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Where is MarkyMark??


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Florida
Hey guys!

I've been wondering what happen to our "Queen" MarkyMark....is he okay???
Hey guys!

I've been wondering what happen to our "Queen" MarkyMark....is he okay???

Hi David.
Yes so have i. I have not seen him on here for some time.
I hope he is OK.
Dose anyone know anything?
hey guys!

I've been wondering what happen to our "queen" markymark....is he okay???
i have him as a friend on facebook i will send him a message to see whats going on
Wow, it has been a long time since I have seen a post by him. :001_unsure: Have you tried to e-mail him lately David? Vicekid may be able to help I think he may know his number to call him and see how he is doing. I thought I saw something about a vacation a while ago but I cannot remember the details.
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If anyone still doubts me when I say this does not feel or look like a porn site obviously has not read this thread. Can you tell me of a porn site that would miss a member to the point of asking about them. This is a very good thing we have here folks and David I can not thank you enough for it. But I hope we find Markey Mark soon as you got me worried about him to.
We talked in August. Lots of family things keeping him busy. They had a new boat - read bigger than a cabin cruiser and smaller than the Queen Mary. Maybe they're working their way around the Bay. You know Typhoon Marky - a fondness for blowing sailors under the pier. . .

My last email was in July.
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Message received and am in the process of trying to make contact with our beloved Queen Mother. Will keep you "posted" (unless he beats me to the punch).

Live Long and Prosper,

Markey please let us know all is well. We love and miss you.
Thanks Vicekid. We do miss our Marky Mark. QMOTF:biggrin:
We talked in August. Lots of family things keeping him busy. They had a new boat - read bigger than a cabin cruiser and smaller than the Queen Mary. Maybe they're working their way around the Bay. You know Typhoon Marky - a fondness for blowing sailors under the pier. . .

My last email was in July.

LOL, i now have this vision of Mark in a deck chair with a large gin on the poop deck, while the crew go about the job of sailing him around tropical islands.
I wounder if he needs a cabin boy.
LOL, i now have this vision of Mark in a deck chair with a large gin on the poop deck, while the crew go about the job of sailing him around tropical islands.
I wounder if he needs a cabin boy.

I tried calling him last night and got the answering machine. I suspect that he's fine and that he's just away vacationing somewhere. Reuben's vision of our dear MarkyMark is possibly fairly accurate. haha
I tried calling him last night and got the answering machine. I suspect that he's fine and that he's just away vacationing somewhere. Reuben's vision of our dear MarkyMark is possibly fairly accurate. haha

Another missed opportunity, i could be swobbing the decks off some tropical island, or docking with a sailor in a tropical port in the moonlight, the possibilities are endless.
Dear Friends,

I just got off the phone with our beloved Queen Mum of the Forum. Needless to say he was very shocked when I told him that his court was so concerned about his lack of presence.

In a nut shell, his life has been very busy. His mom's health is an issue and he has been spending a lot of time with her. And with the new Boat Carl has, any other time he has been out on it (as Tampa corrected predicted). He has not forgotten about the forum, but at this point he hardly has time to just catch up on e-mails. He hopes to be back later this year.

He did say if anyone wants to e-mail him to do so at the following address:

[email protected]

The Queen of the Forum is doing well, just taking care of personal things for now.

Live Long and Prosper,


P.S. David, do I get to select a model now???
Dear Friends,

I just got off the phone with our beloved Queen Mum of the Forum. Needless to say he was very shocked when I told him that his court was so concerned about his lack of presence.

In a nut shell, his life has been very busy. His mom's health is an issue and he has been spending a lot of time with her. And with the new Boat Carl has, any other time he has been out on it (as Tampa corrected predicted). He has not forgotten about the forum, but at this point he hardly has time to just catch up on e-mails. He hopes to be back later this year.

He did say if anyone wants to e-mail him to do so at the following address:

[email protected]

The Queen of the Forum is doing well, just taking care of personal things for now.

Live Long and Prosper,


P.S. David, do I get to select a model now???

Well done Vicekid.
Thank you for the info. It is great to know that Mark and Carl are both well. But are just busy, i hope Mark's mum soon returns to good health. And that Mark is back where he belongs, on the forum.
Thanks again for your trouble Vicekid.
Dear Vice Kid,
Since I'm the one who broke the news about the boat, not Tampa, I've already picked my model, chosen his thong, selected an appropriate deck chair (it must, of course, not be higher than her majesty's), ordered an assortment of lady fingers (with and without nail extensions), and ordered a hamper of Boudin sandwiches be delivered during our cruise of the bay. For those members of the court wishing to accompany her highness, a dinghy will be available at a discrete distance and I will make Jordan (oh, did I reveal that) available to toss Boudin bits starboard and aft during his breaks (I do love to watch his aft work on those long lunges with his harpoon!). It will be such a jolly time, singing choruses of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "Tippiecanoe and Tyler, Too." (Her majesty needs her comforts, aussi.) I must warn you, however, that the last known victim of a great white shark in United States Coastal waters was under the Golden Gate Bridge, but I'm certain eight people in a dinghy will be safe, providing there are no sudden movements and nothing appetizing is allowed to be seen above the water line. "Jordan, come over here and make mama a screwdriver. That's right, put the orange right there and squeeze the juice out just like mama taught you. . .it does so enhance the flavor that way. Now, where did we hide that Absolut?"
Dear Vice Kid,
Since I'm the one who broke the news about the boat, not Tampa,


I've already picked my model, chosen his thong, selected an appropriate deck chair (it must, of course, not be higher than her majesty's),


ordered an assortment of lady fingers (with and without nail extensions), and ordered a hamper of Boudin sandwiches be delivered during our cruise of the bay. For those members of the court wishing to accompany her highness, a dinghy will be available at a discrete distance and I will make Jordan (oh, did I reveal that) available to toss Boudin bits starboard and aft during his breaks (I do love to watch his aft work on those long lunges with his harpoon!). It will be such a jolly time, singing choruses of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "Tippiecanoe and Tyler, Too." (Her majesty needs her comforts, aussi.) I must warn you, however, that the last known victim of a great white shark in United States Coastal waters was under the Golden Gate Bridge, but I'm certain eight people in a dinghy will be safe, providing there are no sudden movements and nothing appetizing is allowed to be seen above the water line. "Jordan, come over here and make mama a screwdriver. That's right, put the orange right there and squeeze the juice out just like mama taught you. . .it does so enhance the flavor that way. Now, where did we hide that Absolut?"

Rifle, hard to believe you remember and know President Tippie. Can you fill us on more on him?

Live Long and Prosper,


Here is a follow-up e-mail I just received from Marky:

"Dear Harold: Thanks again for the shout out. Please tell the guys I am still alive and kickin' just have too many irons in the fire at the moment. Carl and I are doing well, but have allowed ourselves to get involved in many different pursuits and are experiencing the need for more hours than we can find on the clock. However, we do seem to see a light at the end of the tunnel, so I will soon be able to return to my family on the Forum. Please give my best to everyone, and I will "see" you all very soon!


Live Long and Prosper,

Dear Vice Kid, that's perfectly all right. We've had some early snow here in the mountains and Jordan and I have decided to stay curled up in front of the fire. Please give my best to her highness and tell her I'll see her for the booksigning in the bay area - that is, of course, if the roads open up and - well, you understand.

So kind of you to ask about President Tippie. She's quite well. After that unfortunate encounter with the pigeons or was it love birds at Bodega Bay, I will have to defer to your memory, I was so young at the time, she has recovered beautifully. It's a pity you didn't get to meet her son-in-law, Antonio Banderas, but he was so specific about the guest list - absolutely no one with more lipoplasty or botox than his beloved Melanie.

So glad you finally found a service to deliver the goods. It must be such a hassle to pick them up since losing your license in that unfortunate DUI at Autopia. However did you get your SUV into Tomorrowland?

Live Longer than your nephew Spock and Hopefully Prosper, Vicekid,
Of course it's no big deal. (That's why I wouldn't wear that thong if I were you.)
Thanks VK... I am glad to hear that MarkyMark is doing well.:thumbup: