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5 Minute Research Online Survey


New Member
Feb 23, 2010
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Guy I am a student at UM and would love that if you are in a romantic relationship spend 5 minute to complete the anonymous survey --it goes toward cutting edge research on sexuality ---feel free to pass the link on as well :)

Thanks guys!!!!

5-minute Research Study for Gay/Gueer Men in Relationships

University of Michigan researchers seek gay-, queer-, or bi-identified men for a study about relationships and sexual health. *Participants must be in a romantic relationship.* The survey will take most people no more than five minutes to complete.

To participate, please follow this link:

no love for the ladies....
Done! And I don't see why a lady can't take it as they ask about vaginal intercourse.......
thanks to all those who responded ---please take the survey if you havent i greatly appreciate it!

Also ANYONE can take it---we were trying to get more responses from the queer men identified group however we would love anyone (who is in a romantic relationship) to take it

so no disrespect to the ladies ;)
my only issue is with the yes/no questions towards the end..... scope of the questions is too broad for the narrow response field provided........ questions either need to have a narrower spectrum or have a broader response option....
please alo feel free to forward that link to anyone you know
i would but as i am a chronically single male, it would be pointless for me to participate