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1/27 College Physicals: Jared & Dr. Cox


Well-known Member
Jul 20, 2009
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Starting with a tongue in tongue hot kiss, Cox could only get about three inches of Jared enviable 7.5" fat hard cock in his mouth down his throat before Jared began pounding Cox's love tunnel with lust and romance concluding with an eleven volley deluge of fresh hot young cum with his butt cheeks dippled and his rib Cage Kafig thrusting. The hotest of the hot. A memorable hot fucking performance. Jared stole the show and would any time he drops his pants. He's something else. Trust me.:001_tt2:
Love tunnel just ahead! You won't want to miss it either!

Starting with a tongue in tongue hot kiss, Cox could only get about three inches of Jared enviable 7.5" fat hard cock in his mouth down his throat before Jared began pounding Cox's love tunnel with lust and romance concluding with an eleven volley deluge of fresh hot young cum with his butt cheeks dippled and his rib Cage Kafig thrusting. The hotest of the hot. A memorable hot fucking performance. Jared stole the show and would any time he drops his pants. He's something else. Trust me.:001_tt2:

Dear Nedrow1,

Wasn't this simply the perfect fuck. Dr. Cox was a most receptive and willing recipient of Jared's beautiful cock. Even though Jared's ball are diminutive is size, his cock is up front and center in the intimate filming of this episode. I have to hand it to the camera man, he chose excellent camera angles throughout. So very close to the penetrating action, I would have assumed the camera lens would be full of steam and a spattering of cum as well. I particularly loved Jared filmed from behind. Boy, is he ever beautiful with his perfect butt and well developed muscled legs. This part was the best footage and I particularly love viewing the "love tunnel" up close and personal. You know, Nedrow, this has to get anyone going, gay or straight. Who, with a heart beating, could ever resist this manifestation of unbridled sexuality. The word "perfection" cums to mind!
Starting with a tongue in tongue hot kiss, Cox could only get about three inches of Jared enviable 7.5" fat hard cock in his mouth down his throat before Jared began pounding Cox's love tunnel with lust and romance concluding with an eleven volley deluge of fresh hot young cum with his butt cheeks dippled and his rib Cage Kafig thrusting. The hotest of the hot. A memorable hot fucking performance. Jared stole the show and would any time he drops his pants. He's something else. Trust me.:001_tt2:

Hot, Hot, Hot. Not the hottest College Boy Physicals ever, but only overshadowed by Parker, in my insignificant opinion. There was kissing, touching, great angles, real feeling,.......... Loved the kissing at the end, too.:001_tt1:

If I had to find a flaw, it would be that Jared was wearing the same underwear and clothes as last time,......ewwwwww.:thumbdown:
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Dear Nedrow1,

Wasn't this simply the perfect fuck. Dr. Cox was a most receptive and willing recipient of Jared's beautiful cock. Even though Jared's ball are diminutive is size, his cock is up front and center in the intimate filming of this episode. I have to hand it to the camera man, he chose excellent camera angles throughout. So very close to the penetrating action, I would have assumed the camera lens would be full of steam and a spattering of cum as well. I particularly loved Jared filmed from behind. Boy, is he ever beautiful with his perfect butt and well developed muscled legs. This part was the best footage and I particularly love viewing the "love tunnel" up close and personal. You know, Nedrow, this has to get anyone going, gay or straight. Who, with a heart beating, could ever resist this manifestation of unbridled sexuality. The word "perfection" cums to mind!

Personally, I was extremely frustrated with the camera views! We did not get to see Jared's cock ONCE throughout this entire scene except for when it was getting sucked, or fucking, or when it was soft after he had cum.

When he was sucking Dr. Cox and then stood up to get on the exam table, instead of showing us his fully hard cock as he stood up to let us see what it looks like, the camera PANNED UP AND AWAY so that we could only see him from the waist up.

And then, as he got off the exam table and stood up to get ready to start fucking Dr. Cox, once again, the camera panned up and showed him from the waist up, and then the rest was completely edited out until he already had the rubber on and was already fucking.


Don't these people know that some people pay for this site to see FULL FRONTAL NUDITY!!!!!!!!!!! This is not a pg rated movie where the camera needs to pan away from the frontal nudity and only show guys from the waist up once they're in a position to where you can finally see their cock!!!!

Sorry, but I am so annoyed with the camera work and editing in what otherwise would have been SUCH A HOT SCENE!!!!!! Both these guys are hot, likeable, there was plenty of hot kissing (without being audibly prompted), and hot fucking.

some people pay for this site to see FULL FRONTAL NUDITY

Personally, I was extremely frustrated with the camera views! We did not get to see Jared's cock ONCE throughout this entire scene except for when it was getting sucked, or fucking, or when it was soft after he had cum.

When he was sucking Dr. Cox and then stood up to get on the exam table, instead of showing us his fully hard cock as he stood up to let us see what it looks like, the camera PANNED UP AND AWAY so that we could only see him from the waist up.

And then, as he got off the exam table and stood up to get ready to start fucking Dr. Cox, once again, the camera panned up and showed him from the waist up, and then the rest was completely edited out until he already had the rubber on and was already fucking.


Don't these people know that some people pay for this site to see FULL FRONTAL NUDITY!!!!!!!!!!! This is not a pg rated movie where the camera needs to pan away from the frontal nudity and only show guys from the waist up once they're in a position to where you can finally see their cock!!!!

Sorry, but I am so annoyed with the camera work and editing in what otherwise would have been SUCH A HOT SCENE!!!!!! Both these guys are hot, likeable, there was plenty of hot kissing (without being audibly prompted), and hot fucking.


