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ABFT for Nov 2nd

I know some people think that I took a holier than thou attitude concerning jake.
there are two things I have difficulty with. they are being mislead and being kept in the dark. I cannot be a mushroom. kept in the dark and bury in bs. but
jake is a beautiful boy. was drawn to him at first sight. I cannot help wondering what johnny and damian could do with a model like jake.
we will never known. such the pity. the purist would never stand for that.
I recall the last model who left and returned was greeted with flower petals and a few pebbles. what would happen to jake?
love his laugh! yes, I would like to see more of jake.
I know some people think that I took a holier than thou attitude concerning jake.
there are two things I have difficulty with. they are being mislead and being kept in the dark. I cannot be a mushroom. kept in the dark and bury in bs. but
jake is a beautiful boy. was drawn to him at first sight. I cannot help wondering what johnny and damian could do with a model like jake.
we will never known. such the pity. the purist would never stand for that.
I recall the last model who left and returned was greeted with flower petals and a few pebbles. what would happen to jake?
love his laugh! yes, I would like to see more of jake.

And now the tide turns... Go back on that Jake thread where you and others were so critical and not wanting to see him on the site ever again. I think there was only Ambi and myself that stuck up for him. I hope he never comes back to such a crowd of turncoats.
And now the tide turns... Go back on that Jake thread where you and others were so critical and not wanting to see him on the site ever again. I think there was only Ambi and myself that stuck up for him. I hope he never comes back to such a crowd of turncoats.
Just for your information Jon, I am not a "turncoat". I thought that he was beautiful when I saw him introduced with Ronan Kennedy and Dimitri, but when I found out that he had appeared on more than one site before here, and he had in fact bottomed, I lost interest in watching him "progress" as all of his BTS and pre-sex banter was lies. He is a beautiful guy who should appear on a ton of sites and make a lot of money, but I still hold the "old school" definition of what this site was about, and I still look for that today. I'd just assume he continue to thrive on the other internet porn sites, but I have little interest in seeing a return of Jake Tipton here.
I know some people think that I took a holier than thou attitude concerning jake.
there are two things I have difficulty with. they are being mislead and being kept in the dark. I cannot be a mushroom. kept in the dark and bury in bs. but
jake is a beautiful boy. was drawn to him at first sight. I cannot help wondering what johnny and damian could do with a model like jake.
we will never known. such the pity. the purist would never stand for that.
I recall the last model who left and returned was greeted with flower petals and a few pebbles. what would happen to jake?
love his laugh! yes, I would like to see more of jake.


Hugs, Another1 ~

Other models have been welcomed back to Broke Straight Boys - why not Jake? I'd love to see him back here, again.

And now the tide turns... Go back on that Jake thread where you and others were so critical and not wanting to see him on the site ever again. I think there was only Ambi and myself that stuck up for him. I hope he never comes back to such a crowd of turncoats.


Jon, yes we did, and I'm glad we did. I wouldn't use the word "turncoats", because I think that's a little too harsh. The revelation of Jake's past work in the industry hit hard at the core community fantasy, and I get that. And I get that "going from straight to gay" is kind of a big fetish, for some - just like a guy with cute feet, or lovely brown eyes, or thick black armpit hair, is, for me ;-)

People have a right to (or more properly, a need for) their personal fetishes. I just think the fetish for having sex with a truly straight guy is one of the most difficult to achieve. But that's the Broke Straight Boys brand, Jon, and that's why a lot of people come in the door.

I thought Jake was one of the cutest, sweetest, and hottest models to walk in Broke Straight Boys's door in years. And I am still wondering about all the amazing scenes he could have done, if he had been given a chance. Maybe I'm shallow, Jon, but - my close gay friends know me as "the man of a thousand fetishes" - I love feet, taint, nipples, armpits, eyes, treasure-trails, smiles, tenor voices (baritone voices too), elbows, knees. . . . you name it. Mr. K. always laughs because he once sent me a photo of his hand, and I came BUCKETS, just looking at his THUMBNAIL!!!

But, Jon- on any site I've ever been on, I never lost interest in a really cute guy, because he didn't cater to all my fetishes, or because his life's story disappointed me. I just focused on the things about the model I DID like. And loved the model for THOSE things.

I totally get that, by its very name, Broke Straight Boys is the "go-to" place for guys who love the idea and the fantasy of straight boys gradually giving in to gay sex, for cash. I'm fine with that, but what mystifies me, a little, is why guys who have this fetish drop anybody (like a stone) who ultimately proves to have a psychological complexion, or a previous work history, that doesn't fit with that narrative. (As we have discussed, Jon, I know of over a dozen beloved Broke Straight Boys-1 models, who were - and are - 15 times "gayer" than Jake Tipton. The difference was, they got away with it; Jake didn't.)

This is a complete sore-spot, to me, because I think Jake was one of the cutest and hottest and sweetest models showcased on Broke Straight Boys in YEARS - and I also believe that the negative reaction of members who thought he "wasn't straight enough" was a decisive factor in persuading management to send him away. Now, Jake is doing good stuff on other sites, but it would be far better if it were filmed with the technical and directorial skills of the Broke Straight Boys staff, than it is being filmed on other, lesser, sites. I honestly feel that members' negative reaction robbed us of one of the best Broke Straight Boys models in the last several years.

I dunno, maybe the management will one day come forth and say that Jake hit someone, or was physically or verbally abusive, or stole some money from the company safe, or something like that - but I never heard anything to that effect. Yeah, Jake lied about his participation on other sites - but so have three dozen other models, as I know, for a fact. I, too, have some very, very, strong fetishes, but I don't REJECT a model just because he doesn't meet all of them.

Jon, I don't think the Broke Straight Boys members who rejected Jake, and pushed him out (as I absolutely believe they did) were turncoats. They were totally true to their aesthetic tastes, and needs. All I would suggest is, I think they were just a little too fundamentalist in their strictures, about taste. Since when, does the fact that a guy you think is hot has sucked another guy's cock, make you think he is UGLY, BORING, or UNINTERESTING???

I guess I intellectually get that, for guys who need and crave the CERTAINTY that a guy is straight, and has never done anything with another guy, this is the absolute prerequisite to an orgasm. But, honestly, you are not going to find any such guy on Broke Straight Boys, College Dudes, CF, SC, or any other "amateur" site. You might find them on Chaturbate or cam4, but that's it. Any guy who gets the courage to perform in erotic video on an established site, has usually experimented once, twice, or several times.

AND - the fact that they have experimented, or played around, doesn't mean they're GAY!!! Wow, I think this is the most frustrating thing about this whole discussion, for me. People around here, regularly claim to love "broke. . . straight. . . boys". Well, the BROKEST, STRAIGHTEST, boys, who are in this for the cash, have maybe done this LOTS of times, before they ever showed up on Broke Straight Boys's doorstep - but they did it lots of times, because they needed the damned money.

Members, and management, tossed Jake Tipton's cute butt out on the curb, because he had worked for other sites, and got caught in saying he hadn't. (This is a sin he has in common with. . . . I dunno. . . maybe about 20 other acclaimed Broke Straight Boys stars, who didn't get caught.) The irony, to me, is, Jake is probably one of the straighter (and BROKER) models who ever appeared on this site, and people loved his videos for a time - and then, when it was discovered he had appeared on other sites to feed his family, said, "Nope. Kick his ass out the door."

Jon, I thought the response that members evinced to Jake, was the saddest and lowest moment I ever saw, in Broke Straight Boys history. I seriously contemplated leaving the site at that time. I thought it was mean, and low, and incredibly uncompassionate. Mostly, when models mess up in some way, members rally around them, and give them a second chance - to explain on a BTS video, to explain on the forum, or to make another great video to just take people's mind off things.

Jake got no such opportunity. He just got booted. I dunno - maybe he was an armed robber, or a sex abuser, or a chronic drug addict who couldn't perform, on-site. All of these would have been firing offences, in my opinion. But having worked for other sites, out of FINANCIAL NEED. . . is that a firing offence, for an erotic video site???? Come on, I don't think so. We have seen, in the history of this site, models being forgiven for all kinds of transgressions. Jake wasn't. People just didn't like him, and they used him as a sacrificial victim, to propitiate a highly complex (and mostly unrealistic) fetish.

Jon, I thought this was a prime example of members treating a model not as a human being, but as a COMMODITY. The way people responded to Jake, I saw not an ounce of empathy, compassion, or humanity, about it. NO ONE ever asked - "What is the back-story?" NO ONE ever asked - "What are Jake's circumstances? And why is he doing this?" NO ONE ever asked - "What about Jake's family: are they OK?" NO ONE asked these questions. Because, NO ONE CARED.

No. Everybody treated Jake Tipton not as a person, but as a product. It was a truly horrible and morally disgusting incident, and it still makes me weep, to think about it. It is hard for me to believe that so many nice people, treated Jake in such a cruel and callous way. If I had Jake's address (which I assure you, I do not) I would personally send him a cheque for $1,000, and a card apologizing for all that the members of Broke Straight Boys put him through. Because, he was cruelly, and evilly, used, here. And cast aside, like a filthy rag, when people decided his real life, and real worries, and real cares, were less important to them than the fantasy they were hoping for.

This was Broke Straight Boys (and the Broke Straight Boys forum's) worst moment in history. I hope, never to see another one, of its like. And I hope everyone who played a part in throwing Jake to the wolves (lesser sites, where health and testing are less rigorously cared-about) can SLEEP, at night. Because you are all, culpable.

"A" :-((((

*Lacrymosa - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHB4HkuSXbo
my dear ambi, when jake was introduced, thought that he reminded me of Zane Tate from an active duty episode. I really pay it little attention. that are so many things happening in the universe, I limit my focus and attention. I knew that Kaden Alexander in the tradition of his site, would hire only straight guys. the members often see these guys on live webcam for free. the members could eat you up or eat you alive. there is a difference. prior employment was not ever a problem. the problem was being told the prior employment did not exist and I could see it for myself. I was shocked when mark said he was lied to. the decision to part ways with jake was a management decision. the road toward forgiveness lead from jake to Broke Straight Boys beautiful model and a nervous little laugh. my view on the situation employment dishonesty is clear. my view on the features of the model is always clear. if either is incorrect, then I will try to live with that fact. neither is changed.
I don't know of any model or models who lied about prior employment.
my dear ambi, when jake was introduced, thought that he reminded me of Zane Tate from an active duty episode. I really pay it little attention. that are so many things happening in the universe, I limit my focus and attention. I knew that Kaden Alexander in the tradition of his site, would hire only straight guys. the members often see these guys on live webcam for free. the members could eat you up or eat you alive. there is a difference. prior employment was not ever a problem. the problem was being told the prior employment did not exist and I could see it for myself. I was shocked when mark said he was lied to. the decision to part ways with jake was a management decision. the road toward forgiveness lead from jake to Broke Straight Boys beautiful model and a nervous little laugh. my view on the situation employment dishonesty is clear. my view on the features of the model is always clear. if either is incorrect, then I will try to live with that fact. neither is changed.
I don't know of any model or models who lied about prior employment.

Make you mind up please A1. Do you want to see Jake back on Broke Straight Boys or not ?

Members, and management, tossed Jake Tipton's cute butt out on the curb, because he had worked for other sites, and got caught in saying he hadn't. (This is a sin he has in common with. . . . I dunno. . . maybe about 20 other acclaimed Broke Straight Boys stars, who didn't get caught.) The irony, to me, is, Jake is probably one of the straighter (and BROKER) models who ever appeared on this site, and people loved his videos for a time - and then, when it was discovered he had appeared on other sites to feed his family, said, "Nope. Kick his ass out the door."

Jon, I thought the response that members evinced to Jake, was the saddest and lowest moment I ever saw, in Broke Straight Boys history. I seriously contemplated leaving the site at that time. I thought it was mean, and low, and incredibly uncompassionate. Mostly, when models mess up in some way, members rally around them, and give them a second chance - to explain on a BTS video, to explain on the forum, or to make another great video to just take people's mind off things.

Jake got no such opportunity. He just got booted. I dunno - maybe he was an armed robber, or a sex abuser, or a chronic drug addict who couldn't perform, on-site. All of these would have been firing offences, in my opinion. But having worked for other sites, out of FINANCIAL NEED. . . is that a firing offence, for an erotic video site???? Come on, I don't think so. We have seen, in the history of this site, models being forgiven for all kinds of transgressions. Jake wasn't. People just didn't like him, and they used him as a sacrificial victim, to propitiate a highly complex (and mostly unrealistic) fetish.

Jon, I thought this was a prime example of members treating a model not as a human being, but as a COMMODITY. The way people responded to Jake, I saw not an ounce of empathy, compassion, or humanity, about it. NO ONE ever asked - "What is the back-story?" NO ONE ever asked - "What are Jake's circumstances? And why is he doing this?" NO ONE ever asked - "What about Jake's family: are they OK?" NO ONE asked these questions. Because, NO ONE CARED.

No. Everybody treated Jake Tipton not as a person, but as a product. It was a truly horrible and morally disgusting incident, and it still makes me weep, to think about it. It is hard for me to believe that so many nice people, treated Jake in such a cruel and callous way. If I had Jake's address (which I assure you, I do not) I would personally send him a cheque for $1,000, and a card apologizing for all that the members of Broke Straight Boys put him through. Because, he was cruelly, and evilly, used, here. And cast aside, like a filthy rag, when people decided his real life, and real worries, and real cares, were less important to them than the fantasy they were hoping for.

This was Broke Straight Boys (and the Broke Straight Boys forum's) worst moment in history. I hope, never to see another one, of its like. And I hope everyone who played a part in throwing Jake to the wolves (lesser sites, where health and testing are less rigorously cared-about) can SLEEP, at night. Because you are all, culpable.

"A" :-((((

*Lacrymosa - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHB4HkuSXbo

I agree with you 100pc on the quoted part of your post. The members behaved like a pack of hounds after a wounded animal. And at least one of them wants him back - amazing...
...................prior employment was not ever a problem. the problem was being told the prior employment did not exist and I could see it for myself. I was shocked when mark said he was lied to. the decision to part ways with jake was a management decision.

I don't know of any model or models who lied about prior employment.
I totally agree with another1, and I question it when Ambi says that many other Broke Straight Boys model's did the same thing but were never caught. I am not the overall porn aficionado that many forumites are, but I feel sure if any other Broke Straight Boys models had filmed for other gay for pay studios previous to appearing here, including bottoming, without telling us first that someone who watches a lot of porn would have pointed it out. I do feel that Jake's situation was unique to my knowledge.

I also totally reject the notion that it was the fan's on the forum's reaction that caused Mark to no longer employ Jake. I also cannot recall Mark ever saying that he was "lied to" before either. We watch the scenes, and offer our comments. We have no control over who returns and who does not, (other than with our votes and the number of hits that we give to a scene, which is what guides management to determinine the popularity of every model here).

And moreover, I cannot believe that this is still an issue to some members. The kid seems to be getting a lot of work, even on our free bonus sites here, so he is still working and his fans can still enjoy his work. I have to say that in my opinion, there is a huge overreaction to the situation by both Ambi and Jon, but of course it is their right to keep fighting for their cause, if they so choose.
I just checked out Jake's scene on Boy's First Time. He is looking real good, and while his scene partner is not all that hot, they really got into it together and his partner seemed to love getting fucked by Jake's nice cock and both boys shot their loads. Again I wish Jake success in his porn career and I think it's nice that his fans can watch him for free right here. Good scene Jake!
From the words of a most famous gay porn producer: "No he sure shot himself in the foot. No one will hire him anymore . What a douche."
my dear ambi, when jake was introduced, thought that he reminded me of Zane Tate from an active duty episode. I really pay it little attention. that are so many things happening in the universe, I limit my focus and attention. I knew that Kaden Alexander in the tradition of his site, would hire only straight guys. the members often see these guys on live webcam for free. the members could eat you up or eat you alive. there is a difference. prior employment was not ever a problem. the problem was being told the prior employment did not exist and I could see it for myself. I was shocked when mark said he was lied to. the decision to part ways with jake was a management decision. the road toward forgiveness lead from jake to Broke Straight Boys beautiful model and a nervous little laugh. my view on the situation employment dishonesty is clear. my view on the features of the model is always clear. if either is incorrect, then I will try to live with that fact. neither is changed.
I don't know of any model or models who lied about prior employment.


Another1 -

I hold you blameless, in all of this. 1.) I do know of quite a number of models who either "lied" about previous employment, or whose previous employment was "winked at", by the management at the time. (Not the current management, necessarily, though. #2) Not a lot shocks me, about what goes on in this business, anymore ;-)

I totally agree with another1, and I question it when Ambi says that many other Broke Straight Boys model's did the same thing but were never caught. I am not the overall porn aficionado that many forumites are, but I feel sure if any other Broke Straight Boys models had filmed for other gay for pay studios previous to appearing here, including bottoming, without telling us first that someone who watches a lot of porn would have pointed it out. I do feel that Jake's situation was unique to my knowledge.

I also totally reject the notion that it was the fan's on the forum's reaction that caused Mark to no longer employ Jake. I also cannot recall Mark ever saying that he was "lied to" before either. We watch the scenes, and offer our comments. We have no control over who returns and who does not, (other than with our votes and the number of hits that we give to a scene, which is what guides management to determinine the popularity of every model here).

And moreover, I cannot believe that this is still an issue to some members. The kid seems to be getting a lot of work, even on our free bonus sites here, so he is still working and his fans can still enjoy his work. I have to say that in my opinion, there is a huge overreaction to the situation by both Ambi and Jon, but of course it is their right to keep fighting for their cause, if they so choose.


Hey, Mike ~

You are a sterling, stellar guy, and someone much loved, by me! Please be assured, of that. Following my post of last weekend, it did occur to me that this is "water under the bridge", and that perhaps I ought simply to have left it all. . . alone. Probably I should have. But this one will always be a bit of a sore point, with me - and I think this is simply one of those instances in which (I suppose) friends will have to "agree to disagree."

Honestly, I do have my ways of knowing that quite a number of models (more on BSB1 than BSB2, or -3) were presented as straight, when in fact they had gone the whole nine yards in previous times, on previous sites. (And even, in fact, were living with boyfriends.) I was - back in the days before Mr. K. - quite an assiduous consumer and connoisseur of this genre, and one with a good memory, too. I absolutely stand by my previous assertion.

Mike, I take it as a given that Mark's reaction to Jake was an unusual one, and doubtless (perhaps) there was more to Jake's comportment or behaviour as a model, that caused Mark grief, than we presently appreciate. (Which is fair.) Quite possibly, there is more to the story, that we will ever ( or should ever) know. Such is life.

I do, however, think that not only members' ratings, but also their comments, do have a bearing - however oblique - upon whether a model returns to the site for further scenes, or not. When Jake was rated as a performer, at 4.35 out of 5, and all but one of his scenes was rated over "4" - it makes me wonder, what was going on, with his banishment. If I am mistaken about this, I am open to correction by management, who might well tell us that members' comments on the board play no part in a model's retention, or relinquishment. (Indeed, if I were a P.R. person for management, I might well suggest to management, that they suggest so!)

Finally, this is still an issue to some (a very few) members because, when a favourite model gets the "axe" (with the blessing of quite a number of fellow-members): it occasions a very real practical and economic decision, whether to stay HERE, or whether to follow the favourite model to other sites - which might or might NOT be (in their videography and style and timbre) very good ones. Not all of us are in a position to have "both/and" ~ sometimes, it must be "either/or"; and, sometimes, this is a difficult choice. So it is sad, to see a luminous new model, slip the blessed bounds of Broke Straight Boys

Mike, Jeremy Bentham once said that the very idea of "rights" amounted to "nonsense upon stilts". So I am claiming no right, of any kind, whatsoever: because I don't believe in them, particularly within the precincts of a private enterprise, such as this one. I am keenly aware that I am an accidental participant, here, in a site whose founding ethos I don't particularly share. But one in which you, and others, do. This is YOUR HOME; I am (at best) a transitory, and temporary, guest.

I'm sadly aware that Broke Straight Boys is gradually divesting itself of the models I have loved best - but there is still a fantastic back-catalogue, and much good conversation to be had; so I tarry, for a little while.

But I think this is one issue upon which you and I must simply agree to disagree, Mike. For, while I appreciate you, like you, and enjoy you, in every respect - - - I respectfully disagree with all your points adduced, supra.


And, P.S. A Scotsman never, ever, gives up.

P.S. Of course, I am a Celt, and you can always count upon me for a good, outsized overreaction, on certain subjects ;-)
..............................But I think this is one issue upon which you and I must simply agree to disagree, Mike. For, while I appreciate you, like you, and enjoy you, in every respect - - - I respectfully disagree with all your points adduced, supra.


And, P.S. A Scotsman never, ever, gives up.

P.S. Of course, I am a Celt, and you can always count upon me for a good, outsized overreaction, on certain subjects ;-)
Dear Ambi,

I also appreciate and respect you, and I agree that it's best to leave this issue alone, as we will never agree on the "cause and effect" of member's commentary on this forum and any effect it may have on a model's continuing to appear on the site. I will always remember what Webmonkey (who was in management and posted here for a period of time) told us on this forum. He said that while the viewer 1-5 "ratings" and the comments on this board and in other places are listened to, but the main factor in determining the popularity of a model is the number of "hits" on a scene, and that is a number that we are not privy to.

And so I will not bring this issue up again on my own, however I cannot promise that I will not respond if I read it brought up again, as I still have strong beliefs on the "Jake Tipton" situation. I do accept your truce and am quite willing to smoke the peace pipe, (as well as any other pipe you may want to share with me, when you come to visit New York City with Mr. K). :cool:

