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When the forum was fun................


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I sometimes like to poke around on the forum main page and check out whose birthday today is as a nostalgic exercise, and sometimes it pays off as it did today. Today is the birthday of someone named "ejw50208 " who I have no recollection of, but I clicked on his name and went to see if he ever posted on the forum, and it turns out he made one post back in 2008, and being the nostalgic yenta that I am, I clicked on his post and found this thread that was actually started in November 2008, when the forum was almost brand new.


The subject matter was actually interesting, but more importantly to me was the amount of forum members who participated on the thread. And even more interesting to me was that the thread died it's natural death as all threads do, until when model Damien Kyle was poking around on the forum back in 2013, and commented on it and a new wave of forumites from 2013 joined in on the thread.

This forum got me through some really rough times in my life when my lifelong job that I stated working at part-time in 1968 at age 18 and worked at and later managed until the business collapsed in 2004. I was out of work and later hired to do a miserable sales job at age 54. I was home a lot as I didn't report to the office until late in the day and I spent a lot of time on this forum. And low and behold I discovered a whole wave of like-minded folks that I shared this forum with.

The folks changed over time, but I became very close in "real life" to many forumites all starting with a straight single mom in California known here as Ms. K who taught me that real meaningful friendships in life could be forged on a gay porn website. If you had asked me beforehand, I would have said it would have been impossible for me, but it happened, and now ten years after joining the forum, I am still friends with a few of the original group and am now very close to a handful to this day. I seriously doubt if the forum still has any "legs" to it, and if it has any real future, but I am not quitting now and am willing to "go down with the ship", if it is about to sink. But the thread that I found this morning and linked at the top of this thread reminds me of what the Broke Straight Boys forum was at one time, and like many things in my life as I go through the aging process, I miss, but this forum was very special to me, and I loved it and I do miss what it once was.
Mikeyank, I agree with you about the whole Broke Straight Boys experiences not being what it used to be. I have been going back to check out when I joined. From what I can tell I joined Broke Straight Boys in January of 2015. I joined the forum about a year later but didn’t make my first post until 5-4-16. This was the hay day of filming at the mansion and the Broke Straight Boys behind the scenes and Broke Straight Boys TV etc. it was very exciting in those days and of course I really got into the archives because I loved the very earky days of David filming on the Futon and Later Clay with his Revenge Fucks. It was so hot back then. Kind of like new discovery which reminded me of my own youth chaising drown straight boys. I really enjoyed the old stuff, but when I arrived it was very exciting with back stories of the models. Games and behind the scenes at the mansion. Gay pride events etc. I really miss all of that and I miss the old forum with lots of people posting. It was still pretty active in 2016.

But as usual when you post blast from the past or old forum threads like the one above, you send me off on a mission in the archives and I almost always find something interesting. I was looking a Damien’s profile because he was a big part of the site when I joined and he was the model talking with the forum on your thread. Anyway I came across a scene which I didn’t pay much attention to at the time and from the ratings I don’t think many others did either but when I watched it I thought I bet Mikeyank liked this one. It’s oral with a real straight guy. It’s the scene when Damien rides to the airport to pick up Salem Pierce. He isn’t really my type and there wasn’t anal so these type scenes don’t really catch my attention, but if you watch it and then his solo, uYou see a kind of tough straight skateboarder guy who has some gay sex. This guy is pretty obviously not gay and he must not have been able to deal with shooting porn or perhaps broke the rules and got sent home because he disappeares from the record after his solo. But he shows us his Virgin hole in the solo and even though there isn’t much sex I found the story with this guy and Damian getting him to try oral very hot. Maybe this is the reason Broke Straight Boys hires gay guys to play straight because the real straight ones don’t make it, but I think there was something more to this guys story because he keeps saying it’s not gay if your getting paid for it, but obviously there was a struggle going on and to me it was very hot watching this play out on film.

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I will go back to check out that scene Rep. But for now I am thinking of a song which reminds me that the past always is more romantic than the present. Is it reality or is it perception? But as I think of such things, this song keeps playing in my mind,

I will go back to check out that scene Rep. But for now I am thinking of a song which reminds me that the past always is more romantic than the present. Is it reality or is it perception? But a I think of such things, this song keeps playing in my mind,

It’s scary how closely our minds move together on these issues! There probably isn’t a better song to illustrate the situation and I bet Even Mark wishes for the old days back at the mansion. That was quite a set up. It must have been chaos filming in his home thought. But the song and your post really echos back to the beginning with David Filming on the futon. I guess we are both sentimental old guys. But I’ve really met some wonderful people here who are friends in real life now. Who would ever except that? I certainly didn’t. Hope things pick up here but if not I guess I’ll go down with ship with the few of us who remain true believers.
I think the best way to sum it up is in a word: nostalgia. Everyone is nostalgic for something, some bygone period of their life remembered fondly, be it music from high school or college, a special romantic summer, the films or music of a particular artist, etc. The older we get the more we are confronted with the briefness of life and our own mortality, so we turn to those "good old days" for comfort. These special little snatches of our lives which hold such warmth in our hearts and make us smile yet sad at the same time. Those periods seem frozen in time in our memories where we can almost touch them again but not quite. Times change, things evolve and age and our lives are filled with new people and experiences, but somehow they never quite measure up to those special memories we hold so dearly and which we are always chasing.

In my own case, it is the 1980's. I was in my 20s, had great friends, was in college, had an active social life, loved the music and the movies. It was before full-blown adulthood and careers and responsibility and daily drudgery. It was also the one period in my life when my younger brother and I were closest, sharing friends and interests and before my life-consuming career took off and he married and started his family. My brother died this past October just four days before my birthday, and ironically on the birthday of my one true love (also from that 80s period). Steve's death was sudden and unexpected even though he'd had a lifetime of health issues. He was 52. His birthday was 13 days later. We weren't close as children and hadn't been that close for the past 30 years, each of us pursing our own paths. But during those halcyon days of the 80s, we were pals.

I've been doing the nostalgia thing a lot for the past four months. It brings up so many fond memories and loads of tears, yet I smile through them because they make me happy. And each day I continue to chase those bygone days, and each day I believe I might just finally catch them and turn back time, even for just a little while, but of course, you never can.

So, there isn't anything wrong with missing the bygone days of the forums. Mikey, especially, I know loves this place and it holds a special place in his heart. I understand.

I just wanted to share those thoughts. Okay, back to being a ghost... :gost:
That was a beautiful and truthful post Scott, and obviously I am very sorry about your loss. I fully understand that we cannot turn back the hands of time, (making another musical reference). I also miss my high school days and especially my college years and reminisce about experiences with a great bunch of friends. And during my working years at my thirty plus year job, I have a ton of good, bad and indifferent memories as well. But the whole Broke Straight Boys Forum thing came at a time when I needed it the most, and if the forum that I knew and loved so much is gone, I am more grateful to have once had it than I am sad that it is now gone, if that makes any sense.

Thanks Scott for understanding where I am coming from. It means a lot to me to have you say that, and again my deepest condolences to you for your loss of Steve.
If memory serves me right, I believe I joined Broke Straight Boys in 2013. However, I did not join the forum until the following year. There had been a thread posted about a memorial for dead porn stars. I wanted to respond so I joined to do so. Since then I myself have started many, many threads throughout the years but have been more inactive in the recent year or so. Yes, it was a very vibrant time then and the topics were more varied and dwelt with situations other than porn. I too made many friends as well as a couple of enemies one of which even threatened my life but that event is history now and a lesson learned. I mentioned I started many threads and one of my favorite topics was one concerning the Younger Generation. Check it out if you are interested.

Some of us have been around a while, some longer and some shorter. It is an interesting group of people all said and done and I have enjoyed reading and comenting here. Mikeyank said it best and I tip my hat to him.
I remember raceing home from work. Even missing the Gym to get home to the Forum. It Really Really was Fun.
I guess for me things started to change about two years ago.
I never was big into the porn. More then than now though. We seemed to get to know the boy's more.
I thought people were silly. Cause I alway's thought the models were gay. Near all of them. But that was just me.
Not like today. Even two years ago some could pass for Straight. Not now none can pass. But the Forum was a real fun place. I would leave the house in the moring and come home to the same topic at night.. Just so many people. Saying what they thought.
And like Rep above said there were so many more things going on. The Mansion, The Fairs, Behind the scenes The House Mother..
Loved Her..Miss Sabrina.. Picking the boy's up at the Airport was alway's fun. She was allot of fun. Watching the boy's outside
the house.
Spending time with the boy's in there hotel room was fun. Oh I am going on and on.Things just change. Not for the better.
But I am glad I got in on the end of the glory day's. I had my two Fantasy Loves in my Five Years Paul, and Tanner.
None come close for me. Don't see any coming. But it is true with me also. I made some good friends on the Forum.
That have turned into real friends off of the Forum..So many gone. But for me it has alway's been the Forum why I am here.
NEVER the porn. So many places to go for that.lol
But at these prices I will stay. Cause You just Never Know what might happen ?? xo
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I remember raceing home from work. Even missing the Gym to get home to the Forum. It Really Really was Fun.
I guess for me things started to change about two years ago.
I never was big into the porn. More then than now though. We seemed to get to know the boy's more.
I thought people were silly. Cause I alway's thought the models were gay. Near all of them. But that was just me.
Not like today. Even two years ago some could pass for Straight. Not now none can pass. But the Forum was a real fun place. I would leave the house in the moring and come home to the same topic at night.. Just so many people. Saying what they thought.
And like Rep above said there were so many more things going on. The Mansion, The Fairs, Behind the scenes The House Mother..
Loved Her..Miss Sabrina.. Picking the boy's up at the Airport was alway's fun. She was allot of fun. Watching the boy's outside
the house.
Spending time with the boy's in there hotel room was fun. Oh I am going on and on.Things just change. Not for the better.
But I am glad I got in on the end of the glory day's. I had my two Fantasy Loves in my Five Years Paul, and Tanner.
None come close for me. Don't see any coming. But it is true with me also. I made some good friends on the Forum.
That have turned into real friends off of the Forum..So many gone. But for me it has alway's been the Forum why I am here.
NEVER the porn. So many places to go for that.lol
But at these prices I will stay. Cause You just Never Know what might happen ?? xo

Well said buddy!
........... I made some good friends on the Forum.
That have turned into real friends off of the Forum..So many gone. But for me it has alway's been the Forum why I am here.
NEVER the porn. So many places to go for that.lol
But at these prices I will stay. Cause You just Never Know what might happen ?? xo
Well said buddy!
I agree with Rep that Johnny speaks the truth..............that it is the forum, not the porn and that you never know what might happen, both with the porn and with the forum. It is very affordable to remain a member here and indeed you never do know what might happen! Good posts guys! :smile:
While there is nothing wrong with fond memories, they are important to all of us, if one spends too much time in the past they fail to experience the present as well as the future. All in proper perspective I guess. Personally, the price of the membership is worth it just to be able to read the occasional stories of StudddAndy's life experiences. I still think a biography of his life would become a best seller.
I joined Broke Straight Boys in 2009 after seeing an ad with Taz and Maverick. These were my type of guys to watch so I did the 1 day join and watched as many scenes I could, then just joined. I later found the forum in 2010 and thought it was interesting reading other peoples thoughts on the porn and models we were watching. However the members who had been here longer then me had a little group who they stuck to (I called them the gay click) and for the most part they didn't reach out to new members. I was hesitant at first to post anything and then when I finally did not one member even acknowledged what I had to say. Eventually a member named Rifle aka Aquarius lolololol this is an older members inside joke! quoted and commented on my post and then I felt welcomed. Since then I've made a point of trying to welcome all new members to the forum and making them feel welcomed and not isolated like I felt. Times change and my life sure has so I don't spend as much time on the site, but it's not because of the current porn or my fellow forumites it's because I'm busy living life and having fun. Do I miss the yesteryear of the forum? not really because there are still members now who post and that's all that matters. Do I like seeing members argue over stupid shit? Fuck yeah that's just good reading lololololol
I joined Broke Straight Boys in 2009 after seeing an ad with Taz and Maverick. These were my type of guys to watch so I did the 1 day join and watched as many scenes I could, then just joined. I later found the forum in 2010 and thought it was interesting reading other peoples thoughts on the porn and models we were watching. However the members who had been here longer then me had a little group who they stuck to (I called them the gay click) and for the most part they didn't reach out to new members. I was hesitant at first to post anything and then when I finally did not one member even acknowledged what I had to say. Eventually a member named Rifle aka Aquarius lolololol this is an older members inside joke! quoted and commented on my post and then I felt welcomed. Since then I've made a point of trying to welcome all new members to the forum and making them feel welcomed and not isolated like I felt. Times change and my life sure has so I don't spend as much time on the site, but it's not because of the current porn or my fellow forumites it's because I'm busy living life and having fun. Do I miss the yesteryear of the forum? not really because there are still members now who post and that's all that matters. Do I like seeing members argue over stupid shit? Fuck yeah that's just good reading lololololol

Healthy attitude. I like it.
Times change and my life sure has so I don't spend as much time on the site, but it's not because of the current porn or my fellow forumites it's because I'm busy living life and having fun. Do I miss the yesteryear of the forum? not really because there are still members now who post and that's all that matters. Do I like seeing members argue over stupid shit? Fuck yeah that's just good reading lololololol

