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A long story short ... My last month in captured in words.

BSB Jason

BSB Model
BSB Model
Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
So the past month or so has been incredibly hectic and busy. All the same I can’t complain because it’s been quite adventurous. Because it’s been so long since I have last really posted I have a lot to report and this may turn out to be a long one. Bear with me. : P

First there was Washington DC Pride. The weather was naturally hotter and more humid than is typically bearable. In fact towards the end of the Pride event I was horribly sick from the heat. Not because of dehydration, just from prolonged exposure. During the Parade I experienced a group of anti-gay protesters preaching sin and redemption. I never quite understood these people, where exactly the find their motivation and when is their hate born. I often wonder what dull live they surely lead to do nothing but protest gays at any venue possible. For hours in the hot sun with opposing crowds fighting and yelling back, they never lose steam and continue to preach their blasphemy to anyone who will listen.

We did quite abit of sightseeing but in a rapid mode. Never really staying in one place to long. We only had limited time and wanted to see everything we could. Blake ran around rampant looking for the National Mall He was excited to see what a Mall in the nation’s Capitol had to offer. All the stores and restaurants they must have... surely there’s a "Buckle" he exclaimed. Well as we walked from the Capitol Building to the Washington Monument... I said nothing and quietly giggled as his IPhone tried to direct him to the National Mall.

After a Long Weekend in DC I flew straight to Denver Colorado. The plane ride was of the bumpiest I’ve ever experienced. And trust me I’ve put in my flight hours over the years. It seems that you can’t get a direct flight anywhere anymore. I swear flying on Delta from New York to Philadelphia you will connect in Atlanta lol.

Denver was nothing like I had expected. It was a lot more Plains like and the climate was much hotter than I had thought. I actually was waiting to get to Colorado because I pictured it to be cooler and I had just spent a week in DC during a heat wave.

In Denver I was joined by a pretty decent crew. Unfortunately Blake wasn’t able to make it out. But I spent the week with Kodi, Spencer Todd, Chad, Denver Grand, Cole Gartner, Rob Ryder and Ayden Troy. Clay Mark and Sha were there.

Upon arrival Clay made the suggestion that we grilled out for dinner. I spent hours preparing a personal Jalapeno Popper recipe. For three hours I cut and bored jalapenos and stuffed them with cream cheese and wrapped them in bacon! All the hard work had paid off when they we loved by everyone. Clay is quite the master chef himself. He personally marinated steaks and chicken and other meat grilled them and served them Brazilian style. Each platter came out better than the last.

Most of the guys I already knew. I met a few while I was there. Almost everyone was pretty awesome minus some certain people and certain incidents. But that’s reflected by age and a lack of life experience in those individuals.

While there I filmed two scenes. One of which was in my opinion very difficult, the other was one of the best sex scene I had ever had on camera as far as how it felt. We went to Casa Bonita and Elitches Amusment Park where I had a blast. I’ve always been a huge fan of adrenaline inducing activities and I found a few there :)

I flew home from Denver for my first time in twenty days or so. I had two days off and went to New York City for Pride. At the same time a HUGE storm front was moving in and slightly after take-off my flight was put in a holding pattern and eventually returned to Pittsburgh Airport. I was initially scheduled to depart at 1pm. At 2, 3, 4 and 5 they promised to hopefully get us in the air within the hour. At 6:43 they said the storms were moving out and they planned to take off at 7. Ten minutes later they cancelled the flight. Once ours became delayed they cancelled all the other JFK flights at 2pm so by the time mine was cancelled there were no replacement flights for Saturday or Sunday left. Another stranded traveler and I decided to rent a car and I drove from Pittsburgh to NYC. I left at 7:15 and arrived about 2:30am

New York is an amazing city to explore. It never gets dull and has endless adventure. I met some great people there and saw quite a bit. I felt less like a tourist this time because I had been there a time or two before. I was looking forward to seeing the 9/11 Memorial but unfortunately the tickets were all sold out. We had the privilege of staying in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on Park Avenue. We had a few complimentary drink tickets that could be used for any beverage at the Hotel Lounge. You heard right, any beverage. While Denver Grand was using his for a miller light, sitting in a dark corner wearing a tank top prowling for chicks, I sat a crossed from him in my dark Blazer and button up shirt slowly sipping $60.00 per glass 18 yr. old Macallan scotch while pretending to be a foreign Diplomat. Considering the Waldorf is where all the Dignitaries stay and reside its easily believable. Diplomats are to the Waldorf as Tourists are to the Marriot on Fort Lauderdale Beach. I believe the United Nations actually owns an entire floor where permanent members of the UN each get a place to live.

On the day of pride while enroute I left my cell phone in the cab. Blake forgot to get a receipt and now we have no idea the cab number. I was calling my phone and checking with building managers in the area to get a look at camera systems when finally the driver returned my call and brought the phone back. New York pride was a ton of fun and the Clubs are Top Notch. I’m usually not the type to ever dance but the last night there I couldn’t stop moving I had so much fun.

Getting out of New York was almost as hard as it was to get in. A 9 am flight took off at 5pm.

I spent a day or two relaxing and doing some house work. A little painting here and there. Then I went to spend a couple days with my family and friends I grew up with. I took about four days off after New York and went back to Washington DC. This time for a July Fourth Vacation.

I took with my friend of many years and his girlfriend. They have been trying to get away for a long time and I figured this was the perfect opportunity for that plus I could lower my costs. We drove down which wasn’t too bad. The vacation its self was amazing. I was in the company of some great people and they introduced me to the entire city. The worst parts about it were A) Friends Girlfriend litterly never stopped complaining the entire time about everything. She didn’t want to walk or be in the heat. Well it’s DC... that’s preposterous! She was also having a visit from Aunt Flo, if you’re pickin up what I’m puttin down, and that made it much worse. Plus she was offended anytime I wanted to go out and they didn’t want to I was supposed to sacrifice my fun for her. Well not to be rude, but I invited you on my vacation, you’re welcome to join me anywhere I go but if you don’t want to go out that’s fine I still do!

The Hotel was The WORST EVER. When we got there was a 45 min wait to check in. I pre-paid for my room weeks in advance. Two queen beds. What do I get 1 queen bed. I call the desk and for 10 min no one answers it just rings. That night I had to sleep elsewhere. The next day the desk reports they have no available rooms but will send up a roll away cot immediately. At 4am the cot still hadn’t arrived so for the third time I went down this time demanding a cot. The night guy said I should have asked earlier that he no was out of cots. I explained he was 10 hours late. He found me a cot and I get to the room and security is waiting for me with a cot.

When I take it into the room there is nowhere big enough to put it. When I begin unfolding the mattress I notice immediately that the sheets are very badly soiled. At the bottom in a pile are a sheet and 2 towels wrapped into a ball covered in what appeared to be Blood Urine and Fecal Matter. They smelled awful! I peeled back the sheets layer after layer after layer and come to what I’m sure is a strategically placed cloth to collect urine for someone incontinent or really drunk.

The next day they found me a new room. Located as far away from the elevator and ice machine as possible. Two days before check out I crawl in bed, the head board falls off the wall on top of me. The hotel was so busy all the time that you almost always had a 5 or ten minute wait IN LINE to get on an elevator. If you wanted an elevator from the parking garage FORGET ABOUT IT take the stair. Which was difficult to navigate because the place was a maze and had no stair access from the lobby to the garage only garage to street level. All the doors were locked from the inside. We often found ourselves walking down the parking ramp two levels.

In the six nights we spent there House Keeping was gracious enough to visit us twice. The second time they took all the linen and towels but never left new ones. Kids were running and screaming through the halls knocking on doors and pushing every button in the elevator. So often where every floor button pushed I became convince some little hellion was permanently posted in the ceiling of the elevator just to raise chaos.

High school marching bands filled the rooms beside me and the young ins couldn’t wait to be alone to spark their illegally acquired cigarettes and fill my room with the smell of smoke.

For all my trouble the hotel was so kind to comp me for my $36.00 in internet fees. So generous..

Fortunately I had my eyes set on someone who did a very good job at distracting me for the week so it ended pretty well. Minus the girlfriend I never should have invited and the hotel accommodation. If you’re going to provide service below par of that of a motel then your rates should be on the same scale... I paid for 2 beds in a Hilton and got a filth ridden cot in hell! Hahaha

I did get to see all of the sights and most the museums. DC is an incredibly grand city. It’s immaculate in every way. A lot of thought creativity and diversity went into the planning and execution of the city and its operations. I would absolutely love to live there (Spring Summer and fall lol) if only the real estate market wasn’t so high. Studio apartments range from $1400 + I do plan to return as often as possible though. I had a lot of great times there.
Macallan.jpgOh dear! Casa Bonita?!?!?!? LOL!

Oh, and I need you to know something. I named my late dog Macallan. My favorite scotch ever. No matter the vintage. Love love love love love... Miss my girlie, too. She was a good dog.
I went on vacation and got tropical storm Debby... that was fun... well wet anyay. Oh, and I thought everyone knew every flight goes through Atlanta.
Wow, Jason, you're a very busy person! Thanks for taking the time to write such a lengthy and interesting synopsis of your last few weeks.

Pride sounds great, we don't have anything like that in Australia except the Sydney Mardi Gra (not sure how to spell that) which I've never been lucky enough to attend, but I've heard it's awesome.

Your week in DC was sounding disastrous, so I was very glad to read someone was kind enough to divert your attention to more amusing things...lol
Thanks so much for filling us in Jason. It's always great to get a catch up with you. With my personality I would have been livid over the service you received at the hotel. It might have ruined my whole trip. You have great patience. lol

I'm so glad you enjoyed all the travelling for events. LOL I don't envy you driving into NYC. Something tells me that is not for the faint of heart. haha
Okay that was just plain long man! and you left out the part about the hotel manager girl! that was funny stuff.
In Denver I was joined by a pretty decent crew. Unfortunately Blake wasn’t able to make it out. But I spent the week with Kodi, Spencer Todd, Chad, Denver Grand, Cole Gartner, Rob Ryder and Ayden Troy. Clay Mark and Sha were there.

While there I filmed two scenes. One of which was in my opinion very difficult, the other was one of the best sex scene I had ever had on camera as far as how it felt.

Hmmm....your best gay for pay buzz was with Denver :thumbup1:, and we can remove Chad, Clay, Mark and Sha from the list of possibles and probably Cole and Rob too, so that leaves Spencer, Kodi and Ayden. I can't imagine you having any difficulties working with Kodi so we can remove him, and that leaves Spencer and Ayden...I'm thinking your next scene is with Ayden and you didn't have much fun :down:
Hmmm....your best gay for pay buzz was with Denver :thumbup1:, and we can remove Chad, Clay, Mark and Sha from the list of possibles and probably Cole and Rob too, so that leaves Spencer, Kodi and Ayden. I can't imagine you having any difficulties working with Kodi so we can remove him, and that leaves Spencer and Ayden...I'm thinking your next scene is with Ayden and you didn't have much fun :down:

Actually, since Rob Ryder didn't have much fun with Kodi...

And hey, I didn't meet Ayden. Are you sure he was in Denver?!?!
Hmmm....your best gay for pay buzz was with Denver :thumbup1:, and we can remove Chad, Clay, Mark and Sha from the list of possibles and probably Cole and Rob too, so that leaves Spencer, Kodi and Ayden. I can't imagine you having any difficulties working with Kodi so we can remove him, and that leaves Spencer and Ayden...I'm thinking your next scene is with Ayden and you didn't have much fun :down:

I was thinking Kodi........because if it would have been a "SURPRISE" return of CHAD:001_wub:, he would have LOVED it.......:w00t:
Actually, since Rob Ryder didn't have much fun with Kodi...

And hey, I didn't meet Ayden. Are you sure he was in Denver?!?!

Jason mentioned Ayden when he said who he was with in Denver, but they must have kept him hidden somewhere, which is why I'm thinking him, but who knows! I was tossing up between Ayden and Spencer...
I was thinking Kodi........because if it would have been a "SURPRISE" return of CHAD:001_wub:, he would have LOVED it.......:w00t:

Awww Ms K. I wish it was Chad for your sake, but I think you're in for another disappointment.

Kodi has a scene next week with Anthony, so I that's another reason I didn't think it would be him with Jason.
:drool: Call me crazy, But I think Jason's talking about his scene with Denver. If memory serves, that scene was shot in Colorado, and Jason did say on camera that it was the best gay sex he had ever had. Must have been great for the afterglow to last this long!

It's funny but typical that of all Jason's massive post, the one issue we pick up on this one. But we are a nosey bunch of so and so's - we shudda joined the FBI.
Hi Jason:
A fellow Pittsburgher here. Boy are you busy. For years when I went to Washington DC to judge flower shows at the National Arboretum, I stayed at a Holiday Inn in Gaithersburg. When I first started, it was great - good service, good restaurant, good housekeeping etc. Then it changed hands(ethnic) and things went to hell in a hand basket. I will not stay at that hotel any more and prefer to get one further out and use the transit system in to Central DC.
By the way, I loved your joke about Pittsburgh being God's Country and have told it to many of my friends. One friends daughter is a lay minister in their church and used it as part of her sermon. Thanks for helping make people laugh.
:drool: Call me crazy, But I think Jason's talking about his scene with Denver. If memory serves, that scene was shot in Colorado, and Jason did say on camera that it was the best gay sex he had ever had. Must have been great for the afterglow to last this long!


Jason mentioned two scenes that were shot in Denver...one where the sex was great...another one he felt was difficult to film. The one you mentioned was the one with the great sex. Now we are all trying to figure out the difficult partner in the second shoot. Any ideas?

You continue to be the friendliest and most informative model ever on Broke Straight Boys, sharing so much with us. That was so well written, as you gave us the highlights and low lights of your month on the road touring for Broke Straight Boys, and vacationing with your friend. You did share your "horror" story with me in New York of how you almost did not make it out of Pittsburgh and how you finally hooked up with someone and drove to NYC in a rented car. I'm sure glad that you made it to town, as I would have missed out on meeting you, if you had not come here. :biggrin:

I'm really glad to hear that Broke Straight Boys treated you guys well in New York, by booking the Waldorf Astoria for you to stay in. And that does sound so cool that you sat there sipping your drink, acting the part of a foreign diplomat. Very cool stuff.

Your later visit to Washington DC sounds like a nightmare to me, with that horrible hotel, and the lack of clean sheets and towels is totally unacceptable. Your friends girlfriend sounds like she was a downer too, but you did have a great time sight seeing and I hope that you met up with that special someone who distracted you during your stay in D.C.

While many models do post on the forum, your posts Jason are always introspective and informative. Thank you so much for being such a great guy and sharing so much with us.

I've said it before, and I'll say again that you are a total class act. You are a wonderful ambassador for Broke Straight Boys!