inviting than it should be. It breaks my heart to hear new members say they stay away because they think the forum is too negative. I like to think that I try to make it more positive place to hang out and chat. In this case in particular I have not set a good example. I promise to try harder to do better in that regard.
Tampa you're such a gentleman, thanks for making this forum such a great place to be!
I second that motion

Tampa you're such a gentleman, thanks for making this forum such a great place to be!

Dearest Robert,

Thank you for your gentlemanly ways too! I guess in your case it takes one to know one. I am mighty proud for you to be here on the forum.


You know what Tampa, life goes on...we all learn and forgive. You are one of the most honest forumites here and I appreciate your honesty. I hope you continue to write and enjoy all that is offered...it is for everyone!
Tampa, I don't remember that you said anything all that bad. You have a right to voice an opinion and if you think doing so in a forceful way might get peoples attention than more power to you. I'm sure Clay works hard, but I am equally sure he settles far too easily on some scenes. Something I never see in College Dudes scenes, by the way. I think he does take us for granted and assumes we'll just chalk it up to the boys being amateurs. He cuts corners on Broke Straight Boys and people don't always realize that is why a scene doesn't work, they just know it didn't work. But if we don't let him know, he'll assume we are satisfied. I give Clay credit when he deserves it, but I am not going to be shy in giving him criticism when he deserves that. This scene with Rob and Kodi was terrible and when I heard Clay say good scene at the end, I hoped like hell he didn't mean it for than I would really have to question his judgement. Rob either was directed to act like a robot or was having a bad day. Either way, he mailed it in. Kodi needed direction and he needed motivation and he got neither from these two. I guess I'm not the gentleman that you are, but I'm not happy paying for poor or lazy work.
Tampa, my man, why the hell are you apologizing?
For having an opinion that obviously was shared by most but not by one? You posted a clear, honest, objective opinion of what you saw and you should stand by it. There was NOTHING in your post that would be considered mean spirited, cruel or harsh by anyone not channeling the feelings of the actors, directors and staff of Broke Straight Boys,. (or at least thinking that they do)
I am so sick and tired of having to walk on eggshells on this forum, that I hesitate to post on most subjects because I am usually taken to task about my postings. "You are free to post anything you want, as long as it agrees with me" seems to be the caveat around here. Do you really think that most of the actors on this site really give 2 fucks about what we say on this forum? Do you think that Jimmy is all consumed with feelings of inadequacy because most of the posts about him are negative, or that Rob went home and curled up into a ball and cried because we said we did'nt care for his performance with Kodi?
They are actors, they get paid the same no matter if the scene earns a 1 or a 5+++ They are hired by and retained by Broke Straight Boys based on what they are capable of or willing to do for the company. They come here to earn some fast and easy money, they whore themselves out for a while then most of them will move on with their lives, never looking back. Some, like Colin, Rob and Jimmy will seek the approval of the forum, or will self promote to build a following for a professional career, but most wont even waste the time it takes to read these posts, they have a life, money in their pockets, and boys (or girls) to fuck!

So Tampa, while a flip flop can be a good thing now and again, backsliding on your beleifs and convictions almost never is. - Jason
Tampa, my man, why the hell are you apologizing?
For having an opinion that obviously was shared by most but not by one? You posted a clear, honest, objective opinion of what you saw and you should stand by it. There was NOTHING in your post that would be considered mean spirited, cruel or harsh by anyone not channeling the feelings of the actors, directors and staff of Broke Straight Boys,. (or at least thinking that they do)
I am so sick and tired of having to walk on eggshells on this forum, that I hesitate to post on most subjects because I am usually taken to task about my postings. "You are free to post anything you want, as long as it agrees with me" seems to be the caveat around here. Do you really think that most of the actors on this site really give 2 fucks about what we say on this forum? Do you think that Jimmy is all consumed with feelings of inadequacy because most of the posts about him are negative, or that Rob went home and curled up into a ball and cried because we said we did'nt care for his performance with Kodi?
They are actors, they get paid the same no matter if the scene earns a 1 or a 5+++ They are hired by and retained by Broke Straight Boys based on what they are capable of or willing to do for the company. They come here to earn some fast and easy money, they whore themselves out for a while then most of them will move on with their lives, never looking back. Some, like Colin, Rob and Jimmy will seek the approval of the forum, or will self promote to build a following for a professional career, but most wont even waste the time it takes to read these posts, they have a life, money in their pockets, and boys (or girls) to fuck!

So Tampa, while a flip flop can be a good thing now and again, backsliding on your beleifs and convictions almost never is. - Jason
Jason, I certainly completely agree with your entire post. These are porn actors, who take advantage of the short time in their young lives, when they are at their physical peak, to make some quick cash having sex on camera.

Some of them seem to be really cool guys who are willing to share some personal experiences and feelings with us on the forum, or in the BTS. But their purpose for being here is to make money, and not to be revered by the members of the forum.

Tampa, you know how much I like you and respect your thoughtful opinions, but my opinion is that we do not need to apologize for offering our honest opinions on the forum. To my way of thinking, Mark has provided us with this forum, for just that purpose. And as long as we are not abusive or mean spirited in our comments regarding the models, we certainly have the right to speak our minds here.

