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Why "no talking"?


New Member
Feb 9, 2010
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Rockville, MD
I'm so disappointed with Broke Straight Boys videos. The models are hot for sure, but there is virtually no talking during the sex; no talking and practically no sounds at all. Just seeing a cock in an ass does not "do" it for me. Need to see two humans "connecting." (no, I'm not a woman; but I like to see connections). Even on College Boy Physicals, the setup is usually good, but then... nothing. No talking. The scene with Chad and Dr. James is an example of what I'd like to see in all the videos. Look how Chad is soooo into getting fucked by the doc.

These sites are fantasy. That's what we're paying for. But these two sites, while good - are not great - because of what I'm describing.
I tend to agree as I love some verbal! The hottest amateur video on xtube I've ever seen was not well filmed but the verbal was fantastic!! It doesn't necessarily have to be dirty talk, but showing when they're enjoying themselves would be great! We got some of this from guys like Alden to the cam but it would be even better if the guys told their partner how they felt!
I tend to agree with you. I personally am more turned on by a vid where the guys are verbalizing and trying to turn each other on. However, if these guys are truly straight (and I believe most are), straight guys are not into "communicating" much less about their feelings. I have had hundreds of straight men in my life, and rarely were they much into chatter. Some straight men do get into the verbal banter because they are such horn dogs, that they just can't help themselves, and often, that is associated with guys who want to dominate and humiliate a fag. I suppose it is their way of justifying the fact that they are having gay sex. Even then, that may have to do more with the fact the they get off thinking they can dominate and humiliate another, haVe power over them.

Besides, that is what makes this particular site fun. You never know what to excpect, how much will a straight guy be willing to do, and how much is he going to get into it!! Some shoots are not even lukewarm! But, some are incredibly hot, and when they fulfull your particular fantasy, they are even hotter! Makes those shoots, worth the wait!

You are right, these sites are fantasy. But, each viewer has their own particular tastes and fantasies. The only way to get what you pay for 100%, is film your own fantasy!
However, if these guys are truly straight (and I believe most are), straight guys are not into "communicating" much less about their feelings. I have had hundreds of straight men in my life, and rarely were they much into chatter. Some straight men do get into the verbal banter because they are such horn dogs, that they just can't help themselves, and often, that is associated with guys who want to dominate and humiliate a fag. I suppose it is their way of justifying the fact that they are having gay sex. Even then, that may have to do more with the fact the they get off thinking they can dominate and humiliate another, haVe power over them.
Your comments lead me to two comments. First I totally agree from experience that most straight guys tend to be very quiet when involved in a sex act with another dude, unless they have another straight guy with them and get into the superiority attitude of "goofing on the fag", but at the same time maintaining a rock hard dick.

The other thought that came to mind, is I'd sure love for you to expound on some of the hundreds of straight men in your life. I started a thread, many months ago, about true experiences with straight guys, and shared several of my stories, and many other guy's told their stories too. Unfortunately this was during the "Mitch" era, (that's a whole nother story to the newer members). Anyway, "Mitch" accused me of being a pedophile, because I mentioned young guys, and the whole thread kind of dried up. (I can assure you, all my "boys" were over 18, except the one's I played with when I was the same age as them).

So, if you want to tell us some stories, I'd find them arousing and interesting, and if you would rather not, I understand too. Thanks.
It is hard to get straight guys to do stuff with each other let alone talk dirty to each other lol.


Mark is correct, but there are also plenty of scenes on both Broke Straight Boys and College Boy Physicals that the guys moan and groan. I too like to hear some kind of sounds...but some guys just don't make noise.

When we film a straight guy, please keep in mind that these guys are NOT professional porn stars. They are not perfect, and in most cases they are freaked out doing gay porn let alone being in front of a camera and 2000 watts of lights shinning on them.

We have been working a lot with the guys on showing more emotion and making more sound but some guys just don't "get it".

Keep searching, there is a lot of scenes with guys making sounds.

For people who don`t really want to go through ALL the videos, a few I can name off memory would be Austin, Jimmy, Shane, Mike, Jordan... I might miss out more names but those are the few I can remember ;)
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I don't know Mike! ON the one hand, i wouldn't mind sharing some of my experiences, yet, i'd feel like i was just showing what a slut i have been, LOL. the other thing is, another "Mitch" may come along and accuse me as well. I make reference to young guys and boys all the time. What people don't realize, is that to me,a "boy" can be anyone under 30! LMAO As i have grown older, I actually dislike being around anyone under 20. Its not that I don't appreciate their youthful beauty, its just we have nothing in common and so often they are wanting to do things that i too enjoyed when i was young, but have no desire to repeat at my age. My ideal young man now is someone 21 - 25, with a job and their own transportation!
All that being said, i suppose i could be encouraged to divulge some of my experiences. Send me a message and we'll see how to go about it. i'd love to hear yours as well.