BSB Addict
OK, who wants to see Tyler in an Under Armor Jock Strap?
I couldn't care less, and have no interest in seeing anything like that
...or maybe...

OK, who wants to see Tyler in an Under Armor Jock Strap?
Just thinking..... I sense that there is a part of Danny that needs cultivating. That is, I believe some of his conversational responses are meant to be funny in a slightly sarcastic way, but as yet, he is unable to deliver, so to speak. I also think maybe his facial expressions and moans and grunts are an attempt o make it seem to be hurting, since to apppear that he enjoys bottoming might tarnish the image of a "straightie", or lead some to believe he is not too tight?.... Just thinking, ya know! He does seem to laugh a lot before and after the sex. Now, in part 5 of course, he topped, so maybe that was why he seemed more animated than before. But, like I said, just thinking.
Too right. We've never seen the real Danny. For that reason his image is slightly out of kilter, with a sort of itchy incoherence. He staggers from glum to elated when he's not actually engaged in sex, kind of barks out how much it hurts and that he guesses he's just gonna hafta get fucked again to make the bread, etcetera. He may be stuck in a 2008 Broke Straight Boys persona. His mates have actually evolved over the last year, and are more comfortable enjoying being with other guys. Danny still is playing a role he was handed when he first came over from College Boy Physicals. I can picture the interview:
We do things from a different angle over here man. You looked to us as if you were enjoying all that stuff you were doing with Dustin.
With who?
Dustin. Oh, sorry, I mean Elmer. Elmer, the guy you were kissing on the doctor set.
Oh yeah, yeah, Dustin is what you guys call him? Yeah.
And you're Danny.
I am?
Yeah, and we want you to continue to do the bottoming over here, but you've got to look like it hurts like hell and that you sort of hate it.
Man, I don't know if I can make that look convincing.
Up to you, but we can't have you looking like you like it; as far as our audience is concerned you are a total straightie who's doing this fag shit purely for the bread.
Can't I just be gay-curious?
We already have 5 guys who can't pass as dumb-hetero who are gonna say they're curious. We need you to be straight. Try making a face to show you're in pain.
How about this:
You've got to open your mouth really wide and make your eyes bug out.
Ok, ok, just a sec. What about this:
That's better, a little corny. But better. Now you have to sound dumb-hetero when this guy Dave talks to you. I know you've been published, I like your stuff, maybe a little over my head, but man I like that one about the bird metaphor.
Just sound sort of shouty and stupid, OK? In a sort of "aw shucks" mode. Think you can do that?
Maybe. Again, I doubt if it'll be all that convincing.
Don't worry, the suckers will go for your pretty eyes and your furry tummy and won't be too concerned if you ham it up. Maybe use a little less mascara since Dave sometimes dives in for closeups when you least expect it.
Ugh, nasty.
I would refer you to the answer i gave some moments ago, when Markymark asked this question.
And Slim don't make me have to book a ticket over to you to spank you.
You know i don't do flying LOL.
I agree with everything you said. My original comment was more directed towards active models. Anthony (Jacob) is my all time favorite. Even looking on a long term basis, from your list I put Tyler, Danny & Anthony (Jacob) in a seperate catecory because of the number of episodes they did.With this great debate of who is the super star(s) I believe I have the answer. I took Tyler and Danny and added to this list Eric/Ross, Anthony (of Jacob and Michael fame), and Anthony (Pizza Boy) and Michael and did some comparisons.
I look at all the rating for every episode they were in, excluding the party series as Danny and Tyler would cancel each other out. I used as a minimum 3 episodes. Yes there were many more that could have been considered but these seem to be popular and had mostly high scores. I then added up the rating and found the average. These would also include those episodes where no oral/anal were done, which always lowers the score. Listed below are the names, # of episodes and average rating going from low to high:
AND THE Broke Straight Boys SUPERSTAR IS..........................................
Did you catch Brett's 1st Time? My god, the legs on that boy. I'm not usually a leg man but he was hotter than a potato on a sidewalk!
Too right. We've never seen the real Danny. For that reason his image is slightly out of kilter, with a sort of itchy incoherence. He staggers from glum to elated when he's not actually engaged in sex, kind of barks out how much it hurts and that he guesses he's just gonna hafta get fucked again to make the bread, etcetera. He may be stuck in a 2008 Broke Straight Boys persona. His mates have actually evolved over the last year, and are more comfortable enjoying being with other guys. Danny still is playing a role he was handed when he first came over from College Boy Physicals. I can picture the interview:
We do things from a different angle over here man. You looked to us as if you were enjoying all that stuff you were doing with Dustin.
With who?
Dustin. Oh, sorry, I mean Elmer. Elmer, the guy you were kissing on the doctor set.
Oh yeah, yeah, Dustin is what you guys call him? Yeah.
And you're Danny.
I am?
Yeah, and we want you to continue to do the bottoming over here, but you've got to look like it hurts like hell and that you sort of hate it.
Man, I don't know if I can make that look convincing.
Up to you, but we can't have you looking like you like it; as far as our audience is concerned you are a total straightie who's doing this fag shit purely for the bread.
Can't I just be gay-curious?
We already have 5 guys who can't pass as dumb-hetero who are gonna say they're curious. We need you to be straight. Try making a face to show you're in pain.
How about this:
You've got to open your mouth really wide and make your eyes bug out.
Ok, ok, just a sec. What about this:
That's better, a little corny. But better. Now you have to sound dumb-hetero when this guy Dave talks to you. I know you've been published, I like your stuff, maybe a little over my head, but man I like that one about the bird metaphor.
Just sound sort of shouty and stupid, OK? In a sort of "aw shucks" mode. Think you can do that?
Maybe. Again, I doubt if it'll be all that convincing.
Don't worry, the suckers will go for your pretty eyes and your furry tummy and won't be too concerned if you ham it up. Maybe use a little less mascara since Dave sometimes dives in for closeups when you least expect it.
Ugh, nasty.
Call me shallow, superficial or crazy... but I like it! LOL
I don't know why you would want to change your name. Tampa24 was shorter & easier to type, but if you insist - hi Shallow Superficial Or Crazy![]()
Slim,Too right. We've never seen the real Danny. For that reason his image is slightly out of kilter, with a sort of itchy incoherence. He staggers from glum to elated when he's not actually engaged in sex, kind of barks out how much it hurts and that he guesses he's just gonna hafta get fucked again to make the bread, etcetera. He may be stuck in a 2008 Broke Straight Boys persona. His mates have actually evolved over the last year, and are more comfortable enjoying being with other guys. Danny still is playing a role he was handed when he first came over from College Boy Physicals. I can picture the interview:
We do things from a different angle over here man. You looked to us as if you were enjoying all that stuff you were doing with Dustin.
With who?
Dustin. Oh, sorry, I mean Elmer. Elmer, the guy you were kissing on the doctor set.
Oh yeah, yeah, Dustin is what you guys call him? Yeah.
And you're Danny.
I am?
Yeah, and we want you to continue to do the bottoming over here, but you've got to look like it hurts like hell and that you sort of hate it.
Man, I don't know if I can make that look convincing.
Up to you, but we can't have you looking like you like it; as far as our audience is concerned you are a total straightie who's doing this fag shit purely for the bread.
Can't I just be gay-curious?
We already have 5 guys who can't pass as dumb-hetero who are gonna say they're curious. We need you to be straight. Try making a face to show you're in pain.
How about this:
You've got to open your mouth really wide and make your eyes bug out.
Ok, ok, just a sec. What about this:
That's better, a little corny. But better. Now you have to sound dumb-hetero when this guy Dave talks to you. I know you've been published, I like your stuff, maybe a little over my head, but man I like that one about the bird metaphor.
Just sound sort of shouty and stupid, OK? In a sort of "aw shucks" mode. Think you can do that?
Maybe. Again, I doubt if it'll be all that convincing.
Don't worry, the suckers will go for your pretty eyes and your furry tummy and won't be too concerned if you ham it up. Maybe use a little less mascara since Dave sometimes dives in for closeups when you least expect it.
Ugh, nasty.
I am sorry you can't handle having a fun debate without resorting to name calling and making insults. I could turn around and make fun of you, Tyler and your worshiping him as a model. But I won't because -
1. I started this for fun. I was trying to friendly challenge some of your points which you finally gave up arguing with, it was truly was meant to be in fun. I will leave the childish insults to the 13 & 14 year old kids I coach.
2. I would not insult Tyler because I personally like him and try not to insult anyone.
I have enjoyed this site, especially the forum. Maybe Greatlakes has the right idea.
Reub, don't even look for alternative transportation getting over here, because I fight back and have been known to bite like a doxy when under threat of a spanking. We can have a duel with pistols next time I make it to the UK.
I would love for Danny to have a profile on the forum. He's the Superstar, so I think the powers that be at D&E actually should compel him to. Her Majezty suggests that he can be sarcastic, which would make him irresistible. (You can definitely love two people at once Tyler, just watch the movie Le Bonheur man and you'll see how it works. It has a sad ending but the idea is sound.) If Danny does get a thread everyone would post him the same question simultaneously in the first few seconds of it's going up. Two hundred posts sometimes take months to rack up on a thread. He would get more than that in the first 3 minutes. "Hey Danny man, dude, welcome to the forum. Great you finally made it. There's a question I've wanted to ask you. It's like when you're bottoming, right? And the top sticks his......."
Oh Slim parasols at dawn, my fav. Choose a second, i'll have Danny ( there has to be some compensations ) in case i am mortally wonded on your parasol.
Now where and when, somewhere in London, one of the parks, but you choose. Now is there a doctor in the house.
I am sorry you can't handle having a fun debate without resorting to name calling and making insults. I could turn around and make fun of you, Tyler and your worshiping him as a model. But I won't because -
1. I started this for fun. I was trying to friendly challenge some of your points which you finally gave up arguing with, it was truly was meant to be in fun. I will leave the childish insults to the 13 & 14 year old kids I coach.
2. I would not insult Tyler because I personally like him and try not to insult anyone.
I have enjoyed this site, especially the forum. Maybe Greatlakes has the right idea.
Green Park, next to the mens' loo.
Slim,canada, this is extreme humor, right? You're not serious in thinking I'm not having fun, just like you are? There's no anger here, just spirited debate. That little script was funny! It wasn't supposed to be anything except a collaboration with you in keeping the debate light!!
You may feel proprietary about this thread and that you need to keep discipline here. I actually want to be the first to congratulate you for starting it, unless someone else already has. Come on guys, credit where it's due. Tell him. It's (or was) a great thread, I enjoyed it tremendously. Danny has probably loved the attention too, if he actually has access to the forum. If not, as I've said, he should have a profile here.
He knows who he is. Among other things one of my top favorites. And beloved by all on the forum. Like all the boys whom Dave films he got (we'll never know to what extent) handed a role at the beginning. He's complied heroically with it. Give him a chance to evolve. Dave should have a relaxed little conversation with him prior to a shoot where Danny steps out of the Broke Straight Boys persona and takes on dimension. Tyler had one, Dustin did too. Danny should have the benefit of one, especially since I've made fun of him, and by extension of you and the other guys who like him best.
I would love for you to make fun of me. It would be so flattering of you to go to the trouble. Especially if you make it as fucking funny as that great little vignette I just threw together that made you so cross.
Don't do a GL on us. To be responsible for 2 great guys ceasing to post will get me banned by the management and excoriated by the forum. Please. Please. Don't go. Remember, I love you.
Thanks Kodie... I needed that after my (brief) visit to rationality! (Reality, what a concept!). Ty hasn't sent me UA's either but hope springs eternalThough I think I'd rather have a dinner date. Of course he can be dessert but that would be up to him.
And as to Jayman's point about Alden and Robert, We have had the solo, oral, anal, and anal plus one from the boys. We have to wait and see if they (singly or together) come back for more. I can only hope that Robert liked toys and cock in his ass enough to want to return. I would love to see a good toy, electro, etc from Dr. Phingerfuck (I mean really kinky anal fetish stuff) with Robert on College Boy Physicals. He gets my motor running with a smile...........
Keep it coming brothers,