Thank you Jason, for what I consider to be a dash of reality.
Tampa, I've gone back and read your posts on relevant threads and I have to agree with Jason and mikey, you have nothing for which to apologize. You expressed your opinions without vitriol, used no ad hominem attacks, and made your case in a civil manner. I'm sorry that you felt you had to apologize, but as I see, you were, as you always are on this forum, a gentle man and a gentleman.

I dont get it eighter Tampa. Why in heaven are you apologizing for? You are one of the kindest persons in expressing yourself on this forum. The management would be well inspired to react too and set you free of your bad feelings about your writing.I like you man!
I think some people forget that this a gay porn website. We pay money to watch young guys have sex. If we don't like them we have every right to mke that known. I don't know how some people get so touchy. It's not like the models care. Look at jimmy he gets bashed constantly but still graces us with his below medicore scenes. If I was him I would take the very large hint.
Gee, Tampa, you did everything except falling on your own sword as an act of contrition. Now that you confess your sins and are contrite for them, say 3 Hail Marys and the act of contrition. And I will give you absolution.
It is with a heavy heart that I must humbly ask the forgiveness of the many of you in here. The events and postings of the last 72 hours, suffice to say will not go down as one of my finer moments. I most sincerely and specifically ask the forgiveness of Rob and Clay and the Broke Straight Boys staff for all that I either said myself or helped to instigate.

I want to thank Stimpy very much for being the voice of reason in my near temporary insanity. I have behaved atrociously with the use of my words. Some of it was over the top. Some of it was just plain mean spirited. I can hardly believe it myself. Sometimes it takes a friend whom you like and respect to hold up a mirror and say, "Look what you're doing here!" Stimpy held up that mirror to me and I didn't like what I saw at all.

I wish I could say that it was indeed some temporary insanity, like going off meds or something. I could say that I shouldn't be writing posts at 3:00 am when I have a bad cold. I could try to pile on a bunch of excuses but the truth is I have only myself to blame.

One thing is abundantly clear here with Rob in particular. This is absolutely NO way to welcome a beloved guest into our home. Rob deserves far better than what I have shown him over the last 3 days. One would easily think that I didn't like Rob. Even though nothing could be further from the truth. I DO like Rob. Alot! From here on I guess I will have to try even harder to make that truth clear to him. We are blessed to have a fine young man like Rob Ryder with us over here. I'm so sorry Rob. I hope you can forgive me. I sincerely look forward to all the future work you do here on the site. I'm glad you're here!

To Clay. I have been so unkind in my harsh critiques of your work. You work so hard directing two major sites. Colin says you work like a dog. I can only imagine how much you are trying to juggle on a daily basis. You deserve far more respect than I have been showing you lately. Suggestions or constructive criticism are one thing. Crossing the line is something we think will never happen to us. Until unfortunately in this case I did. I know that you are always trying to deliver great work for your many customers. I am truly sorry for any hurt or offense I may have caused you.

To all the staff of Broke Straight Boys I wish to offer my apologies for any hurt, stress or inconvenience I may have caused you over the last few days. You work so hard. In spite of my harsh words here in the forum lately I hope you still know that I respect and value each one of you.

To my fellow forumites I also ask your forgiveness in making this place more stressful and less inviting than it should be. It breaks my heart to hear new members say they stay away because they think the forum is too negative. I like to think that I try to make it more positive place to hang out and chat. In this case in particular I have not set a good example. I promise to try harder to do better in that regard.

I appreciated your original post. I wouldn't apologize for it. Thank you.
Wow! Thank YOU Clay for being so gracious. I would never want you to think that I was attacking you personally. I like you. I like your voice. I think you're very handsome. I know you work very hard.

If I ever give a less than an enthusiastic critique of any of your scenes please know that it is never personal from my standpoint. For that would indicate that I didn't like you. It's always and only with the hope and intention of giving you feedback to help in the future.

Did I mention that I liked you? haha :wink:
Wow! Thank YOU Clay for being so gracious. I would never want you to think that I was attacking you personally. I like you. I like your voice. I think you're very handsome. I know you work very hard.

If I ever give a less than an enthusiastic critique of any of your scenes please know that it is never personal from my standpoint. For that would indicate that I didn't like you. It's always and only with the hope and intention of giving you feedback to help in the future.

Did I mention that I liked you? haha :wink:

Oh shit, now Tampa needs a "Clay avitar too!"...WHORE!
Clay, better:cya:
Tampa ain't no whore!

Yeah, I know, he wouldn't "give it up" to me! Hey Rob, who's avitar you "wearing" on your photo?!:001_tongue: "Some" people might look at your avitar and say you are "sneaking in the back door" of tampa's chicken house! Not me, I wouldn't say that, but, "some" people might.:001_tongue:
Huh? Oh, that's my new Clay avatar... Do you like it?

PS: Tampa does it for free!
No... darling Beth:smiley-love001:, a professional whore sets you back a lot of dollars.

Our Tampa pleasures all those young man out of the kindness in his heart; strangers passing by in the middle of the night, like ships in the mist with their huge rudders.