So this situation is not entirely new but it’s so rare The Energy State hasn’t gotten its act together to secure an adequate electric grid.
I know this gets a little political but I was really annoyed with the Texas governor trying to lay the blame of Texas's energy problems on the liberals and the supposed Green New Deal that hasn't even happened yet. God forbid anybody in the Texas state government and its utility comanies and energy policy makers take any responsibility at all.
The argument for blaming anybody but those in Texas went something like: Some of the the wind turbines froze and some of the solar power plants shut down because of the extreme cold. Because they supply about 10% of Texas's energy and they didn't tolerate the cold as well, that's apparently the Democrat's fault for pushing cleaner renewable energy. So blame the fact that Texas has no electricity or running water in many cities on the libs.
Uhmm. If these two renewable energy sources only make up 10% of the supply, why has the whole system nearly collapsed? How does the loss of only 10% bring the whole thing crashing down? The governor bragged that Texas also has nuclear power, coal power, natural gas, and plain old fossil fuels for electricity generation. So by that logic Texas should be doing fine and he should just STFU because Texas would naturally be swimming in abundant energy flowing through its power grid right now.
But no. Instead of taking some responsibility and apologizing, taking notes, and planning some energy reforms for the future...he's going on Fox to rail against the Dems for Texas's problems. It's a deep red state with a Republican state government, a Republican governor in charge and only Republican senators in DC. (But of course it's all the fault of the Dems.) If only Texas was a state that had abundant domestic sources of oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear power. (Even if it had no solar or wind power at all.) Oh Wait! That's right. It does. So they should be having no problems at all. Right?
As had been pointed out by the governor's critics there are plenty of northern U.S. states that use wind turbines for power generation. (In the winter.) And Canada in the deep white North too. (In the winter.) And they don't have problems with their wind turbines shutting down in freezing cold. The catch is that wind turbines being used in normally colder states and countries are using technology of different coatings and materials on the wind turbine blades to resist snow and ice buildup, along with heating elements designed into the turbine systems themselves to de-ice the blades and/or prevent them from accruing significant harmful ice in the first place. But what did Texas utilities do? They went for doing it on the cheap. The excuses went along the lines of, Texas has a mild climate. It's not North Dakota, Montana or Canada! So the utilities said we don't need any of that more expensive de-icing technology on our turbines. We'll buy and use only the cheapest a** sh** equipment we can get and just hope for the best. We'll be fine.
Instead of stepping up and working tirelessly and productively to help his fellow citizens get through the worst of this weather safely...the governor decides a great use of his time is to rush on tv and publicly whine like a little bitch about the "Green New Deal". Unreal.