Dearest Abe,

Truly sorry to add to your frustration and annoyed feelings. I guess I had to make a comment on the camera angles because frequently, the close-to-the-action-shots don't happen and because I was literally "hypnotized" by Jareds absolutely beautiful perfect ass and legs while fucking Dr. Cox and this was followed by the "love tunnel" scene that is the next thing to having an actual orgasm, at least for me.

Yes, Abe, particularly since I am definitely a "Grower" and not a "Shower" in the cock department, I too love watching and oggling over any guy as beautiful as Jared having been blessed with a "Shower" of a cock while flaccid and a beautiful one at that, just to match the rest of him. If I had my preference, for sure I would have loved more time showing Jared's frontal nudity and his delicately filled in pubes (as if the finest and most delicate of hand made lace) and his pristine body to boot. Jared, if anything, is a textbook case of a most beautiful young man.

Sorry I failed to focus in those worthwhile aspects you, in all your frustrations, pointed out. You're absolutely correct and I guess, in a moment of weakness, I lost my perspective on how to properly depict a beautiful young men like Jared, photographically speaking. I have to agree with you that I do indeed love "Full Frontal Nudity" for males, and especially when it is of the quality of Jared.


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
Really enjoyed this film. Jared is a real hottie and love the trail of hair and the blonde/dark hair match really does it for me.
Dearest Abe,

Truly sorry to add to your frustration and annoyed feelings. I guess I had to make a comment on the camera angles because frequently, the close-to-the-action-shots don't happen and because I was literally "hypnotized" by Jareds absolutely beautiful perfect ass and legs while fucking Dr. Cox and this was followed by the "love tunnel" scene that is the next thing to having an actual orgasm, at least for me.

Yes, Abe, particularly since I am definitely a "Grower" and not a "Shower" in the cock department, I too love watching and oggling over any guy as beautiful as Jared having been blessed with a "Shower" of a cock while flaccid and a beautiful one at that, just to match the rest of him. If I had my preference, for sure I would have loved more time showing Jared's frontal nudity and his delicately filled in pubes (as if the finest and most delicate of hand made lace) and his pristine body to boot. Jared, if anything, is a textbook case of a most beautiful young man.

Sorry I failed to focus in those worthwhile aspects you, in all your frustrations, pointed out. You're absolutely correct and I guess, in a moment of weakness, I lost my perspective on how to properly depict a beautiful young men like Jared, photographically speaking. I have to agree with you that I do indeed love "Full Frontal Nudity" for males, and especially when it is of the quality of Jared.


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy

Dear Cumrag (aka Stimpy),

I agree with everything you're saying. If not for the poor camera work that revealed the lack of understanding what viewers want to see by refusing to show us Jared's fully erect cock once he stood up, this would have been such a hot scene. But unfortunately I was so frustrated and frankly, downright pissed that the camera refused to show me his cock, I left my computer in complete disgust and haven't watched the scene since.

NOTE TO CAMERAMEN: Please DO NOT pan up on a model and only show him from the waist up thereby not showing us his naked body in its full nude, fully erect glory, because this is after all a porn site, and many of us desire to see the models' full frontal nudity WHENEVER, AND WHEREVER POSSIBLE! While it is perfectly acceptable, and actually desirable to zoom in on hot closeups that reveal the models in the throes of hot sexual activity, there is a time and a place for everything.

When we haven't been able to see a model's penis, it is ALWAYS a good idea to let us see it whenever you can (keep in mind, if a guy is getting his cock sucked, or is jacking himself off, or if he is fucking, there is actually very little we can actually see of the penis). When the model stands up to an upright position, and he is erect, that is the PERFECT opportunity to either zoom out where we can see the model from top to bottom, or you can zoom in a little closer to his crotch area to give us an even better view.

The cameraman should ***NEVER*** pan up and away from the models' crotches at any time, thereby only showing them from the waist up.

Often times when a model stands up and he's naked, that's the only opportunity we the viewers get to see him fully naked, and see his fully erect cock without being shielded from view by his clothes/hand/another model's hand or mouth, or actually inside a rubber while he's fucking the other model.

When it comes to full frontal nudity in a gay porn site, more is MORE!!!!!!

NOTE TO EDITORS: Please DO NOT EVER edit out guys getting naked, changing positions, and for God's sake NEVER edit out when a guy gets up to a standing position when he's fully naked and hard! In so doing, you are removing the very snippet of footage the some of the viewers most want to see!!!!!

In this example, the second scene featuring Dr. Cox and Jared, I am dying to know what Jared's hot cock looks like when he's hard, naked, standing, and hands free! Unfortunately, because of the cameraman zooming up and away from his crotch when he stood up the first time and only showing him from the waist up, and then editing him completely out once he started to get up off the exam table (he went from lying on the exam table after getting blown then it cut to him with his rubber already on, and starting to fuck Dr. Cox).

Again, in a gay porn site, we WANT to see as much full frontal nudity as we possibly can! If you're going to edit something out, it should be minutes of repetitive motion that we've already seen for several moments and will continue to see several more moments, with nothing new added to cut down on overall scene length. But DO NOT edit out entire sections of footage that include hot action that some of the viewers may want to see!

To me, editing out Jared getting up from the exam table and standing up to put on his rubber (and perhaps do some more kissing), then insert himself into Dr. Cox, was as thoughtless and careless not to mention indicative of piss poor editing judgment and decision making as it would have been to edit out the cum shot at the end.

Normally I am not this harsh, but when the camera work and editing themselves ruin an otherwise superb scene, I am always extremely irate. It's bad enough when the models ruin a scene by having a bad attitude or refusing to perform, but it's horrendous when the production staff alone ruin a scene by horrendous camera and editing techniques and decision making.
