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4th of July plans?????


BSB Addict
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Castle Rock, CO
I am sorry this thread is NOT meant to be exclusive of people living in the US, soooo, let's have a little fun for those living abroad. What the hell do I mean by that? Well, (for those livingin the US), why not share what your plans are over the holiday weekend? AND....for those living abroad, how did you celebrate YOUR independence....whether it be holiday, a break up, etc? Let's have a bit of fun with it!
I will be going out of town, doing one of my favorite things along the way....that being, while at the airport, just people-watchiing! NOT to make fun of, or to stare, but to observe other cultures, as well, (and I THINK, more importantly), how people act when they are 'out of their environment', ESPECIALLY getting ready to travel.

As far as my independence, in GENERAL, I HONESTLY cannot see myself living with anyone, as I am too set in my ways, (at the ripe old age of 45, lol), I like to do as I want WHEN I want. LOL
I have no plans. It is not one I usually celebrate other than taking my kids when they were young to see fireworks,

However, it is on a Friday, so maybe I'll head out to my local pub for the fish and chips special.
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I always watch the movie, "1776", sometime during the day. And I always read the Declaration of Independence to remind myself of the brilliance and bravery of our forefathers.

As I enjoy being by myself, I will spend the next few days coming up with excuses to turn down requests to go to cookouts, etc. Been there, done that for too many years. I like spending my holidays (most of them anyway) alone.
as with stowe, i enjoy watching a capital 4th with the washington symphany on pbs after a nice grillout ! this year going to a try a modified clam bake!