I make no secret of the fact that I'm nearly 90 years old, and I look back over my life, sometimes in a very nostalgic way, and long for days that have passed and gone. There's still the old cottonwood tree, that has mostly rotted away by now, on my grandfather's ranch where this big pretty cowboy with a big hat first bent my little hot bubble butt over and fucked it when I was 12. That's over 75 years ago but I can still remember how my ass stung when that cowboy put his big fucking dick inside me. There's the old line shack where I had sooooo much sex. Oh Jesus. Not just my grandparents are gone but my parents and all but one of my brothers as well. I had this beautiful handsome brother, with a dick like a fucking studd horse that took me everywhere in the world after the war and taught me how to rough fuck a woman, as much as I DIDN'T want to know how. Even though I looked innocent, I already knew how to take a fucking and how to give a straight-guy HIS fucking. I only have this nostalgia because I sure can't fuck like I was taught to fuck by my brother, anymore. In case you want to talk about JFSFDS - Johnny Forza Semi-Flaccid Dick Syndrome, as Stowe1 would call it. If you don't die, I think you can look forward to getting it, too.

And I look back on my life. I think of this kid, who was hot as fucking hell. I wish I was the type of guy that would have helped him, even if he was ugly, but we have to face up to reality. He had a single mom. I got him an Apple computer and showed him how to focus his energy on his studies, and he went to Hollywood, and got into the graphics side of the movies and became VERY successful. And when he comes back to see him Mother every year at Christmas, he always comes by and sucks my old dick and this last year, he fucked my old ass and sucked my old dick until I busted all over the fucking place. Just busted that old fucker!

I still look back over decades of my life. There was the 40's when I was just learning how to get fucked and how to get Mom to take me to Dallas and buy me hot clothes so I would look more fuckable. Then there was the 50's and my beautiful brother. God, how great that was. I was in school through most of the 50's, learning how to fuck a guy right and suck the shine off his dick. There was California and the 60's. Corvettes. Hot clothes that would show my ass and abs. Then came the 70's which was a decade of fabulous music, great and ugly fashion. You could get what you wanted. And with the great music of the 80's, came AIDS which put a damper on most people's sex life, because for years in there, we didn't know for sure how it was spread. We even thought you could catch it from sucking dick.

I look back and what a fucking life I've lived. Every step of the way, great friends walked beside me. But it ain't over until its over, Yogi Berra would say . I'm still out there pushing for whatever I can get out of life. I agree with ScottA that there's nothing wrong with longing for the old days of the forum, or anything else in the past. Those were knock out times. I totally agree with Peterh6308. I love to see people argue over stupid shit. I've created a little shit here myself at one time. I regret it but everyone welcomed me no matter what.

I agree with Mikey. I too remember what the Broke Straight Boys forum was at one time, and like many things in my life as I go through the aging process, I miss them. This forum has never been as special to me, as it has been to Mikey. But I have loved it and I do miss what it once was.

Mikey, you're out front, and because you are, you get bashed sometimes. I'm sorry to say, I too have bashed you. For which I said and I say, it was a big mistake. But lets don't let a small firefight put out a strong light. Come along with us. We love you. And if this ship ever does go down, I want to ride it to the fucking ocean bottom with you. We love you, Dude!
I agree with Mikey. I too remember what the Broke Straight Boys forum was at one time, and like many things in my life as I go through the aging process, I miss them. This forum has never been as special to me, as it has been to Mikey. But I have loved it and I do miss what it once was.

Mikey, you're out front, and because you are, you get bashed sometimes. I'm sorry to say, I too have bashed you. For which I said and I say, it was a big mistake. But lets don't let a small firefight put out a strong light. Come along with us. We love you. And if this ship ever does go down, I want to ride it to the fucking ocean bottom with you. We love you, Dude!
Thanks for saying that StudddAndy. To me the models and the scenes are secondary, as it is the people who I've met here that are important to me, and when someone takes a shot at a person who I really care about, it hurts me a lot. The forum may never be the "happy place" that it once was, but I would hope that we can still be respectful to one another. I strongly feel that the forum should be a place where we can escape the drudgery of the real world and it should never become an additional burden that we need to deal with.
Thanks for saying that StudddAndy. To me the models and the scenes are secondary, as it is the people who I've met here that are important to me, and when someone takes a shot at a person who I really care about, it hurts me a lot. The forum may never be the "happy place" that it once was, but I would hope that we can still be respectful to one another. I strongly feel that the forum should be a place where we can escape the drudgery of the real world and it should never become an additional burden that we need to deal with.

Quit "pussing up" the site!!! lolololol
While there is nothing wrong with fond memories, they are important to all of us, if one spends too much time in the past they fail to experience the present as well as the future. All in proper perspective I guess. Personally, the price of the membership is worth it just to be able to read the occasional stories of StudddAndy's life experiences. I still think a biography of his life would become a best seller.

Definitely agree with that!