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Whom do you believe if a player says one thing and his body says another?


BSB Proud Member
Mar 23, 2019
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It is far from uncommon for a guy to say he got no enjoyment from guy sex but his body reacts in a way to say he does. This has me puzzled, what do others think?
Being touched no matter what sex they are is stimulating. Most of our models are all about the money and know they have to put on a good performance if they want to come back and model with us. Most models have to use something to help them get hard. This could be to many many factors like having gay sex for the first time or having sex with a bunch of people filming it etc. I do know a lot of our straight models always complained about bottoming but then some liked it more because it was less work for them. To have a model say he did not enjoy it at all is usually pretty hard to believe.
Being touched no matter what sex they are is stimulating. Most of our models are all about the money and know they have to put on a good performance if they want to come back and model with us. Most models have to use something to help them get hard. This could be to many many factors like having gay sex for the first time or having sex with a bunch of people filming it etc. I do know a lot of our straight models always complained about bottoming but then some liked it more because it was less work for them. To have a model say he did not enjoy it at all is usually pretty hard to believe.
It is true Mark that a lot of the straight models prefer to bottom because they don’t have to be hard to bottom. And many tops need straight porn and Viagra or similar drugs to get the job done.
I’ve said many times that if I were younger and had to do straight porn for good money I’d probably do it if I were desperate. I would hate every minute of it but I’d make it look believable and at the end of the day it doesn’t change my sexuality just because I performed with someone of the opposites sex on camera. I don’t know why people automatically assume a man is bi or gay just because they have gay sex for money. A perfect example is Jos Alvarez. He’s done dozen of gay scenes in every position and seems like he enjoys it. It’s out there for the world to see. Why on earth would he lie to anyone and claim to be straight or date women when he doesn’t have to?
TY for taking your time for your thought, much appreciated.
Being touched no matter what sex they are is stimulating. Most of our models are all about the money and know they have to put on a good performance if they want to come back and model with us. Most models have to use something to help them get hard. This could be to many many factors like having gay sex for the first time or having sex with a bunch of people filming it etc. I do know a lot of our straight models always complained about bottoming but then some liked it more because it was less work for them. To have a model say he did not enjoy it at all is usually pretty hard to believe.
But how is that reflected in what their body language shows. My only guide is with the experiences I had when fucking my wife.
Thank you for asking this question, a key question to the whole concept of “Broke Straight Boys”, a site whose mission statement is having straight boys performing gay sex acts for money. Of course much of what we see is perception, in regard to the “body language” of the models. As Mark pointed out earlier in this discussion, the physical part including erections and orgasms do not necessarily indicate the sexuality of the models. And what one member sees as obvious enjoyment, while another sees it as acting. There is no quantitative way to determine if it is true pleasure or just physical release and acting like they are truly enjoying their scene partner. And each Broke Straight Boys model has their own unique personality and sexuality. We have some VERY straight guys and some totally gay guys and most are probably somewhere in between.

My favorite example of the paradox of straight boys having gay sex while proclaiming their straightness is a fabulous Behind The Scenes released on May 10, 2013 with Johnny Forza & Adam Baer. This is a true Behind the Scenes, as it is filmed during the actual filming of the underwater fucking scene at the pool in the Colorado mansion. Sha is standing on the pool platform with a boom mike and interviews the boys as soon as Clay says “cut”. Both Johnny and Adam still have their boners and Johnny is stroking his erection while answering Sha’s questions.

Sha asks, “What is the difference between banging a pussy and an ass?” Johnny says it is completely different as there are tits and a pussy and no dick when doing it to a girl. Sha later asks what is the hardest part of the scene and they both say the kissing.

Adam says, “Listen we’re straight. It’s the mentality. Your brain doesn’t let you”. Both guys said that if they bring in two girls, we will do a passonite kiss.

Of course Johnny went on to live a straight lifestyle while in the last couple of years, Adam has come out as sexually into guys, so again each model is different. I highly suggest you take the 9:11 and watch and carefully listen to this interview. I think it is quite enlightening.

I don’t know why people automatically assume a man is bi or gay just because they have gay sex for money. A perfect example is Jos Alvarez. He’s done dozen of gay scenes in every position and seems like he enjoys it. It’s out there for the world to see. Why on earth would he lie to anyone and claim to be straight or date women when he doesn’t have to?
Excellent point Jay! Jos Alvarez acts like he enjoys it but is very straight forward that he is straight and only dates women, as do dozens and dozens of our Broke Straight Boys over the years. There have always been members of the forum who insist that they are lying and my guess is because they are projecting their own sexuality into the models. We are all different and human bringing do not all fit into a single cookie cutter mold.
It is true Mark that a lot of the straight models prefer to bottom because they don’t have to be hard to bottom. And many tops need straight porn and Viagra or similar drugs to get the job done.

Yes but it does vary because we still would like the bottom to be hard during the scene. Boner helpers are used as well.
I’ve said many times that if I were younger and had to do straight porn for good money I’d probably do it if I were desperate. I would hate every minute of it but I’d make it look believable and at the end of the day it doesn’t change my sexuality just because I performed with someone of the opposites sex on camera. I don’t know why people automatically assume a man is bi or gay just because they have gay sex for money. A perfect example is Jos Alvarez. He’s done dozen of gay scenes in every position and seems like he enjoys it. It’s out there for the world to see. Why on earth would he lie to anyone and claim to be straight or date women when he doesn’t have to?
I have no reason to assume this Jos Alvarez isn't completely honest. However, identity is a complex thing. It's all constructed, and there are any number of reasons why someone rejects or embraces a term.
I have no reason to assume this Jos Alvarez isn't completely honest. However, identity is a complex thing. It's all constructed, and there are any number of reasons why someone rejects or embraces a term.
Aiso a person may not be ready to admit those feelings just take Adsam who took time to come to terms with his gay side.
I doubt it in 2023. I remember when Jos Alvarez said “I wish I were gay. It’d be easier”. I just think someone who would say something like that would just say they’re gay if they were in fact gay. I mean, Jos Alvarez has done EVERYTHING with guys on camera. Why say you’re straight if you’re really not? Just seems silly. But that’s me.
I doubt it in 2023. I remember when Jos Alvarez said “I wish I were gay. It’d be easier”. I just think someone who would say something like that would just say they’re gay if they were in fact gay. I mean, Jos Alvarez has done EVERYTHING with guys on camera. Why say you’re straight if you’re really not? Just seems silly. But that’s me.
The year doesn't matter. And bigotry is still very common. I have no opinion on Jos Alvarez. I am saying "it's 2023" or "I've done gay porn" means anyone knows their full identity or is honest with themselves is not necessarily a reasonable inference.
I just think someone like Jos Alvarez who has done dozens of gay porn scenes would be silly to say he’s straight if that’s not how he truly identifies. Not everyone shares our personal experiences with sexuality. And I doubt Jos Alvarez really cares what any of us think about his sexuality.
I’m not trying to sound mean or hateful. I’m just looking at it from a present day, common sense view point. If someone says they’re straight and they truly only seek to have intimate interactions with people of the opposite sex then why can’t we just accept that? Regardless of what we see on video, the truth lies with him. Considering everything he has done sexually with men on camera it is insane to try to tell any of us that he’s straight unless that’s how he truly feels. Why is it so hard to just believe him? It’s not like he’s going to sleep with any of us anyway. It’s like we as a community try to label others as gay or bi so we don’t feel so guilty about being gay ourselves.
What matters is what kind of person he is not who he sleeps with.
I’m not trying to sound mean or hateful. I’m just looking at it from a present day, common sense view point. If someone says they’re straight and they truly only seek to have intimate interactions with people of the opposite sex then why can’t we just accept that? Regardless of what we see on video, the truth lies with him. Considering everything he has done sexually with men on camera it is insane to try to tell any of us that he’s straight unless that’s how he truly feels. Why is it so hard to just believe him? It’s not like he’s going to sleep with any of us anyway. It’s like we as a community try to label others as gay or bi so we don’t feel so guilty about being gay ourselves.
The only reason I'm not saying I believe him is I haven't heard him directly. I'll take your word for it, though, that he said it, so I believe you and by the transitive property, him. But I still don't believe the era we live in or what sex acts a person's participated in are necessarily determinative of anything.
The only reason I'm not saying I believe him is I haven't heard him directly. I'll take your word for it, though, that he said it, so I believe you and by the transitive property, him. But I still don't believe the era we live in or what sex acts a person's participated in are necessarily determinative of anything.
The only experience I ave is how I felt as I fucked my wife. In my case there was no way I could make it look as Josh did . Does it mean he is not truthful no, but it does mean e seemed to enjoy it and that is what to me is important NOT what he does in his private life,
We can not get inside any of the model’s heads and know definitively what they are truly enjoying and what is just a physical reaction often aided by a pill. I think we should just watch the sex, hopefully get turned on, and even better have our own “physical reaction” . :masterbate:

To play psychologist and for us to know what they actually enjoy and do not enjoy is presumptuous and judgmental. Let’s just watch and enjoy and give these young men our respect and to believe what they say as their own truths.