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Abram Hoffer

Someone in management would have to answer your question, funbilly. But we agree 100%! Abram is one of the hottest true straight boys I've seen on Broke Straight Boys in many a year and I'd love to see more of him here. :thumbup:

I'd like that too! But since we haven't heard anything from above, I'm inclined to think that it probably won't happen. Though I'd love to be proven wrong. haha
I'd like that too! But since we haven't heard anything from above, I'm inclined to think that it probably won't happen. Though I'd love to be proven wrong. haha

I agree, tampa. Management replied on another thread inquiring about Drake Tyler that it had lost touch with him. If it lost touch with Drake who was much more of a presence on the site and the forum than was Abram, then I can't imagine that it hasn't lost touch with Abram.
I find it hard to believe Broke Straight Boys management just lets a popular star model just slip through the cracks. Certainly they must have personnel data on them for IRS purposes and I;m sure they don't want the IRS on their back. I too agree that Abram was a hot star and particularly liked his scene with Zander Floyd
I find it hard to believe Broke Straight Boys management just lets a popular star model just slip through the cracks. Certainly they must have personnel data on them for IRS purposes and I;m sure they don't want the IRS on their back. I too agree that Abram was a hot star and particularly liked his scene with Zander Floyd
I loved his shower scene with Tyler! :smiley-love021:
Abram is a very busy guy. He is a full-time student at a challenging university where he excels in his studies. We have to work around his schedule. When the stars align we find a way to get him back down to the studio.

Re: Comment by garden boy. If you were to go to work someplace as an independent contractor, they would have you fill out a W-9 with your current information and they would get a copy of your IDs. At the end of the year any employer, ourselves included, send a 1099 to an independent contractor using the address on the W9 they submitted. It is then that independent contractors duty to report their earnings to the IRS on their tax return. We will send the 1099-misc to the IRS and will send a copy to the contractor. There is no other obligation on our part to keep tabs on every independent contractor. We report to the IRS earnings by social security number. It's the independent contractors job to be sure they file their tax return to match what we send the IRS. So the IRS would be on their back, not ours. Hope that helps shed a little light on how that works.
Abram is a very busy guy. He is a full-time student at a challenging university where he excels in his studies. We have to work around his schedule. When the stars align we find a way to get him back down to the studio.

Re: Comment by garden boy. If you were to go to work someplace as an independent contractor, they would have you fill out a W-9 with your current information and they would get a copy of your IDs. At the end of the year any employer, ourselves included, send a 1099 to an independent contractor using the address on the W9 they submitted. It is then that independent contractors duty to report their earnings to the IRS on their tax return. We will send the 1099-misc to the IRS and will send a copy to the contractor. There is no other obligation on our part to keep tabs on every independent contractor. We report to the IRS earnings by social security number. It's the independent contractors job to be sure they file their tax return to match what we send the IRS. So the IRS would be on their back, not ours. Hope that helps shed a little light on how that works.
Excellent post. And if the stars do align, there is no guarantee the model even wants to return to the studio...just saying.
Thanks Bryce!

Your answer on Abram is much appreciated. It's nice to know that there is hope. Also thank you for the explanation on the paperwork and contact info. You're under no obligation to respond to any of our posts or questions. That's why I'm always happy and grateful when you do. :)
I'm also pleased to know that management is in touch with Abram and that he may appear again. His situation reminds me of one of my all time favorite Broke Straight Boys models and that was Logan who was also in a very challenging collegiate situation and worked for Broke Straight Boys around his college schedule. It's nice to know that it is possible for a return by Abram. :thumbup:
Abram is a very busy guy. He is a full-time student at a challenging university where he excels in his studies. We have to work around his schedule. When the stars align we find a way to get him back down to the studio.

Re: Comment by garden boy. If you were to go to work someplace as an independent contractor, they would have you fill out a W-9 with your current information and they would get a copy of your IDs. At the end of the year any employer, ourselves included, send a 1099 to an independent contractor using the address on the W9 they submitted. It is then that independent contractors duty to report their earnings to the IRS on their tax return. We will send the 1099-misc to the IRS and will send a copy to the contractor. There is no other obligation on our part to keep tabs on every independent contractor. We report to the IRS earnings by social security number. It's the independent contractors job to be sure they file their tax return to match what we send the IRS. So the IRS would be on their back, not ours. Hope that helps shed a little light on how that works.

Well you have given a nice description of how dealing with independent contractors works for tax purposes. But the broader issue raised by gardenboy and other forumites is keeping in touch with models, especially those models who are popular among the membership. And while I will agree that "there is no other obligation on our part to keep tabs on every independent contractor" the issue is the ability of management to keep track of models who are popular especially at this moment in time when management has written several times on the forum about how difficult it is to find models appropriate for this site.

In light of that, I hereby submit the link to BluMedia's own model application which asks for various pieces of information which could be used to keep in touch with models who are popular with the membership to determine if they are interested in doing more work. The key is not a lack of information but the desire to use it to stay in touch with models who are popular and determine their desire and/or availability for work (much as you say you've done with Abram).
Here's the link:


You really are a trip. We of course use every means available to keep in touch with the guys. Email, phone, twitter, skype, instagram, tumblr, facebook... you name it. If we say that we can't find a model, its because they don't want to be found. Believe it or not, sometimes guys decide they want to stop doing this and not continue. They fall off the radar on purpose... mom found out, their girlfriend found out, the entire town found out... etc. etc. This is the reality of working with straight guys in porn. You wouldn't believe how many requests we get on JustUsBoys and RocketTube from guys who filmed for other studios trying to get us to pull down their galleries or videos from other studios because they are trying to land a professional job in mainstream and their pasts haunt them.

We can't exactly tag them with a geo tracker like they are a wild animal and then force them to answer the phone or click reply on a message. They are grown ass adults with their own volition. I'm not sure what you think of our aptitude, but you must think we are morons... or perhaps you just enjoy being contrary.

You really are a trip. We of course use every means available to keep in touch with the guys. Email, phone, twitter, skype, instagram, tumblr, facebook... you name it. If we say that we can't find a model, its because they don't want to be found. Believe it or not, sometimes guys decide they want to stop doing this and not continue. They fall off the radar on purpose... mom found out, their girlfriend found out, the entire town found out... etc. etc. This is the reality of working with straight guys in porn. You wouldn't believe how many requests we get on JustUsBoys and RocketTube from guys who filmed for other studios trying to get us to pull down their galleries or videos from other studios because they are trying to land a professional job in mainstream and their pasts haunt them.

We can't exactly tag them with a geo tracker like they are a wild animal and then force them to answer the phone or click reply on a message. They are grown ass adults with their own volition. I'm not sure what you think of our aptitude, but you must think we are morons... or perhaps you just enjoy being contrary.

Given your less than successful attempt at sarcastic humor in your last paragraph, admin, I'd say you are the trip. I freely admit I'm a cynic not given to accepting carte blanche everything management and/or admin says. I can readily accept what you say about guys not wanting to continue in this business for a variety of reasons some of which you cite above. In fact, many of us forumites have posted comments on and off for years about how it is virtually impossible, given the social media available today, to keep the fact that you are doing porn secret as it might have been back in the day. And I'm sure you do get requests to take scene or segments of scenes down. Quaere: Do you honor those requests?

And I'm sure you and others in management think I enjoy being contrarian. I don't know that I enjoy it as much as I find it necessary to employ from time to time when an issue is raised and you guys think we are the morons who will accept anything you guys post just because it is management saying it. There are some forumites who do readily accept managements prononciamentos as totally true. There are some statements from management which I accept on face value because they seem to be logically correct and they can stand my smell test. But in this last kerfuffle when you threw in the whole dealing with independent contractors for tax purposes discussion to avoid directly addressing the broader issue raised I consider that insulting. Another problem is that management seems to be selective when responding to inquiries about the availability of certain models. Some are ignored and for good reason, especially when the model hasn't been around for several years. And I think there are privacy issues involved in some of them (although cynic that I am, I think you use that excuse when it isn't necessarily always the cast.

And lastly, I think management is its own worse enemy. I have posted on more than one occasion that management should just announce as Broke Straight Boys policy that it does not discuss anything about the personal life of a model or his professional one as well. That probably won't stop some people asking about certain models, but it would surely give them notice that their question will not be answered. Management opened the door to all this the first time it answered such a question. Management can close that door if it so chooses.

I believe this is a case of “role reversal” from our interpretive differences in a previous thread post…

Your posts have always impressed me with their carefully crafted justifications for why you write what you do. I long ago realized that this forum was created for individuals to express themselves without recourse from management. At times, critiques are issued from one forumite unto another. Management generally says nothing, realizing the forumites can and will address the issue of bantering or criticism stated.

While eloquent, your argument with them is yours. I want to believe you do not incorporate me as one of the “we” morons who blatantly accept a message from management as an absolute. So, I have to agree, when you say they should ignore some or all of the advisories to them that members issue, they absolutely should.

Here it appears to me that you’d like to be management – or at least be its external quasi “director of responses”. While you do speak for yourself, I don’t have issues with them (mgmt.). I read them and take them for what they are: an honest (I grant them that assumption) effort to quell the negativity or member angst about certain, favorite models. But I believe they weren’t “off” in responding to an apparent transference of who is or are the moron(s) in the instances you address. So, the sarcasm attempted in their response may be well deserved if not well addressed/stated.

I expect you will continue to address the failures or lies or lack of effort to “deliver” what formites want/hope for – but were I anagement, I’d definitely consider an ignore option in certain cases just like the option for accepting calls on one’s phone.
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As a member who has "been here forever", I find it interesting how the responses from management have changed during different eras on Broke Straight Boys, as the people who speak for the company have changed over the years as well. Mark is the owner and has always been that and he usually is a man of few words, and seems to carefully pick and choose which threads to comment on and is usually rather succinct in his posts. Chuck has also been here the whole time and usually reports to us on technical issues or improvements on the site.

My favorite "spokesman" for the company used to be Scorpio, (Steve) who was candid and was also clearly a fan of the site and would offer his own comments on his favorite models, as he was not involved in the model selection or filming and was as objective as a management person could be. David Adamson was also a frequent poster and gave us tremendous insight from the person who hired the models, housed them and filmed their scenes. That was as "inside" as you could get.

Later directors, Clay, Johnny Robins and Damian Christopher would post with varying degrees of openness and frequency, with Johnny Robins being my favorite during that period. Now Sha will occasionally comment when he feels the need, and some of his exchanges with Stowe have been rather entertaining to say the least. And our latest Broke Straight Boys spokesman is Bryce under the admin title and he appears to ready to "mix it up" with questioning forumites which can be a double edge sword, so we shall see how it all plays out.

I am a big fan of the site and especially the forum, and I do enjoy some of this beneath the surface bantering even more than I do much of the content on the site, but I am a self proclaimed "yenta". lol
I have posted on more than one occasion that management should just announce as Broke Straight Boys policy that it does not discuss anything about the personal life of a model or his professional one as well. That probably won't stop some people asking about certain models, but it would surely give them notice that their question will not be answered. Management opened the door to all this the first time it answered such a question. Management can close that door if it so chooses.

Really Stowe? Who do you think you're kidding? lol Would you truly not find something to be contrary about if management suddenly took your advice and refused to respond to any of our future queries regarding the employment status or even personal wellbeing of some of our favorite models? Following the circuitous logic of your reasoning it seems like they're damned if do, and damned if they don't.
i sure do miss Abram - wow he is a hot straight acting guy
Indeed!!! :drool:
