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A possible solution to the constant bitching...


Well-known Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
I started this as a reply under the "Pissed off members" thread, but decided to start another thread solely for this idea.

We've obviously acknowledged that there's a problem. Now let's figure out a workable solution.

Here's the quote from the original thread and my response/ideas. Let me know what you think!

They voiced them. What I want to know is why they're still voicing the same complaints? Management has stated its case. They have stated theirs That's your "zero sum game." Shouldn't they be in the showers now cooling off, so the rest of us can be talking about other things?

I do agree with you on this aspect. The arguments are repeated time and time again and it gets overwhelming and "dark" in here. This could be attributed to many things.

If you look at the Dustin threads, you can see how often new/returning members come here. The issue with this is that they tend to revitalize topics that have already been discussed multiple times. So then you don't only have people arguing, but they're frustrated that they've stated their case on this several times already (not that anyone's twisting their arm and MAKING them respond, but you get the point.)

My suggestion:
Make a "Bitching" playground! This could be done by creating another sub-forum under the "Membership Site Chat, Comments & Suggestions" area.

Before the urge to throw a stapler at my head becomes far too overwhelming, think of it this way. If there was an area dedicated solely to concerns/complaints:
  • Management could visit it when they're in the proper mindframe to address complaints. This would reduce the overwhelming nature of the current "thread hijacking" that takes place.
  • Other members could separate themselves from a majority of the recurring drama by staying out of the sub-forum.
  • New members wouldn't be bombarded with negativity on their first visit to the forum.

This would obviously take effort from the community and management to recondition people to utilize this thread, but I think it would be worth it.

What do you think?
i dont know what i think....

....one thing i am thinking, why do you hate eariz?
Oh, my, God, JW, I asked that question, too.Talk about dejavu all over again. That was a wonderful chuckle. Nothing wrong with the question, it was just so funny in light of the previous post. You are perfectly innocent in asking it.

I think this has been suggested in one form or another and the response from your friends was it was placing a limit on their freedom. Something to that respect. If you could get them to do it, it would be wonderful. I would be more than happy to avoid that section like avoiding something ticking in Afghanistan.

I also wish we had a section for 'news' on models. You know, a place with information on CJ and Danny and Taz and all. It would be nice for new forumites to be able to click over to a section and see the truth without having to wait for someone, usually a bit rudely, to bring them up to date. Sometimes we treat newbies horribly and they deserve better. It's a shame Marky's gone - he was so good at that.
i dont know what i think....

....one thing i am thinking, why do you hate eariz?

It's actually a kind of outdated screen name. I used it junior high and high school because I always wanted to get the hell out of Arizona. I found a job in Los Angeles right after I graduated, but it didn't pay enough to support someone in that city so I came back to Arizona.

Since I've turned 21, Arizona hasn't been nearly as boring and all the people I love are here. I just couldn't think of a better username... more habit than anything haha.
It's actually a kind of outdated screen name. I used it junior high and high school because I always wanted to get the hell out of Arizona. I found a job in Los Angeles right after I graduated, but it didn't pay enough to support someone in that city so I came back to Arizona.

Since I've turned 21, Arizona hasn't been nearly as boring and all the people I love are here. I just couldn't think of a better username... more habit than anything haha.

i see senor!
What do you think?

I love the idea and was wondering the same thing myself but not sure if the evil ones will allow themselves to be haltered.

Yes I said evil ones but that is just for the humor asspect so dont anyone go blowing smoke on tha one now.
I love Arizona...I just bought a house, so I am never never never leaving!
I know this is off topic again...But isn't there a pretty large Arizona community who post on the forum? I would love to know if there is anyone out there in Tucson or the surrounding areas.....
haha i hijacked a thread before it even got started...i win!
I am in favor of that idea.

Or another idea would be to just set up a FAQ section area for commonly asked questions. I.e. Are the models really straight? How do I get my memberships status to change from junior member to senior member?

Just break it down. I.e. Membership questions, questions about models, etc...

There is no need to answer these questions over and over again.

Also, develop a grievance procedure where these issues are directly fielded to mgt. via e-mail.

Mgt. can adress these issues and post the answers in the FAQ section once they see a repitition. This will help to remove grievances from the basic threads. Remember I said it will "help", it won't stop everyone. However, instead of being sucked into debates over an issue we can help direct new members to the right place to have their issues addressed.:thumbup:

Thanks for letting me share.:thumbup:
It's actually a kind of outdated screen name. I used it junior high and high school because I always wanted to get the hell out of Arizona. I found a job in Los Angeles right after I graduated, but it didn't pay enough to support someone in that city so I came back to Arizona.

Since I've turned 21, Arizona hasn't been nearly as boring and all the people I love are here. I just couldn't think of a better username... more habit than anything haha.

The grass is always greener on the other side..
I know this is off topic again...But isn't there a pretty large Arizona community who post on the forum? I would love to know if there is anyone out there in Tucson or the surrounding areas.....

NW Tucson here!
Here's my experience about "bitching" - it happens anywhere and with time, sometimes soon sometimes later, it always rears its ugly head. I was a monk once and we bitched all the times in the monastery when we're not praying - I think some of us monks even bitched to God in our prayers. In the USAF, we bitched about anything, the food, the job, the pay, the lack of sex - anything. We bitched because we are bored and have nothing better to do at the time. Question: Why should Broke Straight Boys be exempt from this very human endeavor - bitching?
I remember hearing that the opposite of Love isn't hate its appathy. If anyone bitches its a form of love. We love the site and alot of it's members. A family always fights but doesn't mean we want to see them hurt. If someone bitches over and over and we get tired of it just ignore it and don't let it be hijacked by them. BTW JWGLASS didnt really hijack the thread just continued talking. Conversation works that way.
Quite frankly, there are no solutions. Nowadays people like to complain about anything, it's just how the world is now. Whatever we do, there will always be someone not happy. That's just life :)
Quite frankly, there are no solutions. Nowadays people like to complain about anything, it's just how the world is now. Whatever we do, there will always be someone not happy. That's just life :)

Man did you hit that nail on the head.:thumbup: